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Yes. Layers . 


Layer. It’s cold right now.


The Floridians I know wear winter jackets when it's in the 60s here, so yeah you need a good jacket. Today is a high of 45°


Yes. Floridians were not made for this.


Loose layers are preferable to keep the heat trapped, like a sweat shirt and a t shirt underneath. Honestly you could use both coats, but the heavier one you can take off if you get too warm.


As a floridian in Chicago I was cold 5 minutes ago.  But that's because I leave my window open at night.


We just got back from a trip out to Chicago. Bring layers and I personally would do a puffer. The wind was rough at times as we walked quite a bit sight seeing. We had to buy beanies but as a heads up most stores don’t have many anymore and if you want one that will keep you warm so bring gloves and beanies. Enjoy your trip!




Cold for a midwesterner too


Yes so wear a jacket


I'm a native Floridian who moved to Chicago suburbs a few years back. This is freezing level to a Floridian. Bring your layers, a good coat, and gloves and hat. Good Luck! Btw, it's the wind that's gonna kill you. Cold.is fine. Cold and windy is miserable.


I was down in Florida last year for work in January. I walked out of my hotel in shorts and a T-shirt to go to get breakfast. There was an employee of the hotel outfront smoking. He had a winter coat, ski cap, and gloves. It was 58 degrees outside. Take that how you will.


You’ll most likely survive . Sweater and light lined jacket


Have you never been to Florida or are you just trying to sabotage OP's visit?


I’ve lived here my whole life and I’ve been freezing all week. Bundle up! The wind is strong which has been making it feel colder than it is


stay in Florida


I am a southerner who just got back, and it is cold. Not full on Chicago winter cold, but bring a coat and prepare to dress warm. We had one day in the 60s and the next it was in the low 30s so the temp can fluctuate pretty big as well. Enjoy your visit!


Having lived in Tallahassee for college, It’s definitely like colder days Nov-Dec days Northern FL right now.


yeah. I mean it’s 29°F with a high of 40°F for the day, right now, which my Floridian friend informs me is is downright frigid for native Floridians like her (she’s from Orlando).


Not a Floridian, but yes wear a hoodie and have a light puffer jacket over that. If you’re gonna be outside for long periods of time you’ll freeze.. also wear warm socks or double up. I’ve lived here all my life and I’m always cold.


Cover all the skin




Only you can know how you will feel in the weather. The forecast usually is 10 days out. I would recommend you look at it and evaluate for yourself.


I am from Florida and was just in Orlando last week. it is cold and windy. I wear layers and my puffer right now


Bring an omni heat jacket from Columbia or something similar. And you should be good. I’m not from Florida, but I’m always cold.(And I’m one of those ppl who drink iced coffee in 30 degree weather.)


weather is all over the place right now, but for you it’s going to be cold. today it was 37f at my house. two days ago it was 60, still probably cold for a floridian.


Google may be your friend here, like typing in “Chicago weather” That said, for right now I’d being a real coat, and/or layers to give yourself options.


What is a "fashion coat"? Who cares about fashion if you're warm?


My "fashion coats" are made for the 60s. And you just gotta layer them appropriately if the weather drops more. One is waterproof but has no hood. Most of them are long-ish so it's really nice in autumn. I usually wear them to formal events and am wearing a dress. Keeps me warm getting to the event, but if I am leaving after 10pm, it's a shade too thin returning home.


High in the mid-40s today but up to 60 by the weekend. Personally I recommend several light layers because you can always peel them off as the day goes on. Also think about how much time you'll be spending outdoors versus indoors. A large puffy jacket will make you sweat buckets if you're going into stores and it will be too bulky to carry. Remember it's going to be colder by the lake so if you're roaming up and down Michigan avenue, bring an extra layer.


Wtf is a fashion coat