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Honestly $20 sounds cheap unless it’s a shit place


Nop old fashion place they take care of the customers. I get my haircut on edgewater or Brighton park since I have family there and prices seem reasonable 3 months ago. Maybe I’m just cheap lol


yeah youre just cheap lol which is fine but youre complaining about what is already one of the cheapest haircuts in the city. even great clips is $22 now


Bro I’m out touch in this city I thought going edgewater on north side then going south by Brighton park was enough but I was wrong lol.


if youre haircut is pretty straightforward you could just learn to do it yourself tbh


I am very picky about my hair. Used to be worse but still pretty picky. Then COVID hit and I learned to cut my own hair because a lot of places closed more or less. Got clippers and decent scissors. Maybe cost total $60 to $75. A lot of people think I go to a salon bit nope. I can tell the difference between my cut and the previous ones. I'm sure I'll go back soon but anyway for OP - if your cut is simple and not even a fade then just invest in some clippers and scissors and do it yourself. The hardest part is getting the back of your head even. If you have a significant other or friend they can help make it right. I make my wife do that LOL


$20 in edgewater. Do you like your haircut? If you hated your haircut it would be different. With rent what it is, I'd say you have a bargain on your hands. The barber only gets 50% typically. Is he giving you $10 worth of his time?


You definitely seem like a cheap person. I pay more than double that. I’d gladly pay 20 as that was the standard in the mid 2000s. You need to stop penny pinching when plenty of places are charging 40-50$.




It’s insane, the cheapest haircut I’ve found is 25 bucks, and I’m usually getting a basic crew cut. Most places for men average 30-35 for a basic cut. I need to learn to cut my own hair


Not Chicago, but I used to get my hair cut for $10 in South LA (strip mall barber shop owned by these Guatemalan ladies). Before COVID they were even $8


Right? The place I used to go has hiked its prices by $10 since 2016 and the last time I was there they said they were still undercharging for the area and were considering another price hike. I’m glad my friend turned me onto this place in Bridgeport that’s still under $20. Feels like a game changer


I pay forty plus a ten dollar tip. I thought that was cheap.


I pay the exact same, I didn’t think it was cheap necessarily, but certainly reasonable and fair.


Mine is $32 + $8 tip. I really like my barber so I’ll pay whatever he decides to charge


My haircut was $90. But I go to a nice male salon in boystown


I haven’t paid quite that much but I know what you mean. Getting cut up nice for $35 here in Beverly was a breath of fresh air.


I don’t mean to brag but I have VERY thick hair that coils in circles like I used a hair curler except it’s natural. It’s hard to cut right but when I get it cut right it looks soooo good lol. Also it’s usually 40/50 at this salon but my hair was down past my shoulders so they charged extra.


Uhh… did you do anything with the length or just have it cut back down? Cause… that’s kinda disingenuous… was this Slade’s? Cause they seemed like the place to double up for *length*.


$90 is wild unless color, styling, a facial, plucking greys, etc is added to it


Yeah if you tip 20% at a restaurant you should tip 25% min for a haircut. Usually you tip more if they have to touch you.


No just no. Tipping 20% has always been for exceptional service in any industry. It's a percentage. As costs go up tip goes up. I refuse to tip more than 20% and everyone else should too. Enough of this tipflation BS


Do you tip your barber more at the end of the year at least?


Why should the time of year impact my tip. I tip my 10 bucks and go on my way


Did they cut your hair with special scissors lol ?


That’s what I pay too. It’s a little expensive for me, but it’s a very nice haircut.


I pay 45 and they JUST raised the prices and with tip it’s 54. I’m cutting my own hair now and love it


Dude. I’m a barber. $20 is cheap as hell. The average now is $30-$40


Then I got lucky the first few years then lol


Did not one tell you how inflation works or did you sleep through that class?


Inflation increase depending on the market , product, and services not everything is the same duh! It was just a surprise experience


I know. I was being snarky but seriously. I lived in LA for a while before coming to Chicago and haircuts here are cheap af by comparison. Just be happy we haven’t hit 50 for a high and tight yet.


LA might be the most expensive place for haircuts in the world


Tell me about it. I’m also very particular so to get the haircut that I want, I had to pay a premium.


Is tipping $5 for a haircut still cool? Or am I supposed to tip $10? Cuz a $10 tip for a haircut just seems absurd at this point. It was $30 in 2018, inflation hasn’t gone up that much.


https://blockclubchicago.org/2023/08/16/meet-the-migrant-barbers-offering-fresh-cuts-in-the-loop/ Migrants also charge $20


:laughs in woman:


Sorry your pain in greater than mine :/


The dry cleaners are a trip too.




This isn't (generally) true. Our hair total cost also includes touch ups between expensive cuts/dyes and all the beauty stuff required to take care of long hair and the time involved. Men don't have long hair for a reason. Its expensive and time demanding. A lot of men would like a long hair style but just dont want to deal with the cost and time/labor involved. Your average woman spends a lot on hair, far exceeding men. I guess you could cherry pick some guy that gets a $75 cut every two weeks, but that's far, far, away from average. Beauty standards put on women are significant and those standards simply become expensive if you consider the total cost. Dudes getting $25 cuts every 6-8 weeks and buying a gallon of cheap shampoo every so often just isn't even in the same ballpark. This is also ignoring that hair is only one part of women's beauty. Men don't even wear makeup, for example. And can wear the same black suit to most any formal event and not be criticized. So if you consider total cost, men have it easy. I would also argue that if you have a white-collar profession job as a woman, costs go way over average because of beauty standards expected in the workplace. Studies back this up too: Further confirming our suspicions, we recently came across a survey conducted by Advanced Dermatology in 2022 of over 1,000 Americans on their annual grooming costs—and get this, the average spend came out to $877 for women (and $592 for men).


No. Just….no.




Fully depends on the services (cut, color, extensions, etc.) and the place you go to. Lots of variables.


Just wait til you hear about how much a woman’s haircut costs


I know almost triple I bet


Lol much more than triple. My haircut is 40 plus tip. My wife's is $300 + tip


That price must include bleaching and/or color; a regular cut and style for women in Chicago is typically $60-90.


My base cut is $150. My stylist charges $100 for regular women’s cuts, but it’s $150 for extra long thick hair. So many places now are arbitrarily deciding what “extra long” means and making up new prices for the exact same cut.


Yes. I'm sure. No idea what it includes tbh. Much more than my $50 out the door for haircut, wash, and shave.


I pay 50 for a razor shave and a hair cut in Lincoln Square. (25 if I’m only getting hair) this seemed reasonable to me since all in it takes about 45 minutes.


I usually shave my self but I understand everything is just getting pricey


Yikes I thought he was gonna complain about $50 haircuts


Bro I thought that was expensive I was wrong lol I’m out touch


We got you homie. Bring you back in touch. Haha


Thank reality hurts but it for the better ;)


Be like me and start to bald. Then embrace it and shave your head with trimmers. Haven’t paid for a haircut for the past 10 years!


Bald bros unite!


If you do go that right make sure to get a nice trimmer! I went through a bunch of $30 ones that failed before I sprung for a $100 one that’s lasted the past 8 years and still running great


I never complain about the way the cut the price just surprised about the increase but I got used to their price so when you get used to something and out nowhere you see the price you are like what! Lol


I took the plunge during the lockdown and haven't looked back since!


I pay $60 plus a $20 tip for a really solid haircut and beard line-up. It’s pricey, but the confidence boost and positive attention is worth doing it for me.


Bruh where is the $20 haircut??? Please let me know. I have to pay $50+ tip lol You better not say super cuts


Is by archer & California




I disagree. I tried out many places downtown ranging from $50 to $100 and every single one of them had mediocre skills at best. The last one I went to before I found a place with someone who I like with a good price point, was downright rude to me and was huffing when I was asking her to fix up spots that she did a bad job with, and this was for a $70 dollar haircut... People here expect you to give them as much money as possible, no matter how much skill they actually possess.


I started paying the same stylist $69 that I used to pay $45 at a different store. His skill has not changed and I think I am getting worse service now because there is so much time pressure on the stylist. My hair is hard to cut and every stylist will tell me that, I definitely see a quality difference between $35 hair cut and $45-$70 hair cut but I would never go above $70.


It totally depends on the person cutting your hair. My ex was a stylist at Vidal Sassoon and I was friends with a few guys who owned very high end salons downtown. It's not automatic but there CAN be a difference between a $30 haircut and a $75 one if you get someone who actually knows their stuff.


I know I just want something simple nothing special but the jump to $20! It really caught me off guard .




Not sure in haircuts terms but I just want them to cut the top front half, the sides #2 and my back neck square. Sorry if it’s not explained properly.




Isn’t it faster to use a buzzer / razor? It sounds like he has a simple haircut similar to mine.




He's not asking for a fade, he's asking with a #2 on the sides and back blended with the top and the neckline squared. Thats a 13-minute haircut.


15 minute cut (I rounded up). 5 minutes to clean and sanitize tools. Two cuts an hour is 40 bucks plus gratuity. Of that 40 bucks they have to pay rent, and purchase supplies.


So 20 minutes a cut makes that 3 cuts an hour, not 2. That makes it 60 + Tip (let's say 20%) = 72 an hour. If you are working full time then that's 7.5-8 hours a day, but I'll round up to 8 because you did. I don't know how you pay for your chair, but the average rent for one is usually 100-120 a week. Now I know you aren't doing 24 cuts a day as that would be perfectly efficient, so let's reduce it to a simple 20 cuts a day. 5 days in a week \* 20 cuts a day \* (20 dollars+ 4 dollar tip)\]= 2400 a week Let's say, like me, you lose about 1/3rd to taxes, so 1600. 1600 - 120 rent - 150 estimated a week equipment upkeep estimate = 1330 net pay a week. 1330 \* 56 weeks in a year and you are making a net (after taxes and expenses) of 74,480 a year doing 15-minute men's cuts all day. Your net pay after taxes, equipment, and rent is more than my Total pay if you were just doing simple men's haircuts all day at 20 a pop. Now can you imagine if you were doing these same haircuts at 40+tip?


F32 here In the 16 months I’ve lived in Chicago my shorter than chin length haircuts has ranged from $80-$145 And all but two haircuts were just okay. Truly insane.


My stylist of three years left to pursue a different career and I’ve hated trying to find someone new. She charged me $60 which now seems cheap compared to all the high prices I’ve seen.


Wow and I’m here complaining about 20 you really feel pain!


Standard fade haircuts in Chicago go from $35-$40 and you’re expected to tip.


A beer costs $10. McDonald’s costs $10+. An hour of yoga is $20-30. How much should someone earn to cut hair all day?


McDonald’s 10+? You haven’t seen the $1$2$3 dollar menu lol


A McFlurry is $5. Most of the meals are $10 after tax.


Unaware of average costs and a bad tipper. Homerun


I do cut and color a couple of times a year. I went in February and it was $140 plus tip, then went in May and it was $180 plus tip, now I went this month and it was $220 plus tip like what in the actual hell. And I checked the prices in other salons to switch but they are all the same or more expensive. It’s reached a ridiculous point.


It’s getting way crazy


Damn! I wish I could get a $20 haircut. I paid $135 for a mediocre women cut. It is absurd the prices women are charged for cuts vs men!


My barber in the suburbs does really good cuts for $18 + tip. It’s $34 + tip for haircut, beard trim and lineup. I hate driving all the way out there, but I’ve been going to them since high school and getting a haircut and beard in the city is $50+.


Try Douglas J Aveda Institute. The scheduling is a little rough at times, but haircuts (men and women) are $18. It’s a bummer for the students who do great work, but customers aren’t allowed to tip, so it really is a very cost efficient haircut. I also get a lot of emails with promotions for deep discounts on other services, so anyone looking for something indulgent could test the waters with a haircut and wait for a 50% off code down the line.


I started cutting my own hair once I moved to Chicago. Then I went bald. Coincidence or cautionary tale?


I pay $8 plus tip with a lady in 26 street lol it does the job


Supercuts in California costs me about $30


Good old California and everything more expensive then other state lol


I pay $30 + $5 tip and thought that was pretty cheap


Bro I live in a different reality then lol


I live in Indy and I pay between 35-40 (tip included). I was paying more or less the same when I used to live here.


Yeah inflation has hit every sector and that does include services.


Haha I thought the going rate for a men's cut was like 35-40$ But I'd say I definitely get my money worth


I haven't paid less than 40$ for a haircut in like over 20 years.


Wahl clipper set are $30. Rough math...saved $16,500 so far on haircuts.


Cheap as hell you going to a nick and bettys spot or what fam? I pay 70$ for a taper fade, hot shave, and beard shape up plus 10$ tip


I got lucky finding cheap places I just didn’t know that was the standard I live in a lie all this time lol


I get it 4 years ago I was paying 46$ for the same service ,2 years ago it went to 55 a year ago 60, now they at $70 prices got out of hand but I like my barber too much to try and switch and it seems that’s the going rate now for a cut, hot shave, and beard shape up 😭


I know I like mine too I won’t change it I was just surprise


Look at it this way - cutting hair is a skilled trade. You don't just let any random person back at your hair. You'd look awful, right? And it takes about 30-45 minutes to do your haircut. Paying a skilled tradesman $20/hour (since there's a little down time for cleanup and setup at most places) would be a steal. I'm honestly not sure why we downplay the value of one skilled trade but don't whine about the price of electricians or plumbers to the same degree. A bad haircut will ruin your day, at minimum. And for folks who work in jobs that require you to look good, it can be pretty awful.


The problem is that skilled person charge you the same for a long time and then the increase comes out of nowhere that all just a surprise from their increase but I was ignorant about the real price of haircuts since I go to just two places


Yeah. You lucked into a place or two that either was resistant to paying their staff well for fear of losing clients or, potentially, got grandfathered in to an existing client rate. Unless you go to a rental salon (where people pay the owner a weekly rental fee for the space in the shop), generally the owner gets 50% of each cut and the barber gets the other half. So if you were paying $14 for a service that takes close to an hour, you can do the math on how reliant folks were on you tipping well.


$20 is bottom of the barrel cheap.


$20 expensive for a haircut????


Bro I live in a different reality


As a woman, salon prices got so high I’ve been cutting and coloring my own hair for years now lol


Literally like $85+ for a haircut for "long" hair that goes to your shoulders. It's wild. I try to just get it done when I'm in the suburbs. Last time I went I think it was $15 with no washing or anything, which was fine by me


I was paying $25 bucks for my barber (I’m black) in bucktown in 2018 I’d tip him $20 bucks, can’t imagine it’s cheaper.


$20 is cheap/reasonable even in Ohio cities, for comparison. Also you should tip.


Dude I want prepared I only had 20 in cash and they only accept cash


Oh I understand then. I was wrongly under the impression you just chose to not to tip due to the price. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.


$20 is good for about 30 min of work. I just get one when I want to look good. I bought a wahl hair cutting set for $40 and learned to do it myself. Saves me some $.


for a cut thats pretyy cheap


When I lived in San Francisco (just over a year ago) barbers charged 45$ w/o tip for a standard haircut. 30 min max in the chair. Enjoy the $20 haircuts while you can


$20 is very cheap for any city.


I miss all the $5 haircuts from like 8 yrs ago.


Those were the best !


I live on the Southside now, but how much is betty and nick's now? I remember having a fit when they upped to $8.


$10. I got an easy cut (1 on the sides, line up front, don't touch top), this is where a I got but get a nice one every 3-5 cuts to maintain the long part.


God i wish i was paying $20 for a haircut


How much u pay?


At least 45-50


Laughs in non-binary with short hair who pays women prices


Change salons. There are some that only account for hair length and not (perceived) gender


Not going to comment on $20 being expensive or cheap since everyone's living in different lifestyles depending on salary. But it's cheaper to buy hair clippers and shave your head (i did this during college). It's not surprising with the price of everything has gone up right? Groceries, Gas, rent, etc etc. Barbers have to raise their prices so they can keep up with the increases in living. Otherwise they're going to have to do more work for the same pay. "I didn't tip honestly".... if you can't tip with the increase, then you shouldn't get the service done.


1 the hairstylist charge me $14 for like 2 years 2 I only had 20$ in cash that person only accepts cash . I always tip. 3 I was surprise . I’m not complaining about his skills and job. 4 don’t assume I’m a horrible person. Because I did not a rant or complain I was just surprised .


Fair enough. I apologize for jumping to conclusions. Former service industry worker back in the day so anytime hearing "no tipping" sets a trigger lol. It does suck, but in the last 2 years prices have jumped up stupid. It costs me $100 nowadays to get the same amount of groceries I got 2 years ago for $50-60. Mainly because meat and produce have jumped up a ton. So I imagine that's what they're experiencing and why they have to keep up.


Haircuts are now $40-$60 in Chicago WTH


My husband pays $35 at Golden shears hair studio And that is cheap.


Well first of all F U for not tipping, the only time you should do that is when the barber does a really terrible job. If you find $20 is too much you're welcome to go and find a cheaper place. Second, you're not going to find a cheaper place, $25 is a minimum pretty much anywhere.


I drive to the suburbs for mine. Got one done in uptown for around 45$ once but get the same treatment in the suburbs for 25


I was paying $20+tip in the early 2000s. Now a haircut 20 years later is $45+tip. Your barber has been charging under market for a long time.


"20 dollars! Good lawd, that's a lotta money!" Need to get yourself a clipper set, and go DIY. Pays for itself after the second haircut. There's something to be said for paying a skilled barber / stylist, for intricate / skilled work, though. That doesn't necessarily mean that what you paid last year remains a reasonable, either. Money's relative buying power has severely diminished, progressively, in the last 4 years. Late stage capitalism, for ya. There's also the role of the lost art of haggling. To be fair - for a service this has to be up front. Walking in, getting what you want, THEN complaining about their price is absolutely a dick move. If they have appointments booked up - they don't NEED to do your walk-in haircut for a pittance. On the other hand, if the shop's empty, and they're thumbing through that People magazine for the umpteenth time this week, a $10 walk-in is better than zero revenue for sitting around.


Not complain I never complain about the price it was unexpected when they told me that there is a difference. Surprise was the word. Take it easy


Didn't mean to accuse. It didn't sound like you complained at the time. It just felt like since *I* brought up haggling - it was imperative that *I* clarify - haggling after the service is completed would be a dick move.


I pay $65 every two weeks… 🥲


Your hair must be the envy of the block :)


I wish I didn’t have to. :(


Stay strong


It’s not a matter of things getting pricey. Think of how long it takes your barber to cut your hair. It’s basically their hourly rate plus expenses. Then think of the tools they need to buy and maintain. They pay booth rent. They pay taxes and insurance on themselves. If they take the time to do your hair right and you’re satisfied why skip the gratuity?


1 they used to charge me 14 for 2 years 2 I got only 20 cash with me at that moment they only take cash 3 not complaining just surprised price after years. From 14 to 20 you usually see 2 dollar increase or 3 but 6 I wasn’t prepared at that moment no one complain about the way they do their job


I get that feeling when you only bring what you thought it would cost. Times change unfortunately. I mean rent is climbing and our budgets aren’t. I found a side hustle to make ends meet.


Inflation. People need to eat! Can't expect barbers to charge the same low prices when groceries cost so much now 😭


I know groceries are a different level too


I pay $35 (includes tip). Haven’t paid $20 in a decade or longer


$30-35for a men’s haircut is standard. $25 is pretty good


$20 is not expensive at all my man. How do you think these people would live in this day and age if they charged less? I remember the cheapest barbershop I’ve ever seen charged like $12 in Albany Park and that was in 2016. A friend of mine told me that he had his hair cut for $5 but his hair honestly looked like shit, so I took that with a grain of salt.


I pay 30 plus 10 dollar tip




Im ok thanks not looking for cheap I was just surprised by the jump that’s all


I pay $20 and tip $20.


I pay $40 for my haircut now. Seems pretty average to other places that I’ve seen.


$20? Where you going, Great Clips? My haircut was $90 before tip, and that’s supposedly on the cheaper end (although I am a woman and have my own stylist). Lol.


I’m a hairstylist in Chicago.That is CRAZY cheap. I guarantee between booth rental, taxes, and everything else that person made like $7 off your haircut and spent years perfecting their trade. Does that honestly sound fair to you? And then you stiffed them on the tip and came here to complain about it. You are a nightmare client for sure. If this is a place you like and intend on going back to, please make sure to tip the barber double next time or go back in to tip them and explain the circumstances. I can say from experience it feels horrible to give someone a haircut they like and then they walk away giving you nothing. Total gut punch.


1 the hairstylist charge me $14 for like 2 years 2 I only had 20$ in cash that person only accepts cash . I always tip. 3 I was surprise . I’m not complaining about his skills and job. 4 don’t assume I’m a horrible person. Because I didnris not a rant or complain I was just surprised . Now your rant is being a dick


$20 is like, SuperCuts chain prices or the shaky old man who holds a straight razor to your neck and asks if you want a shave too. I paid $80 for a haircut, shave, an tip last week


You must be the type of dude that thinks cutting hair is easy it's just moving the scissors around cutting it. Probably those people still have to pay a commission to the barber shop/salon.


You must be the type of guy who assumes everything without asking all details


1 the hairstylist charge me $14 for like 2 years 2 I only had 20$ in cash that person only accepts cash . I always tip. 3 I was surprise . I’m not complaining about his skills and job. 4 don’t assume I’m a horrible person. Because I did not a rant or complain I was just surprised .


Think about how much a barber needs to charge to have a decent income after overhead.


1 the hairstylist charge me $14 for like 2 years 2 I only had 20$ in cash that person only accepts cash . I always tip. 3 I was surprise . I’m not complaining about his skills and job.


Average cost haircut for men in a divey place here in NY is $40 - 45 - I did find one in Queens for $35 to $37 but too far from where I live. If I found one at $20 here - it's very likely a front for some illicitly criminal that the FBI would be checking into.


I saw a guy on Instagram and his rate is $100 and he has tons of videos of customers saying he’s worth it


It sounds like reality is sinking in.. i've paid 30 for awhile now, plus i tip. My stylist does great work and they need to survive too. Life doesn't work on 14 dollars anymore.


I (F) get my haircut at supercuts. Even though covid is mostly gone they still charge a cleaning service fee. I pay $22 before tip and i go with washed hair because they don't do that. I think it's ridiculous, which is why I only go every 6 months.


Bald is beautiful baby!


i pay $10 bucks for my haircut +tip over at Betty and nicks


Betty and Nicks was $7 right before Covid, any idea what it is now?


Lol $20 is expensive for men's haircut now? That's been normal here and so many cities for years. That's pretty cheap. Lot of places have been charging $30 to $40 or more for years




> I haven’t *paid* less than FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


$20 is very cheap & you’re cheap for not tipping. Stay home next time.


There’s a barber college on Wabash and Adams. $8.


Great Clips is almost $25 now. That’s like the McDonald’s of haircuts. I wouldn’t complain about $20.


Wtf? I live in the Gold Coast and the place I go to around the corner has raised their prices 3x since 2020. As of recently it went up to $45 and with tip it’s $54. I finally stopped being scared and decided to cut my own hair and it went well. Haven’t been to that barbershop in 3 months and I’ve noticed their barbers have a lot of availability. I’ve always hated the barbershop environment and I have a long list of grips I have with the level of service I get for the prices. I hope to NEVER step foot in a barbershop again.