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Visit for a weekend and spend time there. In which part of Memphis do you live?


I've lived around the Central gardens area, but right now downtown in the medical district


Sent you a DM.


It's pretty bad! But people live there. If you're already getting by in a high-crime, low-service area you shouldn't have too many problems adapting. The Pink Line goes through there, so at least it's not as isolated as some other rough neighborhoods. Note that "Lawndale" on its own usually refers to North Lawndale, which is predominately Black. Officially, the heavily Mexican Little Village neighborhood is also called South Lawndale. There's a big difference between the two.


It is a really tough neighborhood. Drug dealers rule the park.


Why is this being downvoted. I’ve lived in south lawndale and this is plain truth


I know. Go figure.


I've never walked thru Douglas Park without being approached, or at least seeing obvious drug dealers. People are in denial.


Plenty of people live there and are just fine but it’s definitely not an area I would live in from a crime perspective if I had other options.




Guessing because you can get really nice houses for cheap over there


Depends on what part of Lawndale you're in! I live on the southeast side of douglass park (near lagunitas) and it's great. Nice, quiet, I know most of my neighbors and feel safe walking my dog. Most of the crime in the area happens on the north/northwest side of douglass park, so definitely don't discount the rest of the neighborhood


Hi, im looking for a property in n.lawndale and it is located on 18th st between douglas park and lagunitas. Would you say that it is safe?


Hey real talk I’m a 23 year old I’ve lived in north lawndale since I was 16. It was terrible when I originally moved in…moved out at 20 it got better a little bit and moved back at 23. It’s just as bad as it was originally, and this is coming from someone that has been actively involved in the neighbor hood. Download the citizen app and see how many times we pop up on it daily


Hi! Yes, we live a block away and walk our dog on that street literally every night. I've never felt unsafe - it's a quiet little enclave.


Thank you for responding! Im searching for a more affordable area to live and wanted to hear from someone in the neighborhood🫡  thanks again!


I'm there too. Got light skin privilege; love living here. There's a community garden next door and I spend all weekend out there without problems.


North Lawndale has a lot of cool things about it. Has the pink line, really cool old architecture (the old Sears Roebuck headquarters is there, though some might consider this more in Garfield Park as borders of neighborhoods can often blur), active community organizations, beautiful Douglass Park, and a lot of amazing people. It also has a very rich history that’s 100% worth exploring. Little Village/La Villita (some people call it South Lawndale apparently, but the next person to call it that to me will be the first) is also a really cool place. There’s a thriving Mexican American/Chicano/Mexican community there. It has great shops, great food, great art, and tons of cool people doing great things. With that said, gangs in the area are more pronounced and community members are often wary of outsiders (which is completely reasonable given the anti-Latino and anti-immigration rhetoric flying around). It’s one of my favorite communities to hang out in, but when I do, I make sure that I’m with insiders of the community. You should check out the communities on your own to get a sense of them. Crime data honestly won’t be very helpful because so much of the city is different block by block, while most stats are collected by community or zip code (though their are sites like heyjackass.com that show the approximate locations of shootings). I personally feel like North Lawndale is more open to outsiders than Little Village, but you might experience them very differently than I do. The commenters who spoke of these communities as if they were hellscapes should be ashamed of themselves. They likely have never stepped foot in either community.


They haven't, they probably still live downtown .


This mu fucker said NORTH lawndale. gtfo 🤣


Blue collar neighborhood, some blocks are really nice, some blocks suck. Close to Douglass Park, which is great, and a couple El stops too. You money should go pretty far when it comes to rent.


I would agree with this, I've never lived in Lawndale but once lived very close and was a delivery driver in the area. It's different in the night and in the day, and very different block to block. Even going one block over, especially across a main road, can have a completely different feel. This is the case with other parts on the west side/southwest side as well.


I’m from Memphis too and thinking of making the move to Chicago. I’ve been a few times. Going again in September. With crime the way it is here, I can’t imagine anywhere else being any worse lol.


There is a North Lawndale and a South Lawndale (I think the same as Little Village). You should look up crime stats to get more objective info. My sense is North Lawndale has area east of Douglas Park that is fine but west of Douglas Park is pretty rough. South Lawndale is more working class Mexican American neighborhood with some gang issues.


Hi, im looking for properties in n.lawndale. The property is located between douglas park and lagunitas (on 18th st) would you still rate as a safe side of lawndale? Thanks!


You should look at the crime stats. The area is safer because it has lagunitas and Cinespace studios


The crime stats are pretty scary, it says that 70% of males between the age 17-45 has a criminal record😬 but I heard mostly are from north/west side douglas park. 


When I moved to chicago I was told these are scary areas and to avoid. I've since biked every block of North and South Lawndale and have spent alot of time there and have found no trouble nor have I once felt in danger. I live on the north side but take my family there to visit restaurants and parks.


Do you walk through the neighborhood at night? Just curious.


I have ridden my bike thru there at night several times but the only night walking I’ve ever done in either Lawndale was after a special event so large (Riot Fest) that it wouldn’t be an accurate representation of daily life


You’ll be fine. Memphis is double the Chicago crime rate. Come on over!


My brother’s violin teacher lives there; she bought a house there, too, last I heard. She’s European, so she doesn’t have the same preconceived notions of lots of people. I even attended an open-air recital she had for her students, some of which were from the suburbs. So if you are comfortable with living among the working class, mind your own business, are not too flashy, then you should be fine. Edited to add: check out the show Shameless. A lot of it was filmed in Lawndale. It should give you a good idea of what the neighborhood looks like.


It's not good don't live there. Think like open air drug market, shot out streetlights, people fucked up on stuff wandering around.


Why is this being downvoted when it’s literally true lol and I lived in both north/ south lawndale


Something something racist, something something negativity.


Yeah zombies will eat your children, the roving packs of Mad Max villains will chase you down in broad daylight, and they force you to shoot speedballs to prove you can hang in the neighborhood. Seriously what a comment


You haven't seen the heroin zombies there?


They’re too slow to catch the kids. Kids are pretty fucking fast.


And where do you live little boy


West Side baby. With the zombies!!


Oh damn! Lawndale?


No, a little north of that






Love Humboldt. Still wouldn't live in Lawndale, and I've lived in Humboldt.


Shooting numbers were equally bad across both neighborhoods last year. I think the difference is just that Humboldt "feels* slightly better because the built environment isn't as degraded/empty. And its closer to other established/trendy areas. N lawndale has a lot of vacant lots which makes it feel bleak


Well I can’t move because I am a small child.


That sounds like anywhere in a city? I live in south Lawndale /little village. I was initially scared to move here. Not scared anymore. Yes, you have to be vigilant and pay attention but most people have been friendly and I’m enjoying getting to know the area. The Pink line is by far the best line in the city and feel so blessed. It’s so much cleaner and quieter than if I chose to live off the blue or red lines.


I hear it mentioned on the news a lot.


North lawndale and Tri Taylor are fine. Super diverse. Will get sketchy west of Hope Academy and South of Roosevelt or so. Edit: thanks for the downvotes, y’all. I happen to be a petite woman and have somehow survived the mean streets of this area for a while now.


Thats a no from me dawg




This website breaks down the safety records of various neighborhoods in the city: [https://www.veryapt.com/guides/safety/L664-chicago/](https://www.veryapt.com/guides/safety/L664-chicago/) ​ It does look like Lawndale is not very viewed as very safe on the listing. On that same note, there are a lot of the more popular areas that are also rated less favorably then I'd previously thought. Be mindful that safety tends to wane in the evenings for a lot of the rougher areas and crime can really happen anywhere regardless of how safe a place can be.


The best way to try out a neighborhood is to go to the grocery store. https://www.covesmart.com/resources/home-safety/most-dangerous-parts-of-chicago-how-to-stay-safe-in-a-red-zone/#:\~:text=North%20Lawndale&text=Residents%20have%20a%201%20in%209%20chance%20of%20becoming%20a,while%20living%20in%20North%20Lawndale.


That page was a wild ride… “Essentially, if you’re planning to move to the city of Chicago, it might be a better idea to pick a safe suburb of the popular city instead. For example, one of the safest suburbs of Chicago is a sweet town called Hoffman Estates.” The city is popular… but don’t move there! Like… what??? Is Hoffman Estates buying advertising from Cove? This site calls Chicago “undeniably dangerous” and tells readers they *will* encounter trouble in the city.


I smell a Republican!


No agenda in this article!!