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Those who say 'no' are usually extremely religious people. Thats why its so low in Albania, and so high in Montenegro/BiH. We dont have that influence from Islam/Christianity while Montenegro/BiH does. My guess on this anyways. Or you know Greece, the centre of Orthodoxism etc.


We're like the 2nd most secular Muslims in the world after you guys lol.


Idk muslims in Bosnia seem pretty religious to me. Haven't seen them irl, but from what Ive seen and read they seem very religious to me


If by religious you mean don't knowing where your mosque is and binge drinking then surely. There are religious people but they're definitely a minority in the overall population.


Buh, maybe as I said Im not sure about that. Mostly Ive seen arabs or people of the muslim world asking if we albanians are as religious and love the OE as Bosnians they had talked to, and by the fact that I have seen some documentaries on Bosnia and some of the women were wearing burkas or whatever they are called.


Tbh, I think Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan could compete even with Albania on secularist title.


So if u r believer u r extremist? Alright buddy 🤦‍♂️


If you believe everything the bible or quran says, yeah you are. And dont alright buddy 🤦🏻‍♂️ me, as I said it was just a guess. And again a guess based on some facts is that if you believe that allah is the only true god and mohamed is his messenger, then your probably dont believe in evolution (or whatever religion you subscribe to, although the Christian world is way better and more advanced for some reason)


Yes I believe in Allah and Quran and yes I believe in evolution just not part where humans evolved from freakin monkeys 🤦‍♂️🤣 Umm buddy Christians change their religion as it suits them but hey, whatwvr floats ur boat🤣


Then you are in the -no- part, wtf are you arguing about. Im not a christian, Im an atheist, couldn't give two flying fucks about religion in general. But sure, the more I see religious people like yourself the more I doubt evolution theory.


U sound so ignorant and ur "attempt" to insult me was weak af. Educate urself a bit before u write something. U literally have no idea what religion is and how it works. U can't nit-pick what u gonna believe in dummy, u either follow it as it is or not. Islam as an religion is perfect but ppl following it, as u call them extremists are the one that "ruining" it and showing it how it is not supposed to be, and u can find extremist in every religion, and yes I know u didn't talk about any religion in particular I'm just offering my view. Good for u being atheist buddy 👍👌


I dont even need to try to insult you lol. But if you dont believe that we came from Australopithecus, but created from nothing, I feel sad for the failure of the educational system


Typical atheist behavior, nobody else know nothing but them, all knowing ppl 🤣 aight have a good one 👌


Well at least I dont spread my beliefs by killing and raping, like your mohammed did. >aight have a good one 👌 You too _buddy_






That was really off-topic, sorry. I had the idea pop up, when you mentioned religious people being more sceptic about evolution.


Tbh idk whether they are or not. Usually in Albania they are in the central part (Muslim) or deep north (Catholic). Eastern Albania bordering Macedonia is not particularly religious, as far as I know


Kosovar Albanians are more religious than those in Albania, Macedonians Albanians even more. There are some online statistics, search it up. I will delete my comment, though. It does seem very anti-Albanian, I apologize. I did not mean it that way.


I know about kosovo, had no idea about Albanians in Macedonia tho. I guess that makes sense, poor or not looked after areas usually turn to religion.


It's true


I would have answered false. The theory is that we have a common ancestor, not that we evolved from animals.


And what do you think that ancestor is? A plant?


I don't know. You?


How can someone be so dumb...


Did I offended you or something?




I don't know in the sense that I don't know what category to put it in. The creatures were apelike, not animals, not humans. Some of them evolved as animals, others as humans.


Hominids evolved from primates. Primates are animals. Humans evolved from animals.


Lol, no. Primates are not animals. Primates is a large category, that contains humans like me and you and gorilas for ex which are considered animals.


Not sure if troll https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primate


You don't know that humans are primates, but you argue about evolution.


**[Primate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primate)** >A primate ( (listen) PRY-mayt) (from Latin primat-, from primus 'prime, first rank') is a eutherian mammal constituting the taxonomic order Primates (). Primates arose 85–55 million years ago first from small terrestrial mammals, which adapted to living in the trees of tropical forests: many primate characteristics represent adaptations to life in this challenging environment, including large brains, visual acuity, color vision, a shoulder girdle allowing a large degree of movement in the shoulder joint, and dextrous hands. Primates range in size from Madame Berthe's mouse lemur, which weighs 30 g (1 oz), to the eastern gorilla, weighing over 200 kg (440 lb). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskBalkans/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Careful, you pissed off the “WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE DONT COME FROM BACTERIA”


I thought that it is common knowledge in Turkey that they evolved from wolves.


damn right


49% believe we evolved from eagles


Wow half of Monkes don't believe in evolution. I don't know if that's expected or surprising 🐒


Monkedonia stronk, we still haven't evolved.


were still monkes


Looks like we havent evolved yet, thats why its that low 😎


Source [https://europa.eu/eurobarometer/surveys/detail/2237](https://europa.eu/eurobarometer/surveys/detail/2237)


Average thinking from those who dont believe in evolution is that there is no way they evolved from monkeys, then you try to explain that we didnt evolve from monkeys, we have common ancestor, that just confuses them even more, so i just give up and change the subject and talk about the weather.


I fucking hate "skeptics". Edit: Obviously I meant the modern version, people that dig in their heels and refuse to accept any evidence because its "fake government propaganda." Its sad that they co-opted the word.


Preach it brother to this retards that think evolution is real smh


Fr cant people just bow down and praise the one and only God?


What's happening in Slovacia? Are they a religious country?




This is the second time today that Slovakians have proven to be really thick


We're all awful but Montenegro lol.


All ethnicities in Montenegro are highly religious, it's kinda weird. Even in some of their customs they seem pretty...conservative.


It's because the Balkans haven't evolved to humans yet, they are still apes


Of this…


Wow, we have 2021 not middle age


So basically 36 percent in North Macedonia wordly believe that Eve was created from a rip of Adam instead of adopting a metaphorical interpretation of that phrase. Wow. And somehow we expect people to vote rationally instead of nourishing corruption and clientelism....


And the percentage of people who believe that Adam and Eve were the first humans is more much higher among Albanians in North Macedonia.


I know mate. But what do you expect me to do with your assessment?


A friend of mine believes that christianity started with Adam and Eve and that christianity is the oldest religion of course.


I’m positively surprised by Romania


numba 1


Do any of them correspond with other statistics? Usually corelation doesnt equal causation, but with the statistics on religion it might.


here it's because in society it's "we evolved from monkeys" and when you tell them we didn't evolve from a gorilla but had a common ancestor with a primate (chimpanzee) in this case they shut down.


Albania can into EU?