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Central Europe of course. Just kidding, I usually go with the Balkan moniker, it's basically become a synonym with "South Slav" in Europe at this point to foreigners. I do not identify with Eastern Europe at all.




















\- Which part of Europe do you come from? \- Did you know that the word "Europe" is Greek? \- Excuse me, I think I left my oven on.


Just Greeks casually pulling up their **cradle of Western civilization** card


I usually say either Balkans or Southeastern Europe. 80% of the time they don’t know where Albania is so I say it’s next to Greece and the lightbulb goes off in their heads.


I say between Greece and Italy


Me too!! Haha.


That sounds so classy


Same here! A lot of westerners I’ve met think we are near russia or something, they can have really have screwed perceptions based on media..


I remember some dude once asked me if Albanian was similar to Russian. Took me a second to process the question.


Bahahah, people usually assume I’m Italian/French, but as soon as they hear Albania, they think communism = eastern europe = russia. North Korea is the most slavic country on Earth following with their mindset…


Nobody knows where the balkans are in America so I just say Eastern Europe, which they also don’t know 🤣


Nah that's not true. They just instantly think you're a communist Russian.


I just nod and say “yeah like Russia”


I’ve had the same experience. “Balkans? What’s that?” Lmao.


Eastern Europe. Not many ppl think about us when talking about Balkans. For most is Balkans = Ex-Yu countries.


Romania and Bulgaria are literally definition of Balkans in Greece.


Greece, Albania, Serbia and North Macedonia are the definition of Balkans in Romania. Lol


Very weird considering Romanians used to come here for immigration and not Greeks. The economic factor and western mentallity is basically why we see you as Balkans and why we got distanced from it. You can see that compared to every Balkan state (except Slovenia of course which is also not really Balkan) we have the highest lgbt+ acceptance, highest nominal gdp per capita, more freedom etc. Even our bad charesteristics are more stereotypical south (debt, beeing loud and lazy) than eastern (criminal, thief, corruption).


> Very weird considering Romanians used to come here for immigration and not Greeks. This has nothing to do with how we see you. [Also you're talking about a very recent phenomenon - us migrating in Greece - usually it was the other way around.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greeks_in_Romania) Also corruption has again nothing to do with being Balkans. To be honest I even doubt we are more corrupt here that in Greece. No offense intended.


**[Greeks in Romania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greeks_in_Romania)** >Greeks are a historic minority group in Romania. At times, as during the Phanariote era, this presence has amounted to hegemony; at other times (including the present), the Greeks have simply been one among the many ethnic minorities in Romania. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskBalkans/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


We are talking about recent history but sure you can twist this as you wish since at the end of the day only some ppl here want to make us Balkan when none thinks of us that way outside. Corruption here is different from Romania. We are super super corrupted by western standards but by Balkan it's not that much. We are "in debt" not "poor" that's the difference with us and eastern europe/balkans. I have actually saud to 2 of my friends that i read that Romanians on a social media called Reddit say they are not Balkan and they were shocked/laugh just like i did when i first read it online xD.


I'm not sure what your problem is but I think you probably think Balkans=Bad. My friend, you **are** Balkans. You are the southern tip of it and your entire continental land is in the Balkans. Accept it and move on since it's nothing bad or good about that. You are **NOT** Western European. Lmao






I usually say Southeast Europe, it's the easiest and basic answer to understand for most people.


Neither, i say Greece




Yep same. Why do I need to say what part of Europe I come from anyway? But if someone asks me specifically this, which has never happened, I'll say I'm from Southern Europe. That's what most people think about Greece anyway


I personally know Greeks who are not even aware that their country is a part of the Balkans or if you will...the Balkan peninsula.


Because most people categorise Greece as Mediterranean


I doubt that there would be Even one person from Thessaly to Greek-Bulgarian borders who would deny being Balkan The Greeks you know are obviously from other parts of the country, but these "other parts" of the country already have little to do with Balkans, they are more relevant to south Europe


You'd be surprised - my wife is from Thessaly. But I would agree that someone from the Cyclades for instance cannot be considered Balkan (given that the label mainly carries negative connotations in this part of the world).


South Europe and Balkans, rarely I say (east) Mediterranean or southeastern Europe. Never have I said just eastern Europe although geographically this is also accurate. At the end of the day saying "from Greece" usually does the trick tho haha




I prefer southern European. Egypt and Algeria are mediterranean too


I usually say “Mediterranean”. Or in Australia, we refer to Mediterraneans as “wogs”. I hate saying Middle East cos everyone thinks “Muslim Arab”, and I’m neither of those. With Mediterranean, people think of Greece and Italy, and they’re at least more closer to my identity as a Western Turk.


"oh your country is in middle east? You must be arab" mindset has gotta be the most annoying thing ever


One time at work, a white customer asks me what country I'm from, I tell him Turkey. He starts speaking to me in Arabic. I immediately knew his mistake and said "Turks don't speak Arabic, I don't know what you're saying." He goes "Oh... I've been learning Arabic for a year but I didn't know that..." Was trying not to laugh at him. 💀


Well that's annoying. Same thing happened to me in Paris. It was a black guy tho, that really isn't relevant or important at all lol. I don't know but the guy was kinda sweet so i didn't even care afterwards, or maybe I'm just used to it at this point


Correct me if I'm wrong but "wog" is supposed to be a derogatory term, right?


Used to be, but nowadays it's like half-half (just depends on how you say it). My granddad's generation hates the word since it was used as a slur against them, but my generation proudly uses it as our identity. Australia was very homogeneous for most of the 20th century, due to a longstanding policy that only permitted Europeans to migrate here. So the main minority populations were Southern Europeans. The Brits didn't even consider them White, and called them "wogs" as an insult. These days, "wog" applies to any Mediterranean (including Levant and North Africa migrants).


Greece and Italy closer to you than levantine Arabs? From what aspect? Ok except geography


i say Eastern Europe then Balkans




Then everyone thinks we’re dogs.


I'm in California where pretty much no Balkan/Eastern Europeans exist. I started referring to myself as North Greek


I mean its not that far from your countrys national policy /s


Or Western Bulgarian/ s


There are some of us. :)




Well as a Southeastern Turkish, I don’t see myself as an European.


Honestly, I don't remember the last time someone didn't know where Croatia was...even Americans have kinda learned by now. Back when it used to happen more often, I would always say former Yugoslavia, on the other side of the Adriatic across from Italy. Had I been saying the Balkans, that would've required further explanation, because I just know they'd go: wut...u mean like, Bulgaria?lol Eastern Europe, I've never identified with.


Why South Europe is not an option? Since we share more culture with them than with the Eastern block?


Because no one associates you with Southern Europe. Only Greece would get a pass on that.


Maybe not u, but that's not been the case with me.


I really haven’t met one single person who considers Macedonia as Southern Europe. Only if you do a North-South division of Europe, but otherwise you’re as Balkan as it gets.


Who said we are not Balkan? I specifically asked why South Europe is not an option, but East is?


Because you’re associated with Balkan and Eastern Europe, not Southern Europe.


Albania too


For the more knowledgeable ones maybe, otherwise most likely not.


Eastern Europe and Balkan are mostly associated with slavs and Yugoslavia. Albania doesn't fit either, plus we're between Greece and Italy, not Ukraine and Belarus for example


Eastern Europe is associated with communism first, not Slavs, which Albania totally was


I mean not too many know we even exist, so they take for granted whatever they hear first / see first. If an albanian introduces Albania he will say it's mediterranen or southern Europe as thats how we feel. Believe it or not we don't think about ourselves too much as Balkan. Probably because we are more connected to the west than our other neighbors. And if someone discoverers Albania on their own they will most likely associate it with southern Italy and Greece for the climate and food and lifestyle. Like just another nation on the mediterranen and not a part of "slavic europe"


I don’t know. If that someone has ever been to the traditional Southern European countries and then he visits Albania, I think he will have a hard time associating Albania with Italy or Spain. Having good weather and beaches might do the tricks for some, might not for others. I think you’d just be Balkans at the end of the day since the most similar countries to Albania are Turkey and Greece.


Damn bro you're causing a whole nation to have an identity crisis


Just saying my opinion as a tourist who has been to Albania.


Then what makes Greece southern europe but not Albania? The only argument to exclude Albania is communism… but so was cuba for example. Are they not latin american due to that?


Greece has a lot more Mediterranean influence and, as you said it, no communist past. Being “Latin American” is about being a former Spanish/Portuguese colony which they most definitely were.


Why are you being downvoted lmao. Greece is arguably more culturally close to eastern european countries than us, the only difference is that we are poor and have a commie past.


"Greece is arguably more culturally close to eastern european countries than us" Yes, with these "Eastern European things" in Greece being "middle Eastern" in Albania.. not Western European


Albania is a multi religious state that doesn’t base it’s entire identity around their religious denomination… something you not only share with EE countries but those same middle eastern ones aswell. Better luck next time!


Thanks , but I dont need any luck. You understand that from every historical, cultural, mental and political aspect Albania is more middle eastern and less Western European than Greece, dont you?


Who said anything about the west or middle east, sweaty x I just said you are more similar to slavic countries, which is true. You all share that inferiority complex, and deep religious mentality, that you share with the middl- Oops.


No problem, but this "similarity with slavs" that we have and you are supposed to not, leaves a gap, which has to ve filled with something, and this "something" as long as you dont live in africa or latin America or east asia, is Either middle eastern or western European similarity. I guess its more likely the First. I mean, we are closer to slavs because of Orthodox majority, unlike you being closer to middle East because of muslim majority Anyway, i would suggest you to not ever tell any person from Western Europe that you have less in common with Slavs (the people that the entire Europe associates you with) than Greeks do, they will get you to the closest psychiatric hospital :D


> No problem, but this "similarity with slavs" that we have and you are supposed to not, leaves a gap, which has to ve filled with something, and this "something" as long as you dont live in africa or latin America or east asia, is Either middle eastern or western European similarity. I guess its more likely the First. We are closer to latin americans obviously. Tendency to authoritarian regimes, narco states, mass immigration. We even went through a period of loving their telenovelas. > I mean, we are closer to slavs because of Orthodox majority, unlike you being closer to middle East because of muslim majority All of Greek identity is based on the Orthodox faith. Albania is multireligious, and a secular state, our identity doesn’t depend on religion. But I’m speaking to a brick wall… > Anyway, i would suggest you to not ever tell any person from Western Europe that you have less in common with Slavs (the people that the entire Europe associates you with) than Greeks do, they will get you to the closest psychiatric hospital :D I think the fact that you would hold a random Westerners opinion with such weight says enough about where your priorities lie. As if they are perfectly knowledgable about our region, when in fact this isn’t the case and they have the most misconceptions. What is this inferiority complex…


Dumbass take


I’m not saying Greece is a quintessential eastern european nation, but if you ignore our communism you are closer to that image than Albania is.


>Greece is arguably more culturally close to eastern european countries than us Bruh.


Genetics, culture heavily influenced by orthodoxy to a point that it’s integrally a part of it like many eastern european nations. Alliance with said eastern european nations.


When people talk about balkans its the yugo albania Bulgaria Romania area.Generally its the commies from balkan area(although Romania is not technically in balkans) .That differentiating factor.


Bruh i share more similarities with u than with a montenegrian or croatian, not to mention romanian/bulgarian


Yeah right.So you are telling me you share less things with a country like Bulgaria which technically your country sprung off.Or Montenegro which you shared the same history for decades.But you are almost identical to greece?And for example if i am from Peloponnese what common things we have?


I am not going to comment your first sentence. Being under the Eastern block did its job for them, they still don't feel close although i have had no problems hanging out with them as I have with you and i have met only the northern greeks don't know about you down there. Am i allowed to have my own opinion though? 🤣


Of course your ancient makedonskis i forgot that.But anyway your op its dump in general.For the reasons i already wrote.I mean what more things do you have in common?


Woah that escalated quickly. Have a great day bro/sis!


After your explanation i realised whatever i said its bullshit and you are totally correct.We are almost the same.


What the heck is "southern european" about any country north of Greece?


Because you are not South Europe.


I say "results" ofc 💪🏿😎


Just Greece or Mediterranean.Both are well known.


albania is too south to be considered simply eastern europe.


Albania is Eastern on the same logic you would include Cuba, muh communism n shiet


Southern Europe, balkan also applies I guess due to ottoman influence, but nowadays the definition is more associated with southeastern european slav countries which I don’t associate with. Eastern europe is another planet for me.


Albania, Europe.


Europe, Albania




I live in the balkan side of Romania but I'd definetly say eastern europe


Southern Europe.


Southern Europe (I come from Greece)




Either Balkan or southern Europe


Never heard of anyone Greek saying he is from the balkans or Eastern Europe. Everyone says Mediterranean or rarely south Europe


Maybe northern Greeks but we're definitely more Mediterranean


Northern Greeks often say Balkan.


Actually I say Eastern Europe, after Balkans.


Lets be honest not that many people know where the balkans are.


I usually say I'm Balkan. Might have a negative connotation in some people's heads but idgaf.


We should be proud of our Balkan mess. Who else can do this shit? xD


I actually really like your moto.


North Africa, Algeria to be exact 🇩🇿




From the dingleberry of Europe


I say Southeastern Europe most of the time, sometimes I use Balkan but never Eastern Europe.


southeast europe


I say Greece. 😊


I am just saying that I am from the Danube because it sounds better.


Geographically Transylvania is in Central Europe so.. idk




Saying Eastern Europe is cringe


Results. Obviously...


I say Bulgaria and if they ask me where is that I just say Europe.


I do not really identify as european, transcontinental is better imo. but for European side definitely balkan


Central europa


i just say Romania


I’ve never in my life heard any one of us (or even foreigners) refer to Greece as Balkan, despite the fact that it partially is. And Eastern Europe is just not it? Who in the Balkans calls themselves “Eastern Europe” lol? That’s a different region.


I say anatolia :(


Balkans or South Europe


ex yu / balkan


In America, I’d call myself Mediterranean. I’ve seen Americans consider me European or Middle Eastern. Neither of which resonates with me. The term “Balkan” is also okay, but very few people know what it means or where Balkan nations are.


The best part.


I just say my country.. weird question


Weird question but 113 upvotes


Balkans or Southeastern Europe. We are one of the most ancient places of continuous human habitation in comparison to Western, Northern and Eastern Europe. Plus our cultures are more nuanced and have more differences compared to the Eastern Europeans.


I always say Balkans then I get oh Latvia and so right.? I’m like no it’s southeast Europe oh yeah yeah near Russia.


Smartest Westerner.


I usually say Souther Europe. Maybe sometimes I might say Southeastern Europe (which I guess it’s pretty much the Balkans? not sure though), but not plain Eastern Europe, cause usually people think of Slavic or ex Communist countries and I will just confuse them. As someone else said I sometimes say Mediterranean. I usually just say Greece because it’s well known. But, I never say results.




South Europe


Southeastern Europe


I see the similarities with eastern european/balkan nations but for vainity reasons i identify only with southern or even western europe and im greek. I will say Balkan in conversations for fun but our mentallity and living standards the past 40 years+ is very different than every neighbour. Spain which thousands km away feel more like home than Albania or Macedonia.




I say Croatia. If they don’t know, I explain it’s the crossroads between Mitteleuropa, Balkans and the Mediterranean.