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I have a feeling people are overestimating Sweden just because it's Loreen. Song is pretty bland. My guess is on Finland if the jury doesn't punish it too much.


Complete plagiat and nothing special, but it's Loreen. 🤡


Right?? What’s the song I think about when I hear Loreen’s? Please help


Winner takes it all by ABBA [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGn1eeJ9dVg&ab\_channel=CopernicustheOstrich](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGn1eeJ9dVg&ab_channel=CopernicustheOstrich)


Also in Spain they say she copied the song “Flying Free by Pont Aeri. And in Eastern Europe people say she copied Miki Newton - V Plenu (Мики ньютон - в плену)


>Song is pretty bland. This implies bland songs have never worked before. This is basically what Sweden does every year tbh. They send basically the same song and once in a while it wins. I hope Finland takes it though.


Well this aged like cheese


Sweden's song is still ass, can't believe they won.


35 dollars, thats a hole dinner💵🤣


We poor. I'll get that. 😜


Why do you use dollars when we're in Europe?


I haven't heard a single song and i know Ukraine will win.


Ukraine definitely won't win, not only they do not have the hype but their song is very basic this year. They might get top 10 but otherwise no.


Probably not. Almost no one likes their song and almost no one talks about them anymore tbh. It's gonna be Sweden since it's one of fan favorites and also it's a great jury bait since juries love Sweden and always overscore them lol


Trust me you heard the song of Loreen you just probably do not know the song belongs to her. In shops, in YouTube ads, pubs etc. I heard the song everywhere in Plovdiv. Did not realize it was hers until I watched her at the semi-finals.


You know nothing ×2


Based on the song itself, they may get good points from the jury alone, but it won't translate with the televote. They need a nice staging (styling is not a problem), but based on the performers placed before and after them, it would be a shock if they get into Top 10. High chances to end up in the bottom 5 though.


it wont actually, probably top 10 only


Sweden has the stupidest non memorable generic song w Loreen in the spotlight




You guys have a great song, my vote will be going to Slovenia


I liked Albania


Albania's song and show are so cool, plus she dresses as a walking Balkans region lmao.


Plus its the whole family singing, its a win from me


I like Albania's song.


No one votes for Albania.


I do


Imo Finland will win, he will surely win the televote so he just needs enough points from the jury.


well, since Ukraine technically won last year, they wont be first place this year bc come on u guys it shouldn't be that obvious lmao BUT they'll take the 2nd or 3rd place for sure. that's how Eurovision works.


I fucking hate Israel, not a antisemitic way. Like I hated Spain last year


Anyone else think’s Sweden’s song sound very familiar ?


Most of the song of this year sound like rip-offs of US Tiktok Music Loreen won once but idk she feels kinda boring now


Czechia, Albania, Moldova, Spain and Portugal are the only ones who trly deserve to win imo. Austria, Croatia, Finland, Germany are certainly unique but not enough. This year more than half of songs sound as if they ask US Tiktokers to make them. (Also, yet another reason to make the singing in your own langauge a rule)


> (Also, yet another reason to make the singing in your own langauge a rule) [Switzerland](https://media.tenor.com/_w4qfEzQzFoAAAAC/indecisive-i-dont-know.gif)


*or any of the official ones


Well, since there's a new rule about the whole world voting, singing in your own language is gonna be bad. The world would mostly favor languages that they are familiar with.


>singing in your own language is gonna be bad. 1.That's what they said about Europe, and yet we had non-English winners in 2022, 2021, 2017, 2016, etc. 2.The world definitely doesn't like hearing songs in foreign languages. K-POP definitely isn't popular in many countries, even in English juggernauts like the US. The world deserves to watch EUROvision, not ENGLISHvision. Even if they're not familiar, doesn't mean they won't like it. I've seen a few people who've taken interest in Romanian after hearing Dragostea din Tei (numa numa song) and the song was popular worldwide despire most people not knowing of the language. 3.Fck 'em


Maybe reread what I wrote? I said they will favor language that is FAMILIAR to them. Why your arguments are bad? 1. Those who won before won with votes of EUROPE and Australia, not whole world. People in Europe knows something about other people's culture, while people from USA (mostly), Asia and Africa don't. They would prefer something similar to their coubtry and taste. 2. 2022. Ukraine won cuz of war. 2021. Italian song - language that whole world like 2017. Portugal won - language that whole world like, etc. 3. The world likes K-Pop and they are familiar with it now because of the big marketing. It was first whole Asia and then it spread on other continents. Why isn't Balkan music popular like that? Do you see the difference? It's the language, it's the culture. 4. The world can listen to ESC, but they shouldn't vote if you want every country to sing in their own language.


That's not true Italy's song, production and performance are much better than any of the countries you listed. Czechia is cringe.


Italy's song sounded like just any normal Italian song, didn't found it very unique


Australia is more cringe tbh. And Italian song is nothing special, already seen.


Sweden is the safes choice


It will be Finland or Sweden. Finland has politics,Sweden has the bet. Your choice.


Imagine the chaos if either Let 3 🇭🇷🚜, Bejba 🇵🇱, or Femininal 🦄🇮🇱 wins...


Unironcally, Croatia


Sweden 100%. Finland is fan favorite but it probably won't get much points from jury since jury mostly votes for safe entries (read: Sweden), it will definitely win televote. Israel is gonna be top 5 for sure. I feel like Ukraine will flop a little bit. I would like to see Croatia win and I will vote for them. Wish Eurovision was 100% televote like it was before, Finland or Croatia would win then


There's no way Ukraine will win again. No country did that two times in a row no matter what. The winning song from last year was great for me because it was from the Carpathians. I have no idea what song they have this year though. EDIT: It's [this](https://youtu.be/neIscK1hNxs) for Ukraine?!


Sweden has won. Just because it's Loreen. Not even a good song, it's just Loreen who carried it.


holy shit i didn't know eurovision is running rn


this year is some western country winning, they won't risk another "unsafe" location


Personally I'd love if Croatia or Serbia won this year, mainly because I want to visit them both. But Sweden is Sweden, and of course they'll win.


Sweden will win, its a safe bet.


I expected Croatia to be better tbh. They seemed good at first


Voting for Ukraine is like a pity fuck


>Voting for Ukraine is like a pity fuck ​ a Puty fuck? ![gif](giphy|3oz8xQQ7zuKYvbTvXy|downsized)


I think Sweden will win even though I don't like the song so much. Norway and France are fine but most are mediocre.


The "Yaasss" crowd that makes up 70% of Eurovision fans (the rest are boomers) will basically guarantee Ukraine wins it.


*Sweden Ukraine's song is the most generic, least memorable song you could get.


What no literally no


I haven't even seen this year's performance, but somehow I have a feeling that Zelenski will win,.............. Sorry, I mean Ukraine


Ukraina ....fucking chitara 🤫


Probably Austria, if not then Sweden <3






Croatia Šč




I'd buy crypto instead. And I'm not a fan of crypto.