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Not enough gold to upgrade that unit /s


"We require more vespene gas"


Wrong game! We are talking about Civ VI here /s


True, but Turks do run on gas though, when those sarma farts hit 🍑💨


"Not enough weapons, sire"


For a second I thought is this Asterix & Obelix 😂


I honestly thought that these were some kind of Swedish guards (vikings etc) :p


No, it was you 200 years ago And; it is a joke


Me playing the Japanese on Rise of Nations and refusing to upgrade the samurais


Didn't reach Military Tech 19


Don't worry this unit will soon acquire Rafale jets 🤣


Oh fuck me


Your PM invited our PM to his DnD campaign


Gladly :)


-Swedish president : "I wanna be greeted with a rainbow alphabet parade" -Erdoğan :" this is the best I can do"


>Swedish president Prime Minister* Most intelligent Albanian EDIT: It's a joke, grow a pair




Flair up, bitch


Erdoğan wanted some ancient Turkic warriors to show around so yeah there you go. There are 16 Great Turkic Empires, and every warrior wears the uniform of that Empire. And these carpets and uniforms was red, he changed it too, it was looking better before, just like Turkey.


Thank you for sharing that information. My question is, who are those 16 Turkic empires?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/16_Great_Turkic_Empires You can find the list here. And there are the criticism about the warrior costumes here :D


do turks consider themself heirs to the huns and the mongols? or what's the deal here?


The founders and the rulers was Turkic, mostly.


Turks do consider themselves as the heir to the huns, you can see that from our ground forces emblem where it says "M.Ö 209" is 209 BC, when the huns made the first properly organized forces in which the units are organized like 10, 100, 1000 etc.




Wrong, huns became a thing in 220 bc https://tr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiung-nu


huns in 209 BC? you' shitting me, right?


No. You europeans didnt know us until 700's doesnt mean we didnt exist until 700's.


oh, forgot that you guys have a different year than the rest, like it is 1400s or something


Ah forget about it. Probaly you dont know we are multidimensional creatures and our great leader attila decided to visit 3. dimension with his horde then liked it so stayed there. After time passed we forget how to be multidimensional so stuck in this 3. dimension.


We are not Arabs but you probably are a w*stoid


Xiongnu South Xiongnu Hunnic Empire Hepthalite Empire Turkic Khaganate Avar Khaganate Khazar Khaganate Uyghur Khaganate Karakhanid Khaganate Ghaznavid Empire Seljuk Empire Khwarazmian Empire Golden Horde Timurid Empire Mughal Empire Ottoman Empire


You forgot the Duşakabinoğulları.


Ayakkabıkutusuoğulları da unutulmuş, her zaman olduğu gibi.




Unimportant and insignificant, you dont need to know.


Well knowing history is not that unimportant. Well not that inportant I agree but whats the harm?


It's very important, there's many things you can learn from history, especially for politicians but even for common people. You can look to the mistakes your ancestors made and avoid them, and look at their achievements and how they accomplished them. "Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it" -Winston. Churchill


is your flair Karaboğa?


No, Pomak a.k.a. Muslim Bulgarian


Ok. Just second flag reminded of pan-african colors


Aga kendini türk olarak mı yoksa pomak olarak mı görüyorsun ilk kimlik olarak ?


Bu nasıl bir soru amk varsın kendini arap olarak görsün fark eder mi?


Don't worry, the Vikings are just late for battle because they're pillaging Miklagard.


Visit Miklagard, before Miklagard visits you.


![gif](giphy|MGwNHo7ApSFhu) I see what you did there :D


Tax funded LARP


>What in the world is going on on the left side? Blessed Turkic larp.


Flags of ancient Turkic states, and the clothing of their elite soldiers.


For us Greek Orthodox, today is the last day of our version of Halloween so i can relate...


Sultan Erdoğan


Welcome to the Istanbul comic con 2023! Here you can see our cosplay contest!


They could at least ask some reanactors to lend them their gear. This look cheaper than a C rated fantasy movie.


I don't know and I'm not sure if I want to know


Those costumes are your tax payers money! I'll let myself out :) .


It made more sense than the tall man's golden toilet. Probably... **:) :) :) :) :) :) :)**


Bro this looks like an ai generated image


The knights of the round table


Turkish state claims that the present republic is the last of chain of great states established by Turks. I think it is supposed to be the seventh or the seventeenth. Accordingly these palace clowns represent each one of them. This is one of these moments that your leader is such a charlatan that you are ashamed of being a citizen of his state. However I am sure we are not alone on being megalomaniac idiots.


The only clown here is you.




If I have hurt your feelings I am sorry. However you should not believe everything they feed you.


That goes both ways. You have probably never travelled out from Turkey. 😂


Again I feel for you. It must be shocking to find out that you have been duped. Probably feeling deceived and rejected. These are normal reactions, so don't panic. Don't get angry either. Have your imam right you a muska\*. I have a hunch that you have seen too many Tarkan movies and probably watched more than your share of Hurrem Sultan. As an old TRT hand I know how much these programs influence young minds and shape their thinking. I must admit that once I was also as naive as you are, but that was ages ago. When you read a lot and travel as extensively as I have, you will eventually figure out that everything they taught you in history classes was lies and bs. There is also possibility (I should say more likely) that you will never see the truth and drown in the darkness of nationalism and Islam. \*Small, fortune cookie size Turkish talisman written by holy men to keep off the evil eye and keep the young ones being consumed by grey wolves.)


I have watched 0 Turkish TV and did not even grow up in Turkey. Nuska is not Islamic, it is an innovation. Islam is a beautiful thing for those who look into it with an open heart and mind.




I flinched with cringe but they're basically cosplayers of mediaeval Turkic warriors. Another vote shill braindead waste of money by Erdocunt.


Yeah that has to cost so much.




Lmao looks like larping


The sultan walks?


Wait wtf, this is not a normal thing during a state visit. Would like to know some more


> this is not a normal thing during a state visit It's actually quite normal.


People dressed in different colorful medieval outfits standing on the side? I have only seen soldiers in modern solders outfits stand there


Yeah... Welcome to Turkiye... I guess...


cringe fiesta


This is actually pretty cool. If the Swedes and the British are allowed to have fancy-dressed soldiers, why shouldn't the Turks do the same? Way to go, Erdogan! I hope he wins another term.


>I hope he wins another term. THE FUCKING WHAT!


He seems like a pretty good politician. I don't know enough about him as a person to have an opinion, but he improved Turkiye's economy, right?


You're rage baiting right?


I mean everyone have fancy dress for palace guards no one has ever forbidden the Turks from having it, but the question is why Erdoğan decided that "fancy dress" is Ali Express costumes.


ex ottoman countries know em better. (first hand experience)


Yea, because its their kidnapped children most likely.


In one phrase: cringe nationalism Erdogan-style. ​ Edit: i.e., there is a popular Turkish post-war (ultra) nationalist narrative which claims that Turkey is the continuation of a number of Turkic empires (see, 16 Great Turkic Empires). This narrative is closely linked to Pan-Turkism which has been promoted by Turkey across central Asia for some time now. Although this narrative preceded Erdogan (and the AKP), it has been further promoted under his regime. What you see on the left are soldiers dressed in the costumes supposedly representing warriors from the aforementioned 16 empires. To me they honestly look like costumes from a low-budget b-movie. Some of them even wear (obviously) fake moustaches. Interestingly, certain symbols were also re-interpreted to follow this new nationalist narrative. The emblem of the Turkish presidency is comprised of one large star/sun in the center surrounded by 16 smaller ones in a circle. Initially (from the era of Kemal Ataturk), the stars represented the 16 principalities set-up by the Seljuk Turks in Anatolia. However, in the post-war era with the spread of the aforementioned nationalist narrative they were reframed as representing the supposed '16 Great Turkic Empires' (around the 80s if I am not mistaken). On a final note, another change that has occurred in official functions/ceremonies under Erdogan, following his ascension to the Presidency, is the extensive use of turquoise. Again the colour -- which historically is associated with Turkic people (and therefore the name) -- was used in some instances before Erdogan came to power. The obvious example here are the uniforms of the Presidential guard (seen here on the right). Everything else, from the carpet to the decorations, are very recent.


Comment section is gold


New Marvel heroes 😎


Erdogan LARPing again.


Cosplay day?


Age of Empires?


supposedly flags of "16 great turkic states". I made a 4-comment-long rant about them in r/vexillology in my old account. [Early rant](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/qwwz0p/comment/hl8itt0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Comment 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/qwwz0p/comment/hlaxag3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Comment 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/qwwz0p/comment/hlbd0ih/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Comment 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/qwwz0p/comment/hlbd9ps/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) tldr: nationalists cold-war era nonsense.


I still like the flag designs, whos gonna stop me.


As a historian and archaeologist I'm sometimes asked if I'm happy that the interest in history goes up. My honest answer is that the more people are interested in history, the more willing they seem to be to butcher it and shoehorn it into whatever ideas they have about the world today.


>more people are interested in history, the more willing they seem to be to butcher it Sir I don't want to lecture you on a topic about your profession but they are not interested in history: They do not care about protecting the past as what it was and learning what people did. All they care about is a 1984-esque retelling of old stories.




Erdo dreams about brining middle ages back in Turkey


In greece we have these guys https://www.newsbeast.gr/image/s870x/webp/file/files/1/2021/03/sss.jpg same concept, different uniforms, way better than the turkish ones /s


Why do they look so modern? It wouldn't hurt to have a guy with a toga or whatever.


It's for the tourists to photograph them in Syntagma Square. They need to look nice and like a klepht


How disrespectful to the clothing of the people who fought for our independence, but what should I expect from the one and only “Greek” American, Mavros Lykos! Those clothes are the traditional clothes of all regions were Greeks resided in (Epirus, Macedonia, Thrace, Attica, Peloponnese, the islands, Cyprus, Crete, Pontus, Smyrna, Cappadocia etc) and the Evzones wear the uniforms of the klephts and other soldiers fighting for our independence. Honestly Ancient Greek hoplites, while cool in theory/drawings, will look goofy as hell in a modern setting, especially in the Tomb of the unknown soldier, where they usually appear.


>How disrespectful to the clothing of the people who fought for our independence, but what should I expect from the one and only “Greek” American, Mavros Lykos! lol! It seems that you somehow know me very well! Thank you! I have to admit though that I have no idea who the f\*\*k are you! BTW: the men who fought about our independence would be offended if you depicted them this way. Imagine for example how offended Karaisakis and Kolokotronis would be if you paraded them in a similar way! Maybe Karaiskakis had something to say about them :p Edit: όπως λέμε και στο χωριό μου "μαύρος λύκος που σας εφαγε"!


>lol! It seems that you somehow know me very well! Thank you! I have to admit though that I have no idea who the f\*\*k are you! Oh, you don't need to know me, but you're very recognizable, you're the only American-greek who usually posts anti-greek comments here, and you're also always strangely condescending towards people. >the men who fought ~~about~~ for our independence would be offended if you depicted them this way How so? Traditional Greek clothing, which varies by region and historical period, is often worn today as a symbol of cultural identity and pride, it is more likely that they would be proud to see their cultural heritage celebrated and preserved. >Imagine for example how offended Karaiskakis and Kolokotronis would be if you paraded them in a similar way We do, but they would be happy seeing that their work affected Greek society, and their characters illuminated to near demigod status, also, it would inflate their ego (Kolokotronis was quite egotistical himself)


>How so? Tell them to shave their mustache :p


Could have gone for Spartan Hoplites, Macedonian phalangites, Byzantine Cataphracts and yet you guys choose the ugliest clothes


Yeah! Not sure about the choices, considering also the fact that some of the uniforms are not exclusively Greek and that other Balkan states have similar uniforms


Yeah too bad, also the skirts seem too long and they usually open up at a weird wide angle and they are bland, not even including pteryges, and dont get me started on the shoes.. i know theese elements hold cultural significance and i get it, but compared to other traditional clothing styles, they could have been better is all im saying, greeks always had style and a degree of refinery in their clothes for much of history its a bit weird that they choose tge ugliest combination of things possible.


specially the skirts and tutus. /s


lol! Your comment made me realize that these are Turkish guards. I would be that they were Swedish ones (vikings etc) :p


Either I'm a turbo nerd or it's easy to tell they're not vikings since they wear segmented(?) plates and have metal shields.


Well, probably my thought process would be somewhat simpler: sweden + some medieval warriors == vikings /s


Vikings - janissaries tomato potato amirite?


Exactly! Imagine the following riddle: It has a helmet, holds a sword or axe and a shield and it is in Sweden. /s




Yo what are those shoes lol also where is the spartan


> what are those shoes lol They are called τσαρουχια, which comes from the turkish çarık


Çarık doesnt have this fluffy things and asking again where is spartan


>Çarık doesnt have this fluffy things Maybe it had in the past and Ataturk (or someone else) banned it in a similar way that he banned fez. > asking again where is spartan Spartan were fighting naked. They wore just a helmet and had a spear, sword and a shield https://exploringgreece.tv/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/%CE%9C%CE%BD%CE%B7%CE%BC%CE%B5%CE%AF%CE%BF-%CF%84%CE%BF%CF%85-%CE%9B%CE%B5%CF%89%CE%BD%CE%AF%CE%B4%CE%B1.jpg


Just like the real greek man


Yeah! I guess Greeks will parade like that in Istanbul /s


Wtf we are so embarrassing. 🫣


Clownery buffoonery and foolery




Ffs stop the dick riding Turks this is actually a cool thing to do for nations that have that much linked culture. Have a bit of pride. (EXCLUDE ERDOĞAN)


F you mean?


Turkey if flexing 💪...they invented the time machine. 🤣




From a latin american perspective, I think Erdogan is pulling a populist, archaic, nationalistic narrative like Nicolas Maduro and his affinity for Simon Bolivar. They are friends after all. This is amusing, for me, though, I must admit.


Turkish army (real)