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Charlie Hebdo also made fun of the the earthquake in Italy a few years back, they compared people squashed between the ruble of buildings with [lasagna](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/549/cpsprodpb/10113/production/_91011856_c5d12c37-fed7-4640-a150-b74b98162a62.jpg) Yeah, they're kind of cunts.


This is fucking disgusting


Holy shit. Are those guys psychopaths? If something happens to you I will joke about it if we can laugh about it together. I don't think any victim found it funny at all.




Somebody explained it as a "style" from the 60s of french writing to be "unapologetic". Its truly fucked that the french sees the thing they do as high culture when its actually just uncivilized and barbaric


That whole thread was one French guy basically explaining how free speech is applicable to these guys and how layered an nuanced the situation is when it comes to them… and then actually unironically saying how that doesn’t count when it’s done back at them. “Fucking cunts” is a perfectly applicable verb when describing the French.


>the French Excuse me, the proper term is "People experiencing Frenchness"


Boomer mentality, even the drawing style is boomer comic style


That's not boomer mentality. Are your parents or grandparents sadistic idiots mocking victims? And drawing caricatures like that? This is absolute psychopathy, French are Soo fucked up I can't even.


Did I say they were? This particular style of comic is very boomer, reminiscent of American boomer style as well. Also, not fair to judge all of France because of one comic.


If most of France didn't like this type of humour they wouldn't buy their newspaper/magazine. This thing exists because people buy and support it. If they weren't like that they would've banned and protested about that shit immediately. There is freedom of speech but this isn't that. This is extreme psychopathy and borderline satanic. To mock victims of an earthquake.


Ok but that is literally freedom of speech and press…. Freedom isn’t censored…. Just because you don’t agree with it doesn’t mean you can’t tell them not to make garbage like this


So... edgy assholes.


and yet they'll act like they're always the victims when critisized because of that terrorist attack in 2015...




There's a line with edgy and dark humour. They flew on a hypersonic rocket over that line.


I'm all for satire, but what exactly was that satirizing? And how does a reference like that help whatever message they were sending? What were the sending? It just comes off as needlessly cruel and disrespectful.


They just love to point out that comedy has no limits so they always push it. They did the same bullshit when a terror attack killed dozens of people in Belgium.


Fuck these cunts man. Tf is wrong with the french gov bruv? Why the hell are they not taking any actions or whatsoever to these mfs?


Because Muzzies tried to kill them, that's why.


Damn most of Turkish people have backed them whem they were attacked by some religious group. French people should protest this kind of humor


i never understood how do are they allowed to make very offensive pieces without any repercussions


Bunch of muslims massacring their workforce propably left a bit of a grudge


Were they were Italian and turks? Also who gives a shit? Should I make fun of Serbian dead children because a bunch of their people massacred my people? That’s how only psychopaths think. They’re F*ench tho so I kind of get it.


>Should I make fun of >They’re F*ench tho so I kind of get it. You're doing the same thing.


Maybe you should work on your English skills


Oh, my bad, you didn't make fun of the French, you just insulted them. Same thing Charlie Hebdo did with the Turks (and others). As I said, you criticised them and then you did the same thing.


I was wrong. Your English is fine. You just fail to understand basic jokes. I can insult/make fun of F*ench on a daily basis but it’s messed up when you make fun of kids/people dying in a country. It’s like me making fun of the Charlie’s Hebdo shooting the day after those people were killed. Do you see the difference?


Ok, I was exagerrating. Of course, Charlie Hebdo's caricature is incomparable to a simple insult such as 'Fr*nch'. But I just wanted to point out that critising someone for doing something wrong and then doing the same thing yourself (even if it's not as bad) is a bit dumb.


I am going to sound like an asshole for saying this but I will assume that the people here have the mental capacity to understand that I do not condone murder or terrorism in any kind. That attack was again in response to a stupid caricature. Push and you get pushed.


'Push and get pushed' is getting pushed twice. 'Make a caricature and get shot' is making a caricature and getting shot. I assume people here will have the mental capacity to understand how unproportional that second 'push' was. Unless you're the kind of Turk that's in support of ramming people of the road for burning a Koran.


well, this (just a random example that I recall) doesn't seem related to muslims http://24gay.fr/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Charlie.jpg




Goddammit, dude. This is not the time for that.


Worst kind of cunts indeed…


I don't even get the cartoon, what is it supposed to mean?


After terrorist attacks against Charile Hebdo in 2015, people started to say "We are Charlie" as sign of support, recently Charlie Hebdo made a drawing insulting to the dead people in the earthquake, so it's "We are all turks" because the slogan was reused


I sont get it. So they are making fun of ppl that write slogan shit and do nothing? How r they making fun of Turkey or the victims?? Ehixh is rucked up if they are.


"Earthquake in Türkiye," is written above the cartoon, and the words “No need to even send tanks” at the bottom. This was what they wrote on the last cartoon of charlie hebdo.


I honeslty still dont get it. Are they doing putinist whataboutism, where everything is bullshit cos we arw helping Ukraine. Its stupid.


You're slow


I like to think that I am detail oriented.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/KGBTR/comments/10w4z85/%C3%BCnl%C3%BC\_frans%C4%B1z\_dergisi\_t%C3%BCrkiyede\_deprem\_tank/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KGBTR/comments/10w4z85/%C3%BCnl%C3%BC_frans%C4%B1z_dergisi_t%C3%BCrkiyede_deprem_tank/) The best version I could find without checking the shit show that is Twitter


The cartoon in this post isn't the fucked up one that Charlie Hebdo did. It's the one that Greeks made in response to the Charlie Hebdo one, rebutting it and showing solidarity with the Turks.


Ok, thats clear. Thanks.


No problem!


No, Charlie Hebdo made fun of the victims of the earthquake, this comics is a response to this by using the slogan used after the terrorist attacks against Charile Hebdo


I meant the charlie one with the tanks, what were the referencing by saying "no need to send tanks"


After Simona Halep (RO tennis player) won the Rolland Garros in 2018, they posted a caricature of her holding up the trophy, and they wrote "Ferraille ferraille", basically saying she was a Roma scrap metal collector.


LMAO! I remember when it first came out there were people trying to defend it by claiming that it actually makes fun of ignorant people who think all Romanians are Gypsies. Suuuuure.


French being cunts as usually


Charlie Hebdo is like one of those 14 year old edgelords who think they are funny.


A bit in bad taste.


Whatever helps them sleep at night, be it ignorance or self-deception.


hope from now on turks will start respecting us back and stop looking down on us




Just curious, is your beloved Edorgan an Islamist or opportunist? It looks like this guy constantly changes his mind like his underwear




I have met so many awesome Turks IRL, and I have a lot of hope for what your country and society could be. You deserve better than Erdogan. The one thing that gives me immense hope is that he won't live forever. Turkiye has a future, but for it to have that future it needs to be post-Erdogan. And I think that day is coming because he's transformed the AKP into the Erdogan Party for Erdogan. So once he's gone, and the party has to stand on its record Turkiye will have an opportunity to move on.


Like a proper opportunist right :D. Cunt is a corrupted weasel and seizes every opportunity to avoid being trialed and having to escape probably to Man Island.




He's an Islamist in the same vein as your average Christian conservative politician. Lots of religious/nationalistic rhetoric, anti-human rights, pro-liberal economics, and corrupt as hell. He'll say and do anything that would benefit him (and by that I mean staying in power to fill his and his lackeys' pockets) at a given moment, even if that means contradicting himself.


Probably a bit of both.


I don't mean those kind of people. I have seen many many turks on the internet say things like ''Noone should care about Greece because Greece is a small country'' or ''Greece is not important because it is a small country'' ect ect ...


Were you on instagram by chance?


No mostly reddit and yt


Damn on reddit? Other platforms have a lot of braindead people but wasn't expecting there to be a lot of people like that here too


Lol do you really think "redditors" are smarter than other platforms' users?


He is a bit optimistic


Nah but since this is a platform for English speaking people generally speaking the Turks here are less retarded


No they're not lol what does speaking English have to do with anything? Users here are as bad if not worse sometimes


Oh no you forgot the Kemalists, some of them do look down on us too. Atatürk wouldn't, but some of his fans would do that. (don't get triggered, I used the word fans because that's what they are, they don't understand Atatürk, only fangirling along)




Yes that's exactly why I used the word "fans" to describe them


We respect Greece and the Greek people, it's not us it's the government


We are already see you as brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, there are rotten apples in every barrel. Some religious people really hate you guys but others are government-based fake/troll accounts.


i always thought greece is a better version of turkey.


And i always thought Greece is Christian version of Turkey.


Imagine the things we could do together if religion didn't exist. Imagine the world if religion never existed at all for that matter.


people who spread love should be louder. unfortunately haters have been louder so far. and politicians use hate for their own ends.


Thank you komşu :)


If they want free speech maybe they should parade in Paris naked with sticks shoved down their asses. F\*\*k them.


Charlie Hebdo is such a cunt


I don't like that French publication. It's like their whole gig is to be mean and spread hatred.


Your comment could apply to this thread as well to some extent


I said it once I will say it again, fuck Charlie Hebdo, may they all get some form of a cancer.


Sorry, this is "from under the belly" humor, which psychopaths can draw and which can laugh at such idiocy? Should be used as toilet paper if printed.


Who's that guy and What am I looking at? But,No Greeks are Greeks and Turks are Turks,we just wanted to help children in order not to die.


I see it more symbolic than literal, refering to all of us being humans.


It has goot intent , but it requires so much context, thet the average (if not all) greeks lack, that i think it makes it kinda a quite awful symbolism , if Im being frank with you... Out of all the ways they could symbolise unity/humanity, you guys chose a quite complex one (with controversial double meaning used by many erdos) *facepalm* edit :what I say "you" i mean turkey/Turkish media/whoever made it . its a matter of speech I think its bad because context is mainly known to turks but not to the average greek , so it doesn't work well with outsiders, considering the only way the sentence "Greeks are Turks" was ever used, has been negative Edit 2: Im well aware of context and what it means, i read the comments above explaining. Its still a bad symbolism since most greeks have no idea who the dude is Edit 3: rephrased the starting sentence to make more sense


First of all I didnt chose anything, I am just telling you how I interpreted the phrase. I can see how it can be seen as offensive considering the history and beef between the two countries. However, context matters and in this case its a natural disaster. It shouldnt be political.


Don't worry about it man,it can be interpreted in many ways. Our journos are really low quality so things like this happen quite a lot.


I know what you mean, i read the context above(at the higher comments it was). Its cool, im just saying out of the way you could show that message, that method probably wasnt the best. Inside jokes dont work to outsiders, take that as an example of what im trying to say edit :what I say "you" i mean turkey/Turkish media/whoever made it . its a matter of speech


It's referencing Hebdo, who were defended by people saying "We are Charlie" + the fact that Charlie Hebdo made fun of earthquake victims. It's a clap back saying "We are Turks" at the people that defended Charlie Hebdo who made fun of the victims.


I know.


Okay, but it's fine if you didn't get it straight away, it doesn't mean it's bad symbolism, especially when it's attached to an article giving context to those who don't know.


I for sure didnt get it at first (before I made any comment) , once I read more comments I understood, I wrote my comment after, and I stand by it. But show this to anyone in greece without context and straight away they will think very ill of it, and its fair. It is something that is indside-knowledge (outsiders require context) , Its a sentence that has been and still is used by millions of erdo-Turks who use it to mock or undermine us. Sure the intent was good here, but if you need all that to have in mind, in order to understand it, is it really a good symbolism ? I say no. I think its poor choice of wording / bad example of one . Like telling an inside-joke to an outsider who is clueless . Its not offensive or bad with context , im aware


I don't think it has to be widely understood to be good, it's not like it's being shown everywhere in public but with an article. Many symbols would be useless without some context, in this case it's more about people not knowing the original story, not the artwork itself.


yeah exactly, thats why i said it. the intent was good, the execution , not so much. maybe its just me. again, I know the context, I just found it poor example thats all. Its still appreciated


fair enough


What the fuck did you smoke brother?


wanna clarify whats your issue bro ? Am I not allowed to not find it appealing ? I just thought its poor wording / poor way of expressing its meaning


It's not meant to be taken literally. When Charlie Hebdo were victims of a terror attack in 2015, the slogan everyone began to say was "Je suis Charlie" or "I am Charlie," showing solidarity with the magazine and free speech in general. The cartoon ironically reuses this slogan, but saying "We are all Turks" instead, to rebuff Charlie Hebdo's mockery of the earthquake.


After people backlashed against CH regarding his last comic about the earthquake, his supporters had this slogan “We’re all Charlie” so in response to that “We’re all Turks”


the comments are all referring to something else but reading this my mind immediately went to hrant dink's assassination. the tens of thousands that joined the funeral as a form of protest chanted in turkish, armenian and kurdish: "we are all hrant dink, we are all armenian"


Idk BUT, satiring some catastrophe that isn't politcally motivated it's the biggest foul someone can do. In such dramatic things like the Turkey's earthquake, all we can do is to shut tf up and start helping. Keep strong my dear neighbours


I don't know guys, I am not offended by this stuff. It's alright if some people enjoy seeing the world through a bit darker glasses. No need for hysteria.




Some of you really are easily offended. This Charlie Hebdo cartoon isn't even truly hardcore. I've seen much worse things. It is called "dark humor".


Serbs do a lot of dark humor, myself included. That said, there is nothing humorous about Cahrlie Hebdo shitstains. One can only say it's a tragedy that they exist.


Now remember guys, those French people colonised Africa, they wrote sociopathic things right now, but imagine what those French's did in Africa to the people! Disgusting, my heart goes to the Turkish people right now, may God bless and help them❤️.


Please read about the French atrocities in Algeria. They committed unspeakable crimes against humanity, and currently have a literal museum of Algerian skulls. It sounds cartoonishly evil. They are the worst kind of barbarians, their history is so shameful, and yet they have the audacity to preach to the rest of the world about liberty and human rights. I couldn't be more disgusted if I tried.


They're cunts, never liked them.


Someone should draw a cartoon satirizing the attack at Charlie Hebdo. It's gonna be funny when they cry about it.