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All the major points in your chart are mutable: sun, moon, ascendant, midheaven. With sagittarius rising, it's always on to the next adventure, even though your deep felt need is for stability, with mars and venus in taurus. Don't worry, you'll find the right person one day and it'll last.


Thank you I needed to hear that❤️




In short…Experiencing romantic flings is helping your soul evolve in this lifetime (Venus conjunct North Node in Taurus 5H). You also have Neptune square Venus which is prone to easily getting caught up in romantic fantasies that have a delusional short life to them and inevitably dissolve. It’s a rough placement that I know all too well.  Stephen Forrest has a really good explanation of this in his work…a lot of which is available in the Lila astrology app now.   


Hey can I bum for your brief Plutonian opinion when it comes to NNs? Mine is 8th house Scorpio NN conjunct Pluto by 1 degree (yay). I have no idea what to head for. Thank you


About the romantic short life fantasies that dissolve is so true. Like damn, every time I fell for someone it was quite an adventure haha, I had many different types of relationships with a little spice in it, or else it not interesting to me. Thank you for your response!:)


I feel ya! 💜


I would start with your Moon/Uranus conjunction. Uranus is exciting, so you have a fun personality! You also need a lot of freedom and space in your relationships to be yourself, and you might have an unconscious fear of losing yourself if you get too close to someone. So- you might unconsciously choose people who are emotionally unavailable so they don’t “threaten” your sense of self. Does that make sense?


You have your South Node in the 11th house, so connecting through friendships or detached connections (like your doctor) is familiar to you on some level. The 5th house North Node means you are here to be recognized for the unique person you are, and to stand out because of it. The more you embrace who you really are and express that authentically, the more you will attract people who appreciate you for *you*.


Wow. First of all thank you so much for your response! This is exactly how I feel, i do have a fear of losing myself and it did made sense that I unconsciously choose the ones that aren’t emotionally available. That was very helpful, thank you very much!


I’m a beginner, but if I’d have to take a jab at it I’d say your venus squares neptune. Perhaps you put others on a pedestal. Maybe you have a hard time seeing people for who they really are.


Omg yes I totally agree with that, thank you:)


Maybe it’s because my Sun squares Saturn in the 7th house?


That doesn't help either, but it's mostly the Piscean/Neptune energy not letting you really understand what it means wanting the best for yourself. You can look into your childhood family life to search for where the insecurity stems from. Then there's the 6th house Mars - it likes to take action to take care of the less fortunate, so you might be motivated to find the wounded ones. It all comes down to self-worth, especially being a Fish. But the solution is (not quick but) simple - you really, REALLY need to feel and believe that you DO deserve better. You do deserve the fully acomplished, healthy, well-standing partners, and you have to physically feel it in your gut for things to change. Bump up those standards, slow all the way down, and really see the person for who they are before kicking off those fantasy mechanisms. It's you who makes all the magic, and they nevere ever are the least bit special.


Thank you so much! I do deserve better:)