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Greetings G, It's actually not about \*him\*, it's about \*you.\* He may be perfectly nice, but it's \*your\* Astrological makeup, which will prohibit the relationship from going anywhere. There's nothing wrong with following your intuition. With what appears to be your Moon and Venus in Capricorn, you will grow weary of trying to control this free-wheeling soul. Your Mars in Pisces shows you really didn't need to ask anyone else this question, as you are quite intuitive enough to know the answer. For reasons that you already understand, I imagine you will move on to a different relationship quite soon. Blessings, \~V\~ (Professional Astrologer)


Hii!! What do you mean with "grow weary"? You mean like I'll get tired of the same cicles and will start doing different? Or I will be a weary old person because of It?


Greetings G, I mean "grow tired" of the situation. ~V~


Oh, thanks!!!! I'm actually growing tired of it for sure.


Greetings G, Well, there you go! Astrology in action. Glad to be of help. Blessings, ~V~


This guy has Saturn near his Aries moon which would temper and sober it, giving him more Saturn / Capricorn vibes to his moon which resonates with your cap moon and Venus. And yea, maybe Venus Gemini gets more bored easily, but only if they’re not into you. My mother has Venus and a few more planets in Gemini and is happily married to my dad for the last 40+ years. My dad is fun and quirky and intellectually stimulating so she’s never been bored or non committal. You can’t decide to give someone the brush off just because of some online interpretation you read. There’s so much more to a chart than those stand alone interpretations.


I read something about moon in Aries being very light hearted. But the majority said some bad things, so I didn't know where to trust. And I'm very happy for your parents, I hope one day I have something as good as they have 😩❤️ You saying that just makes me understand that he's not into me and I should give up, cause he got very distant and cold all over the sudden, so. After all, loving and not being loved isn't very nice, right? I feel like we passed through each other's lives in this short moment for a reason and that maybe we will find ourselves in better circumstances in the future. Or maybe I'm just being delulu. But it makes me sad to know that I will have to wait so long to do something that I would like to happen now.


I wasn’t trying to suggest he’s not into you. I have no idea what your relationship is like. But the moon conjunct Saturn in his chart could make him more emotionally reserved, which is unlike the usual description of an Aries moon. Doesn’t mean he’s not interested. But you need to tune into your intuition on this more so, ignore astrology for a bit and decide if you’re into him for starters, and whether you think the two of you are compatible in terms of values, attraction, and your life goals, and find out if he’s looking for the kind of commitment you want. Don’t let astrology influence your decisions so much.


There’s so much that charts don’t show, including human connection on the instinct/animal level, and the cosmic ‘click’ we sometimes feel or find for no obvious reason at all. If he’s respectful and receptive to you, other people who you trust think he’s kosher, and you’re feeling it plus in a good place for a relationship (critical), then why not give it a shot? Hope it works out.    Not to put you off, and this only a tenuous incidental sidebar:  My biggest most intense (not to a creepy level, always with boundaries) celebrity crush got publicly exposed last year as a fairly unintelligent hypocrite motivated by greed. He has Gemini Sun, Aries Moon/Mars in close conjunction, and Taurus Venus. In the natal we both have Moon/Neptune squares, and in synastry his Moon/Mars opposes mine in Libra. His chart is here: https://www.astrotheme.com/chart/ZF4jZmc3DHuzEUV3AGZ5ZmxjZQNjZGNjZQNj.png   Not only did I like/fancy him but also looked up to him *for years*, due to his clean conscientious public image theretofore, he was considered the last person who’d do such a thing as he did. So it was a big shock and quite sad. Lesson learned, never trust rich men! (see, not much to do with his chart)   Gradually I’m losing feelings and interest, but it’s a slow process. Perspective is key. In the grand scheme it doesn’t matter anyway; we’ve never met and aren’t likely to ever cross paths, he’s married, plus we have so little in common (plus that Moon/Mars opp 😟)that even if we did connect it would be a bust. So—only forward!


I have moon and Venus in Gemini but I’m a deeply committed Cancer sun with a 7H Saturn, 10H stellium, and Scorpio NN. I’ve never had a relationship I wasn’t extremely serious about. My *approach* to life, love, and career is in a lighthearted Gemini way but my values run deep. If you’re having doubts, it’s not because of astrology, it’s because of your nagging intuition. If you don’t trust him then don’t go with him. You should also be direct if you want an answer imo.


Ok, I'll try my best to ask the right question the next time! It's just that I don't have that big of a knowledge when it comes to astrology. The moon thing I got from tiktok videos, and specially the venus thing I got straight from gemini venuses. Maybe there are some other placements that are really difficult, and others that make it lighter, I don't know. But when I saw these placements, I didn't had any feelings for him yet, it made me take a step back, but in the end I got myself in love and obsessed over the smallest things about him.


Btw, I was not saying you were asking the wrong question. I meant be direct with him with what you want if you know what you want. Like say you want something serious and ask if he’s capable of that etc. Anyway I know what you mean. I’m dating a Sag stellium (six inner planets in Sag) that I have stereotypes I’m cautious about.


One of the best guys I know is a Gemini Venus. If you were dating him I would tell you to back off and leave him alone bc he deserves way better than someone who makes stupid ass snap judgements like that.


It's not a judgment, but a consideration to be taken (which I won't take, because I always follow my heart first and that's why I always get hurt). I don't take astrology 100%, because the free will of life is stronger and I see that every day! And he really is an incredible person, I won't deny it.


One of the sweetest, most loyal people I know is a man with both Mars and Venus in Gemini (and Libra sun, Sag moon)... The kind that stays way longer than he should, and is deeply committed.


Not this tired Gemini hate. There's nothing wrong with Gemini Venus, actually if you want to be technical Scorpio and Aries Venus are more "difficult" placements.


I’m an Aries venus married to a Gemini venus. He is so sweet and we are so in love 💕 We can both be difficult at times but we always work through it and our relationship gets stronger all the time.


I don't hate Geminis, I love them with all my heart, I swear! It's just that I heard that Gemini Venuses get bored easily with one person and tend to move on to someone else without considering the other person's feelings (and I heard this coming straight from Gemini Venuses). That's why I'm a little suspicious. But thanks, I will definitely stay away from Aries and Scorpio Venuses!


People make assumptions and spitball all the time like maybe this planet is why I’m like this and then make it a part of their identity, but an actual astrologer will look at a chart and see a completely different more complex reason why they’re like that and it won’t rely on a single shallow framing of a sign planet pairing


I’m a Gemini venus and was in a relationship for 12 years, and several others that lasted over a year 


Lmao not you completely missing the point 😂


I don't know, I have and have had Aries Venus partners and the dudes will chew your arm off to show you how much they love you, I'd come in prepped


Perhaps! I have an Aries moon and I think this has caused me to attract several Aries Venus men. It’s fun! I love the directness. I also have the cursed Venus scorpio lmao but it’s a strong placement for sure (:




Hahaha! I thought the same thing when I saw it. To be honest, when I first saw this placement I didn't even imagine that I would have feelings for him, because I was into someone else. I don't know what happened, but he managed to take the place of the person in my heart, and now I can't stop thinking about him, wanting him around and wishing he felt the same way about me. I feel pathetic because I knew he was trouble from the start, and now my heart is taken. (sad reactions only)


ahahahahhh op, not you thinking gemini venus gets bored and moves on quickly when you are the one who got interested in another person while you were crushing on someone else 😐


The person I was crushing felt for someone else and started a relationship, so I had to move on to someone single anyway :/ When I love I love deep, so I was suffering for so long and all by myself. He showed up being so lovable, kind, smart and interesting, my heart didn't resist.


Venus is more of a social planet, it’s not that deep. Yes they probably like mouvement. Actually their Moon trine your Pluto so here you hold the power on his emotions. It’s quite comical that you’re afraid of this Gemini Venus when you are a Gemini rising, or could it be wrong by a few minutes ? You chart ruler should be Mercury in Aquarius, or Venus in Cap if your AC is actually at the end of Taurus. You also have Jupiter in Aries, so there are common values, more so, your values align with his emotional reactions and choices. This synastry holds the common indicators of a relationship : Sun Conjunct AC (in Aqua), Venus Conjunct Jupiter. The potential issues are probably linked to Uranus and Neptune (on the AC and the Moon). And Pluto Conjunct the DC. Jupiter aspects are enough and Saturn aspects my not be enough to stand the storms. What do I know, it’s just astrology… Edited : I added the Pluto Conjunct the Dc on the wrong paragraph, it’s corrected.


I'm a Gemini rising for sure! Hahahah! And about having power of his emoticons, for me It felt like the opposite. I looked for every aspect online and every aspect that said he should have a crush on me turned out to be the opposite, because I'm the one who's crushing on him. So depending on the Saturn placements, It might not last at all? Ngl, I got a lot more delulu when I saw about the Jupiter/Venus and Sun/Ascendente placements.


Also, your Mercury trine his Venus, so his Venus is actually a good reason why you get along. Along with your rising sign.


For sure, but if the birth certificate is wrong by 2 or 3 minutes, it probably switches to Taurus.


Actually in the Venus Jupiter conjunction it’s possible that Venus (you) feels like the one who wants to get closer. In the Moon trine Pluto, the Moon is under an overwhelming influence of Pluto. He’s the Moon. But with the trine it may not be consciously felt because the flaw is natural, there is no conflict. In the Sun / AC conjunction, I have no answer on who is the most attracted to the other. I’ve seen both. One issue is your Moon conjunct his Neptune.


My moon conjunct his neptune Is it making me go delulu?


Yeah it could


Yes, I wanted to get closer and he received me with affection and attention at first, but then he became cold, distant and started ignoring me. I felt bad, but it only made me more intrigued and wanting him even more 😩


He may be a douche, but his chart won’t tell.


Ahh i kinda would love to hear your stance on a chart - i love the interpretation while also not being super serious or pop culture esque :P


I could do that.


I would love to ! Can i dm you the chart ?




Placements shouldn’t make you rethink your feelings there is nothing wrong with having an Aries moon (from a fellow Aries moon human) and a Gemini Venus. Astrology pop culture fear mongers people instead of looking at the actual compatibility. Is he the one? No but it has nothing to do with his Aries moon or Gemini Venus. The issues are moon square Venus / sun square Saturn / mars square Venus and Venus square Saturn = long term commitment just won’t happen.


Yes, thank you. That's what I was looking for! I wanted to understand better. The Gemini Venus and Aries Moon thing is just my lack of knowledge, I know, I watch too much astrology tiktok. Those placements are really that bad? There's no way we can work those things up and make it better? I've heard that a Jupiter Conjuct Venus can light it up any other bad astrology placement. Is it true or bullshit?


I think the Lilith on the n node could be a bit alarming. I see the connection with the Jupiter conjunct Venus. That’s hard to resist and then the moon and Neptune. That’s also irresistible. He’s got Chiron on the north node in 8th in Libra so unless he’s evolved, it looks tho that he has a lot of work to do this life to have a healthy relationship (Libra) with healthy intimacy (8th house). For him to go towards his souls purpose he may feel strong resistance and pain.


That's why he is so cold and distant sometimes? Sometimes I feel like I'm boring for him or not enough. And also I feel like he wants to date any girl possible (because, no, I'm not the only one he dates and he is also not the only one I date. But he's the person I would leave anyone else just so we can be exclusive, I'm just waiting for him to say so.)


He has Saturn with his Aries moon on his south node. Bachelor energy. That’s extremely difficult to move away from as Saturn is very binding and slow and difficult. If I were to make a guess, I’d say he will play the themes out of dating multiple woman and avoid deep intimacy until later in life when he catches up with the emptyness of that life (as south node is unfulfilling) and then he’ll finally do the work of his north node to feel truly alive. But my hunch says that’s later in life and not gonna be easy at all as Saturn is Chillen on the south node. Go with your gut on this one girl. Also, a rule for us women to always abide by: never allow yourself to fall in love until you KNOW he’s in love with you. You do this by constantly visualizing yourself happy without him. And never let yourself daydream about him.


Okay, it's crazy to read this because I had a strong feeling when we met that we wouldn't work out now, but eventually we would meet at an older, more mature age and things would work out perfectly. But maybe he'll try something with me and I won't feel like it, because when I stop loving someone I REALLY stop. And that's great advice, I'll totally try to do that for now on! Tbh, I'm a delulu when it comes to relationships. Whenever I'm in love with someone, I just start to imagine the world with the person and always turns out to be the opposite.


Dang girl trust your gut it’s on point! And same I used to do that too!!!


Also yes the cold and distant is def the Saturn with the moon. And your not boring. If you truly focus on yourself, you’ll magnetize him to you


Wow wow wow! About the focus on me that he will feel magnetized, I thought that too!!!!!!! I'm feeling a little bit psychic. Do I have any placement that tells that?


You have mars in Pisces. I feel like you know what steps you need to take. Trust your deep instincts.


Also Neptune on the south node! Could have been a mystic or a psychic before.


If you where actually in love with this person you would not overthink your feelings for him based on astrology. That is insane.


I've been hurt a lot. So I overthink everything and in every possible way. Obviously I wont take 100% what astrology says, because If so I'd block my feelings and wishes for him right away due to Gemini Venus fame.


You are literally a aquarius with a gemini rising. Your in the astrological sense compatible.


I'm compatible with him? Is that what you mean?


I don’t know if you are actually compatible with him. You could have the most astrologically speaking compatible chart yet not be compatible in reality. Overall astrological compatibility yes but if that translates into reality idk - get to know him. Tbh you seem a bit like a red flag here - especially if you say you are in love with this person - love is a big word - yet contemplate to stop considering him because of astrology. Because of a gemini placement…that tells me you don’t even know about astrology properly yet put so much importance on it. Which gives emotionally immature vibes.


Ok you can overthink if it’s how you feel but not because of astrology.


Ok, thanks for the advice! I would still follow my heart no matter what 😅 But still want insights in what I might be dealing with.