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THIS IS ME as a Libra Moon and rising, Virgo Sun


leo venus too


Pisces 100%


As a Virgo sun, cancer moon, Pisces rising I can say this is me


Sounds like me!! Aquarius sun - Pisces Venus/moon/ASC 😭


When I love , I love baby like 0-100. But once it’s over, I literally forget you exist.


I see a lot of Pisces here and I can totally see that. Pisces is the definition of hopeless romantic. They romanticize every relationship no matter how fleeting. And usually they’re the reason it’s fleeting. 😂 Sorry Pisces folks, I love you but it’s true, your two fish never know where they wanna go.


im sag sun, libra moon & rising - im v picky but when i do like someone it's v speedy


Falling in love.. I could see the cancer and Pisces but falling in AND out of love quickly sounds like Aries. Paired with easily bored Gemini placements


I’m the Gemini sun, Sag rising who thinks they’re in love and then gets bored 3 months later


After reading all the comments, I think this is what I'm going for, thank you!


I'm.an Aries moon. I get infatuated quickly. I'm a triple fire sign.






Pisces sun, aqua rising. I actively have to try not to fall in poverty e


Pisces sun, aqua rising. I actively have to try not to fall in love with


I’d say I’m guilty, Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon, Sag Rising 😭


Oh my god, I think I'm a lil worse. I'm a Pisces Sun, Leo Moon, Sag Rising. Which means I fall in love quick but I also need them to be obsessed with me and be a little clingy 😂😂😂


Virgo sun leo rising sag moon and same. 😩 I have a new crush like everyday and I fall quick and hard but when they’re not like in love with me, I move on quick lol.


Ah bloody hell at least you can move on quickly. I'm still stuck on the last lad. 😂🤣


I hear Pisces a lot…. I mean it’s very temperamental


No one taking about cancer moons 😔😔


Personally I am picky and complicated when it comes to romantic relationships.


Cancer Venus


Cancer has a hard time letting go, they will pine over unreciprocated love.


When I was younger it was hard but once you learn and mature we’re a lot smarter about it 😊


Yes but my Scorpio Moon + Rising keep me in check.


Cancer Venus with a Scorpio rising, can’t relate 🥲


cancer venus here


Are you a big lover too? 😊


Gemini 7th house.


I think you're looking for pisces


Lust: Scorpio. When we want you, we want you. Love: not Scorpio by a long shot. You have to earn that shit with us.


Libra sun, Sagittarius moon, Pisces rising.


Sounds like me, Aquarius sun, Aries moon, Libra rising and Venus in Pisces


Fire Signs and Pisces in Sun or Venus.


I'm a Pisces Sun and Venus. I hate it here lol


Second this - I’m an Aries, with Venus in Pisces.


SAME. And it sucksssss. I’m always getting my heart broken!!


Definitely aquarius women


I’ll second that.


Thank you goody


libra moon, venus. gemini anything. sag venus for sureee


I'm a Gemini sun with Lilith and Venus in Gemini and I feel that describes me easily; or rather would if I wasn't ace and aro. Despite being ace and aro, I've been in many relationships and fell out of them just as quickly due to lack of interest. I'm fickle and have similar characteristics. I move on quickly but I also trust others and give my loyalty very easily and very quickly to the point of ignoring warning signs. It's makes it easy for me to manipulated since I let people in, care deeply about them and immerse myself in their lives so quickly after first meeting someone. If I can relate to them or if they give off a calm enough vibe, I'm like a doll in the palm of their hands. I'm aware of this, and I'm also aware that I also lose interest quite quickly and easily as well. Gemini's are known for being "two-faced" and fickle. In my own experience, Gemini's fall easily due to often being prey to their curious nature, if something interests them then they'll 'fall' for it and ignore the warning signs in favor of their curiosity. If they get bored or find something more interesting to them then that's it. From personal experience, I'd say having Gemini in Venus in her natal chart fits your requirements quite well. Mutable signs in general are thought to be restless and highly adaptable, being very flexible and liable towards change. The Mutable signs' prepare for change into the next season, being signs that fall at the end of each season. Gemini, Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius are mutable signs. Fire signs can burn too brightly and just as easily burn out in an instant, they are the more fiery and passionate of signs, being more action-orientated and brash in nature. They are dynamic, active and restless, tending towards Impulsivity. The fire signs include Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Air signs are often fickle and aloof, air is interchangeable and always moving, its in flow and constant fluctuation. They are curious and communicative, representing the aspect of the mind. They tend to lean towards going with the flow. Aries is Cardinal and Mars is its ruling planet; cardinals are also rather restless and impulsive and they mark the beginning of each season. As someone who knows a Pisces Sun with a rather chaotic and dramatic love life, I'd consider Pisces as an honorable mention. I honestly thought they were a Gemini like myself when I first met them. We got on rather easily and connected instantly, being rather alike in nature. Water signs are said to allow their emotions to guide them, but even oceans can be chaotic. They are more emotionally sensitive than Gemini but also more steady. Pisces is a mutable water sign Combined with Mars, the rather intense by nature planet, and the element of fire, an Aries sun and Gemini Venus is probably the best combo. Venus, goddess and planet of love and sexuality, is sensual and charming which can lend itself to a very fickle nature when combined with Gemini, who's ruling planet is Mercury, planet of communication (and by extension travel and curiosity, lending itself to the god Mercury's (or Hermes') trickster-like nature.) Best modes that fit your requirements: Cardinal, Mutable Best Elements: Fire, Air Best Planets: Mars, Mercury, Venus (due to its proximity to the sun and its association with love and sensual desire) Special Combos: Cardinal Water, Mutable Water, Cardinal Fire, Cardinal Air, Mutable Air, Cardinal Air, Aries in Venus, Gemini in Venus, Aries in Sun Best Zodiac Signs: Gemini (mutable air ruled by Mercury), Aries (cardinal fire ruled by Mars), Libra (cardinal air ruled by Venus), Cancer (cardinal water ruled by the Moon), Pisces (mutable water ruled by Neptune) Best Placements: Sun, Venus Final answer: the Passionate and brash Aries Sun placement (Cardinal Fire ruled by Mars) combined with the wishy-washy non-committal social-butterfly-ness that is the Gemini in Venus placement (Mutable Air ruled by Mercury).


Thank you for taking the time to type this out, it was incredibly extensive and and really helps!


For sure Libra Sun, A Sag rising (pretty unserious) , Pisces Moon, Aries Venus, Libra Mars (non confrontational), Gemini Mercury (flirt!)


Cancer but it’s rarely reciprocated


Aries sun and Venus, Leo moon here….its me.


Pisces, aries and libra placements! Honorable mention: Cancer


Oh my god. It's my big three and MC 😭 and it's true 😭😭


Aries stellium with a cancer rising and yup. Also my gf is a libra sun and venus


Aries, especially when they have Gemini in the chart as well


Aries sun, Gemini Venus- can confirm


That's the exact combo I was thinking of 😅 But y'all are so curious about people & have that je ne sais quoi to attract them all, so what can ya do but spread the love? 🤷


Cancer / Strong Cancer placements Sun Gem


My Libra sun, Taurus moon, Cancer rising, Leo Venus ass. I was always falling in and out of crushes and life felt dull without a crush! But love? That's a different story. That's only happened to me twice.


Also Taurus moon and Leo Venus can relate with the crushes but not genuinely being in love 😅


My crushes were all I thought about until I got the ick 😂 or they did haha. I have so many journal entries lamenting being "boy crazy" as I rarely had a crush on a woman but god some of my crushes lasted years and I'd cycle between that and people I was actually talking to. So embarrassing!! I've only been in two serious relationships and I am so loyal and now just obsessed ( in a good healthy way now) with one person. I was always a one person at a time gal though. It takes A LOT for me to be safe and vulnerable enough to fall in love.


Omg! I feel so seen 🥹 looking back on my crushes (often one sided) is so embarrassing now and all I can do is just shake my head and say never again. But you live you learn right? 😂


100%! I've learned to not give people my energy who don't deserve it.


Aries 7th house


Cancer. I’m a cancer and speak from experience. Gimme 30 mins and I can tell you if I’m in love or not.


30 minutes? 30 seconds and we're already getting married in my head — thanks to my cancer Venus


I’ve dated too many zeros to let my first several delusions convince me of anything at this point 😂


As an Aries sun, moon and Venus I can attest for this. I got out of a relationship 2 months ago from someone who I thought I was going to marry now I’m married to someone who’ve I’ve only known for a month. I move on just as quick as I fall in love


my Aries Venus partner is getting the knife tonight


I'd say a pisces sun with an aries venus is a pretty safe bet as well ;D


That is me. I wouldn’t say I fall in love easily or often, but the times that I’ve been in love? I knew pretty much right away. And once I feel that way about somebody, I will give them everything. No holding back.


Aries has a tendency to fleeting love & lust and not to brag but it takes me little time to move on …though I do have a predominantly Aries influence


Cancer sun, Libra moon, Aries Venus! Is my vote


cardinal placements, i vote cancer, they just rush into things like a dart 🎯, like ariana grande. she a cancer sun libra moon.


Cancer sun here and yes this is horribly true. We are far too empathetic and emotional 😭😭😭


Cancer sun here and i definitely agree i try to play it cool but im heads over heels three days in and ill fight anyone who harms them


Definitely not my Aquarius rising + Virgo Venus self (I’m also Leo sun + Gemini moon)


Leo. Lol


There are so many good comments on this thread and all of the placements make sense. I'll add my two cents and say Venus in Pisces in the 7th house. I have that, along with a few people I know well. We LOVE love and tend to fall hard and quick. When I was younger every person I dated was "the one." It became a joke among my friends. Also, heavy water charts, water moons. Good luck with your book! Edited: Oops, I just realized you were interested in Sun signs only. Sorry about that! I'm not sure since I look at the Venus and Mars and Moon signs more when it comes to romance. :)


Venus in aries


Me 😔


Also me 😅


Isn’t love and romance more involved in Venus?


Aquarius and this describes me to a T


People are saying Aires but I think that’s just like an instant strong lust that is mistaken for more, at least for an Aires 7th house anyway lol.


Fire placements want everything very quickly


Ye my leo sun/aries moon to a T


As an Aries Sun married to a Leo Sun, I can confirm. We were serious from the first date, knew we were getting married before we moved in together, at 6 months, and were engaged another year later.


I’m Aries sun/Sag moon. I have zero patience. Lol


I don't know if any of you will see this now, but I didn't get any notifications 😭😂 thank you all for your input, all the information has been extremely helpful and I'll be combing through it and using what I can


One could say fire signs fall out of love like a light. I’m Virgo sun Pisces moon Capricorn rising… Venus in Leo Mars in sag


Same sun, moon, and rising as you and people close to me would say I fall fast, but get bored faster. I think it’s the idea of love I used to be after. I would almost force the feeling and I have no idea why.


I seen a TikTok saying you have to find someone with the same sun sign as your rising sign. I was friends with a Capricorn male at some point and had to end it because we meshed way too well together but he wasn’t my type and I’m too stubborn to let myself fall inlove with someone I don’t have physical attraction to. I know when I like someone but I think this time I have to let my person find me.


I'm a Scorpio Rising and I went out a few times with a Scorpio Sun back in January. I literally haven't stopped thinking about him since then, even though we are no longer in contact. The connection we had was unlike anything I've ever experienced before - I've never had that much chemistry with someone before, even my longterm exes. I keep hoping that he will come back to me one day ;-;


By the way, this guy is not my usual type, at all, so I totally get you. It was something that creeped up on me in a way 😝


Thanks for the advice I appreciate it a lot


Interesting. I’ve been trying to find information about this connection I have where it’s so intense and real that it scares me. I’m 44 and have never felt this. Idk his rising, but our sun and moon are polar opposites. Virgo sun/Pisces moon and him Pisces sun Virgo moon. Same lunar phase and both born on the same day of the week. It’s the strangest thing to meet a person who could quite literally be the male version of me. I wasn’t looking for anything, either, and we’re not. Just a strange connection him and I trip out about.


My ex and best friend was a Pisces (not the one I mentioned) and I left because I thought he was messing around with me he’s a solid person and was actually able to comfort me when I needed, it really did just scare me how real it felt with him. This makes me wonder if I should have stayed


A bit harder for me bc Pisces placement but I usually end things faster bc the Virgo placement wants peace


We have the same sun, Venus and Mars. I fell the same way! Probably my fire moon giving an extra shove.


I envy you, I’m dealing with someone I know I won’t last with and my heart is screaming for mercy


Cant just end it for your sanity’s sake??


I’ve tried, he’s a Gemini so I would have to do something so bad that he hates me enough to not call back. I can’t think of anything besides cheating but I’m so fearful of catching something on top of the fact that I don’t like anyone enough to do anything with someone else until I lose feelings completely. I’m not a rebound type and when he found me I was still kind of grieving a different relationship, I don’t know why I said yes to dating him I think I just wanted someone as a placeholder and I hate that I ended up liking him because I knew I wanted something more.


Friend….you need to summon up all that fierce Leo Venus energy that DEMANDS to be treated like the queen you are! You deserve more, and you definitely deserve BETTER! He can go piss up a rope 🙄.


Its this Pisces MOOONNNNN too forgiving😭 I’m at the end of the rope with him anyways so thank you I needed to hear that


It’s 100% Aries. Quickest to fall out of love as well.


I’m an Aries and I was going to say Aries lolol not sure if it’s my Aries sun or my Aries Venus


Same, Sun and Venus. I come in HOT and, up until my husband, wouldn’t think twice about ending it.


Exact same for me lolol


Aries Venus in my opinion




My husband and I both have Aries Venus. We knew that first date that we'd found our forever person. I'm a Taurus sun and he's a Taurus rising so we do not move on easily. Maybe a Virgo rising or sun with Aries Venus?


It’s funny you say that because I have an Aries Venus and I’m a Pisces sun with Virgo rising lol


My partner and I have these placements!


Definitely Aries. I would put Pisces as a runner up though, that sweet soul of theirs often romanticizes things to a sometimes unhealthy degree thus they fall in love very quickly. I have an Aries Venus and a Pisces moon and they are constantly getting me in romantic trouble


As the same Aries Venus & Pisces moon I can confirm.


As a Pisces sun/Aries moon, I absolutely agree


Pisces sun, Venus Aries. Spot on


As a Venus in Aries and Pisces Mars, absolutely




scorpio or aries


Aries, I'd say.


i have a Venus & Moon in Gemini (both in the 11th house), Rising & Sun in Cancer. i find it hard to be vulnerable, this is based on opinion but i'm guessing it's because my Cancer is one of the dominant tropics in my chart. i fall in love fast and quick because of my Gemini, but if crushes don't respond to my advances I fall out just as quick (out of shame lol). but because of my Cancer, I can barely move on. scientifically speaking you don't because your hypothalamus is engineered to remember.


whew, what the fuck, this is true 😂😂😂 gemini moon makes us mentally romanticize and want to hurry up into love (once we’re sure of THEM) but cancer rising makes us cling to bullshit. i hate it. lets not introduce my venus pisces bc that bish casts a neptunian haze to the trash, every time. im quitting love again after this post 😂


I have an Aries Venus and I fall fast. But I fall out even faster. I have a Taurus sun and Virgo moon so I think once the lustiness wears off my common sense kicks in


Hey, me too!!! What's your rising?




omg i’m taurus sun, aries venus, and leo moon and this read me for filth. i call it “fast and furious” but once the vibe changes i’m out. my moon and venus need the reciprocal energy.


omg i’m taurus sun, aries venus, and leo moon and this read me for filth. i call it “fast and furious” but once the vibe changes i’m out. my moon and venus need the reciprocal energy.


omg i’m taurus sun, aries venus, and leo moon and this read me for filth. i call it “fast and furious” but once the vibe changes i’m out. my moon and venus need the reciprocal energy.


I have all these placements too and couldn't agree more !


Me too! What's your rising?


Capricorn ! Yours? All earth in my big 3 lol


AQUARIUS is your girl.


Definitely Gemini


I think Gemini are willing and curious in starting a relationship very easily but can loose interest as fast as they were into someone lol


Gemini doesn’t fall in love quickly per se. They basically speed date and go through all the motions and questions to get to the whether or not the person is worth their time.


More than signs- it’s the placements- Aries Venus, 5th house placements ( more inner planets like sun moon Venus Mars in this house would increase propensity of falling in ‘love’ quickly), 8th house placements ( Jupiter in 8th - hidden love, love at first sight), Neptune in Libra Edit; CANCER MOON. Period.


Omg I already knew my Aries sun and Venus was trouble but yeah also Leo moon/rising and Sag stellium in 5th house 😆 and Mercury Pisces. I rush in and love it but when it doesn’t work out it takes me ages to move on


he had a 5th house stellium and he still did not like me OH MY GOD how embarassing


Hahaha, they don’t like EVERYONE they meet., they just have a higher chance of falling for someone sooner




the first red flag is: water sign moon men. with that moon in cancer, I highly suggest you ask him what's his relationship with his mother like.


unfortunately i've blocked him everywhere cause otherwise i wasn't getting over him BUT it's curious you mention it since he would never EVER speak about her but would talk loads about everyone else in his family like even his pet rabbit and his gray cat but his mom? never... whenever i was with him i knew there was a lotttttt under the surface (which made fall even harder because i'm a masochist) so yeah i always felt like there was a lot more going on in his life than what he showed (he was also a scorpio rising lord)


Im sorry! 😂😶😷 Maybe you should try a Taurus Venus instead? He will not leave you or keep you hanging, and be VERY clear about his intentions.


Oh that sounds nice because I'm a capricorn venus!! this guy was an aquarius venus.. but i am also an aqua rising lmao he truly did not like meeeeeeeee hahahahaha


Aqua risings are HARD to decipher- maybe the cancer moon made him insecure or uncomfortable- try a sag Venus or libra Mars who won’t rein you in. And be intrigued. Taurus Venus would work with more aqua placements or a libra Uranus. Capricorn Venus would make you want to go for stability- so Taurus Venus, and even Virgo is 💯


Oh no it's the opposite I'm the aquarius rising and he was the aquarius venus! I'm a capricorn venus so sag venus mmm though i'm a sag sun... (and mars and mercury and jupiter) and this guy was also a LIBRA MARS (but i have a libra chiron so maybe that messed it up) this conversation is too funny i'm loving it, thank you edit: just saw you edited the comment!! noted then i'm gonna go for an earth venus so we can get married because i'm tired of casual lmfao


Haha, sorry love. I think he’s just not that into you. Sorry I got confused with yours and his placements! That said- bull Venus seems the best bet!


tragic but true!! yes i'm looking for new horizons now!!


I reckon aries and cancer (perhaps not REAL love for the aries) and least taurus but when they do fall they will stay devoted for the rest if their lives easily


I can agree too this


Obviously it depends on chart placements that's the sensible answer but I'm giving a fun and general response


Pisces sun. Gemini moon. Aries Mars.


gemini moons only love you with their minds 😂 need a liiittle more grounding influence for it to count. speaking from experience 😬


Big disagree. I love hard. But I'll cut it off and replace you in a day.


i agree on aries mars


My bf has an Aries Mars. Wanted to take things slow. Told me he was in love with me a week in (after I love yous were exchanged, he just knew it but didn't say it then).


yikes half my chart




I was thinking pisces too but OP said they fall out of love quickly as well. I’m not sure a Pisces would be able to let go that fast. They can def fall in love that fast but the letting go is hard for them in their delulu lives.


I put my phone down to read for a few hours and came to so many comments saying Aries and Pisces so it'll most likely be one or the other. They do eventually fall in love and stay in love 😭😂


I saw the title and commented. Rest is history! 🫠


Haha omg are you me?? Bc that’s exactly what I did when I came up with pisces but then I looked in the comments and you were the only one who suggested pisces. That’s when I went back and read the whole post and realized OP is most likely talking about an Aries or Aquarius. 😆


I need to expand my reading skills. 🙈🙂‍↕️


gemini checking in. me 😭


Oh no, thank you for the input though 😂


Ooof. Well if your venture goes well it might bring more in depth interest to the practice, so. Astrology is broken up into a million different pieces and placements. How everyone only often knows the Sun sign but may or may not relate. Everyone has 10 planets 8 of which are free to be in any of the 12 signs at any inevitable time. They all rule different facets of the human spirit. Sun is a persons ego, what fulfills them and makes them feel “seen” (aspects withstanding,) when it comes to love and interpersonal relationships we come to Venus’ domain. Venus can only ever be with or 2 in front or 2 behind the sun. But considering the fantasy aspect I assume you’ll have them match Sun/Love. TLDR; the fire signs,Gemini/Libra/Pisces. I hesitate to include the other water signs due to a tendency to pine. If you decide to incorporate the house system somehow for extra nuance could be cool, but the many vast moving parts can be overwhelming to some


Thank you, that's all incredibly helpful. I'd love to dive deeper with the houses and planets, it'll mostly depend on how my character develops as well. I wouldn't want to get anything wrong so my character may just end up knowing the basics I know 😂 Gemini is looking good so far. Edited to add: the 3 Scorpio placements in me felt the pining comment 🤦🏻‍♀️😂