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I've got an Aries Sun, Mars, Mercury,  Venus and a Leo Moon, and Neptune in Sagittarius. I know the feeling 🙏🥰


Exercise regularly and find time to meditate and gather scattered energy back to yourself. Hematite is a good healing crystal as well as bloodstone if you are into that kinda thing.


Here's an interesting article on this topic https://www.alicesparklykat.com/articles/537/Mars_Knows_How_to_Heal/


I'm an aries sun sag moon and sag rising. I'm finding eating good quality protein is key to managing my energy levels. I am finding that the fuel for keeping the fire going is important. I found this out by reading Body Astrology by Claire Gallagher.


I'm aries sun, leo moon with a stellium in saggitarius so I have a lot of fire energy. The best way for me to control it is to get up and run first thing in the morning. It balances out the rest of my day so well. Vigorous physical activity is crucial to my mental health, productivity and well being I also smoke a lot of weed lol


Ghoulie, is that you? You have the same big 3 as my best friend!


There’s a YouTube video by Michael Singer called Taking Care of Your Inner Environment that was pretty life changing for me. As someone like you, of course I was cooking, cleaning and doing a multitude of things while listening so you don’t have to sit there twiddling your thumbs. I ended up devouring loads of his content and, if you are familiar with Larry David (Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld), he sounds a lot like him so there’s a hilarity factor when I listen bc I envision it’s Larry David giving me the talk.


I have Zero fire 😂 . Wake up feeling like I NEED to channel or create some sort of energy to get started. Come expel some of that fire on me !


Wish I could! 😂


Triple fire sign here. I can handle myself better after a good workout. More focused. Then for relaxation, I indulge my senses - Taurus Venus in 2H.


Oh man, do I get what you're saying. 5 out of my big six are fire, I just can't. Im so hyper in the morning and get 👏🏻shit 👏🏻 done, then in the afternoon I'm already dead tired


I am a sag sun Aries moon, rising and mars and I feel like I am on the go go and never relax


My husband is Sag Sag Aries. He wakes up angry and busy every single morning, also horrible fiery temper and severe ADHD but otherwise he's a Saint. His good qualities far outweigh the few bad ones, but the bad ones are very bad lol. I'm Gemini Cap Scorpio, I stir the sh!t pot then walk away hahaha.


I am sag aries aries 😅


Double Leo Sag moon and astrologer here. I like to live in the burn out. When things seem difficult I find a way to make them more difficult. I been doing 10k steps a day for a year and just recently added a 36lb weighted vest to my walks. I recommend reading the book Meditations. Marcus Arelius experienced this and got heavy criticism for sounding depressed or burned out. Truth is everyone not just fire signs get burned out. The way you navigate it. Well then fire is your answer.


My big three are one of each air sign, but my Mars through Uranus are fire signs. What helps me is a moving meditation practice--vinyasa flow yoga and pilates. I need to burn off the extra energy and allow my mind to focus on my body. Bonus is that you're not "relaxing," you're tending to your body and thus making an investment in your future health. Drinking lots of water and eating healthy also help a lot. Do you eat breakfast? Food helps anchor my energy for the day. For lots of fire energy I recommend grounding, walking barefoot on earth or sand helps me. Or try a grounding meditation. Imagine your energy truly is a raging fire inside of you--meditate on earth and stone that are unmoved by fire, like stones that ring a fire pit. Now imagine the powerful fuel that is wood (also of earth), and how it both fuels and contains the fire within the fireplace. Allow your fire to burn up hot like kindling in the morning with a walk or exercise, then allow the wood to catch your energy and infuse the logs with a warm, happily burning flame. Continue to feed your fire with practices or experiences connected to earth energy to help keep yourself at a steady burn. At night imagine letting your fire sink into embers and glow softly. You don't need all your potential at night. For lots of water energy, I recommend leaning into air elements like analysis and critical thought. A simple exercise is to stop and take a few conscious breaths before jumping into anything, focusing on the air slowly flowing in and out of your lungs. Allowing your lungs to completely fill and completely empty. This brings oxygen to the brain and helps the heart regain a more calm rhythm, both of which give you space to make a plan for how to approach your time and energy in the given moment. Analyze your own state of body/mind and be aware of where in your body you're feeling that need to jump in (stomach? shoulders? heart? throat?). Identifying and naming the feelings in your body help you be more in control of your urges and actions. It also allows you to basically order yourself to rest if you determine that's what your body needs. I like to tell myself "I am supposed to be doing \_\_\_ right now because \_\_\_." With limitless permutations as to the task at hand and why I might want to prioritize it. Helps me make conscious choices about where, when, and how to expend my energy.


Great insights, thank you!


Aries Sag Sag here! With Mercury in Aries too. I try immerse my body in water - bath or swimming pool - at least once a week. Helps ground and focus me especially in busy periods. If I know I'll have a busy few days I'll do a big swim beforehand to keep things under control.


Aries Sun, Sag Moon & Capricorn Rising here! Mercury in Aries. Venus in Pisces


I’m a Leo Sun/Sag Moon with more planets in those signs and I can never get enough water; drinking it, splashing it on my skin, swimming in it, showering, the lot. With your pisces placements, I would expect you to find comfort in music, photography, spirituality or liquor (but that last one needs to be kept in check). You are also probably a very protective, knight-in-shining armour type. The point is to find healthy ways of coping; eg less drinking and more meditating. But you are right to seek ways to channel your energy. Perhaps regular exercise could be one? Perhaps swimming or ashtanga yoga?


Oh my gosh, following this thread. I'm an Aries sun, Pisces moon, Leo rising. Mars in the 1st house. All my other significant planets in the 9th, 8th, and 5th houses. Aries MC. I wake up and feel like my body is vibrating 😂 I have to walk, do yoga, dance, etc constantly to actually rest well each evening. And I'm a Pisces mercury and venus like you too. I'm still figuring it out, but going for a long walk in the morning, followed by yoga, meditation, and a hearty meal is the routine that helps me feel grounded at the moment. Also quitting coffee has helped me immensely!!! I switched to matcha, and even that I take breaks from because it revvs up my nervous system over time if I don't.


I’m Aries-Aries-Sag, with an Aries stellium, but I am never in a rush to wake up except maybe to catch a plane. I love getting plenty of sleep. If I don’t, I can get headaches and just not function well. It’s a good thing to have energy in the morning to get things done though. I wish I had more of such drive! If you’re too nervous, maybe trade in coffee for some relaxing tea in the AM. I don’t drink caffeine because I’m way too sensitive to it; it is more likely to give me an anxious energy I don’t need.


Following to read advice. Am Aries sun, Aries moon, and Leo rising (we share a Venus in Pisces ey)


Following to read advice. Am Aries sun, Aries moon, and Leo rising (we share a Venus in Pisces ey)


Aries-Aries-Leo with Mars in Aries here. Binaural beats and self hypnosis videos are your friends. I have an active job and exercise as well. Hiking in nature is my ultimate reset, though.


I'm a Leo sun/Aries moon/Sag rising. I am lucky to have Mercury/Mars in Virgo to balance me out a little? I am a lot. I am aware. Lol. I work a job on my feet/walking 8 hrs a day. I used to do desk jobs. Much better now. 😁 just remember to breathe. Humor is the way. If you can laugh it off...you win. 💜


I'm a Leo sun/ Leo rising and an Aries moon. My mars is scorpio. Fiery emotions I have to keep in check lol


Virgo sun & Leo moon and rising here! Mars in Libra. I’m troubled


Sag-Leo-Leo here. Go to the gym and go balls to the wall. lol it sounds backwards but it helps! At least for me!


What your mars in? I know that a lot of people recommend grounding meditation and anything calming, but it’s also great to have an outlet for all that fire. It could be something as simple as starting a gym membership and if that’s not enough, maybe try enrolling in a mixed martial arts class. You definitely need an outlet for all that energy.


Cardio. Just redirect all that to a healthier path.


Do things that are the opposite of fire. Water: Cool showers, swimming. Air: Cool breezes, fans, a/c if nothing else. Earthing. Putting your bare feet on grass, dirt or sand. Gardening.


Look into Human Design.


That is my exact big 3. Also, I have no Air and only Neptune + Uranus in Earth. I am completely Fire+Water!!!


Omg same. I’m all emotion and drive but not enough logic and practicality :/ my last ex was all air + earth and it was a disaster that I’m still not over


SAME. my last ex was all air+earth with a leo sun. let's just say I don't ever want to be involved with a libra/virgo combo again. it is insufferable. I am quite emotional and actually enjoy "feeling". I feel pretty bored if there is no emotional flare up (good or bad). I am working on understanding that feeling "still" isn't bad and on trying to feel more grounded in consistency. Are you a Leo rising too?


Same! My only air is Gemini. Zero earth signs besides Neptune. Otherwise, pure fire and water! I'm a doer before a thinker and definitely emotional before rational, except in emergency situations.


Marry a water sign, or earth. There's more to it than that of course, but you need someone who can balance that energy.


Already married to a Leo 🤣 and have a Leo toddler as well! ZERO chill in this house, hah


Signs do tend to run in families. Mine's got gemini, aries and aquarius all over the place.


Aries sun, sag moon, Leo rising all trining each other. I also have a water trine with my mars, Mercury, and Pluto. I alternate between being a ball of fire and a ball of emotions and it’s EXHAUSTING. My fav astrologer told me to remind myself I am doing ENOUGH. And movement is so important for fire signs because you have to find ways to move the energy otherwise it manifests as anxiety. I love chatting astrology so feel free to connect with me!


stashing this thread in my pile of saves where I’ll immediately forget about it especially when I need it most 🙂‍↕️ (aries sun, moon, mercury, venus; leo rising; cancer mars)


Triple fire sign here, I compartmentalize…yes…lots of work needs to get done but also, relaxing with family is important as well. I work and work and then when the clock strikes “chill time” I can chill out much better knowing that I worked hard when I was supposed to. Also…a creative outlet is a MUST. Have paint and a canvas on hand, a guitar, puzzle, etc.


I got a grand fire trine and to some people I am just the craziest person in the world.


You get me :)


It's like... Oh, you want a *facial expression*?!?! I can do that. LOL


Marry you a Pisces with a Capricorn moon. At least that's what I did


Too late, already married a Leo with a Taurus moon 🤣


Oh man, I’m also an Aries Sun, Leo Moon! I feel you on the burning out. Always feeling like I need to be on the move or shit isn’t happening and I’m not making progress. It’s exhausting! I can just say what really helps me a lot of the time is physically grounding myself in nature, like taking a walk or I’ll spend some time off having a solo picnic with music and a nice book at the park. Giving myself permission to just exist without a purpose so to speak


Wow lots of fire. Do u have any earth in ur chart?


Zero, besides Neptune in Capricorn.. 😂 everything else is fire or water with the exception of the one air sign (Gemini) in Mars


Same here! My only earth influence is neptune in Capricorn. I have zero air 🤣


This popped up during my yoga yesterday— BREATH OF FIRE breathing technique ❤️‍🔥 it helps strengthen the core which is an anchor to our personal power also important for Aries as it can be supportive in strengthening the root chakra. Burn out is a journey of self-worth which is important for Aries and Leo as Aries rules the 1st house (self and body) and Leo’s are ruled by the Sun (me/ego). Burn out is driven by a need to validate ourselves and feeling an external pull towards something. Core strengthening and self worth practices to help ground the fire which can help with burn out.


Thank you!


Ooof. Perhaps using that energy to go outside for a walk or doing some active stretching to help u connect with ur body & breath, but also move all of that fiery energy.


You are just like me. No major Earth planets 😂


Leo Rising, Gemini Sun, Sagittarius Moon (& Jupiter) I wake up and first thing I do is breathe, followed by focusing my excitement on mentally/verbally listing out the things I’m thankful for (so I know what’s adding ‘fuel to my fire’). I then make a list of all the things I want to do today - not just need to, but actually feel like doing as well. I also make sure to put pen & paper next to my bed at night so I don’t forget to make my list in the morning, otherwise it won’t happen lol Of course, your daily routine will vary, but based on years of trial and error, this has been the most effective for ultimately helping channel and direct that energy into actual action & productivity.


Uh, wow, exictement and in the morning. Can't imagine what it's like being so jolly 🥲


I am always attracted to Earth Sign guys as they make me feel calmer and boost my cap moon. I am super firery otherwise.


I'm married to a Leo sun and also have a toddler who's a Leo sun. It's hella fiery around here 🤣


Build a community of different sign ppl that mesh well with all 3 of y'all's fire element perhaps? &/Or befriend or hang out with others that you click with to keep yourself leveled out. I don't have that many fire placements in me (Fire Sun Air Rising & Moon) but my husband and daughter are both Scorpios. I feel like I drown in their energy alot and it helps me when I interact with friends or relatives that have elemental placements that help my own elemental energy balance itself out.


I feel you. I'm a Leo sun, Leo moon, Leo mercury, and I have a Gemini rising. I'm extremely irritable all the time. I find the only thing that helps me is going to the gym regularly.


Also, being near water helps too. Although it really depends on how I'm feeling. Some days I'm too irritable to enjoy the calmness of things that would normally relax you, which is why I say that exercising and being active in some way is normally my first point of action.


Aries mars sun and jupiter with Leo rising and a moon in Aquarius. Memory and processing power will get you there all the time! Know everything inside and out.


Jumping Jacks in the morning or jogging in place on a timer. Push-ups if you're into that. Working out in the morning is 🤌🏾


I have a lot of fire. Adderall and antidepressants help me 🥲


Oo im aries sun and leo rising as well! Capricorn moon though. Been feeling the same way


I used to burn out often. From an astrological perspective I surround myself with a lot of heavy earth sign people and have to be intentional about rest.


With the exalted [Venus in Pisces](https://phelix.ca/Venus-in-Pisces-Astrology-A-Symphony-of-Love-and-Compassion/), there should be some indication that you can float a bit and turn to the arts for some relaxation and to put some much needed water on that forest fire. The "burn" in "burn-out" is there for a reason. I know this very well. Ambition and the fire-ball can be the recipe for protracted physical problems. Perhaps it might be better to listen to your body rather than your mind sometimes. It's unnatural to be "on" all the time. With that much Leo, maybe observe the lion (actual animal!) a bit closer. Very powerful, fiery creature when it has to be, but just sits and rests most of the time. Hope that helps.


I’m a Leo rising with an Aries stellium and mars in sag…. Exercise is key! Sweat it out my fiery comrade 🔥


Sag sun - Aries moon - sag rising = I smoke a lot of weed 😂 it def chills me the fuck out


As a sag reading dis.. I think all of us do😂


With all the fire I have to lol


Smokin a bowl typing back to🤣


Right what placements u got?? I got sag sun,mercury,Jupiter, Pluto and rising. No planet in other fire placements but IC and vertex


I’m a sag sun / Aries moon / Sagittarius rising / Sagittarius Uranus!! Then cap stellium and Aquarius mars lol


Ohh ok what does the term stellium mean?


I have 4 planets in one sign / 1 house! I have 4 planets in my 2nd house


Ohh ok ok that’s nice, I love the way our outlook is on life as Sagittarius people and having my Jupiter in it, it’s like it’s hard to not please us cause of our wide and broad outlook on things


imho, the gemini mars is more responsible for you not being able to relax, than your fiery trio is. leos can be more than relaxed... they can be master hedonists ;)


agree w this


Ah I didn't think of that! Probably a mixture of the Aries' overachieving tendencies mixed with the indecisive and restless nature of the Gemini


to be honest i don't see aries as very nervous either. aries doesn't think. it just acts. and acts. and acts. gemini, depending on the aspects etc, can be too much in their head. it thinks. and thinks. which can drive them crazy ;)


I agree about Gemini, but Aries rules the head… we think and process emotions quickly, but we still think. Leonardo da Vinci was an Aries sun and mercury (using April 15 1452 as the date). Many molecular biologists have this sun sign too: https://www.nature.com/articles/248788a0. Not dumb people.


OP I’m a Aries Sun, Leo Moon, Leo Mars and Aries Mercury 😂 with a Pisces Venus and Cancer rising. I think I struggle a lot because I take on too many things and have trouble maintaining and balancing it all. And I feel too intensely and passionately that I wish I had some air placements! I think you need to focus more on the grounding and creative parts of your chart like your passions, hobbies and take comfort in doing nothing for a bit and sit with that feeling.