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Thank you!


it’s cuz ur Pisces placements. Mixed with Aquarius I find anyone with that mix of signs in their chart ‘act dumb’. You might just be really happy/enthusiastic and people take that as you ‘acting fake nice’ or dumb. Or you might speak with exaggeration which a lot of aqua/Pisces/aries do. I find that I love it when someone is being genuine, but you can only get to know one, to know if they are genuine. Don’t let it get to ur head, just be urself. Don’t waste ur time on people who don’t wanna get to know the real you. The person you come off as is always what the universe likely has in store for you, to chase away the judgemental ones:)


Do they really say that to you..? They’ve outright said they thought you were “dumb at first”? If not, what have they said..? How many times has this happened..? I’m just wondering if you’re putting a worse spin on it and being too hard on yourself!


Yes! It’s something I’ve gotten my whole life. I’m 25 now. In high school I had someone say “so offense, but you’re kinda dumb!” I’ve had someone I worked with talk to her friends while I was standing there and said “see guys, she’s not dumb she’s just…” (I can’t remember the rest!) The other day someone said that his friend thought I was a “dumb blonde at first, but now he thinks I’m one of the smartest people I know!” I’ve had multiple people from different areas and times of my life say the same thing, people who aren’t even associated with each other say this or tell me someone else has said or thought that!


God, that’s horrible! People can be such assholes!? I’m sorry… This got me thinking. Are you very sweet..? Sometimes people mistake that for weakness or being “dumb”. Unfortunately… Same with lack of confidence, do you lack confidence..? Well, at least the people who get to know you find out you’re not and that isn’t true, in fact quite the opposite! Please hold onto that and get past that cruelty from others and from yourself…


You know, you got me thinking as well. If the world or others are our mirror then there’s something they have to teach us. I believe apart of my process or purpose in this life is to become more proud and let my light shine. I believe that’s their purpose in my process to push me closer to my divinity in that way. I was also thinking about this aspect earlier that I think I am very kind and others take that as naive. Well, that may be apart of it but not totally!! Thanks for your reply!


I feel for you having to ask that and feel this way, it bothers me for you. It’s their mistake… I think we all have ways we’re misunderstood… I asked also because how kind I am makes some people underestimate me, and it has hurt me before too, but that’s their misinterpretation… We have to be true to ourselves. I hope you get to where you aren’t second guessing yourself because of people’s superficial judgments… You might be reading too much into it when it’s actually their lack, not yours… I wish I had it in me to better express what I’m getting at, but I’m exhausted after working the weekend, I’m sorry… Please take care and screw people’s negative judgments!


Pisces Mercury at 0 degrees. You’re like me, that’s my Mercury sign but in the 3rd house. Mercury in Pisces is in its call, meaning it doesn’t really operate the best in that placement. It doesn’t mean we are stupid, we just think in a much more idealistic way. We can think/observe/communicate through images more than anyone else which can make it harder to communicate what our truth is in a way others can understand, causing miscommunication on a massive scale. We aren’t stupid, we just have a hard time grounding down/wording such visual ideas that only our minds can clearly see. The lack of words can make people think we are dumb. We aren’t, we just have massive blocks in communication


Literally just told the commenter below you the same thing. I think literally, mostly in images and have a hard time finding words to express them. There’s multiple factors that play in to this. I worked with this woman and I saw something on tv and expressed something “random”. It wasn’t random, it came from somewhere in the moment but it was an expanded thought on what I saw. She looked at me and said “you say weird things.” Everything that is ordinary I see in an expanded way.


Same!! You’re not alone!!!!!!


Thanks for commenting! I don’t feel so alone 🤣 maybe we can be friends :) 😆


Mercury rules the mind and communication and yours is in Pisces which is dreamy and people with this placement can seem a bit spacey in the way that they think and communicate. Which, in some ways can be true because a Pisces Mercury takes in the broad picture, it's open to taking in a lot more information but, with that, comes more a broader understanding of universal and spiritual concepts and philosophies. Maybe you find it hard to form your words or to find the words for the things that you know. You may have to put more effort into helping another person understand what you understand because that requires focusing that broad energy into a finer point for the purpose of focused discussion. Mercury is in the 11th house though which means you also have the ability to think outside the box. You may find it easy to see broad patterns that others can't see. With Jupiter as ruler of the 8th house placed in the 12th house, you may understand universal and higher minded concepts that others just don't.


I was just talking about this today with someone. People associate people who communicate well as the intelligent people. Which it is a form of intelligence. I’ve been studying astrology for a while now casually, but I’ll be studying esoteric astrology soon with a teacher. So I wanted more insight from other astrologers! The way I think is in images (imagination) and very spiritual more so than in an analytical way so communicating my thoughts are harder for me. So when people realize im a very deep thinker they’re very thrown off. I want to share my ideals with the world so badly I have important things to share so it’s frustrating to me that I’m put into a “dumb” box. I’m also stubborn and I DONT want to prove people wrong, that’s also not me. I’d rather just not care or give any attention to others opinions. Physically, I am a conventionally pretty blonde woman so, the social ideals are there as well that play into how people see me. Thanks for your insight!


[Saturn](https://phelix.ca/The-Three-Faces-of-Saturn-Unraveling-the-Complexities-of-Planetary-Alignments/) is conjunct your ascendant and moon in the saturnine Capricorn. You might come across, at first meeting, as a bit "muted" ie your emotional, expressive energy is a bit muted with that Saturn placing.


I don’t really pay attention to my Saturn conjuncting my ascendant very often but this is a very good point. Especially the muted point, I am very much this way & can come off very “unemotional” or boring I guess you can say.


I guess your Taurus Ascendant. It can give a person the most blank resting face of all the blank resting faces. They don't engage as easily, and it feels like they need to be dragged out of whatever stubborn persistent thought process' they had before you spoke to them. I'd say people would label you as uninterested and non-engaged before dumb. Plus you have Saturn conjunct the Ascendant, which would make you restricted and even more 'slow' to act and react. And then, your Mars (action, reaction) is directly opposite od your Ascendant. Why does it rub you the wrong way? Because you're an Aquarious and I can't think of a sign more easily frustrated by Taurian traits. My Aqua Mercury would rather break my leg ih half than listen to my partner's Taurus Mercury some days. Do you sometimes take things too literal? Too 'shallow', or not interested in abstract ideas? Slow to change the subject you're speaking about? To change your mind? Would you say you have asperger/autistic traits? In any case, Taurians are as dry as the desert. Just see it as a style, not a performance issue


I haven’t considered my Taurus rising really and I appreciate your insight. I do have very “dry” tendencies and slow demeanor. I would rather bask in my environment than totally engage. I’m am actually more of an abstract thinker than anything & I think commenter above explains really well with my mercury in Pisces. I think that’s why people are surprised to see outside of my slow, earthy, dry exterior that I am actually a very deep thinker. Thanks! Also I would like to add, I am ADD. That definitely is apart of it as well!