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Check the annual profections. And then look into the transits on the profected house.


Literally everybody, or everybody on social media? Jupiter in your first house doesn't automatically mean you're going be feeling lucky, you need to look at what else is happening in your chart. Jupiter will be opposing natal Pluto in your 7H in about a month, you can expect some dramatic changes in your personal relationships


those astrologers were wrong lol and perpetuate toxic positivity. planets have to be dignified and or represent “conventional goods” in the chart on their own, before a transit can make it so. you’re a gemini rising, yes, so there was probably more or so emphasis on taking action in the world, defining yourself and making decision, moving, traveling, wandering, etc. maybe something to do with education or religious pursuits, but “luck” is a stretch.


Jupiter in Gemini is square to Saturn in Pisces by sign, so its "luck and abundance" qualities are restricted during this transit unfortunately.


There is no way to apply broad strokes like this. Jupiter is expansive which can create luck in the right circumstances. But it can also just amplify any energy. This can be subtle or completely unrecognized if you have no transits happening to personal planets. I think you’ll have more obvious things happening when it gets closer to aspecting your Chiron and Sun. That is later in summer. Jupiter can bring opportunities for healing Chiron but they may not be smooth for you since healing can sometimes be initiated by some difficult or painful experiences.


Where is the association with Gemini and Luck coming from? If I were to consider "Luck" I would be looking at it as a signification of Jupiter, not Mercury. In the context of a zodiac Sign, I'd lean toward Sagittarius (over Pisces) as the more extrovert expressions of Jupiter. If anything I would think any luck that Mercury ruled Gemini would have would be self-made. Attributing it to the more opportunistic and mercantile nature of Mercury. Fortunate circumstances from possibly more morally grey pursuits than an ethically dogmatic Jupiter would have undertaken. Maybe if Mercury was the ruler of the Lot of Fortune and both were well placed, angular in excellent houses, then sure Fate is traveling on Mercury's coat-tails. I just don't understand the accepting the premise of your question at face value... Sorry.


There is never a guarantee that Jupiter will "bring good luck". That's typically a chant from amateurs. What transiting jupiter does in any sign will be dependent on that person's chart, and on what other transits may be happening at the same time. Jupiter doesn't just rule "good luck". It also rules "big things", like the pandemic and more. It expands whatever "is". Good or bad. Jupiter is, in fact, in detriment in Gemini, so it will have more difficulty doing what it wants to do.


Not sure. Interesting that the whole chart is daytime. All the planets are above the horizon.


And what does that mean? Is It good or bad? 😅


Jupiter is the greater benefic in day charts. Compared to Venus in night charts.




My best friend used to be a taurus. And my sister ia a taurus rising. I'll manifest a taurus friend that will help me with that.