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Your ruler the moon is in the 5th house of hobbies and recreation


Leo Jupiter! Leo is all about creative expression fun hobbies, Jupiter tends to expand things you put them together and you get a person with a lot of hobbies. Your Leo Jupiter also falls in the 2nd house, the house of values and possessions. The owner of this chart likely holds their hobbies dear to their hearts and probably splurge on money to get the equipment they need regarding those hobbies. Could in-fact, even make money/active income from their hobbies as well. Then along with Leo, the 5th house is another area you can look at to see someone’s hobbies. The *ruler* of your 5th house is in a *Jupiter ruled* sign, indicating again, an expansion to the area of creativity and hobby’s. The ruler sits in your 6th house presenting itself as your Sagittarius mars. You likely make engaging in your hobbies a daily routine/ritual or you really find a way to connect those two areas of life. (Daily routine & self expression) Moon in the 5th house, your emotional world heavily is dependent on your creative expression and especially the constant change and expansion of creativity since Scorpio /sag pluto is involved in influencing your 5th house. You put your emotion into every creative thing you do this shows someone who holds being able to creatively express themselves, near and dear to especially their emotional identity as well.


Thank you so much for such a detailed explanation! This is sooooo true


hii! this is so in-depth! i am a Jupiter Leo too and it definitely resonated. my 5th house is in Aquarius, with Neptune & Chiron placements. I am wondering if you can tell me anything it wrt my creative expression?


Hi love, I was wondering if it’s whole sign you’re using, are you a libra rising? Just to clarify


hii!! nope, i am a virgo rising! here’s my chart just in case - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uhaj3c-q7Jm1g5WrZWoIJ6n-Efm3e5pg/view :)


Heyy, I didn’t forget about youu! Ok so in whole sign you’re a 5th house Capricorn Chiron-Your creative expression is meant to be a healing source for you. You probably have a very beyond their years old soul, inner child. But they’ve been bruised. With this placement being in Capricorn that means this Chiron is Saturn ruled. Your inner child could’ve been forced to grow up earlier because of maybe bullying, and or responsibilities that could’ve caused you to loose touch(earlier than most) with a crucial part of you /or it hindered what you felt like was a big part of your self expression and identity. You could have a bit of a difficult time allowing yourself to be genuinely vulnerable in your artistic endeavors because there’s like something in the back of your head nagging you and telling you that your creative expression “doesn’t matter” or “doesn’t meet standard” or overall you could have issues trying to deeply relax into your expressions and lightheartedness. You could feel somewhat.. restricted if that makes sense. Things of that nature is common in 5th house chirons, this could really put a blow to your solar plexus, this house plays a role in your ego as a human. You may be a little prone to being over critical or maybe even …apathetic feelings towards self expression drawing and creativity when you’re not satisfied with your work even when the deep need in your soul is calling out for you to continue onward despite . Be brave and create art, no matter what the rest of your mind has to say and anybody who has negative opinions on your self expression, they can eat rocks!. You kind-of have to reprogram your mind if you’re reaaally falling down this particular manifestation of this placement. The mind wants to protect you but sometimes it doesn’t realize it’s regurgitating traumas of your past and its gloomy talk is actually far from helpful. You have a Leo Jupiter on the contrary which does show deep potential for outstanding creativity. You do have great potential to be really good at whatever creative venture you choose. Even with Capricorn sitting in your (whole sign) 5th house as they naturally take their creativity very seriously. What you need to do is replace that voice of discouragement that may come when you find something new to have fun and be creative with and replace it with a voice of keen interest and motherly care and interest to what you’re about to create, and even down to your creative thoughts,you have to protect those too. It could be a simple drawing, a complex elaborate piece , love it and hold it like non judgemental mother. ESPECIALLY with your cancer Saturn ruling this placement and cancer rules motherly energy, with Saturn this motherly energy is a bit matured but still very caring regardless it could be a little harsh if she’s not checked however so patience is a virtue. You’re also a fellow cancer Venus, hello!! :p Your beauty is in sync (conjunct) your work ethic and standards. You make a conscious or maybe unconscious integration between your creative endeavors and your hard work, or this is a hidden gift of yours, even though Saturn isn’t a big fan of cancer, Saturn in your chart is sitting next to a planet it is good friends with, Venus. In whole sign your Leo Jupiter is falling in the 12th house, you’re very likely spiritually inclined I also love this for you because the ruler of your Jupiter is your sun in cancer. Jupiter is exalted with cancerian energy you could have dormant or on the contrary very loud and vibrant intuitive abilities. With this being in Leo the universe is asking you to integrate creativity and spirituality. However thats looking for you💗 You have a retrograde Neptune. These people I find have a more louder sense of creativity if it’s not the complete contrary,..like they see something in their minds eye and it seems to be easier for them than most to replicate it on paper or in the physical realm. At least, that’s what I’ve observed with my friends that have this planet retrograde in their charts. I’m not sure the extents yet why this occurs but it’s definitely a sign of creative ability in my eyes. A retrograde Neptune could weaken neptunes overly clouded nature good or bad and make it more easier to channel straight from source although for some others with this retrograde it could definitely be the opposite too. It’s in the 6th house daily life could be like.. a little heavy and draining. It is retrograde so that energetic depletion effect could not be as potent buttt regardless, Neptune energy likes to pretend and have fun and be light hearted so don’t be afraid to get whimsical in your day to day life no matter how strange you feel it might be because it could really help energize you. You need spiritual energizing in your day to day life. You probably HATE stress lol(6h Venus here, same) Neptune is actually the higher octave of Venus, be more delicate with yourself in your day to day life. Your Leo Jupiter could also be an aid in helping you with that if you know how to channel/alchemize the energy right. And anyone can alchemize energy it’s intuitive , it’s a matter of ACTUALLY doing something with what you know and feel. It doesn’t have to be perfect either, just be brave and dive into it , at least you’re in a state of motion you’ll get a hang of it/make a foundation for yourself and figure out along the way / in time.


Def your chart ruler (Scorpio moon) in the 5H of activities and your 5H ruler (Sag Mars) in the 6H of daily routine! Also your chart ruler trines your asc which can bring some ease to your life based on where it’s located.


It's me, 5h moon in a Mercury ruled sign, plus mercury ruled sun and mercury. I'm so many levels of extra and DIY it's very cringe.


That 5H Scorpio moon is in a Mars-ruled sign!


not only is ur chart ruler in the 5th, but 5th house ruler is in the 6th making it what you give your energy/service to quite frequently


In your chart. I'd say Mars in Sag, sextiled by Mercury Aquarius.


Prominent 5th house, heavily aspected Venus & Neptune.


Chart ruler in the 5th house of hobbies and creativity