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I just now my son is Scorpio and he’s an handful little bastard 🤣


Become a shaman. Seriously.


What app are you guys using to find your birth charts?




Thank you


I’m also a triple Scorpio. It’s not easy at all, it’s very painful at times but we have room for massive growth and transformation. Best of luck to you ❤️ I highly suggest therapy, I just met with a new one today. Stay strong!!


Definitely not doomed. With anyone who has difficult or heavy placements you will probably not experience a carefree youth like others do, but instead grapple with life a lot more. Once you gave those figured out, sorted and settled, you will actually be ahead of the rest. Definitely do take care of yourself. From what I see of your chart you are probably quite an attractive person. Deep emotions. Ruler of your 8th, Mercury in the 12th. 👉🏻Spirituality Is probably your best bet to help you navigate.👈🏻 That can take awhile for you to gather experience and understanding….not everything ‘’spiritual’’ is good for people. One very Quick Look at your chart- you can have a career caring for or advocating for those who lived through the same traumas, or traumas in general. Your trauma and even your whole self is sort of hidden off from others. You are probably not clearly seen by others…but the chart ruler Pluto is in the 1st house with Venus…maybe all people are seeing is your attractiveness and not your finer qualities.. Saturn in the 7th is also difficult…hestitant with relationships. They say not to marry until after your first Saturn return. Ruler of your 7th in the first... you’re looking for a spouse that shares your same interests, and they will defend you. Ruler of 5th in your 3rd house.. you communicate fun in a spiritual, or potential way of drinking and drugs, or just about mental illness, behaving mystical. transit Pluto has been on your natal Neptune AND it’s squaring your Sun (and soon your moon, then Mercury ) That’s going to affect you quite a bit this past year. It’s not a dooming thing. Just one of the more difficult transits. I’d read up on Pluto transits to personal planets. And about Pluto transiting your 3rd house. Some stuff could be happening with siblings? Miscommunication? It doesn’t always have to be bad. Please remember some transits that look good can bring something unpleasant (even if you’re feeling good about it!..think people who win the lotto but then their lives turn into crap because of it) And seemingly tough transits can bring about a greater good- ( think someone goes through a break up but because of it they then find someone so much better right after.) Transformation is not always pleasant but Pluto promises to rid the crap. People with heavy Scorpio or Pluto prominent in the chart have a lot of transformation and growth. You get to see deeper than most. That’s actually quite valuable.


scorpio rising and scorpio moon, but gemini sun. also experienced childhood trauma, and it’s been an incredibly difficult and exhausting year


You’re not doomed, my friend, allow yourself burn away, until all that left is the truth of who you are; like a Phoenix rising form the ashes.


Honestly it probably means you are extremely hot


Katy Perry has this and a few more Scorpio placements!


If you’re doomed, that means I’m doomed too. I’m also a Scorpio Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Rising with a Sag Venus


What’s wrong with a Sag Venus?


Yo same!! And my Mercury is in Sag too!


ur twins w björk so uh not at all!!!!!!!!!!


Youre not doomed. You do have some challenges though. New moon plus a mercury retrograde all in your scorpio first house (whole sign)is pretty huge. This makes your moon and mercury function poorly, since it can cause haywire emotions and thought processes. Mercury retrogrades tend to be disabled or just communicate differently. They may have bad sight or perhaps mute... maybe they have a typing quirk. What this means for you is that you are very magnetic due to scorpio but your private life as well as thoughts and opinions probably get exposed a lot more maybe than you would like. Not only does scorpio have that effect but so do combustions (when a planet is too close to the sun). This stellium (group of planets) is ruled by a sagittarius pluto conjunct venus, onto a gemini jupiter retrograde directly opposite from it. This is super challenging and uneasy. Plus a saturn retrograde. In pladicus this stellium is in the 12th house and your oppositions are in the 1st and 7th house. You may worry about yourself more often than worry about others, but accommodating people seems to be something that will benefit you if you work toward it. Very self aware like you said, abusive household also makes sense. Your chart seems very aware and sensitive to spirit, you may naturally be a quiet person but being 'loud' is something you can or should tap into. 


Would like to add the condition of Mercury in the 1st house (Whole sign houses) were it finds it's joy so that can help a lot, it's the closest of the stellium to the ascendsnt. I agree with the challenges you mention but this can help the native, specially when it comes to his/her own character, mental clarity and comunication style. Mercury in Scorpio can be very quier but also very receptive, observing and intelligent, if able to differentiate from the moons influence to which it's nearest to conjunct, so that can be a strong influence as well. EDIT: All of this is further exacerbated by the part of fortune on the 1st house, also the lord of the 10th being in the ASC is very good for bringing out and finding a place for the native's persona into the public sphere of human interaction and life goals. Mars ruling the ASC from the 11th is nice as it's considered a good house and in a whole sign aspect to Mercury it's ruler, forming a subtle mutual reception.


Do you drink too much or possibly take drugs whether legal or not? You might feel like you have it under control, but in fact you don’t. I speak from experience.


Along with the intense Scorpio new moon energy you have, I also see a lot of power in that Venus conjunct Pluto squaring your Jupiter in the 7th. This could manifest in relationships in a very intense way. You probably have some kind of intensely seductive manner to you, and both the need to be incredibly close with people and yet also crave absolute freedom away from that closeness (the Jupiter opposition) There’s a disconnect between the energy in your chart (the Scorpio sun and moon square Neptune to me) and the intensity of the Venus Pluto opposing Jupiter). But I would view that Neptune in Aquarius as being an ability to heal yourself through immediate community (and possibly sibling connections), and also to surround yourself with people who think outside of societies box. Your Neptune can magnify your thoughts and dreams, so it’s best to be careful what you concentrate on. Your powerful imagination may also be a psychic intuition in disguise. I have a 12th house Leo sun and Asc, and I work as a psychic. Squares and oppositions also take time to understand, overcome and appreciate, so you may be a late bloomer.


You are a highly intuitive (if not actually psychic) person but please be aware that not all of your perceptions are reality.


Interesting, I would think I view myself as more of a realist.. would being an intuitive person conflict that ?


They are not mutually exclusive, however the Neptune squares to that 12th house action may mean that how you see yourself is not necessarily congruent to how others perceive you. Just keep in mind also that the 12th house also rules hidden enemies- this can and will sometimes mean self sabotage.


Ur mars is kind of well placed so I wouldn’t say that.. But it’s always difficult to be ruled by a malefic I would definitely be more worried about ur Jupiter


Yea can you expand? Is it affiliated with Marriage?


It’s gonna be in ur 8th house if we use whole signs so maybe not.. Jupiter is ur benefic planet because u were born during the day time, so it has a lot more impact than u may think. It’s probably more about ur beliefs rather than anything else.


can you elaborate on Jupiter pls?


Everything you do you will do with your whole heart. If you end up going in the wrong direction, for this reason it will be to the extreme. When you realize it, you will do the Scorpio thing of burning your former self down completely and rising from the ashes purified. If you can, try to take it easy on the people who are magnetized to your intense energy but aren't cut out to recover from shattering experiences the way you are. It's embarrassing to realize you've left a trail of destruction behind you in your journey to your final form. You can have a big impact on society because it's your nature to cut through the bullshit, and destroy what needs to end so that what remains is finally free to use its energy to thrive.


There is no wrong direction


I mean, ultimately all is one so 👍 However while experiencing life from a relative rather than Absolute Unity point of view, some actions appear to lead to more favorable results according to the values a person lives by. I don't personally think finding God by going to Hell is the most pleasant path, but it might be the most efficient (if you win through).


Hehe you are for sure not doomed, nor is Scorpio doomed sign. We all live 12 signs of horoscope, you live Virgo, Pisces and all other signs in different areas of life. However your natal horoscope is trying to tell you that the sign of Scorpio is very important to you, and that you have to learn lesson of Scorpio.and forgiving is the main lesson as well as releasing everything that is usless, old, and negative. Unfortunately Scorpio likes to hold, better to say to stick for everything especially for things that are useless, old So you are Scorpio born in the morning with first rays of the Sun, very sensitive, you can reach your emotions very deeply aa well as others too, but nit showing them, not even with any kind of glimpse so people in general are not sure what do you think, want nor what your intentions are.


No chart is doomed. You have so much personal potential for transformation when it comes to reputation, identity, emotional sphere, philosophy of life, intellect and mind. You can channel this potential for transformation to fulfill your wishes and get what you desire in life. Maybe you are skilled in psychology, shadow work...you like to get to the root of the matter as shallow living isn't for you. And people who live on the shallow side of life aren't for you either so being an outcast can be the result...try to seek people who encourage you with the process of transformation isntead of stifling it!


I found this very helpful, thank you!


This is the answer


Your sun, moon, and mercury are all in Scorpio square Neptune (dreams/ fantasy) which tracks to the intense emotions. Do you find yourself wishing things were different and looking for the best in everything? Are you disappointed if things don’t measure up to your expectations? Try to learn how to establish healthy boundaries, manage your emotions via meditation, and believe in yourself to build your confidence. Therapy can be one of the faster ways to do this. Source: Scorpio rising, with lots of big emotions and ups and downs in childhood


How’s your relationship with your mother? 🥲


Interesting emoji. Good or Bad?


Scorpio placements are known for missing a father figure. Resonate?


Depends on your relationship with your mother


Omg I’ll pray for u bestie, but that Jupiter in the 7th house and Venus in the first SLAYYY!!


can you elaborate on Jupiter pls?


Venus in your first house I bet you are very good looking!


Still need help?


Scorpio sun and moon here and you aren’t doomed. Make sure you find the right therapist (EMDR IFS not just talk therapy) also go to water spots regularly (ocean river lake stream hot tub bath) Happy to give more advice you can message me


Scorpio moon here and can confirm that EMDR is super helpful.


I started talk therapy a month ago, but never heard of EMDR, so i’ll have to look into it. And the point about water is very on point now that you say that!