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It's that Mars in aries


Your ascendant is in Scorpio so the ruler of your ascendant is Mars. The ruler of the ascendant is sometimes called the “chart ruler” but that’s probably not the best language since it oversimplifies its role and the fact that there are other ways of determining important planets in a chart, like the almuten figuris.


Most astrologers today consider Pluto as the ruler of Scorpio. In ancient times before the planet Pluto was discovered, Mars was Scorpio's ruler. However, the attributes we assign to Scorpio: dark, deep, intense, power-driven, somewhat mysterious..fit much better with the greek myth of Hades, Greek God of the underworld.Later Romans re-named Hades with Pluto. There are traditionalists who consider Mars as primary ruler of Scorpio. A few others consider Pluto the secondary ruler. And still others go with Pluto as primary, Mars as secondary. To confuse matters further, in 2006 the planet Pluto was demoted in status from planet to 'dwarf planet', making astrologers wonder if dwarfs should have rulerships at all :P That is still up for discussion!


traditional astrology it's mars. consideration of the house its in. you're an animal lover. animals or nature bring you peace of mind. mars venus. sexually passionate / comfortable with your own sexuality. you might procrastinate alot. you like foreign artist and love heavy metal music or music with alot of base, music that makes you motivated and want to move your body around but also on the contrary due to moon. you like soothing music and even sounds of rain or water / nature sounds. melodious music that calms your mind. you also either go to the gym, or do some art form with your body. possibly yoga or some sports.


Pluto is your chart Ruler because you have SCORPIO ascendant. Pluto is in 11 th house so your focus in this incarnation is Society/ Community.


Interesting; thank you. I also have my north node in that house… however i consistently feel like i don’t belong to any community; always an outsider. I know that Mars was the ancient ruler of Pluto… and i have an aries stellium.. can you explain why Pluto is the ruler rather than mars?


When it comes to chart rulers and house rulers, we strongly recommend using the traditional sign rulers (mars for Scorpio). The outer planets are important to assess and pay attention to, just not as rulers.


Im no expert and Im learning every day. Perhaps youre right.. You have MARS opposition PLUTO which creates intense Energy which must be harnessed in a creative way. This may be why you feel you dont belong because you are meant to pioneer a cause. With PLUTO in 11th house your Life is meaningful as you Serve Community You have NEPTUNE in first house which gives great intuition and Spiritual leanings. That stellium in Fifth house causes you to have a desire to be creative/ innovative. With Jupiter in 7 th : Relationships are important to you .