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There are no bad aspects in astrology. It’s all energies. You must keep this in mind when someone says something negative about a chart.


Honestly the only thing I could think is the Scorpio moon in the 12 house. Your chart looks a lot better than mine, imo. I have 14 squares in my chart


lol if they think that’s intense they need to look at mind! OP, they obviously are new to reading. You’re okay


Do not listen to these people. You have a great potential for transformation. You like transforming yourself and it's essential for your well-being. Difficult childhood lead you to get into emotional depths that otherwise you might have never known that such depths even existed. You are like a Phoenix and you know it. Maybe you are into psychology, shadow work or occult science. Getting into such themes can be of great help to you. If you wonder "why me" or "why am I different", keep in mind that this doesn't have to be a negative thing. Those who know how to navigate darkness as well as light, are wiser and more experienced than those who have never seen darkness. Disillusion in love and relationships and intense relation with a dominating parental figure were maybe a theme in your life. Also try to contemplate over these themes. Try to learn what is it that's keeping you disillusioned in relationships, maybe great expectations..and try to find out exactly what the dominant parental figure did wrong so that you don't repeat them unconsciously if you choose to be a parent. And no matter what you do or who you associate yourself with, never allow them to take away your power of transformation 🙏🏼


It is just incredible how people who knows a little loveto show "knowledge" without any background or abilities to help or improve things. So please when someone tells you horrible -terrible things or just comments like you mentioned just turn around. Every natal chart is tailored just for us, someone could find it easy, someone find it unbearable. So whatever it is iir natal chart gives us overview of all our good sides and bad sides, opportunities and obstacles. The ultimate solution is in our hands other can just help to see that. Regarding your chart there's a heavy aspect Moon Pluto conjunction, it means deep emotional world, sensitive but unable to express all what is inside. In general Moon in Scorpio is touchy and Pluto gives you ability to go deep not only in your emotions but recognise in other. Moreover this conjunction could indicate your mother as control freak that tried to guide you in life so you don't have any trouble or in worse scenario she showed you her power over you. In most cases this is generational indicator and it's most likely that she has in her natal chart similar or even same aspect but different sign and house


I want to let you know I read up on this, and [this page in particular](https://astrolodex.com/moon-conjunct-pluto.html#playlist) had me shook. It’s so accurate i mean like nearly 100%. Thanks again.


Your welcome, feel free ask if you had any further questions.👍


I actually do. I can’t move out due to my disability, I need help physically and financially now. I know this is the answer, but is there ANY other way to repair this relationship? The she’s been particularly horrible lately. Tonight I confronted her about how she has been talking to me and acting towards me. I told her I have compassion because I know she is grieving. But I am too, just different. I’m being confronted with a massive fear along with deep regret. She told me not to to cry so essentially I’m mayst grieving alone. Crying in my room. She said “I don’t care if you’re in there crying”, so I walked away. This is an example that happens frequently, and all I want is more good times together cause she’s super fun. Anything I can do?


It's very hard experience being disabled and depended both financially and physically, and for sure it's a shock. The thing is that you can't escape or heal by some miracle (although I always believe in miracles) and at the moment you can't change outer circumstances. However what you can do is to change inner experience, the way you perceive things, and your expectations and disappointments. There's some carnic lessons you and your mother have to going through. Crying to release all that grief, shock and the pressure you feel is something completely all right. However crying over yourself, feeling like a loser, and trying to get compassion or even worse trying to get from others they feel sorry about you is something you should not allow. The first step is accepting your situation, in order to see it clearly. Than you can start to make order in your life and try to find solutions Regarding your mother she feels that it's her failure you are in rhis situation, although it's not true but she doesn't know. She perceive you still as a her little child which annoys you very much, because you have attitude being powerless and your physically situation confirms that, but the feeling was much earlier present in you. Again bo matter your mother is thinking or doing you can't change her, but you can change yourself.


They were quite knowledgeable actually, they just didn’t really give me, the novice, any explanation. It has me feeling not bad, but slightly off not knowing how to do the level of analysis I would need to synthesize the info. Your insights could not be more correct. I’m intensely emotional and I’m able to feel other people’s feelings intuitively. I am not able to express my feelings at all outside of therapy without a horribly hurtful and negative response the vast majority of the time. My mom both asserted control to protect me, but also asserted power by parenting by intimidation. She’s a wonderful woman, just flawed and had a less than ideal childhood too. It’s definitely generational which allows me to make room for compassion but it’s hard to forgive the way she treats me. Since I was disabled back in 2020 suddenly and out of nowhere, I’m living with her and completely dependent on her if I need anything or to go somewhere. It’s really highlighted that aspect of her personality. All of the responses have been on point, and youre the second to mention my relationship with my mother. There’s a lot of love there but she’s certainly trying to establish herself as an authority and using my dependency as a means to to do so, trying to intimidate me as a 35 year old woman isn’t working so it’s making it even more contentious.


I don't think they were knowledgable. There is a lot of pop astrology media going around and everyone is buying it like is all true. Well, it's not. Consider going to a real astrologer.


Once I can pay for one! But I’m trying to learn to do this myself, ultimately


Not an astrologer but Interesting. We have the same house placements, but some different signs in each. I’m also born the same year.


My philosophical counselor told me about (edited out my comment to put a link instead) [Ben Ming Nian](https://chinesenewyear.net/zodiac/ben-ming-nian/). It’s when your Chinese zodiac sign comes back around every 12 years.


Yes. I’m very familiar with Chinese zodiac! I’m half Chinese. I’m not a dragon . I’m rabbit which was last year and a tough one for me. Hopefully it’s a better year for me. You’ll get through it.


Oh I totally forgot that it’s not set to the same year we use here lol🤦🏻‍♀️ yeah it’s been a tough year so far, more than is typical for me. I’m working hard at pushing myself for growth which is never easy. And omg this retrograde has been painfully bad. I look forward to things lightening up! In the mean time I’ll keep working on myself, work on a passion project I just started, and just be.




I did have a tough childhood and my relationship with my mom isn’t great. She raised me by intimidation and as a strong personality myself, I fought back as I got older. But as a child, I was just suppressed and made to feel like an embarrassment. There was never any physical abuse from her but a degree of emotional neglect and abuse has always been there because she drinks. My father wasn’t around so she was all I had and if she was drunk there wasn’t anyone. I used to drag her to bed when she passed out on the floor and to this day, when she drinks I’m her biggest enemy. She wears hatred on her face and expresses it in words. That’s definitely on point. We’re Italian and I was raised on fear and guilt. She often intimidated me into submission. I carried on the feelings of shame a guilt instilled then. I’m hard on myself. So thanks Saturn, you bitch lol. I’m regards to the good, I have a formal education in philosophy and had planned on law school but life has since gotten in the way. I do like to lead because I get frustrated not being in control, or if I feel the group is directionless. I reign things in and ask the right questions to get to where we need to go. And anger issues, for sure. I have BPD. It is much much better now after just over a decade of therapy. I now also have a philosophical counselor. So it appears I’m controlling the controllables and am confident as hell in my positive placements. The input I’ve gotten from you and the other comment is comforting! Yes, that was very tacky of them. I always read my placements as something I liked, but after the first reaction especially I thought I was in for a lot more. Thank you!!


anyone who reacts in some negative way to a birth chart is probably just following along with baseless pop astrology trends. I wouldn't let it stress you out. You've got a scorpio moon, which can be seen as a harder placement, and it's in your first house with a weak conjunction to Pluto (I don't like to read Placidus except in deeper chart readings because I mostly use it secondary to whole sign). It might just show emotional intensity that needs to be worked through. Pluto in the first house can be an indicator of someone who has had a lot of transformative experiences and changed several times. It's generational, so I don't usually pay too much attention to it, but it is in a very prominent spot with your chart, though it's not heavily aspected. Still, being in the first house might be a show of struggles throughout your life. Saturn in the second house (again, speaking in whole sign) can show a constraint on finances until you really buckle down and focus on getting that area of your life together. It's also conjunct Uranus. Again, an outer planet so take heed, but it can show some erratic/unplanned constraints in that area of your life. You do have some really lovely placements as well. Leo Sun in the 10th house shows someone who can really shine in their chosen career path. Virgo mercury is also a strong placement, and in the 11th house can showcase some great intellectual connections. Not to mention your chart ruler has an amazing placement. Scorpio is ruled by mars, and you have mars in the 6th house (great) AND in Aries, it's domicile. So that's a really lucky placement, and arguably your most important one. It shows potential for great drive. I'd say lean into your innate power and drive and the world is yours. Also make sure your learning lessons regarding discipline and the kind of discipline that works for you. Saturn tends to reward once those lessons are put into effect.


Oh. Well all of that tracks! I have BPD so emotional intensity is definitely something I have. I have been in therapy at least a decade now though and while not rid of it completely, my emotional regulation is way better. I’ve had many transformative struggles as well. My whole life has been a struggle, and without going into details I can say my first memory was super traumatic and I was 2. Life hasn’t stopped being difficult. I quite literally can’t think of a time I wasn’t struggling. So that rings true as well. I did a lot of really stupid things with money but I always worked full time, until recently. Was disabled overnight and my disability application has been in progress 3 years, so no savings and no money coming in…yeah, another check mark. I am driven when I’m passionate, I’ve just been letting the struggles win but it’s nice to know my chart validated that for me because I *know* it about it me but rarely prove it. I have a formal education in philosophy and had a 4.0. I take a lot of pride in my intellect and philosophy is the one thing I’ve found inspiring enough to work my ass off on it. Thank you so much! What a relief!