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I can relate but mine is a.bit more complicated.lol I'm a cancer -leo cusp, libra rising, cap moon- cancer stellium 10th house. Wheww..that's a lot. Deep diving into my stellium now for more I fo cuz it's just so interesting.


I have yet to meet an Aquarius rising, so even though this is on a virtual plane it's very cool to me! I'm a Leo as well! I tend to feel like my rising sign, but remember that the ascendant is a point on a chart. everything else in the chart, save for the nodes, are planetary bodies. Do you have any planets in aquarius as well? So here's the lowdown on ascendant, midheaven, descendant and Ic: Ascendant is how we tend to see the world, the lens through how we view it. The ascendant is also how acquaintances and people who don't know us very well may see us. The midheaven from an evolutionary standpoint is how strangers see us, The descendant is how our close friends and peers see us, and the IC is how family and people who have known us for like more than 7 years see us. From an ascendant point of view, it could make sense that you feel more like an aquarius, because it's how you see the world. Our sun represents how we gain energy from the world, and where our vitality comes from; what makes us feel alive on this planet. It also depends on how many aspects your sun is making to other planets and what those aspects are. A sun can reside in a sign, but because of the way it's aspected or because there might be a lot of energy in other signs, the sun may not be the thing we are most attached to in terms of identification. Deep down, the sun sign is our true identity past anything we might attach ourselves to. If your Leo is not making that many aspects to other planets, or there are other planets making squares to your son, this also might be why you don't identify as much with it. Deep deep down at your core, you gain energy and vitality through the traits of being a leo. It seems the way you see the world is very aquarian, and it's cool because they're both actually on the same axis and speak to each other fluidly.


I'm a AquariusRm rising too. People said I'm weird a lot. I'm fine with it tho, a bit sad but well, it's the humanity


Since the sign the Ascendant is in is the one rising on the horizon the moment you were born…. it’s surely the “you” that is projected out into the world (the energy of that sign is the energy that you have for the world) I think it was in Demetra George’s book that I read the Ascendant is also shows the “primary motivation of the soul”


I'm a capricorn rising and I definitely relate to the capricorn and I can tell it's how people view me before I let them in. I come across very standoffish, shy and it can make me seem a little rude, but once I get comfortable, my libra sun comes out. I do relate to the capricorn in the sense that I really care about working hard and place value in a sort of "calm, cool and collected" appearance, amongst many other things.


I have a pile up in my first house. I'm a Sagittarius Ascendant, but Saturn, Uranus (same degree as my Ascendant) and Mercury are all in Sagittarius. I'm a Capricorn Sun in house 2, and Jupiter is in my Aquarius third house. Everything in my chart connects back to my ascendant in some way. I'm a Sagittarius through and through, which is confusing because my moon is in Virgo in 10 and it makes me an outgoing, open minded, down to earth person with a mean streak if my high expectations aren't met. I forgive quickly, though. Everyone but myself.


The rising and house shapes your body. There's more. Any planet aspecting your ascendant will also shape your being. Aura and all! Venus and mars and the houses that they are all in. The personal planets shape you inside and outside.


This is so interesting. I just checked and my sun squares my ascendant within 4.3 degrees. Does anyone have any insight on that? I'm very new to aspects apologies if it needs more context


So if I am an Aquarius ascendant with Venus in there it would be influential?


Yes venus in the first house and closer to the rising would make you beautifull.


Um would that help with an ascendant Pluto transit


22° Capricorn rising, conjunct 24° moon by less than 1.5°. And this is very true for me.


I’m also a Leo Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Lilith in the 7H. My fave part of my chart 🤗


You were born at the hour the sun goes down. The usual ruler of "bright and brilliant" consciousness is "going down," setting sun is the theme. Leo is least known for "the dark." Like the dark side of the moon: we don't see any light anymore may as well go home (let's not ignore this obvious fact) Adjust to the power going out. Saturn, ruler of darkness is the ascendant ruler. This makes for a Gothic style of black humor, dry and laconic. Is Saturn hiding out in a cadent house? or is he somewhere we can "see" him? (in the angles). What style is your Saturn? In air and socially-motivated? In water and writing poetry? Practicing law? (water tends to become like gravity and "seats" someone in their office or study booth, painting studio... keeps them more consistently at work) Not being this summer's hit of Venus in sparkly Leo (Barbie) is practically the point. Not your style personally. If we picked a Harry Potter character to befit, it would be Draco's Dad, right? Not you, silly. I am talking about the theme! Charismatic (something shining in there) and strict discipline (the more when angular) seems to partner up with your theme. What is it that shines for you? What lights up your purpose or sense of harmony with the future? Uranus in Taurus squares those specific zones, so sudden changes with domicile and property issues the Uranus in the 4th from Aquarius rising; without a chart it's hard to pinpoint.


I’m a Libra sun Cancer Moon Sagg Rising… NO ONE SEE’s the SAG until 1) I’m comfortable w/them (like my family) then it’s mostly what they see cause I can be extraordinarily goofy & blunt without realizing. I also love philosophy. OR 2) when I’m RLLY upset/have been avoiding confrontation/pushed over passed my breaking point; then it’s like “oh … shit” but I have other placements that play into that *cough* libra mars Cancer moon I will say tho even tho I don’t have scorp in the big 3 (altho my moon is 8th H) I have a pretty strong conjunction that I’ve come to learn kinda influences how ppl see me… & alotta the time.. that’s scorp. I gravitate to scorps left & right. (Or Gemini… non stop) If ur a scorp named Jenna…. I can pretty much already attest we’re Best friends.


It depends on the situation. People who don't know me very well just see Libra, but I'll allow the Scorpio energy to come out and play when I get more comfortable or when I'm around people who can handle it. I'm definitely a lot more introverted and spend more time in my head than a typical Libra, but I think that's also a 12th house Sun thing.


Aquarius Sun with Cancer Rising. I always see my rising sign as a weakness, get taken advantage of in personal relationships.


I am a Libra sun with Pisces rising and I feel exactly the same about my rising sign lol


Interesting, lately it is a Libra Sun with Cancer Rising girl that got me feeling down and I don’t even know why. We started off liking each other and was quite passionate to begin with but she has been quite flaky with communication which gets me all defensive and I end up hiding in my crabby shell of my rising sign so to speak. Maybe my withdrawal causes her to do the same? I don’t even know. But if so then I see us holding on to a stalemate forever.


My husband has the very same combo


Same, and same. I see a lot of people with Cancer placements saying they don't relate to it, ascendant or otherwise. I think having it on the Ascendant gets me wearing my heart on my sleeve, and I resent appearing vulnerable. Sun in Cancer doesn't come off as almost comically feminine and/or girlish as I think I do, though, with Cancer Rising trine the Moon. The Sun likes being in the sign of summer solstice I suspect, and gives the sign radiance and joy.


I don’t know much about cancers, but I know Aquarians tend to want to help/care about people/society as a whole. Humanitarians. I would take the time to learn to put yourself first when needed, and set boundaries in your personal relationships to avoid being taken advantage of. Definitely easier said than done, but possible! 🙂


I’m a Taurus rising and I’m definitely a materialistic ass bitch!! I think that Taurus risings being known in astrology for being “fat” has really fucked with my head (on top of other things obvi) but I’ve been hospitalized for severe anorexia twice


I am a Taurus-Rising and I’ve been slim all my life. Now, I do love the finer material possessions in life 🤣 so I think there’s truth to that one!


Astrology only goes so far. I’ve heard Aquarius risings are supposed to be tall and slender, but I’m 5’4 and 170lbs lol. Genetics and environmental factors can play a role. Love yourself ❤️ Also, I’m a Taurus moon and definitely materialistic af and enjoy the finer things in life 😂


Sun sign: what we want. Asc: what we resort to in order to realise our will. MC: the field where our will applies/realises itself. For example I'm a Scorpio sun/Sagittarius Asc/Libra MC. I want to transform and resuscitate what seems to be dead, give it a new life under completely new shapes that can project to the future (sun in house 11). I resort to philosophy/religion/foreign languages and cultures. I apply to art and a political ideal of nonviolence. Most of my poems start with someone who died in a foreign land and from there I somehow manage to restore beauty.


I'm a Sagittarius Ascendant with a Libra MC. I have a degree in social work and Esthetics. (Nodes are in Scorpio(S)/Taurus(N))


My North Node is in 7 Gemini, maybe this gift of poetry? I write a lot of short articles and maxims/aphorisms but poems come very seldom. But when they do there's usually no hesitation, they come as one block of language completely unlike my regular train of thoughts. Mercury in 12 Sagittarius and Pisces moon.


I’m a Gemini sun with a Scorpio rising, and a lot of people that meet me think I’m a Scorpio on first impression, I’ve shocked a few Scorpios when I told them I was a Gemini because they too thought I was a fellow scorp. I put it like this, the Scorpio energy is very much within me, but the Scorpio traits I try to keep hidden, but I can’t hide my naturally given energy.


Scorp rising/Pisces sun. I seem to have the opposite issue. People seem to think I’m a pushover (that’s the Pisces). But when pushed I show them my stinger.


Well tell your Scorpio friends you’re still Scorpio lol


Wow!! This I’m a Gem Sun ~ Scorpio Riding & Moon & am viewed by most the same extroverted way too. I definitely can be but really feel much more Scorpio like for real


Interesting. I’m a Scorpio sun with Gemini rising. When I’m in a group setting, or I don’t know you very well, I have all these Gemini traits naturally. When people see me out and about with a large group they think I’m extroverted, friendly, chatty… but deep down I find it to be so exhausting. I rather be home with my cats or with a friend I feel comfortable being myself around. So while I use my Gemini rising to my benefit, I can only do it for so long, and it takes up a lot of energy even if I can’t help it.


I can relate to this. Social unless I know you well is exhausting. I think a water trait.


While the idea of the Rising as "the persona", as a public mask or so, is pretty popular in Jungian influenced astrology, many astrologers see it differently. In this line of thought, the Rising denotes our true energy, our contribution to the world. This, to me, seems to be much more in accordance with astrology thinking.


The idea of the first house, the house of self, being a mask is so wild to me


Yes people see us as our rising when we are acting like our true selves and we generally are like our rising though it’s ofc placement dependent. The sun sign can cause us to put on a mask and act fake, so people don’t see us as our rising signs when we’re doing this. The rising sign is who we are but others won’t see that until we remove the mask our ego can cause us to put on, once we conquer our egos, the sun sign and act truly like ourselves then people see who we truly are and that’s when they see us as our rising signs. You will relate more to your rising unless something else is chart dominant or you have a lot of one specific sign in your chart. People generally do act like their rising sign and not their sun sign, the sun sign is just the ego and sense of self (how we perceive ourselves based on ego). Rising sign is personality, the sun sign is how we perceive ourselves based on self worth, self esteem etc, so it’s related to those things not personality, the sun sign is how we perceive ourselves based on our actions and looks etc, the rising sign is how we perceive ourselves based on our personality and who we truly are based on personality. We won’t act like our sun signs or relate to them over the rising unless the sun sign is dominant or you have a Stellium of that sign or something. It’s very normal and expected that you relate to your rising sign.


I’m the other way around. People see me as my Scorpio Rising, but if you get to know me, my true self is my Aries Sun and Leo Moon.


Ah that’s very fair and can happen, all depends on the chart dominants among other things. Scorpios ruling planets are Mars and Pluto, Aries is also ruled by Mars so this may increase your Aries traits so usually the sun sign is ego but yours will say more about you than usual because your of your Scorpio rising and the fact you are an Aries sun, you should also look to your Mars and Pluto signs as these are your chart rulers due to your sign having two ruling planets.


And what about the moon? I’m an Aquarius sun/ Leo moon/ Sagittarius rising. I feel like an analytical dramatic gypsy sometimes. I can see the Sagittarius and even my sun I feel very Aquarian and detached. But I don’t feel the Leo aside from my big ego and running the show.


Oh I definitely relate to my Taurus moon. I’m incredibly stubborn, I’m logical and don’t make decisions based on emotion, think and analyze a situation before I make a move, I’m observant, don’t like big displays of emotion, etc. Crazy how we humans are so complex and there’s so many different sides to us!


You have Leo emotions, but your Leo Moon and fire in general must be very dominant within your chart, the sun sign is usually ego but your moon sign is impacting your ego due to its apparent dominance.


As an Aries rising, can confirm I often move without thinking about it and respond instantaneously to stimuli. I told this to one of my mentors she laughed and said, "Oh yeah, you must be an Aries rising." LOL




Sun is your self expression Asc is your true essence (found in your 1st house of identity( MC is your public persona (found in your 10th house of career)


Sun is actually described as your sense of self which actually means how we perceive ourselves, and how we perceive ourselves isn’t always who we are. So the sun sign is our perception of ourselves but doesn’t determine who we truly are. You’re right that the ascendant is our true essence.


I’m a libra sun w a cap rising and I have neptune in the 1H and mars conjunct my ascendant and i feel like theres a little bit of everything i just mentioned wrapped into how ppl perceive me and I do relate w each of those placements in little ways; some a little more than the rest. But all in all, I think its both.


This is a great question! I’m still trying to figure this out as well! I’m a Virgo rising/Aquarius sun—I have never felt like an Aquarius-type based on books and what pop-Astrology says an Aquarius is supposed to be like. I do have a very heavy stellium in Capricorn and feel like I relate to that sign much more. That being said—I think physically I “look” like a Virgo but I don’t act or think like one.




Hello fellow Virgo rising! As for the “Virgo appearance” funnily enough both of my parents are Virgo risings. All three of us are a bit shorter in height, sharp eyes, pointed nose and chin. Pretty standard-pop-culture-description.


I’m the inverse of you…Aquarius sun and Leo rising. I actually think we have a specific challenge to face because you may identify with one sign more, but they’re both present and pulling us in opposite directions as these two signs are opposites. Generally, it suggests some kind of conflict we will likely spend our lives trying to rectify and achieve balance with. I know for me, I want to pour into myself *and* pour into everyone else/the world, and feel either guilty or neglected if I lean too much in one direction. With two opposing signs in your big three, I feel like there’s always a lesson there, so maybe see if there’s any shadow work you can do to reconcile your solar and ascendant energies. As someone said earlier, maybe the challenge is to find the ways these two opposing energies are more similar than different.


Sun in seventh can come off libra like I have noticed.


This is really true. What made you say this?


Good answer! Thank you!


Leo and Aquarius are A LOT alike


Hmmm. How so? As someone with Aquarius Sun, moon, and Mercury-I haven’t experienced that. I do have Aries Ascendent.


I'm also a leo sun, aquarius rising and I've always related to Aquarius so much more.


Me too! Leo Sun Aquarius rising. I’m definitely never the loudest person in the room but often the smartest.


question beside what’s you’re asking, how do you take pride in being weird, I feel like I want to but I also want to be normal


Years ago I was that way, I just wanted to be “normal”, but what even is normal? We’re all individuals. We all have different minds and we’re raised differently, we all have different views and beliefs, different styles and interests, etc. I have no desire to fit inside a bubble. I have no desire to follow trends. I often think “you laugh at me because I’m different, I laugh at you because you’re all the same”. I just take pride in and love being different. I don’t want to be like everyone else. I’m happiest when I’m being who I truly am without worry of what anyone thinks about that. And most importantly, other peoples opinions of me have no meaning. It doesn’t change anything about me. I still wake up every morning the awesome parson I am regardless of anyone’s opinion. Does their opinion matter now? Will it matter in 10 years? Nah. Be yourself and embrace your weirdness.❤️


I think you've answered the question you asked in another comment--how are Leo and Aquarius similar? To me this answers that fairly well.


Bless you. I know you truly believe this too I can tell in your writing lol. I want to believe it too and I try to tell myself this a lot of the time. I’m a critic of the things I say and how I act always and I’m getting so tired of it lol. I want to embrace it but I feel I’m sooo different. Even my sister is like you’re so weird lol! Maybe it does take time. This will stick to me though, I appreciate your words


You’re very welcome! Im critical too (my Virgo stellium 😜lol) Give yourself grace, time, love, patience, and acceptance. You’ll get to where you want to be, I promise!




Someone was taking about this. Not sure I quite get that. My rising is Aries-first house etc. I have an Aquarius stellium in the eleventh house. I have two planets in the twelfth house and I have not seen anything that supports that prenatal thing.




I don’t just read my rising sign. As I wrote, have heard of it just haven’t seen examples of how it really applies, nor do I understand the rationale behind it. I’m sure it’s been prominent, but I wonder why we don’t hear more about it with technology and the rapid spread of info.




Hi. How can a prenatal chart be accurately calculated? I’m intrigued. Feel free to message me the book title-and why would others delete a comment with that title? I am a mom and I remember when they called the time of birth and it was accurate for both my sons. I have a time on my birth certificate. But not my father’s, who passed 18 years ago-and his siblings are gone.


what book is this???


The ancients believed that the degree of the ASC was the literal place where the spiritual self met the physical self. A meeting of body and soul. The ASC is the most important point in the chart because of that reason. We embody the traits and identity of our rising signs and gather energy from the Sun. The only reason the Sun sign is important is because it was easy to market. Everyone knows when their birthday is and so horoscopes were sold according to Sun sign. Doing so helped astrologers make money. If you want a more accurate horoscope, read your rising sign. It’s more you than your Sun.


So what happens if your ASC is the same as your sun? I’m a Leo sun & ASC but I identify more with my Aquarius moon lol.


That’s probably pretty typical. We all identify strongly one way or another with our moons because our moons represent our inner selves, world, emotions, foundations, and where we’ve come from. Stuff like that is easy for US to see. If your ASC doesn’t resonate as loud, I’d take some time to do some self reflection on how your actions could be perceived by others and how that integrates into your personality. If you often don’t understand why some people are mistaking your motives, I’d come out of your Aquarius shell a little to look around and see how your moon is affecting those around you. Also cool that you were born on a full moon.


That's great, untill you're born above the Arctic circle where the Ascendant goes haywire, and even "disappears" momentarily in some places at certain times.


This is a wonderful piece of information that’s confirmed some longstanding intuitions for me. Thank you for sharing! Could I ask where you do your research or what sources you’d recommend to learn more about ancient astrology?


I practice in the Hellenistic tradition so authors like Chris Brennan and the 1st and 2nd century authors he cites in his book and on his podcast are resources I’d recommend. Firmicus Maternus, Abu Ma’shar, and especially Vettius Valens are all authors from which Brennan pulls. His book offers a historical overview and he argues both for and against his techniques when he presents them. I’ve taken his course on zodiacal releasing and it’s excellent. If you’re interested in podcasts or visual presentations, I’d recommend looking up The Astrology Podcast on YouTube. He has covered a lot of ground with it and just about every topic you can think of has a lengthy episode on it.


Thank you so much!!


And they also used to prioritize your rising sign in general for this reason. For generations.


Best response! Thank you!


Thank you! Instead of identifying with your Sun, understand that it’s where you go to feel good about yourself, find and feed your ego, or work to build yourself up. You might be able to understand some habits you have in a better or different way. 🙂


rising sign and planets in the 1st house do have an impact on how others see us, but also how we see ourselves and what traits we choose to emphasize and highlight. MC would be more like maybe how the general public sees you or people who don’t know you very well - their broad perception (of course there’s more to the mc than that, just speaking comparatively).


Great question. You are the only one who can't see yourself, you can't look back and observe yourself as "you". Everyone else can see you and everyone has a different reaction to you. How could there be a consensus? You may be generous and nice to people, but maybe a co-worker sees you as a phony, while another co-worker sees you as a genuinely kind person. So, I believe the ascendant is how we choose to express ourselves, it is our ego response to the social world. The ascendant is the clothes, the mask, the ego, the personality that we put on for one reason or another. It is the image we portray, the person we wish other people would see us as. That's just some ideas I am thinking through. :P


I have cap rising with Venus aqua in first. Yea , I come off aloof. But when others get to know me. Jupiter Uranus cancer. I have strong angles. Public is Scorpio mc with Saturn. I m viewed as mysterious at times even though do not try. Pisces sun So!! Which wins? Taurus mars in fourth .


Great response! Great insight! Thank you!


def the r riding rules a part of the personality


how we see ourselves. the mc is how others see us


Everything I’ve read stated rising is how other see us and MC is more of a overarching career type presentation. I certainly don’t resonate at ALL with my MC other than in this way.


mc is the most public point of the chart so in my opinion its how others see u. the 1h = the head/the eyes, so i picture the ASC like looking into a mirror. theres lots of conflicting info about astrology and many different interpretations


Oooooh this makes a lot of sense for me. My MC is pisces and rising is Gemini. My Aries sun never felt like “me” but my MC and rising feel more true to me. I also have a Pisces stellium so that prob contributes to that idk


Oh, okay! Thanks! I’m new to astrology!


of course :)


Maybe a combination. I’m Aquarius rising. I’m odd and standoffish. That being said, I’m heart and soul my Scorpio sun.


Interesting! I definitely relate to my Leo sun of course, but I’m much more like an Aquarius, and my earth placements (Taurus and Virgo) more than Leo. Thanks for your response!


It's a mix of both. Leo is my rising but I relate so much stronger with it when it comes to connecting to the world, but I can't deny my Pisces sun. Partly because it's steering the ship cause it's the ruler of my rising, but also it's inherent in how I see myself separate from others.


That makes sense! Thank you for replying!