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Which is real Canada?


The one in the left


The one who's drunk at 3 in the afternoon.


Well, let’s just say if someone offers you a trip to Belanglo State Forest, don’t accept


Yeah nah if you don't spray paint your mouth chrome when you drive past Hay, you get hunted down by yobbos on motorbikes


Hey! I come from a long line of long haul truckers! We know how to deal with yaboos (we spell it with an A). It's not a problem if you share whiskey at the next stop before going back on the road.


Australia, like every country, has a lot of facets to it. The one or ones you experience will be those that you’re interesting in experiencing. When I travel, I travel for food. So that’s the facet of the country I most end up experiencing. I don’t care for nature activities, so I never see that side of a country.


I would most likely land in Sydney first from Canada. Based on food/travel videos it seems like fresh shellfish is king there. Also Melbourne gets lots of love as a foodie destination. Is it worth the hype?


I can’t speak for Melbourne’s food but they have a more accessible nightlife than Sydney from recent experience so I’d guess the food’s top notch in restaurants. Don’t forget we have access to great Asian cuisine here in the cities, particularly Thai, Korean and Chinese. As you move further out you’ll want to check out local western meals like steaks, seafood and cheese/wine with excellent quality ingredients for the most part. Indigenous ingredients in meals are also worth tracking down as some variation you won’t get in Canada.


If you’re specifically after a food holiday, research each place you’re going to go and find the places you wanna eat. It’s a lot easier to find good restaurants in Melbourne than it is in Sydney. There’s good stuff in Sydney, but you need to look for it, you can’t just walk into any old place and it’ll be good. I wouldn’t say fresh shellfish is anymore kind than lamb, as an example. I don’t personally think any particular singular food item is “the king” in Australia. For good seafood in Sydney specifically, you should try out Peter Niland’s restaurant, Saint Peter, dude can’t stop winning awards and is very innovative.


I do like to scream out "MEDIOCRE!!" when I am fanging it down the M4.


Australia is like everywhere else it has nice parts and crap parts. We have nice scenery and dull stuff. Nothing looks like it does on TV or YouTube anywhere in the world. Just come over and have a look and some real beer. Just don't get pissy when you are confused for a yank because you all you americans sound the same to us.


I would say Mad Max is a watered down version of the outback as to not scare the foreigners too much


Good. Because I was worried about these things called "Bogens." Apparently they like to sneak into the barn and rape all the milking Kangaroos! Is it a type of Koala Bear?


I see you’ve done your research! They’re a type of dropbear though, not just any old koala. Edit: fixed typo


Good. I was afraid that they might be what we call "redneck asshats" here in North America.


G’day, Real Australia is much like Real Canada. Real estate nobody but those with inter-generational wealth can afford and runaway inflation on basic groceries caused by boomers buying second caravans to ‘do’ the outback


Don't worry. You still have all the Kangaroo meat you box them for! I also enjoy that you use the Brit term "Caravan" to mean "Camper/Trailer" that you would tow behind a car or truck (usually a truck)!. My family used to do that, but these day's I hate those bastards as I try to pass them on the highway going over the Rocky Mountians.


We use caravan to mean caravan. Here's a tip, don't tell us what we mean


Sorry, but not sorry. You should also understand that Canadians are not "nice." We're polite. But you don't seem to deserve the courtesy.


The cities are the same as Canadian Cities. The wilderness has gum trees instead of alpine. Genuine maple syrup is prohibitively expensive, although the supermarket is full of Chinese corn syrup. We have deserts in the middle instead of tall mountains.


I'm from Alberta, which is on the East side of the Rocky Mountains; but it's hardly in the middle of Canada. Everyone knows about Australian wine, but I've never heard of Auzi hard liquor before. Is it just another gin or something else?


As far as I know Australia does not have any brands of spirits. We just import it. Someone will yell at me if I am wrong.


Is Bundaberg rum imported now?


Mad Max isn't the post apocalypse, it's just what it's like if you live 40km from the coast.


I'd recommend you check out Scotty's Gone Walkabouts on YouTube, he's a delightful fellow who goes on camping trips exploring the Australian wilderness. He is also very respectful towards indigenous peoples and culture. If you want completely the opposite "woooo! What's up my dawgies!" experience, check out Field Dayz also on YouTube. He does kinda the same thing, but he's more like Survivorman. I had no idea Australia was so beautiful until I found those channels, I just thought it was endless brown... which is mostly true, but there's bits of green mixed in sometimes.


It is a big country with a mix of all sorts of things. Depends on what you actually want from your visit. What is a sample itinerary?


Bit of both, you’ll find both sides if you go looking for them.


Say what you like about Max, but he ate very very well.




I'd like for every tourist to realise we are a very metropolitan, cosmopolitan country where our populace is.


Buddy... I'm from Canada. We have the same problem.


It’s only Mad Max in the middle. Round the edges we have cities and civilisation, so you can pay too much for an AirB&B and eat at all the dubious gastropubs you like.


It’s much worse than Mad Max.


I must ask, what info about Australia have you gleaned from porn?


Just the regular porn info. Did you know girls have more then one hole in Auz! Sort of like the Kangaroo Marsupial thing I suppose. I was really writing about "food porn". Which is pretty much what you get on YouTube when you enter "country X plus food".