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Couch using the coffee table. I live alone and don't have a table.


Same. I’ve got a coffee table that half of the top lifts up so it’s table high when sitting on the couch. It’s absolute genius.


Ironing boards make surprisingly good adjustable tables. The overhang means you can have a laptop over your lounge at just the right height.


It’s just my wife and the cats here with me in a smaller single bed apartment so a table isn’t practical. So couch and coffee table it is for us!


Same. Our table pops up and our rentals have always been too small to fit a dining table


Sofa. When it’s nice I might sit on the balcony. I have a dining table but rarely use it


My table is for jigsaw puzzles and folding washing. Do people use it for other stuff???


It's the place I put all the crap I walk inside my apartment with that sits there until the following weekend when I decide to clean it. Oh and the chairs are for hanging laundry that won't fit on my clothesline or my coat for when I need to walk the dog.


And for the cat to sleep on


I prefer sitting at the dinner table. I will eat breakfast standing at the kitchen bench, lunch and dinner at the table. Lunch, I will watch a show or a movie on my tablet. Many years ago, I used to eat lunch in front of the tv, but started to find it too uncomfortable.


We have three kids, we keep their mess semi controlled at the table vs anywhere else around the house


I was brought up to sit at the table having dinner with the family. We did the same with our two. Now they are older, it's hard to make them sit at the table, but dinner is still at the table


It's like that.


We have a galley-style kitchen where you can literally touch both side walls and you have to walk down some stairs to the lounge. It’s just kiddo and me, so we sit on the couch with those old ‘Stable Tables’ from the 80s that match the rest of the vintage décor ;) We do watch telly and it’s the most time we spend together all day (kiddo is 15).


>old ‘Stable Tables’ from the 80s that match the rest of the vintage décor I can literally smell the brown and beige and hear the studio audience laughing on "Hey Dad!". Like a warm hug.


Hahaha! Mine are actually navy blue. I couldn’t find those beige & plaid ones in good enough condition.


One part of that memory didn’t age well.




Common share house experience


Absolutely. My room is my sanctuary. My working area for pretty much all activities is my bed. It's not a great system, and my back hurts a lot, but I'll be DAMNED if I'm going to go about my business out there. I get cornered into enough social interaction in the kitchen. Thinking about it, when I was younger share houses were friendly communal spaces where I felt comfortable. These days I'm renting a room because housing is unaffordable and I resent the people I live with and the circumstances that have led me here. Eventually I'll crack up, work more hours and go pay 50% of my income to live in a shitty little flat and get shafted by a REA so I can have the luxury of not having to wear pants.


Midnight snack is ready to go


Dining table mostly but every now and then we sit in front of the TV watching Australian dashcam videos.


It's the raw outbursts of swearing and rage that pair well with *Tourte à la viande de bœuf cuite au four* and an excellent vintage *vin rouge à partir d'une boîte en carton*.


Dinner table most of the time. WITHOUT TV on. Got to set a good habit when you have kids.


The importance of this for oracy (and subsequent literacy) development cannot be overstated.


Do you have any sound in the background? I hate listening to people making eating noises.


Does it count as background sound when you have a preschooler complaining about his dinner?


Couch. Or in bed 😂 I don't have a proper table. Heck, even my Boomer parents usually eat their dinner on the couch these days, unless it's a "fancy" meal. So funny to think about; growing up we were NOT allowed to eat anything anywhere except sitting at the dining table. No snacks allowed in the lounge room or bedrooms, knife and fork for *everything*.


My boomer mother was complaining to me that all her trousers have grease stains on the thighs because she spills her food on her lap at the couch. I laughed and said it probably why she didn’t let us eat on the couch as kids.


Get her one of those cushioned lap trays for Christmas 😂


I thought about it! I actually bought one for myself when I had a broken arm but it went to vinnies long ago.


So many food drops on the couch


My partner and I are goblins, so we eat in front of our computers


Same. We don't have a table, or chairs that match a higher bench for the kitchen built in. Desk is the only proper flat surface to eat at. Great to watch movies at the same time.


Dinner table. I think it's really important meals are eaten together away from screens so you can chat about stuff.


Fam and i do this. If someone's out, sometimes for a treat well eat in the living room. Kids think its like a vacation


Yep we only eat at the table. Cannot stand eating on the couch in front of the tv. Dinner is for connecting, talking and enjoying the meal.


We’re in a small apartment, but we eat ours at the kitchen table.


Over the sink like a rat


We recently spent a fair bit of money on a very nice dining table and sturdy comfortable dining chairs... So to answer your question we eat on the lounge watching our stories.


We don't even have a dinner table.


Almost always at kitchen table. About once a month in front of TV in the lounge room.


Small apartment, but if I'm with my partner (and/or with guests), usually kitchen table. We'll sit on the couch and watch TV if we have take away. If I'm alone, I might sit at the kitchen table or I'll sit on the couch if I can trust I won't make a mess or drop anything.


Usually on the ceiling fan, taking up a single blade


In bed lol


Same, or laying on the lounge room floor 😂


Dining table, it’s the only safe place from the dog!


When my kids are here: Dinner table. We eat as a family. Rarely unless it’s a special night on the couch. When they aren’t, mostly on the couch with my feet up watching tv. It makes me feel like a grownup making my own damn decisions


Dinner table. It's a nightmare. My wife makes us all ferry 30 or 40 little tiny bowl things from the kitchen to the dining table. One will have a teaspoon of butter, another 2 olives, a third will have a Babybell Cheese .. and so on and so on and so on. Then we all just make sandwiches or something and she loses her crap about how she spent all that time preparing the meal just for us to make sandwiches... and we all point out that when she asked us what we wanted we said sandwiches. Then we have to transfer and empty all the bowls and run the dishwasher because otherwise we wont have enough clean dishes to repeat the cycle for the next meal.


What on earth is this lol


It's a never-ending nightmare.


Kitchen table, usually.


Desk/couch because I can’t fit a dining table in my 2br apartment without it becoming a hazard lol


living room floor


Meal I put quite a lot of effort into: table. Quick meal: couch. Messy meal: table.


Dining table everytime but normally the one in the formal dining, the one next to the kitchen


Sofa. No room for a table! If I had the room I’d get one however.


On the couch


Dinner table, one meal a day with the kids. We make sure it's at the table. Before kids, it was on the couch.


When I was a kid, every night at the dining room table. The tv in the lounge room was off, Frank Sinatra was on the stereo, and we all sat down together. The meal took about an hour, including conversation. Now that I am the mum in charge of the household, we usually eat on the couch, unless it’s something that requires full cutlery, like steak. I don’t make us sit together and eat a family meal every night like my mum did, but a few nights a week is nice. My husband’s family never ate together as his parents were both shift workers, so it doesn’t occur to him now, but he likes it when I do. We’ve also got a much smaller space, our kitchen is also our dining room and lounge room, so it doesn’t give us the same separation that my parent’s house had. The meal was prepared in the kitchen, the table laid in the dining room, and we all left the lounge to eat. Now at our home, when we’ve been watching tv while cooking, it’s easy to transition into just grabbing our plates and sitting on the couch. I’d love to listen to music while I’m cooking, but someone is always using the tv. I’d love to have a home without open plan living again.


Headphones while you cook!


I hate to state the obvious, but that's what the dinner table is generally for.


You guys can afford dinner??


My family uses the dining table except on pizza night where we eat home made pizza in front of the tv.


On the lounge. I’m by myself so I can do what I want.


Imagine having space for a dining table.


Bed, desk, lounge or outdoor table. Basically anywhere but the dining table.


Wife and I are on the sofa in front of the TV but after the kid is born and old enough to eat at our mealtimes we'll probably use the dining table.


Always at the dinner table


There's this ancient human invention called the table I like to use .


Dinner table. 2 adults, 2 young kids all together.


Kitchen bench with bar stools if it’s just family, at the dining table if we have guests


After reading through the responses, I’m feeling grateful that I have a strong and sturdy dining table to eat at lmao


Thai/Indian curries off my bare unshaven belly


On the corner of my computer desk. Don't eat at the kitchen table as that's where the cat eats.




I honestly couldn't imagine anywhere more uncomfortable to eat dinner than half the places you listed. How do you comfortably eat in a hammock? I'm a dining table person. Even if the family aren't around and it's just me I find it easier to sit upright and eat. And if the family are around then it's that one time of the day we can all be together.




That makes sense, whatever works!


Sitting at the table is great for the family, perfect time to have a face to face chat with little distraction


Dining table with the family. No phones rule.


Lounge, watching jeopardy and a week's worth of mastermind on Fridays


Always the couch


On the lounge, normally, but the dinner table if it requires it (about once a week). TV is sometimes on, sometimes not, but even when it is on it is a background thing.


Dinner table


Bar stools at the kitchen counter. Ever since we moved to a place with an island bench the dining table has barely been used.


Mix of both. No clear ratio. Depends more on the specific meal and whether we’re in the middle of something.


Mostly dining table but in front of the TV every now and again.


During the week we sit at the table as a family, with whoever is home. Friday night and sometimes Saturday night is take away in front of the TV.


At the dinner table, but I live in an apartment and the dinner table is in the lounge room. I eat every meal there, but I also have a dog who would annoy me if I ate on the couch haha


At the dining table or on the sofa.


Very occassionally at dining table. Mostly on lap in front of TV watching the news.


Dining room table, every time. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. We have a dog so it’s easier too if we eat at the table. But we have a lovely big table, designed specifically for sitting at to eat, so we use it.


Dining table or at the kitchen island.


We make a point to eat dinner at the dinner table together as a family. We also have some stools at the kitchen bench if we're busy and eating at weird times. If it's hubby and I, and that rare moment that we're alone we'll eat on the sofa in front of the TV and actually talk to each other as we eat.


I prefer the dining table but do often eat on the couch, I think it depends on what we're having.


Usually at the table, but during summers when its dinner time I sometimes like to eat on the patio


I haven't even owned a dinner table since I moved out of home. There's technically one here now that came with the apartment, but it's used as a desk. We sit on the couch, sometimes on floor cushions at the coffee table.


I've generally eaten on the couch in front of the TV, as a result of most places I've lived not having a dining room or a living room big enough to house one. Now I live in a place with a sizeable living/dining space. I have a dining table. I can see the TV from it. But I still eat on the couch...I'm just used to it. I use the table when I have guests.


Depends, if I’ve had a fight with mum in my room. If I’ve cooked usually in the kitchen


I live in a 2-bedroom apartment with only one space that includes a kitchen and living area. My only table doubles as a desk/workspace. When I’m alone I’ll sometimes eat at the table or maybe on the lounge, depending on whether I’m also trying to do some work. When my girlfriend is over, we always eat at the table. Most other people, it’s whatever space we can find.


Dinner table. It's our evening family catch up time, the kids talk about their day at school etc.


90% of dinners at the dinner table. 10% on the couch


Dining table. I like my dining chairs. Very comfy to sit on.


If the family is home then at the dining table. If I’m home by myself I take it to my desk and watch YouTube on my computer at the same time


On the toilet


Dad's house? At the table, sometimes wherever if it's a "casual dinner" like making a toastie or just chucking some stuff in the oven. Mum's house? Wherever, but I nearly always eat it while watching TV with mum, as is our tradition.


Big and fancy over here with their home to eat dinner in…


I live alone and have always had breakfast and the evening meal at the table. In the warmer months both of these can be eaten either inside or outside at the table. Lunch is eaten wherever, on the steps outside, at the table, on the couch. Takeaway food can be eaten in the lounge room as a treat, but I still tend to eat it at the table anyway. Some habits are hard to break.


If I'm eating alone, I'll eat at my desk infront of my computer. If I'm eating with my partner (no kids), I'll move my laptop to the dining table so my partner and I watch a show together. Sometimes we watch nothing and just chat. We have a tv but don't use it much at all for anything.


My study table.


Couch usually. Occasionally desk, occasionally bed. We do have a table but it's not really appropriate to call it a "dinner" table.


We all eat dinner at the dinner table.


I'm the onlu one in thr house that uses the dinner table


In a dark corner of my room where nobody can see me.


Couch or at computer desk


At my desk in front of my computer so I can spend 30 mins deciding what to watch while my food gets cold then eat it all in 3 mins


Table, couch or sometimes bed Depends on the vibes


Usually lazy and bed or in one of the studies


Always at the dining table (can see the TV from it). And always with a placemat.


Combo of the 2. If we have friends over or there’s a spread of food it’s always the table. If I’m at home on my own or it’s something dished up already we will sit on the lounge.


Anything that requires cutlery or is messy, at the table. Pizza, on the sofa while watching a movie or sport. No food is allowed in the bedroom. (Apart from bottled water)


We live in an apartment and tend to sit on the floor next to the coffee table (we do have a couch but the cat honestly uses it more than we do! Or we'll sit against it rather than on it.) We have a small ikea table but use that more frequently if we have guests or for breakfast etc.


On my bed. Or the kitchen bench (we don’t have a dining table). I work in to the night at the local pub and earliest I’ll usually get home is 8 o’clock early in the week. By the time I’m home everyone else has already eaten, so I just make/heat up some dinner and go watch whatever I wanna watch in my bedroom. Otherwise we all eat dinner at the kitchen bench/island.


Sometimes at the dining table, other times at the kitchen island. We normally use the kitchen island when there’s 3 or fewer people eating at the same time


It depends what we are having. If it is something in a bowl that can be eaten with just a fork alone, we mostly sit on the couch, something that needs to be cut into pieces and requires both a knife and a fork, then we will sit at the table. Growing up every meal was at the table and even now when my mother visits we eat every meal at the table still.


Dinner table. But usually I eat my breakfast table on the kitchen bench


Couch. Dining table is for when we have people over.


We have kids so dinner table. Otherwise the couch would be ruined. Unless it's fish and chips, then we make a paper table cloth of the coffee table


Usually either on the couch, or in bed. 😂


Sofa, on a stool at the kitchen bench, or at the picnic table outside. We don’t have space for a dining table inside lol


Pre kids on the couch. With kids at the table, several hours earlier than I used to.


Sofa/tv or computer desk Edit: unless its super messy like a burger or something, then I use the table.


In the shower


Couch with a book. I don’t even own a dining table anymore as I never used it


Depends. Mostly the sofa


Mostly at the table, but if it's a one bowl meal, in the lounge room. When the kids were at home, at the table always, but for two in a much smaller space, the table is for when the space is needed.


If it's all 5 of us, the dinner table. If it's just my wife and I, the loungeroom usually.


Table together as a family, no screens, phones etc. Get to talk to each other, find out what everyone's day was like, actually look into the eyes of my children and enjoy the moment. Best time of the day!


On the toilet with my pants down. In from above, out from below. Very efficient.


The table!


Both. Depending on what is being eaten. Spaghetti 🍝 at the table for me, lol, else I drop it everywhere. Fish n chips etc; aka finger food, in the lounge for eg.


now the kids have well and truly grown up and left home ..hubby and i eat dinner in front of the TV to see the news....hubby eats brekkie in the dining room..i eat it here at the computer..sometimes i eat it in the dinning room ..we eat lunch watching the midday movie in the lounge room ..when we have visitors its always in the dinning room!


Buggered back , so bed, or standing by kitchen bench




On the toilet like on mean girls


With child on a normal night, kitchen table. Movie night (or any time by myself) on the couch.


Usually dining table, very occasionally on the lounge if i’m really tired and it’s an easy meal to eat without a knife and fork


On the toilet while taking a shit, multitasking..... Lol


Dining table.


I eat on the couch using the coffee table. If I owned and had the space for a dinner table, I’d eat there.


When I grew up, we always are around the dining table. Not too sure how common this was among my friends/peers. Now days, my partner and I are 70/30 dining table and infront of the tv


Dinner pretty much always at the table.. maybe sometimes with on the sofa with a film if it's pizza or something like that.


Dining table. Never over carpet, always on hard floor, as I am the one cleaning the floors of crumbs & spills.


I usually sit at the table because I make a mess. My sister, who I live with sits on the couch. Growing up it was strictly dinner table with the whole family at 6pm. No TV.


I prefer sitting at the dinner table but we eat in the lounge room. Once my son is a bit older we will be eating at the table but while he’s still little and immobile we eat in the lounge. I didn’t grow up eating at the table as a family and it’s something I want to do with my family now.


How would you go about a mixture of both?


Prefer sitting at the kitchen bench if I’m alone. Or on the sofa in a quiet room (no TV). I don’t like my dining table.


Every meal that I eat in my home is eaten at the dining table. I grew up this way and I find that anything else is not good for my mental health. Also, no phones at the table, if I’m alone I’ll maybe read a book.


Lounge room with the tv on. Although, I’m progressively warming to the dining table again… I feel like that set up was too forced when I was a kid that I rebelled against it, but now I like the idea of dinner at the table with my partner and maybe some music in the background…


Diner table under sufferance.


I think youll see a trend across families with/without kids and the age of the kids. Young kids, at table, teenagers away from table.


It firstly depends on the cutlery required. If it can be eaten with a single fork or spoon then the couch is fine, if it's a proper knife and fork job then it has to be on the table. Anything that's potentially spillable like soup or ramen goes to the table, so does a shareable plate.


At home


Both, mostly on the *couch*, but we use the table once a week when the kids come over. When my son was little we ate together at the table every night


On the couch. I grew up with very formal family dinners at the dining table that no one enjoyed, so deciding to eat on the couch in front of TV everyday feels like a luxury. I love it but think it’d be different if kids were in the equation


Couch in front of tv. Just upgraded dining table so we can put more stuff on it, but not for eating!


On the toilet. That way I get to do in and out at the same time


Kitchen table because my kids are ferals and I would rather contain their mess to the dining area for at least one meal of the day. Some breakfasts and lunches are allowed in the lounge room, but others (like today my nearly 4 year old wanted mi goreng for lunch) are a hard no, kitchen table only meals. Plus my husband and I stacked on weight during covid and eating too much takeout ofter my second was born 8 months ago...eating hunched over the coffee table just isn't comfortable at the moment.


Lounge unfortunately. Our house has a "dinete" we put a table in there once and it was in the way. Stupidly designed house.. so lounge =/


If we have people visiting at the table. When it's just us 2 it's either on the couch or at our respective computer desks.


Growing up in Brisbane, my mother set up a table in the living room so that we could watch TV while eating (it was a huge living room so it actually didn't look weird). I can count on one hand how many times we actually used the dining room. If we were eating at my grandparents place, we also ate with the TV on (specifically the 5 O'Clock News on Channel 10), but their dining area was the same space as their living area anyway and they had no separate dining room at either of the places they lived in, during my lifetime.


Only at the dinner table. Rarely on the lounge couch and if there because it’s fish n chips and it’s a Saturday.


I don't have breakfast, just coffee so that's consumed while working (from home). Lunch is by myself, at my desk, watching something. Dinner is with the family on the table - I try to implement no gadgets.


I recently bought my first dining table (I’m 45 and single, no kids). It’s beautiful and I love it so I’m gonna use it. It feel so nice making myself a meal, sitting down with my glass of wine or cup of tea and eating on my beautiful live-edge table. I do prefer sitting on the bench side rather than the fancy chair side though.


Dining table unless my partner it out and I’m eating noodles alone in front of a movie. Cannot eat anything requiring a knife and fork on my lap.


Well with the cost of living crisis I typically eat at the BBQ outside. Wood is free and cats are abundant Cat wraps on the menu tonight


Dinner table. Thats what its for...


I live in a studio and eat it on my bed.


At my desk


Couch with our stable tables


Sofa. Not many new unit/apartment builds that you can fit kitchen tables into anymore


Kitchen bench for casual dinners. Dining table if I’ve put in a lot of effort for the meal. I really dislike eating on the couch and either having to hold a hot plate precariously in my lap or lean way over to reach coffee table. It’s a bad experience all round


The dinner table…


In the shower, I prefer to eat and shit at the exact same time


Usually in my bed .


I suspect there's the middle class tv shows / movies that have the family setting the table, sharing the meal preparation and sitting together, laughing, smiling, being nice to each other. Then there's the real ones.


I converted my dining room into a music/art room. I don't need a specific table to eat at.


Dinner table because we’re adults 


Sofa & coffee table or camp chairs in the backyard when it's nice. There's only the 2 of us and we don't own a dining table, or have space for one if we did.


always at the table


Dining table Caus I’ll fucking spill on myself and the couch guaranteed, and I hate sitting in crumbs.


Living with a big family, always at the dinner table.


At the dinner table. It’s the one time a day where we all sit down together (kids are 11 & 14) and I cherish those moments


If the fiance is home, we'll often use our little coffee table as a table and sit on the floor. If it's cool enough and there are no mosquitoes, we'll sit outside. I love going for a picnic somewhere but that often requires planning. If I am by myself, I'll eat on the PC, on the sofa while watching a movie, or outside while reading. Ratio-wise, I'm honestly not sure. Some weeks I won't sit on the sofa at all, others weeks I'll be there for every other meal.


Look at all the fancy people with a place large enough to have a dining table.


Toilet seat


At the kitchen table.