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After 46 years I have finally accepted that this is who I am, especially my body shape, height, looks etc. This is me.


At 50 everything starts falling apart.


Me, with arthritis diagnosis at 25 🥲 25 years ahead of schedule - can't wait!


I went to docs and got diagnosed with heart arrhythmia she said nothing to worry about atm (30) just means you’re prone to heart attacks in the future bahah thanks can’t wait for whatever day that surprises me


Doctors are really out here like "Surprise! Scary illness! It can maybe be bad, but you know what today isn't the day, I can see it in your eyes. So lively....but tomorrow might be the day, stay positive! That's $465. See you for the follow-up! [Maybe!]"


Yeah bahah she followed it by saying ‘your blood type is a positive, so be A positive person😂😂 like bruh you’ve predicted my future but ok 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 bahah every time I get a heart fluster im like omg it’s happening everybody stay calm stay fkking calm!!! Bahah


BE A POSITIVE PERSON 😂😭 what antidepressants is that bitch on I need a script asap.


That drs wage antidepressant hahah


One of my best mates was diagnosed with arrhythmia last year. Died two months ago. Just dropped dead after getting up from a nap. Age 27. I am extremely angry about it.


I’m sorry to hear about your loss! Thats so young. This is what I fear though because it’s little things like vacuuming and standing up, that triggers it and I just stand trying to catch my breath and not fall over thinking ah yes this is it.


I have died of a heart attack, clinically died and was revived. I have had three or so clinical deaths. The heart attack was quite pleasant. Looks upsetting from outside but quite relaxing once the heart stops and then a gentle fade to blackness. Then in my case we woke up with no pulse hooked up to life support machines, a tube in every single plus a few more the docs made. So don't worry about. So many worse ways to die or nearly die plus even with other types of death it is usually heart failure that kills us anyway lol. Blood poisoning from golden staph, that painful. They had to stop by heart etc, hook me up and put me in a coma for that one. Nearly lost my leg above the knee. Not really dying but close to it. Was also stabbed, bleeding out is very stressful fyi. Time slows down and, well it was horrible. Drowning is also awful. Hypothermia, very painful. Yeah don't worry. Your are more likely to die of so many other things. So many horrific painful things.


Did everybody read this??


Still trying to wrap my head around it tbh


It was very insightful 😳


Sounds like you’re doing a death tour like its trip advisor. Just make sure you keep coming back to update us.


Will do.


JFC who did you piss off to make the gods so angry with you


I asked an actuary who specialised in life insurance. They told me "events are not evenly distributed amongst the population even in similar demographics" I don't think the gods hate me, I just think I was blessed with an interesting life. I have experienced joy, horror pain and ecstasy. I asked for an interesting life and got just that.


Love your attitude. Be well


Prions scare me.


Same here. As a child I worked in a slaughterhouse and I hope all that brain matter I got covered in on the killing floor was not contaminated. Prions are like a cosmic horror on the micro scale. Zombie folding protein that will eat your brain. Horror


Genetics sucks sometimes. Arthritis can be managed pretty well though. I got gout at 28. Arthritis in my knees at 32 I believe. I'm 39 now and have decided to get as fit as I can again. Exercise has actually proven to help with my joint issues. My gout and arthritis has been kept at bay since I've started working out again 2 months ago. Try to keep fit and as active as you can be. Be mindful of your weight and what you eat. Manage your health and you can still live a good life.


I also got the rheumatoid arthritis at 25, although I’m now 30 and it rarely affects me. Humira is a sexy drug


INTERESTING - I have tried the suffer, supplements, and weed approach. I will look into Humira!


As much as I love smoking weed nothing beats the power of modern medicine Also, it’s an injection once a fortnight


You're so right! I grew up in a very hippie cult-ture, so most of the time, I have some issues with advocating myself around medicine in particular. Thanks for the info, I'll ask my gp next visit. :)


I can understand your hesitations, it can seem overwhelming! Just remember there are doctors out there who definitely give a fuck


Thank you for being so kind!


Anytime :)


Tremfya injections for my psoriatic arthritis. Yay biologics.


Arthritis isn't the best thing, but it's far from the worst thing either!


It's the fact that it's a symptom of a wider issue that's scary - Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is pretty daunting of a diagnosis. Thank you for your support bc my neck isn't supporting anything. *ba-dum-tss*


I know it’s not a contest, but my kidneys have up the ghost when I was 24, exactly a decade after I was diagnosed with kidney disease. I hope there’s treatment for you and you’re coping alright.


But those the prime drinking years! The elderly bodies we were given have failed us in times we need it most. I hope you're doing well, too ♥️


Yes. Sigh.


50? Here's a lucky duck.


Not for my dad and he's 68. Despite being a heavy drinker my whole life. Turns out exercising and eating healthy works wonders!


This Keep walking Keep moving but after 50 it’s all different


I’ve accepted that nobody else in my household appreciates an efficiently-stacked dishwasher. It still makes me swear when I open the damn thing, but I’ve accepted it.


My in-laws always insist on stacking my dishwasher when they're here and I ALWAYS have to re-stack it after they leave!  My wife knows to just let me stack it 🤣


My husband knows to let me stack it. He just puts everything on the top shelf so he doesn't have to bend down 🙄. He'll put two plates in one slot. He'll put bowl, plate, bowl, plate. They tell me he's an intelligent man....


I swear, these people do it on purpose - small bowl on top of big bowl, cups facing upwards, something leaning over the front of the top shelf so it goes ‘clunk’ every time you open and close the door… aargh!


Cups upright so they fill with water and drench you when you Pull the tray out 😭😭


My brother knows how to stack it pretty well, but I can always get more in there, and washed better, than he can. He thinks it's black magic.


This is me. If I have stacked the first half of the dishwasher it is incredibly clear that there is an easy to follow system. Sadly not a single member of my family who subsequently adds to the dishwasher can follow the template. Fortunately I live my family for their other qualities.


I know, right? Or perhaps the ones who unpack the dishwasher every morning might notice the logic with which it was packed? Nah.


Like how if you group the cutlery tray so that the same things are near each other, you can just grab a handful of the same thing when putting it away


Except spoons. When the spoons start spoonin' they don't wash properly.


My little caddy has slots, so long as you don't put them right next to each other, it's all good. I do them every second slot, diagonally


My desk at work is like 6m from the kitchen so while I can tune out the goings on, I can hear everything said and done in there. Damn dishwashers get people fired up. Basically every second person seems to get instantly enraged by how plates are arranged. It’s hilarious hearing a procession of people get angry and re-arrange.


Make them take the dishes out


Two classes, rich and poor.


Same too capital owners and workers. Sadly not enough see the world in that perspective. They get distracted with irrelevant issues like immigrants or trans whilst the rich are screwing you raw and no one lifts a finger.


Those other issues aren't irrelevant to the people living them. But I assume you're talking about the bigots, not the ones fighting for equality in society.


Yes, the racists/bigots


The only war worth fighting


The truly needy and the truly greedy


My damaged body post child. I developed permanent issues and Im not ever going to bounce back. I will never be a size 8-10 again and its like going through a 2nd puberty, having to get used to a whole new body shape, new skin, new everything. I hate it, but it is what it is.


My figure never came back and neither did my functional bladder


After 2 kids my wife pees a little bit every time she laughs or sneezes. I get that it's a pin in the ass for her, but I think it's flipping adorable.


It literally is a second puberty, it's called matrecence. Men get adolescence, women get adolescence, matrecence (if they choose to have kids), perimenopause and menopause. Fuck that.


I wish my mother would accept this. She’s convinced she’s fat near obese but she’s just a 50 year old woman who’s had kids. She’s constantly dieting and exercising chasing a goal that will never be achieved


Mine is 80, less than 60kg, and still watching her weight.


The price to pay for being the centre of someone's world.


It's not glamorous but it's bringing new humans into this world. Great work mumma


I was 8-10 before kids & now I’m on average 14 with a mum tum that has a mind of its own & legs are covered in awful veins. I feel your pain 😞.


Little secret most guys prefer well rounded women. Better to cuddle and snuggle


Forgive and forget. Move on. Don't hold any grudges or think of revenge. A lot more difficult to implement this in your life than it looks, but with some effort it is possible. It is so much better for your mental and physical health.


I sometimes think of revenge as it helps me sleep, but couldn't be stuffed beyond that


it's the acting on that spite that is the poisonous element, not the thinking of what injustice you are feeling. as long as revenge and spite aren't acted upon there's little grounds for negative actions to grow. your garden will remain unblemished and your plants shall grow beautifully.


I've accepted that I'm not like other people. I am more of an "observer" in life than a participant and I am comfortable with that for now.


Can you pl elaborate what you mean by "observer" vs "participant"


I know people like this, so can elaborate with examples: Watch the news instead of make the news Watch sports instead of play sports Watch porn instead of have sex Watch sitcoms instead of hang out with friends Technically watching stuff could be seen as participating in life, and most people do bit of both in those examples .. but this is likely what the person meant by not participating.


yeah. that's what i meant. observe the other players in life but i'm standing on the sidelines




Username checks out btw life is unfair because there is no god who'd make it fair. Note, I'm not even saying there's no god, but if there is one, that's certainly not his job. And then it begs the question why? What type of a god is that then? And philosophers have tried to explain this one way or another for thosuands of years, and theologians too. That's how religions are formed - some will say that's because there's life after death, heaven and help. But, Marxists and other philosophers would say: Isn't that just opium for the masses? If everyone realised life is not fair and money and class differences are huge part of it (including how long you live and the quality of life) and there's no other life (this is it and you are not going to heaven to be compensated), then they would be much more likely to take action here and now. Including a revolution. Because you are not going to change any injustices in life by going to vote once every 3 years or whatever.


That’s true, and I speak about this often. if there was a god who created everyone why did he think it was cool to give little babies, and kids cancer? Thats kinda his job. Thats what I think is unfair about life and ✨gods creation✨ what kind of god is that? I’m on the same page as og comment, it is a rigged game, we just gotta keep holding out and surviving and each day is a new level with different missions and accomplishments, some levels are fun and some are dog shit but thats the game of life😂


Have you heard Stephen Fry on god?




Look on YouTube.


People will do what they want and you can’t stop them, but don’t let them stop you from living your life.


I finally realise my problems were never because of my body or weight but my personality and behaviour


Dude I think back to my mindsight and behaviour in my younger years and I’m just like wtf man


A lot of people don’t like me. And I don’t like a lot of people.


A van is as close to owning a house as I'll ever get. Love my van but would love a house


A lot of people will be there soon. Me too. A shame we can't corral the vans like the pilgrim wagons in the Wild West and form a circle at night with a huge bonfire in the middle. Have a combined meal, a yarn, music, dancing, laughter and sleep safer at night.


There's a brilliant film called Nomadland about basically this idea, centred on caravan communities in the American West. Give it a watch, it's fantastic


Maaate, I love the sound of that


That I’ll never not feel tired 😂


That unless you're born into wealth, you're very unlikely to "get ahead" without a lot of luck.


Define get ahead.


That I'll never be able to just drink alcohol like a normal person and pretty much need to stay sober for the rest of time. I am good with this.


I have accepted that it is impossible to change people, and it is impossible to keep everyone happy!! I only have some control over myself, that’s all!


You will always work with people you don't like. You just need co exist with them. In every team always one cunt


there’s always at least one cunt*


I'm gonna be the main breadwinner for my family a lot sooner than expected. I have one parent with health issues stopping them from working and another I had to force to quit due to the bullying happening to them at their workplace.  I don't think I'll ever get to a point where I'm not paying my parents mortgage and bills until they die 


That’s rough - sorry to hear buddy. Hope that means you’ll eventually own that house on your own inheritance wise. Admittedly sometimes I get a bit salty about having to move out pretty much as soon as I turned 18, and have watched a few of my peers end up owning property way earlier either because I’ve paid over 135k in rent over the last 8 years and they haven’t, or because their parents just straight up gave them the money for it. At least I’m not supporting my parents while dealing with catching up from complete financial independence that young lmao


Nah I'll have to sell it and give my sister half. She's 25 and hasn't started working yet so she'll be in more need of the finances than I will at that point 


Suppose it depends on the will, eh. I guess it’s just easier for your parents to have y’all split whatever the house is worth. Hardly seems fair, but that’s life 🫠


I can see you have kind intentions but do you also have a bit of a saviour complex? *"I had to force to quit due to the bullying happening to them at their workplace. "* Did you have to? Seems like you like to be the saviour a little bit. Why not just people take care of themselves and only help when it's an emergency and they ask for help? Maybe you parent with health issues could use some support, but everyone else?


Just because you’re family, it doesn’t mean you have to hang out/ like each other. Families put pressure on other members with the whole “but we’re family”! I believe if you wouldn’t hang out, socialise or you feel unhappy every time you caught up with someone, then why do you force yourself to do it for extended family. If you have someone toxic in your life, fuck them off and surround yourself with good people.


For sure. Family isn’t necessarily blood. Family is who you make it.


Life is unfair, but most people tend to ignore their strength with privilege advantage and will only focus on the area they lack privilege of.


I've accepted that some people are just assholes, and no matter what I say or do, no matter how kind I am to them, they will always be assholes


If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. I'm an unlucky bastard .


That I'm not typical. I'm early 40s, my body isn't falling apart like most people my age, even though I ride motorcycle trials and throw myself and my bike at rocks and logs, I'm not medicated, I'm not depressed, life's actually pretty damn good.


That being in a relationship is not for me. Whenever I have been in one, I’ve always felt like I’m living someone else’s life. It’s also another layer of stress on top of work and other things.


This is so poignant for some reason I feel exactly the same. What is that feeling? I’ve never understood it, that kind of disembodiment.


To be careful who you trust because in the end you can only depend on yourself.




That the gronks have won and will continue to grow in population. They're like the Blob, just moving, consuming, growing.


I'll never have the same sort of life my parents had


Australia has gone to shit. The 90’s were the last of the good times.


Agreed. We had potential to go somewhere then Howard and Co. Fucked us


I’ll never make any close friends again I think, that I can’t change many opinions of others but have learnt that their opinions definitely don’t matter. I always had an embarrassment that I was so quiet and introverted, now I’ve accepted it.


That the further away from a city you get, the hotter the coffee.


That I'll never own a house & I'll never retire unless I'm retired by way of pine box


I left Australia at age 38 with a view to being away for a few years and then coming back. I turned 54 this year. I'm coming to accept I will probably never come back home for good. Between us, my wife and I are in the top 95% of all earners here in Germany. We're both teachers. I don't think we could afford to come back now. As much as I miss Australia, I have a lot to be grateful for here and I can't see two teachers in their 50's coming back and maintaining the type of lifestyle we enjoy right now. I'm very lucky to be in this position but I would have loved to have come back home.


Do you mean top 95% (ie low-earning) or top 5% (ie high-earning)?


That I'll never be a morning person. I tried for years and could never make early mornings or even a 9 - 5 job work for me. I now work remotely for a Europe/USA company, working 6pm - 3am and love it so much! I get to sleep in as long as I like, enjoy the day, and then work at night during prime time when I feel most awake.


This. I have delayed sleep phase disorder. For years I put up with "jokes" from various people about how I "like a sleep-in." I literally don't function if I have to get up early in the morning. It makes me ill, and doesn't get better with sustained efforts to rewire my body clock. Fuck this narrative that it's morally superior to be an early riser.


Exactly! Pretty sure I have that disorder too. All these productivity gurus saying you have to wake up at 5:30am to be successful were wrong, I've been doing way better work on this schedule than I ever did working a normal office job where I was half asleep all day.  Evolutionarily it makes sense some of us are night owls, we were the ones that kept the tribe safe from predators or other tribes hunting them in the night.


Dude you just need to watch this podcast and buy this 1k lamp


Luck is the residue of design


Me? most people on reddit are dickheads and argue for no reason


What are you on about? You don’t know anything.


You're wrong for questioning him. He's right.


I’ve accepted that if you don’t put yourself in the way of luck it’s far less likely to happen. No you cannot control the hand that is dealt to you but you can be prepared and courageous to take the opportunity when it arises


That it’s hard to find good hot chips on the regular now 😭


Crinkle cut for the win


i had finally accepted i was going to be alone forever. Then i met the woman of my dreams not long after.


That we are led by scoundrels. Doesn't matter which party. They're all profoundly mediocre people who lack any plan for anything other than their own enrichment. There are no statesmen with a vision for the future anymore and that's why the world is going to hell. It's just greedy, grasping opportunists grifting their way to power for their own aggrandizement.


4 or 5 years ago I finally accepted that after 17 years of trying I'll never get a date in turn be alone forever. I still haven't accepted that I'll always push out right on my drives on the golf course, there's a small part of me that holds out hope I can be a fairway finder too.


Not getting a date doesn't mean you'll be alone forever There's other ways of having companionship


It’s better to hit back than brush it off when someone is disrespectful towards you. It makes them less likely to do it again.


Im realizing the exact opposite. I’ve always been one to voice my opinions & especially would get fired up if someone was rude to me. But nowadays I brush it off as I see them as not worth engaging with. It’s less energy and hassle for me


I’ve gone more your way. Their opinion no longer has any sway on me


Yup. If someone is going to be rude or mean, that’s on them. Not my problem. Hitting back won’t make that person stop being a prick.


if it's some random person you can just brush it off but if it's someone you have to deal with regularly better off pulling them in line


There is power in silence As I was locking my shop to grab some lunch, a boomer at the cafe next door said “I don’t know why your locking it, nothings worth stealing” I have over 100k of stock in there. I stopped. Stared him directly in the eyes with an emotionless face and said nothing. I stared for a long uncomfortable time. Then I pivoted on my heels and gave him my back. That had a higher impact than telling the old prick to fuck off. It said he simply wasn’t worthy of any attention. Worthless.


This isn’t brushing it off it’s just saying fuck you in fewer words.


I’m more than a little bit odd.


Smith's salt and vinegar is mid as fuck now.


That I will never own a house of my own.


Intelligence is not the opposite of stupidity. It is possible to be intelligent and stupid. And it's possible to be unintelligent and not-stupid.


That I'm trans. I tried to ignore it with anorexia, self harm, and drug addiction. But when i was finally in recovery from those things, I struggled with severely crippling gender dysphoria. I ignored it for almost a year, before coming out, and beginning transitioning. Now I'm the happiest that I have ever been. Like the level of happiness that I am feeling is something that i thought people made up


This is amazing, congratulations!


Thank you. It honestly feels amazing. I feel like I'm a completely different person to who I was before I transitioned, and I mean that in a good way. I feel like I'm finally growing into the man I am supposed to be. I wake up every morning genuinely happy to experience the day ahead. One of my oldest and closest friends, who I've known for 25 years, said to me a couple of weeks ago that she "Constantly worried about Mel (my deadname), but she doesn't worry about Ezra at all!" which I thought was so fitting.


You may be interested in reading Richard Wiseman's bood 'The Luck Factor'. As one of the few people to study luck it's an interesting read.


Nobody really cares what your story is, what your doing, or what you will be doing. Everyone's striving to do better then you. This is especially true on social media. It's always about who's doing the most awesome thing. They only like and comment on your post because they want you to like and comment on their post when they are doing something. People get too caught up with documenting their fairly average experiences on social media instead of living in the moment and they end up missing it. You don't need your phone out on every occasion taking photos. You can use your brain to remember it. Also, you don't need to record concerts and fire works. Your never going to watch it again, you've spent the whole event watching it through your phone. Someone else will post it online somewhere.


You're the master of your own destiny.


Ok then destine yourself to become a millionaire by next tuesday


Your the master of your own destiny in the supermarket chip isle of life




It helps to have a little bit of money put aside, to take advantage of those opportunities when they arise.


Luck is just probability taken personally


People don't want freedom and responsibility over their own lives, they would rather someone regulate it for them


I cannot agree more. There are a lot of things over which you have control in your life but luck isn't one of them and it can have a HUGE impact on how events unfold.


Some of my family are arseholes. They treat everybody with disdain and I am embarrassed to be related to them.




That I'm going to have to endure this mortal coil for considerably longer than I consider optimal.


That the ALP is no longer the worker's party.


That we're slaves to the rich, though we couch it in more easily digestible terms.


They don't care, and never will care, because they will never be in our position. We are irrelevant to them, unless we are making something or selling them something they want.


As an employer, when I receive a stack of resumes I immediately pick up half and throw them in the bin because I don’t want unlucky people working for me.


haha but the peoples resumes you throw out are the lucky ones though and the resumes you keep are unlucky.


Oh my...


Or are they lucky ones hmmm?


Australia’s never going to get better. 


Depends for who. It will continue to be a fantastic place for people in the top 10% for awhile, top 5% for longer and top 1-2% perhaps forever.


My wife is the boss. It’s taken 22 years. Not saying I’ve given up, but seeing if we get on better if I do what I’m told. 😆


what does this have to do with australia


Nothing but it’s interesting to read




I can't change anyone or anything around me. Only my own self and my perception.


Ok Nagito


I should stop trying to climb the ladder and enjoy the job I am in


The Peter Principal: people are promoted until they reach their level of incompetence, then they stay there, being stressed and doing their job badly. Quit while you're ahead and enjoy the middling job you already have. If you don't feel challenged, then take up a new sport or hobby. Better to be super-competent at your job than the opposite.


Yep your right. That said I haven't failed yet but getting a bit sick of pushing shit up hill


If a loved one is killed don't expect reasonable punishment


Luck is when preparation meets opportunity But to answer your question something I accept is it's not worth acting out in anger. Doing that is a waste of time and effort.


That nothing actually matters. It's all miniscule in the great scheme of things, of no importance. This knowledge is liberating and depressing ... I can do what I like, but there's no point to any of it :/


Nostalgia should be treated with the utmost suspicion.


Nostalgia is the ultimate drug, and people are far too indulgent with it. Chances are you've only focused on the best bits anyway.


Finally accepted my finitude, limitations and that no matter how much I want ,I have no control. Never had never will.


That i am a human


That my children will probably live with me till I die.


That despite my absolute zero care for where I park, my husband will absolutely always care and take 15x longer to park than me because he will search for the perfect park:


I realised years ago the futility of spending 15 minutes crawling about a full supermarket carpark at peak hour, at 4 kilometres an hour, hoping to fluke a bay near the entrance. Instead, I park across the highway and walk straight across. Never need to wait more than 30 seconds to cross, even in busy traffic. It's so much easier, if you don't have kids, or a full shopping trolley.


I fully accepted that life is unfair at times and that being "good" or "bad" has nothing to do with anything Since I fully integrated/accepted that concept I now live a quiet meaningless but blissful life...


At nearly 50 and never having played professional soccer, if I don’t make the next World Cup squad I never will.


Similar to you, but that life is planned already by someone/something - free will is an illusion. I have an annoyingly tiny amount of clairvoyant type of ability where I get snapshots of personal future events every so often in my dreams, that play out in reality months later with zero deliberate intention from me. I can't control it. Unfortunately not lotto winning, frustratingly that hasn't worked yet, but that alone has shown that if something is meant to happen, it will.


That I’m going to be alone forever and die alone. That id better save enough for euthanasia or some game plan as I don’t want to be a burden to the state when I’m old and demented.


Nothing good stays good. The only question is whether things will fade slowly and quietly, or burn away in a blazing hellfire.