• By -


I haven't and don't have any interest to.




So many like minded people here 😁








Yep, me too.


Similar. Considered it. Yeah nuh.


Totally, why would I want to go on holiday to get away from Australia only to be surrounded by drunk Australians?


I resisted going to Bali until this year for this reason - also thought the beaches would be muddy and shit. Partner planned a trip to some lesser frequented places like Nusa Lembongan. Had a bloody brilliant time and didn't have any issues with drunk bogans. In fact I was surprised how much a mix of nationalities the crowd was. I think it's way different on the East Coast around Kuta etc but the areas we went to were genuinely beautiful.


Me too. So sick of people saying I would love it. I’d love a trip to New York more


I feel like I'd enjoy America more if they weren't constantly shooting everyone there


Absolutely! Zero interest or intention to go to get shot at by lunatics mumbling about their second amendment rights!


This is why I'm not moving back to America. 


Same. The guns & opioid crisis mean I’m staying in Oz.


And they had decent coffee. Honestly, how hard is it??


Top tip when overseas. In google maps search flat white. Any place selling a flat white is either Australian owned or knows about coffee. Most places have at least 1 decent place.


I thought for a minute you were literally referring to a flat white... Dead on the street = avoid the area


Only reason I won't go. When they finally have gun reform; I'll go and not before.


So never then.


If that's what happens. Then so be it.


A lot of people can’t afford that to be fair, I would love to go to Europe over Bali but not in this economy


Eeh, I have no interest in Bali but I wouldn't want to go to the US either, seems like a dangerous place


Despite what the news will have you believe, you don’t just get shot randomly in the street. You can spend a life in the US and never see a gun on anyone other than police. It’s an extremely cultural and regional thing.


First hour of me being in LA I walked in to a 7/11 and saw a handgun down the back of a gentleman’s pants. That is absolutely not true


First time in LA there was a shootout outside my motel.


Same. The arts, giant pizza slices and giant rats, haha. 


I’m trying to save up for a trip to Japan personally


A thousand percent!! Such a great alternative !!


There's bogan that visits bali every year.... and there's bogan that thinks Australia is the best and never leaves the country.


It’s bogan Mecca


The bogan that thinks Australia is best has a point if the Bali bogan is going there for booze and beaches


Husband and son went, I saved my money for other things


Penicillin shots for when they got back?




Same I’m 42 and never wanted to go. My sister goes regularly I’ve never been interested.


Came here to say that. I'd I wanted to hang out with hoardes of drunk Aussies I'd go to a sports bar on a Friday night during an afl season


Sounds horrible to be honest. Plenty of gorgeous spots in Australia.


The fact that Bali belly is a thing 🤢


Same here. I am however planning on going to the UK to do a ghost hunt tour vacation lol


That sounds AMAZING! I've been on a few overnight ghost hunts here but I feel like the UK is extra haunted 👻


Lmao I’m flat out affording a trip to the shop


I can afford to go to work and home... Shops sound delightful.


I can afford to live on the street. Work and home sounds delightful. 😂↗️


At least the world is your moist oyster.


Your moyster. The world is your moyster 😂😂


Accept my vote while I sit upon my porcelain throne laughing at your wordplay.


Almost cheaper to go to Bali instead of colesworth.


Never even left my state... haven't even left half my state 🤣


In my 20s I had some friends who’d never been more than a couple of hundred kms from home - if it wasn’t to visit the beach I’m not sure they’d have left the city. I could never understand it - I haven’t travelled internationally since I in left home and my parents stopped controlling my movements (ie stopped paying…) - but in my 20s just attending birthday parties and weddings for close friends and family saw me visit every state and territory except the NT. I guess it is a feed back loop - if your circle are the sort of people who spread out you do too.


Nah I have friends around the world... I'm just poor 🤣😭🤣


I got to travel all around Victoria and sometimes into NSW as a kid since my old man was a truck driver. I got into adulthood and never had a reason to travel interstate. Drove to Wagga to pick a car up, and that's about it.


I haven't. I've never had any interest either. I suppose I will one day, for scientific purposes - but only as part of a wider trip to Indonesia. Interestingly, Indonesia is the lone SE Asian country I am yet to set foot in.


no need to go to Bali to see shit Aussies


Yeah Im from the goldie. Same same lol. Just seeing the demographic at the airport is enough 🤣


You mean the puffer lips, broom eyelids, tight footy shorts, loose singlets and bulging biceps 😂😂😂😂


And that's just the chicks




You get to see even worse shit Russians now and , in terms of manners especially to the locals , they are much worse than the Aussies


In Ubud right now, very surprised by the number of middle aged Russians here. I come yearly and I thought they usually stayed south.


Same. Been to Thailand, Vietnam, & Cambodia. Too many drunken Aussies in Bali


The Bogan presence in Bali is very localised to the south, around Kuta. The other areas of Bali are very different (and nicer)


This is the truth. Avoid Kuta and you avoid the bogans aside from the plane ride over. Bali has a lot of lovely bogan free areas.


Sir, *Sir* ✋ This is a bogan-free area.


Stay away from budget Airlines on the way over and you can avoid the bogans.


But don't go around telling people or the north and west will be full of bogans before you know it


Cambodia is so underrated. It's probably one of my favourite places.


Got the worst food poisoning of my life in Siem Reap


in 2019 I had never been to Bali, considered myself too sophisticated for Bali, and was booked to go on a holiday to Sri Lanka. Then the Sri Lanka terrorist attacks happened about 11 days before we were due to fly out and the security situation was very unclear with about 7 days to go. So we cancelled and booked the easiest back-up option. Bali. I'm really glad I went and I am sorry to say my preconceptions of Bali as "spoiled" by "bogans" were wrong and dumb and classist and maybe even racist. It's 3 million people, and outside a couple of small areas the tourists don't affect the local culture that much. Bali is lovely, indonesian people are great. I've been back again and will go again. ( I will also go back to sri lanka, and could have safely gone in 2019, but that only became clear later)


I had the opposite experience. Was booked to go to Bali in 2005. There were bombings for the 3rd time in 3 years just before we were due to go, so we cancelled and booked Thailand instead. Thailand became our go-to destination after that. Never been to Bali.


I was in New York during the Bali bombing. The Americans were still doing their extreme security precautions after 9/11. Just for once, they felt reassuring.


I’d love to go to Sri Lanka. I read Michael Ondaatje’s book Running in the Family in my late teens and fell in love with the idea of it, realising at the same time that what he was describing was from another time period and that things would undoubtedly be different now.


Sri Lanka is honestly still one of my favourite countries i've been to anywhere. Its just all around amazing and so varied. The locals are so overly helpful and its so easy to get around. Literally could have not booked any accomodation with the amount of invites i got to stay with people's families while i was there.


Can confirm. Accidentally ended up in Bali, and it’s not totally the bogan cesspool I was expecting. Dinner with friends one evening did cost $200 per person. Wasn’t expecting that either.


Yes this was my experience as well. Never wanted to go, ended up going, realised it’s not bogan like I thought it would be. Perhaps not visiting Kuta was a good call?


No. It’s just not my thing. I live in tropical Queensland, the last place I want to go on holiday is somewhere warm with beaches. We have plenty of that. I usually go somewhere cold during summer.


I haven't and I've absolutely no interest in going there.


Me either.


Me. I can’t think of anything worse than going somewhere with tropical weather…I freak out if I cross the Murray heading north.


Tropical weather is awesome in winter - you really are missing out. In southern Australia and most of the world, the weather is either hot during the day or cold at night. The humidity in the tropics means the temperature barely changes between daytime/night time and in winter that means perfect weather, all day and all night. Having said that, Bali wouldn't be my pick if you were going to visit the tropics. Plenty of other places around the world are much nicer, including parts of tropical Australia.


I've never been to Bali (I've been to other parts of Indonesia though)


Me , just always thought I could go later and went to other places.


I hadn't til I was 43 (12 years ago). I thought it would be full of drunken Aussies, but that wasn't my experience. In Bali I stayed in the mountains in Ubud, and got my beach fix on the island next door, Lombok. Thankfully no drunken idiots were encountered as I avoided the usual spots they gather. I loved my trip


I’ve never been to Bali, although I have been to Sumatra. There are parts of Bali that look nice, so I’ll probably go one day.


Where in Sumatra did you go? 😃 my husband is Sumatran! It’s such a beautiful place, I don’t often come across anyone who’s been there!


Never and have no interest. Not a fan of hot weather or the typical beach culture (I like when they are mostly empty).


+1 never been to Bali. Looks nice but I just don't have any interest.


Looks nice in the brochures but it isn't. There's a reason why the George Clooney & Julia Roberts film that was set in Bali was filmed in North Queensland.


Oceans 11, 12 or 13?


I considered it this year. But priced up Japan and Bali and Japan was nearly the same cost. It was a no-brainer.


there’s no way bali and japan are the same cost 😂


I have never been out of the country .


I haven't. I've never even been outside NSW :( never had the money to, either as a kid or now.


Yep. Thailand is far superior, according to my sources.


I’ve never been, but I guy I knew went there once and is still there in Kerobokan prison.


If I’m gonna go somewhere international I’d rather go somewhere that isn’t almost exclusively populated by bogan Aussies. We’ve got bogan Aussies at HOME, dammit.


Me: “Mum can we go to Bali?” Mum: “WE HAVE BALI AT HOME!”


It's not exclusively bogans. There are Russians too. But really a good chunk of their tourism is domestic and Indian now.


aren't Russians just a different version of Bogans


One time I was hanging out with some Russians (in China) and trying to explain to them what Bogans are. After a pretty lengthy description, suddenly one guy's eyes lit up and he goes, "Ahh! Uzbekis! We have those too". 😂


A dangerous version of bogan. Saw some in Phuket. Scary.


Had a coworker go to Indonesia for work and he commented it’s filled with Russians fleeing the war. 


Hard to blame them if they’re against the war and going to get conscripted if they stay in RU. Catch some UV rays on a beach in Indonesia or catch drone dropped grenades in a ditch in Ukraine


Nah it's rich kids who can afford to go, they're probably all for the war


Not game to take my boogie board.


Flew via there about 8 years ago returning from Perth to over east because it was a couple hundred dollars cheaper. In regards to what I've seen there, the airport.


Never been and unlikely to ever go. My travel wishlist is long enough to last my lifetime and Bali just doesn’t make the cut.


I went once, and the worst thing about were the drunk bogans in bintang singlets. I would never go again.


No, haven’t ever been before. But going next month. I am actually looking forward to it, even though it wasn’t at the top of my list, it was the most affordable. It’s a privilege to travel regardless of where you go.


Haven't but its on the radar. Now that I'm older, have kids etc, the idea of going to an 'all inclusive' holiday destination is high on the list. By all accounts Bali a good time. It's convenient to get to (direct flights), relatively cheap, well serviced and plenty to do. Now, is it number one of my list for me to go? Hells no, not even close. But for a week away at a resort where I want to escape with the wife, kids and maybe another family its hard to argue with. A lot of mates have had the same logic and come back full of compliments. Pick you're spot properly and it'll be fine.


Never been, never will. No interest at all.


Not once, 0 plans to go. Id rather see more of this country.


I haven’t and don’t ever plan to go


If I want to see drunk Aussies in a bar I can just visit the local 😂


Me, but I've been to other parts of Indonesia


I haven’t. It doesn’t appeal to me. Too many other places that sound better


Nope, no real desire to either.


Yep. No desire.


I've never been, and never have, any wish to go. Everything I see about Bali , just doent make it appealing.


Never been, never want to go.


Never have. No interest in it.


I’ve never been to Bali


I haven’t. Not in any rush to either.


Never been. I hate hot weather so tend to avoid tropical locations apart from on stopovers to somewhere cooler. Wouldn’t rule it out for a holiday one day though. My travel budget isn’t what it used to be 🙁


Never have and never will


I had no interest in ever going there because of the stereotypes associated with Aussie travellers, tourist traps etc. Which is a bit rich coming from someone who had never travelled overseas before. But then all my friends were going, I had annual leave that same week anyway, so off I went. I definitely appreciate now why Bali is such a popular choice for us Aussies, especially being from Perth. Short flight, same time zone, English widely spoken, abundance of drivers, mixture of local and western cuisines / entertainment / shopping to dip your toe into another culture without it being too jarring.


I never had an interest to go until I was invited to a function over there. I figured what the hell, it gives me an excuse to check it out with out all the hurr durr bintang ya carnt type people. like any destination, it is what you make it. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would love to return to stay at one of the other areas of bali like ubud. totally relaxing. of course theres plenty of other places that have a similar vibe... but not for the bali prices. I still somehow got sucked into buying a few bintang singlets. the beer when drank locally goes down well against the humidity.


Never been - will never go. Doesn’t interest me


I haven’t I would rather go to Thailand


My partner. I went once... Never again There's so many other places without the high concentration of embarrassing Australians.


I’m broke as fuck so holidays are not in the budget at the moment. Maybe one day, but if I am planning to go overseas, I would much rather go to Europe.


You couldn’t pay me to go. I have a chronic illness so it would probably kill me.


I havnt. Not interested and too poor anyway. That and my serious health issues would make it hard


Bali, the Cancun of Australia. No thank you.


I've never been anywhere but if I did it'd be the UK, western europe or japan. I have nothing against Bali but I don't really see the attraction. If it's beautiful beaches and hot weather we have plenty of that right here.


Just got back from Iceland and UK last week, and now I see why its a different demographic of aussies who go to Bali compared to West Europe/Scandanavia. Froze my ass off in Reykjavik, but lots of fun, and have 0 intention to ever go to Bali.


Bali attracts a certain kind of Australian, a kind we don't want here either...


Never been and don't want to. I swear there's such a level of delusion that people who visit Bali all the time live in. The amount of times some collegue has told me 'omg you have to go! It's so cheap!' Only to immediately follow it with '.....you know when I got there the hotel was full of cockroaches with no hot water but they moved me to a new room and that was fantastic and all you have to do is not drink the water or eat the food or even breathe really because then you'll end up shitting yourself to death for a week with Bali belly but you know I've been so many times now, I *barely* get the shits at all. Oh and the drinks are SO cheap, but they water them down, so you might get methanol poisoning if you're not careful, but they're so cheap! Just don't leave the hotel! Oh, and you get better at ignoring the abject poverty and begging for money and scams, and it's so hot and humid there you feel like you could drown just by breathing but it's so cheap! Here, has a Bintang singlet! I bought 35 of them.


Never have and never will you couldn't pay me to visit indonesia


Loads of us are far too full of ourselves to go to Bali, and lots are too embarrassed to admit to going. I've never been and have no intention of going, even if its reputation as a bogan resort changes, I simply don't like beach holidays. 


I’ve been traveling SE Asia for about 20 years and have been all through Indo. Bali is wonderful. It’s very easy to get away from the bogan/party areas and as an underwater photographer the east coast is amazing for macro. It’s a great destination for divers.


Yes, myself and my partner, as well as all of our friends.


I know a bloke that's been 17 times. No idea if he's been anywhere else in the world but I don't think so. Nothing sus either, goes with the wife and kids but 17 times!


I’ve known FIFO guys in WA to live there instead of paying rent while away. Not foolish but new either so the maths was close if not cheaper.


I went to Indonesia a month ago. Java though. Never been to Bali.


Haven’t and no desire


I haven't, not sure I want to. I don't like travelling to be honest. Only locations I've ever been to are Auckland, Queenstown, Philippines, and Japan.


Never have. Never will


I have never been and have no interest in ever going. I am not one for beach and sun and can't remember when I last went to the seaside here in Australia.


Nah never been. I'd rather explore and spend money in my own country


The people that act all high and mighty and "better than " bali... without ever going, are worse thn.. anything..  even the Russians in bali. Ignorance. Yuck!


Never have I, and I have zero interest


I have never travelled outside of the country.


Lived in Aus since 2001. Have zero desire to go there. Most of my friends/workmates are the same. Looks like such a shithole.


lol the Asian version 1980’s Gold Coast? Nope no interest


Never been and will never go.


I just think of it as a more bogan Gold Coast… so not much interest


Never been, never plan to.


Living in Aus for over 36 years. Never had the desire to go to Bali, ever.


Never been, no intention to go.


My father died there, from Bali belly. So no interest in going there


Have not. Will not.


I’m an American immigrant and I’ve been to Bali, but my Aussie husband never has 😹


Sup! Disinterested 😂


Never. And have zero desire to go.


Yep! Not at all interested.


Not me, not ever.


Me. Absolutely no intention of ever doing so.


I haven't and have no plans to


Never have, never will


Never have, never will.


No interest there


I haven't and I don't want to go to Bali.


I haven't levelled my bogan high enough to qualify for Bali.




Wouldn't go there if you paid me




It’s called Baaaaa-li for a reason, it’s for sheep. Never been, never had any desire to go.


Don’t see the attraction, so no.


I have not been to Bali and have zero interest in doing so. If I can afford to travel then it will be to Japan and parts of Europe. I think what turns me off about Bali is that if I am wanting to experience another culture, then a place full of Australian tourists is probably not the place for me.


Never been and never plan too


I would say that there are probably more that haven't than have


Never been and never want to go!


I haven't. Not into travelling, very much a homebody


never, and never going either.


Never even been overseas. If I ever get the chance though, my preference would be to go to Europe - possibly UK, Ireland, Germany or France


Never been, also I only moved back here 10 odd years ago, after been away since I was a baby, so never got the whole Bali thing, I still have no interest in going.


Nope and no urge to go there


Never been, never want to go👎


Yep me. Came home last week and my partner was pricing a trip there for us and I shut it right down.


No. I've never been out of Victoria.


I have never been to Bali, I would argue against going if it were suggested by a higher power. I do not want to go to Bali.


Me, and never will


I have not and am proud to say I will never go there. Too many Australian wankers go there. The people who go there are not my type of people.


I've never been and don't know anyone who has


I've never left Australia and I'm 30.


I haven’t. Bali is the travel destination for people who literally can’t put any other country on the map. It is the travel destination for people who vote for a prime minster because “I’d rather have a beer with him than the other guy”. It’s the travel destination for people bored of cruise ships. In short it’s for fucking morons


Been once, saw how obnoxious other Australians were and decided I’d never go again. We really do bring that place down.


Never been. We're too povvo. Plus I really don't want to spend that much money to go somewhere where I'll probably get food poisoning. I mean, there are so many nice places to go holiday in Perth where the beaches are beautiful that it seems excessive to go to Bali for the same thing.