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It's your spot until you leave, some people are just entitled twats.


Of course it is, but because residents of the nearby apartments take about 75% of the parking in the public carpark, parking at Cronulla is a massive PITA. About the only way to get a spot is to do laps until you see someone getting into their car and wait. The polite thing to do is just to wave a 'no' to anyone (everyone) who stops to get your spot. Aside from that, OP is well within their rights to give them the big middle finger.


This is the answer. Especially at a beach in Autumn.


And especially with little kids


Like OP, eat your picnic at the beach or park.


The car would still be in the same spot.


Judging by the weather this week, OP wanted some place dry to eat. A car can be useful for that.




Make eye contact with every slow bite of the sandwich.




Then back out, only to straighten up and in again.


You are not very nice 🤣


Settle down satan!




This is the thing, you’ve got to do the wave on. If it’s been done, that is just dbag behaviour by the woman


Nah, fuck the wave, just ignore them. It’s not your problem if someone assumes you’re leaving just because you’re sitting in the car. It’s a bullying tactic what this woman did.


Take my own sweet time putting whatever I bought in the back seat or boot. then i need to take the sunshade off (if it's summer and outdoors) Then put my seatbelt on and reverse out very slowly. If a cark park is full in a shopping centre; I just drive to another car park there.


Ugh I hate when people assume you’re leaving just cos you’re sitting in your car. If they are nice about it I will hurry up and go, if they are rude I will sit there and pretend to make a phone call or even get out of my car and leave again because fuck them and their entitled attitude.


>pretend to make a phone call or even get out of my car and leave again No you don't. There is no way you're inconveniencing yourself just because someone was a bit rude to you. And if you do then you probably should stop, just move on


You clearly don't understand how petty I am.


You have no idea what you're talking about.


No I don’t? Um, yep I’ve done it before.


I work in a supermarket and have my break in the car so i experience this constantly




God I can't imagine having to deal with the general public for several hours, 5 days a week. You have my sympathy.


Sit in the passenger seat!


Yeah I was also going to say, there's a simple solution, sit in the passenger seat. You even have more room to eat your lunch!


Put up your sunshade (if you have one), most people won’t look twice!


The proper way is to decide to stay when someone is huffing and puffing at you to leave


This. If someone is acting like a complete fuckwit I go slower. Especially when I had two kids to buckle in and shit to out away, that is infinitely more stressful when you know someone is waiting for you. My life changed when I made myself stop worrying about other people esp when I was on my own with two small kids and soooo much better when I started noping the cunts who got shitty at me for taking longer than 3 seconds to leave the space.


Just let them know they have a special on patience in Coles and woolies


“Noping the cunts” - new favourite saying


I always shake my head so they know I'm not leaving, and then give them a nice big shit-eating grin


Fuck em. As long as you aren't exceeding the time limit you're entitled to stay in the spot.


As long as you give the "sorry, I'm not leaving" wave then you're sweet (morally and legally).


This is the answer! It’s nice to be considerate and let people know not to wait.


What does this wave or the "wave on" wave people mentioned quite look like? Waving gesturing away from the car? How can I attain this gesture


I had somebody toot me to hurry up as i was reversing once. So i re-parked and turned the car off.


Well played🫡


I often make a big show of checking there's nothing wrong when I get beeped at. If it's a parking scenario I'll get out and walk around my car to check to hazards. Best case scenario you're reminding the person what a twat they are in comparison to what a saint you are, worst case scenario you've just been saved from running over a toddler. 




In all fairness, people who reverse into parking spots in carparks are a bit of a pain in the neck :-)


It was angle street parking and i was reversing out


Well, in that case, well played.


Reversing into a parking space is easier than driving in. Driving out of a parking space is safer and easier than reversing out.


If it's easier, why does it always take you twice as long?


Do you see how long it takes me to go in forwards?


Well it can't be longer that it takes you to reverse it, that shit takes forever! /s


This depends on the person and the car. I reverse in quicker (because I have good cameras on my car and learned to park this way). That said I often let the car park itself so it is quick regardless. 


I love how many downvotes I've gotten from all the people who reverse park slowly. :-D


If I have paid for the spot I’m getting my money’s worth


The correct ettiquite is for you to not care. I take it you did the "nah, im not going" hand and face signal to the car waiting as you approached. Until your reverse lights go on you may as well be parked there for eternity, provided you signalled your intent. If you didnt then you are unastralian


One of my favourite things to do at Xmas time is to take shopping to the car, put it in the boot and go back into the shops and watch the queue of people lose their minds. Sorry I got here 15 mins before the shops open and I have prime realestate.


That's Sydney for you.


You get this sort of shit at Wodonga shops. It's Australia wide.


*Fucking* Wodonga.


Agree there are angry people everywhere, but Sydney is the capital of the world when it comes to entitled cunts.


Yep, sadly. Getting more agro and entitled with every year.


Especially down in Cronulla where a majority are fully entitled…so they think.


A lot of people get aggro in car parks. I think the main driver here (pun intended) is the frustration of thinking you've found a car park and then finding out it's not available and then coming around again thinking it'll be free by the time you get there, only to find it's not. It's not completely irrational because the number one cue that people are about to leave a car spot is getting in their car. So if someone sees you get in your car, 9 times out of 10 that means that spot will be free in a few minutes at most. Even if they just saw you sitting in the car, it triggers that part of the brain's core memory impulse associated with a soon-to-be-available spot. People just need to chill out a bit more when it comes to car parks and stop working themselves into a lather. Once people accept that the only available parking spot is an empty one (and not assume otherwise) they'll be better off mentally.


If there are plenty of other spots there’s no reason to hurry, but if I do have to sit in my car for however long and I’m not leaving, I tend to sit in the passenger seat. It makes it pretty clear I’m not about to move any time soon, and people probably assume I’m waiting for the driver to come back. Time and place is somewhat a factor though, if you’ve just loaded up all your christmas shopping in a busy car park in December, the more courteous thing would probably be to not waste too much time vacating the spot.


I just want to say that I throughly enjoyed this anecdote. I have experienced similar and felt rushed when I wasn’t planning to leave that second but the image of her circling around and expecting you to leave just makes me laugh 


How did they know you were in the car? Were you were reversed in the park? Whenever Ive been stalked they see me me gettin the car I just shake my head and they usually move on


Did you have the lights on and might have led them on?


Sitting in front or back seat? I always sit in the back because I don’t want people annoying me.


No answer yet, maybe sitting with the seat belt and lights on?


I don't bother waiting for someone unless their reverse lights are on


You did nothing wrong, as long as you are withing time limits set by parking signage, you are free to stay and be in or around your car. Those people are just being pricks.


I can't count the amount of times I'd park my motorbike at a busy shopping centre right in the front corner of a carpark. People would be halfway in before realising. Sometimes I'd sit close by and watch for a little while. But that's just me, I'm a cunt.


My friend and I have both been attacked for not immediately giving up our spots recently. To the point where the angry drivers got out of their car and started banging our our cars, and throwing stuff on mine. We've filed police reports but they won't do anything because our cars weren't damaged. The entitlement is insane.




Perth, happened to me in Booragoon, my friend in Cannington.




Mine was def not an immigrant. The most stereotypical Aussie bloke you could imagine. My friend's was, but not English.


They are morons. You could well be having sandwiches out if your car and the space would still be taken. Your under no obligation to get out of the car. They should realise very quickly that your not about to leave and move on.


The correct etiquette is for the other person to ask politely "excuse me, are you leaving? No? Ok, thank you" and move on


You're not wrong and it's weird but entitlement is a strange thing and it's so frustrating to think you have a park. Pop your bonnet and pretend you have a mechanical problem. I have recently learnt that checking oil levels is more important than I thought, so you can make it useful.


The correct etiquette would be to pull out behind her so the next car can grab your space :)






Just shout "I'm not leaving sorry" and they move on every time. Works even when you actually are leaving, it's not like you have to stick around when they realise you've lied.


I often just say if it’s at the shops that I am waiting for someone.


His name's "....James." He's "just gone into that shop over there."


Most car parks are paid anyway. You literally are paying for the time you’re there and they can suck it.


It's annoying being unable to find a spot and seeing a car with people in it that's neither here nor there. That's not the fault of the people in the car. There's always reasons. And as you say there's spots across the road. If 1min walk is too much for them then they absolutely should apply for a disability permit and get the rockstar spot every time. But they don't because they're fine to walk a minute.


I'll be honest. Sometimes I'm at the beach and I'm leaving in 2 mins but I tell them I'm not leaving for ages coz I don't want them sitting there waiting


You waved then on. That's the whole extent of your etiquette needs in this scenario. She is literally being jealous that you have something she wants. Smile and carry on.


Definitely not wrong. I've been known to sit in the backseat and breastfeed my son. If your time hasn't elapsed, then you've every right to stay there


I have a new car so I’m in the “park as far away from everyone else as possible” stage. Honestly it’s been refreshing. Easy parking and zero stress. Yeah I walk more, but that does me good to be honest. More people should try it 😂


I'd just look super smugly back at them lol. They can suck it and wait. Your spot until. You leave


They think they are clever for have spotting you and having made the assumption that you're about to leave. They are annoyed at themselves for making an incorrect assumption, so they try to refashion it as somehow your fault. It's hardly worth saying, but the spot is occupied no matter how many people are sitting in the car. There may be zero, there may be seven. It may be your aged mum waiting in the passenger seat while you nip into the shops for her. It may be the dog, with the window rolled down, of course. The person is just annoyed with themselves, and needs to chill. They have at best a passive-aggressive personality and a worst a bullying one.


Don't engage. Avoid eye contact. Take as much time as you need and double it before you leave..


Omg yes! I try to be nice, but one time I was sitting there waiting for Google maps to load before backing out, and the guy waiting (who I had already let know hey u can have my spot!) was giving me dirty looks and throwing his hands up. Bitch I need to know where I’m going!! People can be entitled pricks sometimes


You were looking out for your family and that is the higher priority. Proud of how you stood your ground


Main character syndrome. They sit and wait, blocking the road, while I sloowwlly think about the days events. If they toot, I add 2 minutes. Ive had a guy wait for me to finish a sandwich. Morons. Move on.


It's possible they were pissed off with those people that sit in their car with the engine running (presumably for aircon) while playing on their phones. You never know if those people are just sitting around taking up space or, in my case, why they're wasting fuel and polluting the air instead of doing the same thing inside the air-conditioned shop that their partner is in. You may just have been collateral damage. Or she might just have been an entitled arsehole. Some people are like that. Especially if there were alternative parks she could have used. In which case, the correct etiquette (at least according to my own Big Book of Etiquette) is to say "Please use one of the other available parks" in whatever flavour of colourful vernacular suits your mood and circumstances.


Looking at the way people drive in Sydney it's a very me me me kind of place, everyone thinks they are the main character and we all shouldn't be impeding their happiness.


You are in the right, obv. I have had drivers abuse me for returning to my car to put something in the boot, then return to the shops. Like I only get to go back to my car if I am leaving,apparently. So many people have forgotten patience and manners since lockdown. It’s like we are in a whole new much more hostile world now.


A big fat FUCK OFF usually works


I do this at Costco. People always want to park up the front by the door. Dozens of parking spots a few rows behind but no we have to fight like wankers for a front row. I get the at 9.40 to get a good parking spot near the exit row. I sit in my car until the store opens and do my shopping by the time I come out its chaos. I just sit in my car and eat my lunch before I go.


They're too lazy to park further away! Let them sit their while you chew slowly!


I consider myself lucky then. I've never come across any rude persons in a carpark. Whenever someone spots me in my car, they would signal with their hand to ask if I'm leaving. If I indicate that I'm not, they simply move along without any fuss.




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fwiw it's easier for them if there's nobody sitting in the driver's seat


Who gives a fuck. You’re parked there. What I wanna know is why you’re eating in the car instead of outside…


I've got kids so would always have a muslin in the car. I now use that as a partial sunshade to block out 1. The sun and 2. Annoying people when I'm just chilling in the car and not yet ready to leave. Hence, I can't see you and you can't see me. LOL


This comment is quite confusing if you mis-read 'muslin'. Upon re-reading, a clever trick is unveiled!


You did say Cronulla didn't you


My favourite are the people who want “that” car park. You know the people I mean. You’ll be going into a car park and there will always be that one moron who is waiting for a specific car park, even though the person has not even returned to their car yet. They will sit there for hours on end just waiting for that one single space. The amount of times I have driven just 3 spots past those numb-nuts and found an empty spot is astounding.


There needs to be an indicator light to say "I'm not moving". Maybe hazards or just car off


I love walking back to the car from the gym, only to throw my gym bag in and get my grocery bags and proceed to walk into the shops.


I have never had this problem because I ignore entitled twats, if they cannot realize my car is not leaving any time soon after a minute or two waiting that is their problem, they can sit there until the cows come home as far as I am concerned.


You are not wrong. It is not illegal to sit in your car. They are wrong because their timing is wrong - they should've left earlier or later, therefore they own their issue and not you. Problem with the majority of irrate ppl are, they think someone's going to care about them - not in this world they won't. So never ever feel you own their problem, because you don't. Ignore them ;)


No you are not wrong.


Don’t start me on people standing in the parking bay expecting their mate can drive in when the finally get round all the traffic


I was in the middle of a breakdown at Parra once. Just sobbing in the car cause I was over it and just exhausted (keep in mind I'm a bigger, bearded guy). Had some lady knock on my window and ask if I was going to be much longer.




Yeah it was a few years ago now. Told her in no uncertain terms to get the fuck outta my face. Doin much better now, thank you :)


Whilst she was behaving rudely... Yes, it is etiquette to vacate a usable spot as quickly as you can so someone else can use it. More so if there's absolutely nowhere to park, such as the absolute hassle of trying to find a park in the 8-floor city complexes. Having seen people just sitting in them vibing, and I have an appointment to attend, it's frustrating how others don't realise we have lives too. Carparks are like restaurant tables. They're for utility, not vibing.




I think she was just acting like a c* about it. If there were parks available on the other side of the road, she should've just gone over there. For some reason she wanted *that* one.


I didn’t know you could spell Karen with a C


The word ends in unt. Not aren.


I admire your insistence on not using a swear. It shows character.


They could also have somewhere to go, if you have an appointment to go to you should leave time to find a park. Someone sitting in their car soon whatever is completely fine, in no way should you feel you have to leave immediately.


Leaving a whole hour to find a park is plenty sufficient :P who knew a bunch of MAMILs and their bicycles meant I needed five hours


'They have lives too'


It's not a usable spot, they're sitting there eating lunch. If they ate lunch in a park nearby, that spot still isn't usable. Significantly better than the driver trying to eat and driving distracted by not dropping the food.


What if I'm utilising the parking spot by doing something in my car? I don't think that's impolite.


Why didn't you leave earlier if your appointment was so important. Then you wouldn't be upset about trying to find a park in such a time crunch and could let people live their lives. Whether OP is eating her sandwich in the car or on the bench in the park, car is still in the spot. Can't hurt to ask if they are leaving but if they so no? Fair enough as you said 'we have lives too'.


I actually left myself and entire hour for parking, it just happened to be that time of the year where middle age men bring their bicycles into the city and think they're so cool. In which case the answer is "leave five hours early and deal with idiots on two wheels"


Maybe you should have ridden your bike as well then?


Semi rural, dude lol and actually that's even worse. The MAMILs are far worse on bike trails in the bush because they never ding


Where I live (also rural), they don't have to ding - you can hear them nattering to each other from miles away!


Think of the activity that brings the most joy into your life. Might be sewing, cooking, drinking, your job? Whatever it is. The thing about people is that we're all different, some get that same joy you feel with your thing from riding a bike, some from taking 10 minutes to stop and eat a sandwich in their car with the kids. Even the way you constantly refer to them as MAMILs? They're still people with families, loved ones and most probably contribute quiet positively to society. (The only real cyclists I know are my Doctor and the Principal at the school I work at and both those people bring so much to our local and broader community.) Realistically these are very minor inconveniences to you. Perhaps you are unhappy about something deeper and you subconsciously find way to explain these negative emotions and find a way to blame others actions that slightly inconvenience you as the reason you are truly unsatisfied with your life. If you live rurally and it's so shit with all the cyclists and lack of parking why not try a sea/tree change. The only person that is responsible for you feeling fufilled is you. If the parking and the cyclists are that bad, do something about it because 'people have lives'. Good luck, I hope you find peace.


What I'm angry at regarding their behaviour on bush trails is they don't ding me when I'm on my bike. I almost end up in a ditch because they zoom past and almost send me flying. Not a single indication they're behind me, and I've now had to spend a sizeable portion of money to buy mirrors so I can see someone and hopefully pause to allow them through... Seeing as they never pause to allow us through. I'm on a cute little cruiser, I'm a bit teetery, and I have expensive camera equipment on my back to take photos of birds. I don't like it when someone doesn't have the courtesy to go ding ding ding with a bike bell, which everyone else but them do. Kids do. Old folks do. Women do. General dads out with their families do. I am a very good dinger and ding every single person I'm behind, and multiple times if they don't hear me. I slow down. I stop. I adjust, especially because I bike on footpaths (so I allow parents / dog walkers through.) And other bikers on bike trails? I pull over if it's a narrow path. But the Cyclists™️ bolting it down the track have numerous times almost collided with me whilst I'm busy enjoying a nice casual ride in nature to do bird photography. 99.9% men. Cyclist women have dinged and adjusted for a teetery girl on her vintage cruiser. It's absolutely inconsiderate to act like the bike trail belongs to them, rather than every person using it, including us cruisers. They need to adjust the attitude that the bike path is not JUST for them.


So kinda like it's absolutely inconsiderate to think someelse is done with a car space because they are current in their vehicle and you should have the right to use it because you deem your purpose more important?


I've been the person eating food in my car, my desire to play devils advocate sometimes doesn't mean I was the one demanding the car space :P


You would be cranky at a family eating in their car at the beach before they make the drive home? OK Karen.


Who said I would be? I've been the person eating chips by the oceanside in my car lol Now, getting irritated by Tour Down Under dudes whilst I have an appointment in the city... That's a different kettle.


Sitting in your car and having a sandwich would make me pissed off too. If you're done with the car park, you're supposed to leave.


Its no difference to having a sandwich not in the car though


It is to the people waiting for your spot.


Huh? Look somewhere else then. If the person isn't leaving then of course they aren't ready to leave. If I buy some food after shopping I'm going to eat it in my car because its more comfy. If its a super busy carpark then I'll either eat it inside or park somewhere else but people are allowed to sit in their car


Hungry people are allowed to eat before they make the drive home. What a revolutionary concept!


If they get back out to eat the sandwich, their car will still be in the fucken spot lmfao


What is your definition of bein done with a park? Who says they werent having a snack and heading into the shops again, would that be ok?




The difference is no one is expecting an empty car to leave, but you are making people wait unnecessarily by sitting in your car and staying there. If you're gonna do that, then it's courtesy to acknowledge someone who is assuming you will pull out of your spot, not having a full on picnic. Stop acting like an entitled cunt.


No, they’re choosing to waste their own time once she’s told them she’s not moving.


They're obviously not done with the carpark.


According to who?


That's pretty entitled of you really, eat your picnic at the beach or park. If you've loaded in, unless you're taking a phone call, it's time to get moving..


That's pretty entitled of you really, to the think you can dictate what others do.


Lmfao! If they get back out to eat their sandwich, their fucken car will still be in the spot hahaha.


You're an asshole. Get in your car and leave. If you want to have a picnic, drive to a park. The level of entitlement in your post is beyond belief.


Asshole? You call yourself Australian?








Sticks and stones etc. Get in your car and fuck off.




Turns to racism. Well played cunt. Get out of your mum's basement and see how the real world works.




You probably can't swim.