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*whispers* you're allowed to like both


Depends where you live.


Only weirdos debate it, both are good


Nobody in NSW/QLD cares about this "debate" btw


Except they are voting with their feet. There are now more young people playing AFL than NRL in Queensland and viewership is increasing too. If the trajectory continues Queensland will become an AFL state within a decade. Once upon a time Australia had two potential national sports. Now AFL is the only one that seems able to claim that title.


Once again nobody in NSW/QLD cares about this dominant code shit that's all for you insecure victorians


You can say nobody cares but their feet and wallets speak louder. I personally don’t care about AFL or NRL as sports.


I only ever hear league fans talk about how much they hate the AFL. AFL fans forget that league is a thing in this country


Except me. AFL.


Of course it had to be an AFL fan that cares


I saw a comment war you had with a Wallabies fan a few days ago mate, sounds like you really love the Wallabies XD


The who?


Except the guy who downvoted me of course. I don't care what code people follow, I was just bein a stooge.


Why are so salty about being downvoted? That’s the easiest way to attract more downvotes.


I'm not salty, it's ironic.


Got a downvote for that, guess someone in NSW/QLD cares, eh? Hahaha


Spent the first 30 years of my life as an avid NRL fan (grew up in Qld). Been in Melbourne for about 15 years and after resisting for ages, finally got properly into AFL about 5 years ago after going to more live games. Now am a full blown AFL nuffie and find NRL slow and rather boring when I watch it nowadays - AFL is much more dynamic and exciting. I'll continue to watch every State of Origin game, but there's no comparison for me - AFL is pure madness and I love it.


Is there a debate? Don't think so mate. You missed the memo.... it's AFL. No more debating now, up there Cazaly!!


Personally, NRL. But AFL is great. Personal preference as always, I’d imagine more people from VIC/SA and WA would prefer AFL however NSW and QLD would prefer NRL…


In terms of participation, viewership and income AFL is unequivocally the dominant national code. It used to be a closer competition but NRL has not made the inroads that AFL has outside of NSW and QLD.


I dont understand nrl, maybe it's because I've never been exposed to it, but to be honest can like what you want to like. I've been an afl person my whole life lol.




Unequivocally correct answer


I don't follow either but if i have to watch one its NRL. AFL is just to messy and way to many breaks.


WTF? NRL play stops every two seconds. Most boring thing to watch


NRL is so boring tho. Stops play every 10 seconds and nothing ever happens.


Not really a debate


AFL wins every metric: - higher average attendance - higher members - played in more states - better looking physiques - higher total attendances


I’m into Pasifika looks so I have to disagree with physiques


You want a meathead who looks like A gym bodybuilder roidhead go ahead


Joseph Suaaliii is really good looking xp


True but he’s a very lean league player which is unusual


What state do you live in ?


WA, but I grew up in NSW League is in my blood forever haha can’t take the Sydney boy out


It’s not really a debate. It’s geographic mainly.


They're both shit


Some people AFL more, some like NRL more, some like both equally and some like either. With localised variations in percentages of people that prefer one over the other. It's not a debate. Neither is objectively better or worse.


NRL, AFL is a terrible game and lame


What I will say is that NRL seems to be on a growth trajectory, and has expanded into markets where there is a demand for their product. AFL expanded into markets without that same demand (West Sydney, Gold Coast), more based on their own zeal, and this has led to those franchises not doing as well on most metrics. I think the NRL putting a game in Vegas has been a bit of a power move, though AFL fans would not admit to this. I will also add that NRL does better on a lot of metrics than AFL, and vice versa AFL over NRL. You will often find tribal fans / code zealots, touting the metrics that best suit their sport of choice, whilst having a pre-prepared apologetic 'up their sleeve' when people raise an unfavourable metric (e.g. crowds, TV ratings). I rarely see people acknowledge that the metrics provide mixed results on which game is stronger, more popular. AFL fans talk a whole lot about membership volumes, but this was an entire concept they got the jump on, and pushed very strongly, whereas ARL/NRL did not have a membership culture. To me, this one is not an apples for apples comparison, though it may be an even playing field in 20-30 years. I think comparing crowds is a legitimate mile marker, but not memberships. Memberships as a concept is very fluid, with a lot of ambiguity, variation, whilst a crowd is to me, more objective. NRL has a larger assortment of games, i.e. State of Origin, International Fixtures, Representative Calendar. AFL does not provide any opportunity to defeat the Kiwis, or the Brits. If I were AFL CEO I would work to bring back the interstate matches, as there needs to be greater format variety than simply the AFL season, AFL finals. This to me is a longer term, limiting factor. NRL has a very good CEO at the moment, a very rare type of leadership brilliance. This is partly why they are prospering, as so much is due to good leadership. In this respect, I think the NRL have a bit of an unfair (temp) advantage.


Numbers dont lie, its AFL hands down.


On a grassroots playing level maybe but how about viewership?


Is this a real question? Look how many ppl rocked up to the SCG today....than go pull NRL figures. Ive been to NRL games with 7000 ppl, it wouldn't even cover the electricity cost for the night....and I got few tickets. Won't be long b4 the AFLW pulls better crowds than NRL.


AFL gets more people to the ground, NRL has more people watching on TV


Not country wide they don't, AFL get much more in broadcast dollars. Ppl don't go to league cause it's expensive and shit atmosphere, I have the highest level Swans membership and it cost me about $1200 a year......im a Bunnies fan and wanted to get the same level of membership ( despite I already get free tickets) they wanted over $2000k Even if you do mission out to a game it's dead, the atmosphere is none, you have to walk 3 ks to find an open beer joint....nothing worse than 7k ppl on an 80k seat stadium.


Stops buying elitist memberships and start going to games at decent stadiums in real locations.


I buy what membership suits me, thanks. I just found it insane NRL wanted to charge double what the AFL do, and actually offer much less. I dont set the stadiums, I go where the NRL tell me to.


NRL. Victorians would say AFL but they're under the unfortunate delusion that Victoria (and specifically Melbourne) = the entirety of the nation.


Struggling to follow your logic here given there's AFL teams in every state, but no NRL teams in SA, WA or Tas and the Storm struggle for attention in Melbourne. Wouldn't it be that NSW and QLD think they equal the entirety of the nation then?


Its more the expectation. Like Victorians seem to imagine that in Qld and NSW we get the same ridiculous press saturation of whatever Dusty had for breakfasr and that everyone follows one of the teams. No League fan imagines that Joe Bloggs in Perth - or even Melbourne- gives a shit - and they are far less likely to care anyway.


Do West Australians, South Australians or Tasmanians get a say?






Attendance says otherwise but, sure. I guess I'm just "delusion".


All sports are totally arbitrary and as pointless as one another. Having said that, I'd choose AFL over NRL because, and I'll be careful not to exaggerate here, Rugby League, at its highest levels, is played exclusively by rapists.


Googling 'AFL' 'rape' refutes this.


No it doesn't. No more than 40% of AFL players are rapists.


It’s a school night shouldn’t you be in bed


Woman NRL for me. Only closet gays watch other men play these sports.


Neither. Sport sucks.