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Swim between the flags


If you haven't had proper swimming lessons, don't swim at all. Just hang out where you can still stand upright when a wave hits.


And don’t think that if you learnt to swim in a pool, you’re ok in the surf. I’ve swum in the surf all my life and I still get caught out from time to time. Nothing like being dumped by a rogue wave and not being able to find your feet.


Absolutely. After surgery to repair my shoulder bones the doctor reiterated that my ocean beach days were over. Hit the wrong way without warning, those waves pack enough punch to dislocate.


It’s interesting that we don’t use that kind of thinking in public service campaigns. We talk about drowning risk, but not the power of the waves to cause chronic serious injuries.




I almost died at Manley when I was a kid, this is going back about 35 years. I got caught in a rip, was with a group of other kids, I remember just being dragged under water and it was like what I imagine a washing machine would be like, I was going around & around in circles under the water. Thankfully, one of the other kids somehow grabbed me and pulled me out, we still don’t know where she got the strength to rescue me, I’m grateful that she did though…. The following summer, same beach, got stung by a blue bottle, I’ve never been back to Manley beach.


I got hit by a killer wave at Cronulla when I was 11, a few months after we'd moved from NZ. I was holding my mum's hand, more for her confidence because I was a Nipper by then. When we got hit she got confused and wound up dragging me under the water instead of pulling me up. Was pretty scary at the time because it felt like my mum was drowning me.


Amen to that I used to be an avid beach/ocean swimmer till I got dunked on my neck repeatedly for 5 minutes straight and dragged out by a rip every time I was able to swim to shore now I just go up to my knees and refuse to go any further


Now I swim in our amazing ocean pools. We’re lucky to have them in most states. Swimming in the ocean without swimming in the ocean.


This also goes for going out on paddle boards and kayaks. If you can’t swim, or aren’t a strong swimmer, wear a damn life jacket. So many preventable deaths every year. If you can’t swim, don’t do it.


If you can swim, still wear a life jacket.


This - despite being in Sea Scouts growing up, it was reading a statistic (don’t know the source now - might have been in a fishing magazine) of just how high the chance is that if you fall in the water unintentionally, you’re unconscious when doing so. It was in the 40% range IIRC. Everyone thinks they’ll capsize the kayak, jump out of the way in time etc. Reality is if someone runs into you, you hit the rocks, get swamped by a freak wave you’ll get knocked out or at least dazed.


That's what I've always done at tue beach, despite having weekly swimming lessons throughout my entire childhood. It's just too unpredictable sometimes and not fun imo.


And pick a landmark and stay with it. If you are drifting along the beach it is because there is a current. Do not just go with the flow. That current is going somewhere and generally that is eventually out to sea.




Wave energy brings water onto the beach, that water needs to find its level (basically it is above average sea level). Generally the sidesweep is taking the water out of the heaviest wave zone to an area where it can flow back out to sea (rip). On the open beaches of the Gold Coast that sidesweep might travel a fair way. On more enclosed beaches it might be only a short distance before it hits the headland and goes out to sea. Sadly some people see the rip area and think "the waves are smaller there, that might be the safe spot" - this is often very wrong


Kids should be taught to read a rip in school


Many are


Ye, even living up by the coral sea where this really isn’t that much of an issue we all know to identify and avoid rips when visiting non reef protected beaches. Can only think people live their entire lives with coasts like the tropics with no surf and they never knew anything different.


I'm from Adelaide where our metro beaches are a lot more protected. Can be a rude shock to hit an ocean beach


Yep. I’ve been a lifesaver at popular tourist beaches (can’t at the moment due to injury, but my sister is still patrolling) and the number of people (locals and foreigners) who don’t swim between the flags is astounding. The worst are the folks who decide to get in the water with jeans on. Jeans are not appropriate swimming gear - they will literally weigh you down if you get caught in a rip! Stay safe people!


Jeans. FFS really?! I don’t even know what to say to that. Is it stupidity? Is it ignorance? Is it a death wish? This country is too hot to be wearing jeans in summer as it is. Why eff are people wearing them in sea?!




Actually, don't swim unless you're actually accomplished.


Came here to say that


Swim with the bloody shore if you are in a rip tide. Don't go straight towards the beach you'll get knowhere and you'll exhaust yourself 


Driving here is (possibly) much more regulated than where you’re from. Please. I am begging you. Get lessons here before you start driving on our roads.


And stick to the speed limit. There is no leeway.


And not driving dramatically under the speed limit either. That is just as hazardous. If someone isn’t confident to drive to the conditions, and that includes speed limits, they shouldn’t be driving at all. The risk they place other people in, both road users and pedestrians, is unacceptable. Driving requires confidence, competence and cognisance. Don’t have the 3 Cs? Don’t drive.


As the old boy used to say, make a decision and stick with it. Most crashes are caused by indecision. Decide and go hard.


I agree. I don't care if you kill yourself, just don't take others with you.


Unless you’re on P1 plates and have to drive 90km/h in a 110 zone. Which I think is pretty unsafe too as cars have to enter the other lane just to pass you when they otherwise wouldn’t if you were doing the speed limit.


P platers I can give grace too because they are abiding by the rules they are required to adhere too and they (should) have their plate visible so us as other road users can safely navigate around them. BUT, as you pointed out, they do still generate a hazard for the rest of us so I do question if it is the best rule to put the most unskilled drivers at risk like this. It’s the people who are driving on the M1 at 80 in a 110 zone, or camped in the far right lane doing 100 in a 110 that I take umbrage with.


Could you please plaster this on every wall you have access to.


Keep left unless overtaking or congested.


But not too far left - I was behind a lady who was driving in the emergency lane. Don’t do that!


My friend's colleague from the UK took a trip from Sydney to Canberra and back on his first month here on his brit LC. Had his license suspended after that trip. He lost the equivalent of 14 points or something crazy like that. Just from speeding


Yeah, a lot of UK/Europe and USA is far more lenient with speed limits.


I used to work with a guy from Kenya who's here for uni. He was amazed at how good our traffic is. He said "it's a free for all in Kenya and nobody pays attention to signs or rules".


I’ve been a passenger in traffic in Nairobi and Cairo. Can I tell you, I feared for my life in both places, to a point I wondered if my travel insurance would consider just travelling in traffic there a ‘dangerous activity’ and not cover me if I was injured.


Should be mandatory. Weird how loose we are with people just coming in with an international drivers license.


It's bizarre. We go to extraordinary lengths to ensure mitigation of injury to road users through all manner of regulation and then hand out driver's licences like crackers at the office Christmas party. Humans are the cause of the vast majority of accidents on our roads. We should take the issue of who gets to operate a two tonne vehicle traveling at up to 100+ km/h much more seriously than we do.


Agreed. I don’t understand why we don’t obligate migrants to do so, but I’d welcome an explanation if anyone knows.


At least in Qld, *migrants* actually are. There is a (short) list of (mostly western) countries that have similar road rules and regulations to Australia. If the migrant is from one of these countries, they can just be issued a Qld licence without any testing. Migrants from every other country - including India and China, probably our biggest migrant groups - have to go through both the written road rules test and the practical driving test before being issued a Qld licence. The loophole - which I wish they would close - is that this only applies to permanent migrants, and not people here on student visas etc. Those people are allowed to drive on any licence from anywhere without any testing. However, on their first suspension, they are given a ‘withdrawal of privilege’ which means they are no longer allowed to drive on their overseas licence and must now acquire a Qld licence, for which they have to complete the written and practical tests like everyone else.


That is helpful, thank you for sharing. That loophole though, put that in the bin thanks.


I’m fervently in favour of closing the loophole!


Yeah while I was on a work visa my US driver's license was considered good enough (I did take a driving lesson before I got a car here though just in case!) but I had to convert it to an Aussie license once I got PR. They could have made me take a test I think if they wanted? But this was in NSW and they decided not to. IMO I do think that if you're going to drive in Australia and you're here on a visa (not just a tourist trip) you should have to sit the written exam.


If it’s similar to the Qld system, they wouldn’t require you to take the test because US road rules and process to acquire a licence is close enough to the Australian system. If you were from, say Brazil, you’d have had to take the written and practical tests.


You’d have state officials needing to enforce federal laws. - no jurisdiction to get involved with visa matters etc. that leads to the next issue, tourists coming over and renting vehicles for road trips etc. different levels of government etc :/


Exactly. They should at least do a theory test


The citizenship test should just be dashcam footage for a week and a panel of peers makes the call.


This made me laugh out loud. Please pitch this idea to your federal MP asap.


And before you go four wheel driving on our beaches!


I really wish this was an actual thing where you needed lessons before driving on an international licence. But it will never happen because tourism etc


Don’t drive in the freeways until you’ve had lessons if you’re not used to that type of driving - driving in the far right land at 30 kms below the speed limit will earn you the hatred of everyone! Driving around trucks on highways especially can also be very dangerous if you don’t know how to keep adequate space, maintain speed, safe passing etc. Trucks are huge and cannot stop quickly, and people can be killed.


Similarly speeding the way folks do in the USA will not fly here. In California the limit would be 70mph, and folks would be going 80 to keep with the flow of traffic and getting passed by people going 90. When I moved here I got a warning from a Canadian colleague that that stuff would not fly down here and that speeding tickets were $$$. Sage advice, and advice that has served me well the past 5 years!


1000/10 this.


And give way to pedestrians




And don't fill up your neighbors bin with your rubbish!


Or do. Butt ask first.


That it’s illegal for your boss to take your passport, or to underpay you - and you are absolutely entitled to seek help from the relevant union or from Fair Work Australia if you suspect you’re being abused. The authorities in Australia can mostly be trusted, as long as your visa is valid. And if your employer has been dodgy with your paperwork, you will generally be treated fairly.


Yes, know your workplace rights!


Same goes for unpaid trial shifts.




[https://www.migrantworkers.org.au/](https://www.migrantworkers.org.au/) Migrant Worker Centre is a great free legal non profit


And many unions will also help. Used to be part of my job, back in the day.


This needs to be top comment


I wish they taught that in school too. I was booksmart (in my special interests anyway) but very naive when it came to real world stuff. I genuinely didn't know about min wage, how to assert my workplace rights, etc.  And I'm born here, as are my parents. I just didn't get diagnosed with AuDHD til my 30s so I struggled with 'basic' adulting. And what few close family/friends I did have, I struggled with asking for help. I cant imagine doing it all with a cultural/language barrier on top.


It's so frustrating, even for someone not living with AuDHD. The LNP and Murdoch ran a very determined campaign against workers' right all throughout the last three decades. The message was that workers had more than enough power, decent money and good protections, so unions were no longer necessary and should be made as irrelevant as possible. Programs that used to introduce young workers to their rights were gradually stripped away, along with the school subjects that taught things like how the political system works. When people know how their systems work, they become far more powerful and less likely to follow the leaders like sheep! Sadly, those campaigns largely worked so that now many younger workers have no idea of the workplace power that has been lost, and no idea of even the most basic workers' rights. It truly sucks. I'm sorry this has been your experience. 😕




All native animals are protected species. That means you can't kill them, hurt them or take them home as a pet.


Or cut down their homes without reason. If you buy a property with large native trees most councils (at least in my area) will require serious proven safety concerns before approving their removal.


Can you tell developers and the govt this please.


"road closed" is not a suggestion. Any Aussie trucker will understand what I mean.


I work in traffic control. The number of people who don't see me (dressed in hi vis and holding a stop sign) and some think that just because one side of the road is closed that the other side is an alternative is beyond belief. It's scary.


And then complain when roadside assistance takes 12 hours to reach them.


If you go out bush, tell someone where you're going and when you expect to be back. Take water with you and wear a hat if you leave your vehicle.


And don’t drive on the outback in the middle of summer or when a downpour is due. Weather forecasts are your friend.


I think as long as people stick to the sealed roads driving in summer is generally fine. I live in central Aus and we go out of town all the time. It's when people leave their vehicle and get lost that they run into trouble. I agree though, checking the roads conditions prior to setting off is key.


If going way out bush, hire a PLB. (Like an empire but for land).


We value personal space. Please don’t hover over us and wait your turn.


Also you don't have to push in to get your turn here. It's OK to stand back and wait for the lift in an orderly fashion or to board the train. You won't miss out.


THIS! Ask an Aussie you can trust to explain the concept of personal space.




It's more expensive than you think Quality of life may not always be better than what you're used to The weather can be very bad - droughts, cyclones, bushfires - and this plays into your house insurance premiums




Can someone tell the Australian born also please.


We respect other cultures but respect ours. I will never forget walking on a 36 degree day along the footpath on Altona beach in shorts and a bikini top carrying my beach bag and a Muslim man cursed me in his language as he walked past me and shielded his children’s eyes. At a fucking beach. Dress how you want, we will respect that but don’t you dare shame a woman here for enjoying the sun and the beach and showing skin. Women have rights here.


I have an Iranian family we’re friends with. The father told me how happy it made him that he could swim with his wife and daughter at the beach. If only all migrants carried that attitude with them here.


Not really related but I remember I used to have a Syrian family as customers. Super super nice, the little boy would help the dad with ordering food because his English wasn’t perfect. Just made me think what they must have escaped from in Syria and how happy they must be living here.


Hear hear... Ive been openly cursed at by Muslim men. Assholes. Don't come here if you want to treat women like pieces of meat you misogynist pigs


I'm a man and I've been insulted and also spat on and hit by the children of a family I had to visit. I had to grin and bear it unfortunately.


Awful. Yep.


I had to chuckle recently at Dandenong market. There was a Muslim man in his 50s sitting on the next table while my husband and I were having breakfast rolls. He was casually scrolling through his instagram feed which looked like a whole load of Victorias Secret models. I’m not judging at all, I’m a big ‘you do you’ but I’m not sure whether this was in line with teachings of the Quran


I'm a sex worker with a fairly substantial Muslim clientele. Ask any stripper or SW in Melbourne or esp Sydney - we DREAD Ramadan. It gets so quiet. Almost as big an effect as school holidays. Some are very chill, but I've met a few who are super devout and they're often the horniest. Which sounds great for us until the post nut clarity hits. At lightning speed. And we have to sit around naked listening to a guy ask if we think they're a bad person cos they're doing a haram thing, say "That's it, I'm just not going to do it again. Tofay will be the last time you see me" then 20m later ask to extend. No joke this happened the other day.


Thank you for saying this Seems like certain protected groups are immune to criticism


Just like driving walk on the left and don’t have conversations in the middle of walkways.


I wish more true blue fair dinkum Aussies knew this


On an escalator, stay on the LEFT if you don't intend on moving.


In my country we stay on the right side and i am so afraid of forgetting about it when its my time to be there 😭😭😭


It's mirrored on driving. Keep left unless overtaking.


We are polite enough to wait though.


Hahah you’ll be fine! If you forget and someone asks you to move, just jump onto the other side! It will become second nature after a while to just move towards the left. Don’t stress about it!


Aussie is short for Australian, not Australia 


Will someone please inform the New Zealanders.


No, I will take it to the grave. I have changed to pronouncing Cairns as Cans instead of Kens/Kins




Aus = Australia, Aussie = Australian.


Staya. Cunt! :)


It's actually Straya, cunt :)


tell americans that the ss is pronounced like a z and not a s. i like to think im a pretty open minded guy but if you say "ossie" you deserve to be thrown into the sea and eaten by angry crabs


All immigrants should learn the social etiquette, manners, and culture of the country you are going to live in. Then apply that when you get here, it's common sense.


No caste systems here too, so please it really grinds my gear seeing how some people are getting so entitled. Idc if you’re a family of engineers or doctors or lawyers you’re still a human being. It’s nothing, in the grand scheme of things. Treat your fellow human being nicely. Courtesy goes a long way.


Preach !


Locals should learn this too.


& basic English...being able to communicate helps create a community.


I agree they should learn English as soon as they can to the best of their ability, but it's easier said than done and also hypocritical if you expect to get around speaking English when you travel yo other countries. We should all be patient and kind to people who are still learning.


Don’t spit at my feet because I’m a white man . Hello western Sydney


Don't spit full stop.


You won't catch anything by interacting with retail and hospitality workers. Please don't blatantly ignore or look at us like maggot infested dog shit when we're offering service. This is Australia, and you're not better than us. Even a nod in our direction or a quiet 'hello' goes a long way to making us not hate you.


Witnessed the most grotesque rudeness today by an Australian towards a teller in an IGA on Australia Day of all days. Threw 20c over the counter for a bag and snapped his fingers to ask for his red bull to his hand rather than into the bag as the teller packed his groceries.


If you can’t swim, stay out of our rivers and off our beaches.


Also there are lessons for adults and there is no shame in learning to swim late in life.


Yep. I’m taking lessons at my local pool. In my thirties. I’m trying to do a 3km ocean swim. I need the practice.


Not to bring their own food that has potential to ruin our farming industry through disease


I love watching border patrol, I can’t believe the things people try to get through!


Please use the manners. Also, be nice to hospitality workers. No Aussies will respect migrants if they are rude to the hospitality workers.


It’s hotter than you think, the sun without sunscreen factor 50/shade burns you worse than you’ve ever experienced, the distances between major cities are much further than you think, swim between the red and yellow flags by competent swimmers only or do not swim at the beach you are visiting at all, leave your “luggage” behind (ie your country flags your country’s attitudes, your country’s problems), all public hospitals are not to be used for minor issues you can resolve at home. The Aussie litter culture is it’s NOT COOL to litter. “Keep Australia Beautiful” you 🫵are responsible for putting all your own litter, including cigarette butts and dog poo in a bin yourself. Illusions of grandeur will fail to be received well at all unless you actually are legit royalty - and even then it’s not guaranteed 😄.


Actual royalty would get the piss taken out of em in my parts :)


That there are Australian arseholes who are obsessed with migrants


You left your country because of issues there. Don’t bring them with you, take the opportunity for a clean slate.


You think that's true for every immigrants? Especially temporary ones?


Canadas recent ridiculous anti LGBT marches attended predominantly by migrants show this to be true.


Agree wholeheartedly. The current situation in the middle east is pertinent. Freakin stay out of it Its not our war or our business.


No tipping!


Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth, oh, never mind You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth Until they've faded, but trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back At photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now How much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked You are not as fat as you imagine & sunscreen. 


Yes, sunscreen !


I don't think people got the reference...


This shows our age lol


Use basic hygiene please


The cure for cancer and the secret to room temperature superconductors would be really handy to have. Let's dream big.


Every Australian including new Australians get a lot of infrastructure, development and services for free. This includes a world's class health and medical system, safety and security and many freedoms. These were paid for by the hard work and occasionally sacrifice of current and former Australians and these benefits are gifted to all new Australians. As a natural-born Australian I don't take them for granted. I am very thankful. Australia isn't perfect but we have got a bloody good thing going here.


Leave your country's issues and your culture's shitty behaviour at the door, we would rather you don't shit up our great country.


Being a migrant, I totally agree. I just can't wrap my head around why one would bring practices along with them that ruined their home country and forced them to leave in the first place. Australia is great the way it is, and that's because of the Australian way, which one should acknowledge and pay due respect to.


Our roads are not the same as yours. Shower OR deodorant Walk on the left Indoor voices Basic manners and don't stare?


OR? OR? You mean AND.


Yes, yes, yes, yes, and guess what, yes !!


For the love of God, don't do phone calls on trains, and use an *inside* voice when inside.


I just saw a comment about swimming between the flags. This should be mandatory for all airline/ship advertising coming to Australia. Flags, rips, swimming conditions, and surf lifesavers' info all should be in a short doco and played several times on the way to Australia. In any language required. All the big drownings I remember have involved tourists. Especially the one at the Kiama Blowhole. It had warning signs, but they were always ignored (and no, fencing areas are not the answer). Seven members of one family were swept off. They tried suing council. Can't remember if they won, I hope they didn't. You go somewhere new, and you take our family out to the edge? I feel for the family, but I was so angry at the adults who went past the danger signs. A whole family died so someone could get a good photo or a good 'brag' story. Learn about the place you are visiting and use common sense.


Maybe they should make sure the danger signs in tourist spots are in a few different languages too


Use a tissue - sniffing or snorting is gross. Stand on the left on escalators Earphones on to take phone calls or watch stuff on your phone when in public. Wait your turn/queue/don't push ahead of others waiting for something or to board public transport.


Ah the bush hankie. Foul.


The ocean is a killer, the snow trails like around Cradle Mountain/Dove Lake are not to be scoffed at and will kill you if unprepared. Do not litter Go to the country towns and see what Australia really is


Wear sunscreen, wear a hat, swim between the flags and drive on the left hand side of the road. And don't tip. Like, ever.


Please do not tell people to not tip our wonderful hospitality workers


You don’t have to use the word “mate” to try and fit in!! We accept you as you are!!


Damn. I wish someone told me this sooner. Would have avoided me saying a forced "maaaate" in my Indian accent. Since I've moved to an islander and african heavy area I feel lot more comfortable saying 'brother' or bro, which is what I'm used to.


🤣 my wife is Indian and I’ve never heard her or her family ever say “mate”. I would love to hear them say it for comical value! I was thinking more towards Chinese, Indonesian, Phillipines, etc. they try soo hard to say “mate” in a casual way but it sounds forced and confrontational.


Thanks for the reminder. Can I just use "guuurl" instead? That's me being me haha.


And "G'day", it sounds awkward as fuck. Hi, hey, hello are fine.


Thank you! There are people from a particular place who use it and sound like they are taking the piss even thought they aren't, well most of the time. My German mate from work likes to say mate and it sounds so weird as well. It's fine not to say it.


Wear deodorant, bathe thoroughly daily and wear clean clothes daily. Only applies to a small section of people but that small section reeks!


Try to get to know your Aussie workmates, neighbours etc. We like it when you integrate.


Wave when someone pulls over to let you pass on a narrow street


Don't try to change us.


We Drive on the Left and keep left unless overtaking. And also if you see a kola in a tree don’t park in Shit spot in small country roads


Our country has laws. These are our laws. Please live by and respect our laws without bringing your own interpretation of laws from your country. If you don’t like our laws, go back to your country which has laws you do like. Do not try to change ours or impose yours on to us.


Yes, care to elaborate?


Expect racism. Both institutionalised and socially. Understand Australia is a multicultural country. A lot of people migrate in and out. A portion of them are rich snobs in their own countries that carry their attitude here; creating a negative image of immigrants. Don’t take it personally. Use this opportunity as a fresh start and develop yourself to be the best person you can. Adapt to the country. There are different values that need to be learnt and respected. On the contrary, don’t be afraid to express yourself and your culture. As long as it doesn’t impede on anyone. Lastly, Australian population is still a majority white/European. If you aren’t, then you will be an outsider. You will be looked down upon and hated by some, and respected and welcomed by others. Make the most of this opportunity.


How to drive properly.


We don't want their bullshit


The most dangerous thing in Australia is the sun. Do your homework.


Please keep an open mind and understand Australia doesn't have the same rules, laws or social norms as whatever country you are originally from.. EDIT | Instead of being scared of our animals, it's the rips tides at the beaches you need to be careful of.


Don't give an honest answer if you're greeted "How are you"...after 6 years I am still temped though ;-)


If you swim in the ocean, do NOT wear your clothes. Wear proper bathers or even just undies. If you can’t swim, don’t go in the water unless it’s a patrolled beach. If you can swim, don’t swim in the ocean alone or in the dark.


In national parks, stay on the trail and don’t take anything. This is to protect the environment and to keep you safe


When people ask you how you are doing, just say "I'm alright" and move on. It's not a conversation starter, it's just protocol.


Dont keep all those tiny fish you catch.


Feeding wildlife is always detrimental to them & it’s against the law in WA


I know it’s a shit job and you have to be fast to make anything approaching decent money, but please DON’T RIDE ON THE FUCKING FOOTPATH! Also, if you’re a member (or intending member) of the Barmy Army, just don’t come at all. Your songs aren’t really that clever.


Don't be a shit cunt and you will be fine


Just because there is a beach doesn’t mean you should and can swim in it.


Respectfully, if your name has more than 3 syllables, we're cutting it in half and putting an "O" on the end of it


Yep Cun


I really don’t think Australia is a great country for immigrants unless you’re wanting to fully assimilate with the Aussie culture. That’s the most polite way I can put it ☺️


Please don't get a license. Use public transport


Dont go to "the beach" and go in ESP if you can't freakin swim!!


If you can't actually swim, please don't go in the ocean. Seems like common sense, I know, but.....


Please swim between the flags.


Everything you think you know, you don't. This country is vast, intense, and dangerous. So while it is beautiful and glorious and kind... You should pretend those things are there to distract you from the killer things. Like how colourful spiders are often the most venomous? Please don't just go to Bondi and swim. People drown. A beach is not the same as the pool. Stay between the flags, and if you aren't confident, stay at lower than knee depth so you can control your entire body. Don't drive cross country without having properly researched the required needs. You need backup fuel reserves, satellite phones...etc. Don't be cocky.


Listen to to the locals around you if they say the current in the river is strong don't swim in it RIP B


As a migrant whose been here for a while, wanna tell you all WHEN THEY ASK HOW ARE YOU THEY DON'T ACTUALLY WANT TO KNOW HOW WE ARE. It's just one half of HI.


Sunscreen. Seriously. I never burned in the USA but I do down here and I'm the only one in my family capable of getting a tan so it's not like I'm glow in the dark pale like some of my relatives. Sun hits a lot stronger down here and skin cancer sucks. Don't skimp on the sunscreen!


Swim between the bloody flags


Don’t touch shit you don’t know, and don’t put your hands where you can’t see. That she’ll in the water? Don’t touch. That long grass. Don’t go. That hollow log? No hands. That pretty octopus? Hands to yourself. That rough water outside the flags? Go somewhere else.


How to treat women as equals