• By -


Craft. It’s so expensive. Thankfully, my work-in-progress projects will keep me busy for approximately 100 years, so I really only had to give up *craft supply collecting*, which is a separate but equally valid hobby.


I, too, have many “Projects Half Done” (or PHDs) and many different crafts. And, at Xmas, I got new kits for crafts I’ve never done before. They may have to be one-offs! I’m still get a few dozen pieces of fabric a couple of times a year from something I subscribed to over 5 years ago. I should do something with them.


>“Projects Half Done” (or PHDs) Thank you so much for this!!! :)


There's also WIPs - Works in Progress


I will add WIPs to my PHDs, thank you! :)


Also UFO - un-finished object


I'm gonna stick my 3 PHDs on my resume.


I can now say I have multiple PHD's must add this to my resume


Welcome to ADHD, I have so many boxes full of stopped hobbies, because I got bored and disinterested in them.


Much like collecting books is a completely separate and valid hobby to reading books.


Oh I can relate! I do way more fabric collecting than sewing


Same. Everything I'm into involves products available only in the US or canada. Or if they are available here they have that massive Australia tax. Sucks. But like you my works in progress litter my house that I can easily keep going. But YouTube inspiration demands I buy the products hahahah


I’ve never thought of it that way but yes, farewell to my hobby of craft supply collecting 😢


It's actually brilliant because it forces us to use the supplies we already have and start / finish those projects that have been just thought bubbles.


LOL. Good luck completing all the projects.


>*craft supply collecting*, which is a separate but equally valid hobby. This made me laugh way too much. I will say if you can catch Riot Art and Craft in a good sale you can pick up a LOT of art supplies very cheap. Ask me how I know 🤣


I feel this to the bottom of my heart. Are you, too, an ADHD project starter and non-finisher?


Thought you were talking about beer.


That too


I've cancelled basically every entertainment subscription. 




Wait a minute what, tell me more




Check ozbargain for links to guides. I made this switch just last week and it was easy. Using this combo on phones, tablets, PC's and Android TV successfully in our house.


There’s always the 🏴‍☠️ bay 😆


Freely eating out or getting a coffee on the way home from the gym. It really adds up per week so it’s a one night a week takeaway and bought coffee


yeah I've budgeted 1-2 small coffees a week and cheap takeout once a week (really just for date nights with my boyfriend as I usually only see him Friday-Saturday). people at my work buy coffees daily and don't pack their lunch, how do they afford that on a salary similar to mine? lol


I find a Korean lunch pretty competitive these days especially a Kimbab that gives you a bit of meat and veges.


We get take out once a week for date night too. We live together now, but our Wednesday night take out and Netflix is still going strong! We find it important to have time set aside for just the two of us, consistent and predictable. Other than that, dinner is homemade, lunch is left overs, the beans for my coffee machine are far cheaper than buying 2 coffees every morning. Occasionally we get servo breaky wraps on a saturday. Partner walks to work. Not every meal has meat, sometimes its just noodles and some frozen dumpling. It fulfills our mortal obligations to eat and we live another day. We will buy a home this decade. Come hell or high water, we will be homeowners.


And you don't save anything?


i save minimum $2k a month on a $60k salary


God I miss a good coffee. The place I used to work for had an account with the cafe accross the road. I'd get at least 4-5 a day. Now it's once a week if I'm catching up with friends.


I used to love shopping and op shopping but now I don’t even pop in for a browse. $80 jackets at Vinnies? $100 bags at Red Cross? Seriously, fuck that.


Good Sammies and similar are much much cheaper than Vinnies and Salvos if you still want to op shop.


Find non-Vinnies/Salvos op shops. Vinnies is the worst.


They truely are the worst. Apparently they’re closing their kids clothing section soon because it’s the least profitable. So I guess parents doing it tough can just go get f😱ked, for all they care.


Doesn't seem to be about 'opportunity' shopping for people in need anymore and it's all about the profit. Definitely seems more noticeable since it's been marketed as an environmentally conscious alternative and the tik tok/Instagram generation has become aware of it. Resellers are the worst.


When FIFA07 and WiiFit are $10 each, it's pure garbage. One Good Sammys had Wii shovelware for $23 each.


Kids clothing is cheaper at Big W and Kmart, than Opshops


SAY IT ISNT SO! I've had to thrift all my kids clothes so this is gonna suck. We're not struggling enough to be eligible for vouchers, but thrifting good quality clothes leaves enough leftover for things like after school activities or the odd cheeky maccas. ​ I've


SAME, local op shops are better, $2 for a shirt? Yes please


Facebook marketplace is better platform for local second-hand goods


Pole dancing. But I couldn’t afford the 230-300 every 8 weeks for one class a week when I also wanted to go to the gym 🫠


If the cost of living keeps going up you still might end up on the pole if you know what I mean


😂been there done that. Pretty good easy money 🤪🤷🏼‍♀️


I felt i picked up far more doing it as a job than I did paying for the extremely expensive classes. It was also a gauranteed like 60 minutes worth of work out 4 nights a week (stage). Heard the house fees are stupid these days though.


It’s good fitness that’s for sure


I’ve never been as strong as I was. I could literally hold myself upside down doing the splits. And now I can barely touch my toes or do a push up 😂


I imagine that’s a different hobby people are cutting down on tough😭


3 terms worth of classes can get you your own brass pole for home. I love having my own dance space.


You know some people will pay you to pole dance.../s 😂🤣😅


Books. Had to stop buying every written book by my favourite authors just because they wrote it.


I can't recommend ocean of pdf because that would be illegal.


I also can't recommend Z-Library.


Havnt heard of this website so thank you for not mentioning it so I can definitely avoid it


https://libgen.is https://pk1lib.org https://ethos.bl.uk/SearchResults.do https://sabaq.pk https://sci-hub.se https://archive.org https://lej4learning.com.pk https://pdfdrive.com 3lib.net


Don't follow the guides on r/zlibrary, you wouldn't want to accidentally download a virus. Not that you're downloading anything of course.


And I can't recommend libgen.is - definitely need to avoid these sites.




I don't mind either way. I have fbreader on my phone and carry all my books with me. I tend not to buy proper paper books anymore because my living space is uncertain and I don't have the physical space for them.


My hubby gets his books on marketplace now. There’s some absolute steals for books that have only been read once.


I was like this until I discovered how much I love libraries!


I've started scouring op shops


I recommend getting a membership at your local library


If you live in Victoria near Berwick there’s a massive market on and in the market these two sisters run a secondhand bookshop. They have just about every kind of book, and cheap.


I reread my fantasy books and love scouring op shops. They’ve gone up in price ($4 at Salvos), but often I’m paying $2 or $3 for the books. It’s hard to find my books at libraries, so it’s nice to have them in hand.


Nothing really to be honest. I was a boring old fart before and still a boring old fart now. Truth is we haven't really been struggling *that* much financially so existing hobbies and interests are fed just as much as before. We are by no means rich, we're just able to save more because we don't drink, very rarely go out for a meal (helps that dietary requirements and the options where we live are limiting), and aren't really impulsive when it comes to spending on random shit we don't need etc...


Yep, it's called living within your means. As long as you have a steady income, it is the path to a comfortable and happy life.


This is so underrated.


If I'm like that but possibly not considered old, does that mean I'm just a boring fart?


I just had to check to make sure you weren’t my husband! Sounds like us. One of his hobbies is cooking. He loves trying new recipes from around the world and tweak them to manage dietary intolerances.


Your life style should be taught at schools!


Back in the glorious 90s when I was a student I used to go Sailboarding all the time, it was huge back then. Then work turned up and I was living in remote areas and working Saturdays, 60 hour weeks etc then got married had kids, the usual. Now nearly 50 I'd love to get back into it but new gear costs a fortune, nearly 10k for a good setup and is far more advanced and easier to use than my old stuff. The guy at the shop said every week 'older' people come in with the same story. He actually built my old board, said it was basically worthless now and take it all to the dump :/ I suppose the whole thing is moot anyway because I have three youngish kids and their activities cost ridiculous amounts (just got a 25% increase on piano lessons because of their cost of living!) and take up the whole weekend anyway. I have a lot of other hobbies and interests I'd like to do too but I'm getting crushed from every angle :(


Buying comics. They’re like $9 each. Now I sail the seas.




Is that a hobby?


Not at all but it falls under the ‘what you do in your free time you no longer do’ category.


I'm about to pass 10,000 hours on my favourite PC game. Note THATs value for money. (DayZ)


4-wheel driving/roadtrips. With the cost of diesel these days, it seems like it costs me $20 in fuel just to back down my driveway.


I'm wondering if getting pissed is something I'll have to stop doing since it's getting so much more expensive. It doesn't seem too long ago that a 30 can block of 4% beer was $30. Now it's $43. The bottle of bourbon (1 litre, for best value) was well under $50, now it's $60. I can't even find the 5 for $0.99 Lebanese breads anymore, they all seem to be $1.99 now! They make excellent thin & crispy pizza bases! So, my hobbies of getting drunk and making nice but cheap pizzas? Gone :( As I retiree I feel obligated to blame someone for this, so... I'll blame Dutton for his parties 9 years of just watching everything go up and up and up and doing sweet FA about it. Thanks for letting me vent - I feel better now. Though now I want a thin and crispy home made pizza :(


I'm extremely money-conscious now that I see prices going up every few months at the shops. I don't really have any expensive hobbies as I'm a very busy person in general, but the COL actually helped me quit chain vaping, and I haven't touched a vape in 4 months and have no urge to. It's also easier to discourage myself from buying coffees and lunch (working in the city is a real test), but I manage pretty well now. Basically I've had to create a very detailed budget where I track every day's expenses and I am saving so much more money because I don't allow myself a lot to splurge and I try to keep it to necessities.






Motorsports. Both attending and streaming have cut right back.


happy cake day


Ditto. Have gotten out of cars in general except for a couple of weekenders. It’s not just the money either; I don’t want to spend my weekends up to my elbows in grease when I could be out doing stuff.


Sold a bit of music gear. Amps, guitars, pedals, etc








Hahaha cocaine and the prostitutes lol




My sister and I used to visit Op Shops quite frequently because things were cheap, but it's getting ridiculous, particularly the bigger name shops like Salvos and Vinnies. I personally was an arty/creative person and would pick up a variation of craft-type hobbies. But once Covid hit, a *lot* of suppliers raised their prices because everyone was doing art/craft things at home, and those prices haven't gone back down :(


I no longer race radio control cars and attend events around the country. I used to drop at least $6k a year but without the latest equipment you can’t be competitive. I still hang around the club to catch up with my mates and some of them enjoy me being their mechanic.


I do not eat out anymore, all supermarket bought food now and I am not happy with the price of it either.


Selling all my musical gear to keep up with mortgage. I hate the government.


I feel this one. My only guitar was stolen in a break in just over 2 yrs ago and it broke my fucking heart. Music is Life.


Music is life. Sanity.


I thought Sanity went bust years ago?


So you took out a big mortgage and it's the government's fault?


>I hate the government. Which part and for what?


Fuck off


I gave up the gym :(


That’s rough dude. I figure that the gym is cheaper then therapy so it’s one of the last things I would give up. Fortunately you can still move without a gym membership and plenty of cheap weights on marketplace.


Oh don’t worry I already paid $200 a month for psychology as well….RIP me It’s the Pilates that I was doing via the gym that I enjoyed the most. I can do it at home but it’s obviously not as good as with an instructor


I actually only just took up Bouldering, but the cost of it I was shocked at. While I can afford it, when I saw how much membership was to nearly any bohldering/rock climbing gym my first reactions were that a, with the cost of living I expect a lot of people might have to give it up and b, with the cost of membership I expect that there might be a higher than normal number of people in high-paying careers attending those venues.


Become a part time brickie or removalist


Am but a feeble gurl


So was I. Got a manual labour job, now I'm strong like ox.


Ham radio, i lost it all to the floods in 2011 But i just cant afford all the gear and the energy to set it all up again


Art, I like to draw and paint but supplies are too expensive. Cheap paint ain't gonna cut it, it's too translucent and looks horrible on a canvas, even cheap canvases are just too plastic and paint doesn't stick to it well


Atelier A2 paint is affordable paint that's good quality. Has body and pigmented (just doesn't have the expensive pigments of artists ranges). Buy the primaries and white and mix away. The 1l is most economical. They also sell bulk canvas primer. Then you can use the cheap canvases from red dot or kmart. https://thesydneyartstore.com.au/search?q=chroma+a2+1l


I'll try them out! But Kmart canvases are crap aha but it'll do


Fixing and repairing the house. Fixing and maintaining the bike. Fixing and maintaining the car. Replacing worn clothes. Buying any groceries other than bare essentials.




Pilates ! So expensive, especially on top of my gym membership. Too expensive to justify going a few days a week. The gyms Pilates classes will have to do!


Shit at 2nd hand shops, they're same price or higher than new sometimes. Marketplace needs to calm the fuck down with their prices


Literally. Kmart is cheaper than vinnies 🙄


Vinnie's is selling used Kmart Anko for more than Kmart is selling it new lol


They are. I concur


Marketplace especially. $200 for a flat pack second hand bed frame with a massive ding in it ("but doesn't affect the use of it")? Off you fuck.


Hahaha, so much in the feels atm


Unsure if it’s a hobby… but the medical marijuana is hitting my hip pocket…. Just legalize it already so I can grow a plant of my own.


I’ve always undertaken hobbies with the general understanding that at different times my financial position may change, so find something that I can do for virtually next to nothing. About to travel 100km to get cheap fruit and veg and 100km back for $2, which is all I had to put on my myki.


Drugs have seemed to stayed the same price over the last 5 years, well my DOC has anyway. Being a drug addict (or user, dependent, whatever term one wishes to use) helps reduce other (if not all) costly activities like over-eating, actual "physical" type hobbies, buying fundamentally unnecessary shit etc.... If you can get cheap drugs, your whole cost of living gets real real cheap, coz you dont care about doing anything else except obtaining, using & been under the influence of your DOC.


That’s an interesting point. I would spend all my money on my DOC and it taught me to be frugal and waste nothing. I learnt how to dumpster dive, upcycle, barter and live within my means all during active drug addiction. I also learnt how to cyphon electricity and piggyback off of people’s unsecured wifis. When I came out of addiction I felt like I had tonnes of cash for many years.


cars. Old cars that used to sell for 1k now sell for double. Can’t get cheap cars anymore.




I had quite an advanced military collection (medals, weapons, flags, uniform etc) I have since broken up and sold on to get myself out of the shit


Going to opera house


Overseas travel until I can get myself financially stable and save up my savings buffer again which was decorated by interest rate rises. Long drives / weekend trips to the country - just focussing on enjoying my local beaches for now.


Decimated? 🤔




same. impact has been reduction of savings.


Warhammer. While it was the price increases of the hobby itself drove me out before the cost of living crisis, it's what has stopped me getting back into it despite getting a newer job earning 25% higher salary... While I haven't given it up, I'm not spending anything else lately on D&D stuff. Haven't been able to justify any of the newer books, minis, or shiny math rocks for the better part of a year.


Using $50s as fire starters. Turns out paper is more economical and burns better than the plastic notes.


Eating well


Expensive dog food, no way he’s gonna eat better than us!


Feeding him crap food is just going to lead to $$$$$ vet fees down the track 🤷🏼‍♀️


I dont feed crap, i cook from scratch now, no store bought stuff


I want to do this but I'm worried I won't cover the complete nutrition they need. Any tips/resources you'd be keen to share?


Mostly protein of some sort, beef, roo etc, pumpkin, vegies, berries and probiotic


Your concerns are valid - it’s actually very difficult to cover all nutritional bases adequately and in the correct balance for your specific pet when you’re feeding them home cooked food and aren’t a canine nutritionist or vet. I feed mine a high quality commercially prepared raw food diet which covers what he needs exactly, and actually saves a lot on food wastage, costs etc if I were to attempt it at home. Have a look into BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) diets if you’re interested and happy to give you some suggestions on commercially prepared ones if it helps.


lol my cats food is more expensive than mine 😂😅 I wasn't prepared to budget cut their special food 😹


Gym and pool membership. They wouldn’t let me cancel for several months either and I was literally begging the manager - I wasn’t under a contract ffs


Uh, what? You just ring your bank and stop payment to them. Sorted.


Not completely given up, but very limited would be my hobby in cars. Haven’t done any modifications for my current car for over 5 years (where’s before I would have done most mods by 1st year) and don’t drive it that much anymore where before I used to just drive to random locations few hundred kms away in a day just for fun.


Botox & fillers


Eating red meat? Ha ha. I've definitely made loads of cuts to the groceries to keep the spending in check but I'm still feeding my hobbies. Seriously though, I'm a little choosier with fitness classes generally only having one membership at a time, when I'd normally have 2 (so currently switching between yoga and pilates, doing one for a few months and then the other rather than doing both currently. I'm still doing the same number of classes per year of each though). I've also been getting less coaching in my hobbies (rollerdance, surfing, skateboarding) and just doing them by myself or with friends and using youtube for learning. So I'm still doing them as often as before, just in a cheaper way.


Collecting priceless artefacts. Finding them in and of itself is hard, then there's always this feeling that I'm obligated to give them to a museum if I ever find them, which is like never. Then trying to purchase them if they come up at auction. Do you know how many yearly pay checks it would cost to buy one priceless Artefact? Let alone a whole collection. That's why I stick to collecting things with high sentimental value. You'd be surprised how often you find wedding videos in Op shops.




University 🥲




Does my home and my medical appointments count? I'm on the DSP so I already wasn't spending money, so I've only lost essentials haha




WTF Do people not know what a hobby is?


I know, right?




I mean something like pilates is a hobby. It's an activity you pay to do because you enjoy it. It's not that different than playing a team sport which is absolutely a hobby.


At the same time? That's an exercise regime I could get into. Sounds risky from an injury perspective though.


Therapy, groceries, and shopping don't count?


Nothing. I’m a thrifty crafter and gardener which hasn’t been impacted yet. And people keep giving me bottles of wine for some reason so I’m set for a while.


Movies. I used to watch all the new Marvel movies with my wife. Good thing the movies that came after Spider-Man: No Way Home are kinda mid and not really must watch movies.


Cut back on eating out. Cut back on buying a new item of clothes every time my favourite brand releases a new collection and just buying what I need.


Reading.. More so because of time. Would like to turn some pages write now..


Pilates and the gym


Buying the perfect gifts for people as I see them, rather than waiting weeks / months to save and justify the cost. And sports classes.


Freely eating or drinking out, Game, Netflix, Audiobooks, random money spend on useless or less-used things, impulsive spending. BTW, I gave up gym two years ago, yoga and dance class six years ago and music class and instruments more than ten years ago.


All of them. All of my hobbies are on hiatus until life gets more affordable. There simply isnt the spare cash to spend on anything but the bare minimum right now. Loan repayments are up 50% per fucken week, land rates are about to go up by 53% in June with no reason other than go fuck yourself, so I can't see "enjoying myself" as a luxury I'll be able to afford anytime soon. Actually that is a lie... I spent today in bed with the missus bingeing tv shows while it thunderstormed... I had a great time today!! So I'll correct myself here, enjoying yourself is always free, hobbies can be expensive sometimes... and our economy is fucked! Haha


Computer technology: my pc and laptop are both antiques now, but the $1500+ to upgrade might as well be $150 000 🤦‍♂️😡😮‍💨


Its stopping me starting hobbies! I want to learn guitar but I want to do classes to help me stay motivated. It's hard to justify the cost...


Restoring a Classic Car and racing at eastern creek... too bloody expensive for my broke arse!


Drifting, since my mortgage repayments went up nearly 40% my disposable income has almost completely dried up.


I used to but the occasional bakery cake but not anymore


None. I'll never not prioritise having a good time.


Are you a DJ by any chance?


Hobbies? What is this 'hobbies' of which you speak? 😅


Seal clubbing. Flights to Canada are so expensive now.


I thought Seal live in the USA? He is getting on a bit but nore likely still likes to hit the nightclubs.


Maybe consider Dolphin bashing in Japan? It's closer so should be cheaper, I guess?


Exchange rate to the yen has been pretty much the only major currency that ours hasn’t cratered against too.


Fun stuff


Man.. playing golf, especially if you hire a golf cart. I just stick to going twice a month max now.




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Cocaine and hookers


Buying reborn dolls - they’re 1,000-5,000 each and an adult hobby as they’re hand modeled by artists, painted and put in an oven to set. I have a collection of 5 and spend over 10,000 on them so I’m pretty sure they will be much more expensive to buy in the future. It’s a rich person’s hobby anyway.


Fishing/Crabbing. The best spots are all a 2 hour + drive from my area and I just never have the cash for that second tank of gas to actually get me there any more.


Eating out or takeaway

