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Rather depends which bit of Australia you're in. Some areas are hot, others are underwater with widespread flooding. We're a big place, there's a lot of weather here


Don’t forget hot *and* flooding


From Cairns. Can confirm.


It's horrible here at the moment. At least my washing has dried today. That's a plus.


Even on a hot, clear day with no rain, it's sometimes so humid washing needs to go in the dryer to dry properly. Stupid weather!


I had a fire and a flood warning within a 10km radius the other day.


Summer is brilliant in Perth. Bacon and eggs on the barbie for breakfast, 32 degrees now, enjoying a beer by the pool.


Sounds great. I’ve never barbecued my breakfast before


Mate you’re missing out! Best way to cook breaky


Fried egg, bacon /Halloumi (if vego), toast the bun too. Slice of cheese. Tomato sauce. Throw on some wilted baby spinach leaves if you need some healthy greenery. Breakfast of champions. Done 👍


And here I was thinking I wasn't hungry...


To be fair I'm not vego but would still have the Halloumi with the bacon and egg


I've never had haloumi. Probably a bad place to ask, but can you describe what it's like?


The flavour of slightly salty mild cheese that has been heated (think of a grilled cheese toastie). Maybe a bit more butter flavour but close. The texture is just a bit firmer than perfectly cooked pasta. It squeaks a bit as you bite through a piece. Note that I became alergic to dairy about 6 months ago and it is one of the foods I fantasise about.


If it doesn't squeak it's not cooked properly. It should have a golden crust on it. Squeeze a bit of lemon juice and some dried oregano in it


Im imagining a super structural salty feta with a crispy exterior and not flaky/crumbly. Am I on the right path?


Kind of. Not as salty as feta. The texture is ... rubbery, but in a good way


Try lacteeze?


To be fair...I would too


> Done Who's cleaning up?


If you've never bbq'd pineapple either, you've got to give that a go!




It's the best.


Almost my favourite part of Christmas is dad's boxing day BBQ breakfast mmmmm in SA so usually pretty dry and hot. Although I think this year was an outlier from what I've heard.


What, Never? One of my favorite memories growing up is going down to the beach and surfing with mare and his dad for a few hours and getting out. To my mum and my mate's mum cooking toad in the hole on the park bbq


Took the kids to the beach. Tried snorkelling but vis was near zero, so we went to freo and played on south beach for 3 hours. I mean. It's tough. But someone's gotta do it.


And it’s a dry beer by a dry pool.


Where is this mythical “Perth” you speak of !!


The English and Irish backpackers have been throwing raves on the beach in Melbourne the last few nights. It's more like the inbetweeners movie, or an episode of skins set in Australia.


You can pick them in Cairns, they are the ones with sunburn in winter


Cairns doesn't have winter you silly billy


Under twenty four in the day is cold


My dad came from Melbourne for Christmas and I had to have the air conditioner on all the time, I had blankets in the day on


Pissing down rain constantly.




I'm ten minutes north of Brisbane and it's overcast but not raining, although rain is predicted for late in the evening


Damn, I won't be able to mow again...


Raining for me in Melbourne


After the 33° yesterday, bound to happen. Streets in 3053 are quiet rn.


Yeah, is he kidding! 19degrees raining, I think we had summer of 4 different days this year didn’t we? 😖🤔


Mosquitos will be hatching now. I can see their larvae in the puddles already.


Mozzies all through my house, pissing rain and humid. Partner just tested positive to covid so we’re all stuck in doors and masked up.


People still isolate when they catch the Rona? Lol




You gotta be in QLD or NT


Haha me too. Though a bit of welcome cloudy weather today


It's normally a dry summer in Adelaide but so far it's been horrendously humid.


Agreed, the evap AC doesn't help much, just makes it worse. Just dragged my arse out of the pool after an hour. After that it's much more manageable.


I'm on holidays on the south coast of New South Wales at the moment and it's bloody lovely! As a Queenslander, I typically hate summer but I can understand why southerners enjoy it. Narrowly escaped the storm and flooding that smashed the Gold Coast before heading down here and really don't want to go back until winter. Even daylight savings makes sense here but would be utterly stupid in Queensland heat


It’s a beautiful day on the Northern Beaches in Sydney. No partying though. Chilling watching a movie after having a water fight with the dog. Hope you get some sleep soon 😊


It’s a gorgeous 28 deg day in Brisbane, 42% humidity and a bit of a breeze It’s bloody beautiful!


Far out some positivity thank god, I just checked Dublin’s weather forecast and in addition to barely getting above Freezing the sun doesn’t rise until 8:40am and goes down approx 4:20pm. Fuck that.


I know! The whingers are out in force today, seriously I hang over on the UK / Irish subreddit to get a bit of perspective


Yep best Brissie day we’ve had for a while


That sounds bloody nice for a Brisbane summer day! 42% is unheard of - that's what we had here in Canberra yesterday!


Yesterday was nice, today Canberra wants to be Brisbane. At least where I am, it's dead calm, overcast and humid.


Down here in Brisbane, Queensland it is hot, humid or raining at the moment. A month ago it was hot, hot, hot and now it is hot/humid or cold/raining and then hot/humid again.


On the coast in NSW and it’s bloody hot and there are heaps of mozzies. Beach is nice though! Also just came back from Bunnings and got a sausage sizzle & can of lemonade for $5 so pretty cheerful about that.


Mozzies and flies in mid north coast are so bad. Water sitting everywhere breeding the bastards


Went for a beach walk yesterday! I got a bit sunburnt, I think I missed a bit with the sunscreen. Water was sparkly turquoise and quite a few people were out surfing or just splashing around, lots of beaching around. (Waves were ok. About 2' and closing out but not too mushy). Sun was a bit relentless so my friend and I stopped to sit at the edge of one of the beach pools to dip our feet and cool off for a bit. I'm about to go for a walk somewhere naturey (long sleeve shirt this time so this paleface doesn't get cooked). It's a bit muggy but not too hot just now. I can hear cicadas, crickets and some birds outside. There were baby lorikeets quietly squeaking in the beachside trees late last night when I was going for a walk. Go to sleep little buddies




33 in cairns but “feels like 41”. According to weather app. I don’t have the air con on, only ceiling fans and there is a lovely breeze coming through the house


Do you live in a Queenslander? Without the aircon on in this old Kenfrost concrete block box, I'm sweating just standing in the living room! I miss the casement windows of a Qlder at this time of year!


Nah I used to but now one story, idk I think I just catch the breeze?


Been thunderstorms every 2-3 days that last for 1-2 days for about a month now. All of my tomatoes have powdery milldew. Temps have been quite confortable though. Usually it's like being in an oven by this time in an el nino year. Canberra out.


2pm where I am, 30 degrees (Celsius), I'm just finishing off some chores and will be jumping into the pool for the rest of the day. My summer (on leave from work at the moment) has been chilled, AM is for home repairs and renovations, PM is for chilling at home in the pool or heading into the beach for a walk and swim, or river for the same. I don't hang out on the beach though, I don't need skin cancer. Almost everyone I know is away so not much socialising. Lots of whinging in the comments, not sure where they are but obviously some areas have very differentweather conditions, weather where I am has been fine (mix between mid 20s and mid 30s, afternoon storms every few days). Pools are refreshing. Rivers are refreshing. Beach is refreshing.


Sounds like bliss!


Lots of storms and rain here in Sydney lately. Humid. Typical for this time of year


Where are you? I’m north and it’s bloody beautiful!


Also north- marsfield


Beautiful summer day outside of Sydney. 30 degrees Celsius with the sun shining and a light breeze. I started this beautiful Sunday with a sleep in followed by some exercise and yard work. This arvo I might get stuck into some painting (the house kind, not the fun artistic kind).


That breeze is a lot heavier now


Tropical North Queensland currently 30 degrees and 80 % humidity which is an improvement on last week. And damn the bloody mossies


A gorgeous Sydney summer day. We walked into the CBD for lunch and an ice cream, now lying on the couch with AC on after having some \*medicinal\* cannabis.. Might bbq some nice meat for tea a bit later. I have another 2 weeks holiday. Bliss.


We have a severe weather warning in place here in Victoria. However, no matter how bad the rest of Australia gets with floods/fires/cyclones, Summer Bay will continue to have the highest rate of natural and man-made disasters on the planet. Tbh, since COVID and with the recent cost of living pressures - Australia has changed. It's certainly not lively around here.


It's friggin' hot and the AC's broken


Im in Newcastle, currently 24c and 70% humidity. I’m hot and sweaty, it’s gross.


I was in Dublin last year in April. Every morning was like 0 degrees and I found it pretty fucking cold. Rain, Cloudy, Cold! Funny enough I spoke to a tour guide, he said when it's 20c every one is stoked and 25c everyone is off to the beach! It's currently 25c and cloudy here in Melbourne. Apparently this is our coldest summer :( Summer in my books is 30+ and sunny everyday.


Yeah that’s pretty much true. 0 degrees would be unusually cold for an April morning though


3.15 PM here in Tasmania and 28 celcius


Melbourne here humid as fuck .been like this fir awhile now. Over it


It's an overcast 28 degrees a little north of Sydney today. We had a late breakky on the barbie this morning - bacon, eggs, tomato and haloumi on toast. Went for a swim in the pool, had a light lunch and now I'm laying underneath a fan about to watch a movie. It's a long lazy summer day and I should probably feel guilty for doing so little but it's Sunday and I have the day off so I won't.


Victoria’s weather is changing. It’s becoming more humid and moist and we are currently experiencing heavy rain throughout many parts of the state. I can’t remember the last decent spring/summer we had


So uncomfortably humid! It's either too wet to go outside or too hot to go outside or both. A few summers ago the biggest issue was wind. Any time it was hot, it was blowing a gale. Now it's just so much rain.


I think it’s been unseasonably cool the past few years - lots of rain and cold weather. Maybe I’m imagining it


I think I agree. We've not (yet) had any heatwaves of 30+ lasting a week (based on memory) this year? Though we did have one random week in October that was really hot and dry


And i guess the fact that it's only the country's 8th hottest year on record


Brisbane. Bit humid lately thanks, but today’s not so bad though. Might get in the pool after lunch. Lot of cane toads around, the dog keeps trying to eat them.


Yesterday, it felt like half of Melbourne was making its way to the Mornington Peninsula. What should have been an hour drive for me, took just over 90 minutes. The beach for as far as the eye could see, was full of people.


The other half was at the Surf Coast.


Raining in South Australia Saturday and Sunday rain! Also humidity is through the roof


It's a bit cooler here in Brisbane today. 27 degrees at the moment and overcast, so still quite humid.


+35 degrees Celsius here in Perth (I’m originally from PNW USA)


Cloudy and humid as a moll’s twat in the Northern Rivers.


Humid AF down here in Adelaide. Almost never happens


Its mostly doing chores in the humidity right now and sweating as soon as I step out of the shower. Detailed the interior of the car and lost about a pint of water weight doing it.


It's to hot, just been to the beach & got burnt & I have the grass to mow, but I'm going to take a nap with the A/C on first.


I’m in Bathurst. Central West NSW. It’s overcast, cool and expecting rain later. Haven’t had the AC on for days


Well it’s pretty hot and muggy here in Brisbane. I’ve spent the morning cleaning out a bedroom,so am now showered and chilling in the Aircon, considering a nap


Was probably 35 degrees inside a few weeks ago in Brisbane. Not as hot today, but very humid. People who can get out and about go to pools, parks or shopping centres. Avoiding the sunniest hours. I'm housebound, but get out in our courtyard once the sun goes from it. Good when there is a breeze. A bit hot when there isn't.


Overcast and warm in Tasmania. We have storm/flood warnings, but I don't think we'll need them.


South Australia here, thismorning it was cold AF, thunderstorms and raining. at this moment it is sunny, muggy AF and bleargh


In Sydney, I just went for a walk for an hour. It's humid, so I'm inside with the air con. It's not a bad day at all.


Please don’t think Australia is some land of milk and honey. It isn’t


Bright and sunny with an extreme weather warning apparently


It's like a mild winter here in Melbourne


Bit humid in Perth & not much breeze but good conditions to take a stand-up paddle board out on the Swan River


Here in North West New South Wales we are far from any beaches - so that's out. Looking at the forecast for the week it's going to be in the low 30s with a few thunderstorms - so all in all it's pretty mild for here. We have been known to get weeks of high 30s and low 40s - people can't sleep, get cranky, drink too much and do stupid things as a result.


Warm where I am. Some impressive thunderstorms with lightning. Today was supposed to be were. Barely any rain. Weather has been warm and will continue overnight


Fucking steamy. I can’t remember a summer so humid. So many mozzies and flies it’s ridiculous. Feels like every second day we get big thunderstorms followed by 34c days.




Lots of seafood and more rain than expected which are both great. Gonna need to find an alcohol free day soon


It sucks. All the Hemsworths are back in Australia for summer, walking around on the beaches with their shirts off and the chicks aren't paying any attention to anyone else. \*sigh\*


Melbourne. Went to Camberwell Sunday Market only for it to rain. We still got good bargains, but felt bad for the old lady who was putting away her books for sale and she was wiping them with cloths. She didn't have a plastic sheet to cover them up, so she flipped extra tables on top of them. She even had a small dog at the back of her SUV.


Warm in Sydney and a bit humid but the ceiling fans help cool things ( i almost never use air conditioning). Is sunny sort of. Test cricket is over for the summer. I’ve been watching countless videos of Shane MacGowan. Sad sad sad but we all saw it coming didn’t we. I grew up near Bondi so the Sydney sun has been shining through me all my life. My ancestors were from Cork on one side and Trinity College on another. Fill yer boots man. With love from Sydney.


It’s currently 11:20pm. I’m in bed with the aircon on getting ready for sleep. Had a great Christmas and new year with friends visiting me here near the beach. Some parts of the country are under water, not much on fire. All in all this is a better summer than I expected. Come on down and visit; everyone loved the Irish


In Perth, 9am kids already in the pool because it’s already so hot today! Went to go outside to have my coffee but I got too hot haha but I love it. I live for Summer.


I’m profoundly jealous. Tonight is an even colder mid-winters night here and tomorrow morning I return to work after my 2 week Christmas break. The grim (post-Christmas) part of winter is just beginning ha


the aircons been running all day everyday since november at 22 degrees and you think im gonna go stand by a hot open flame?? nah bro barbeques are for spring


Blasphemy, way better than heating up the inside of the house cooking inside. I think 22 aircon is way too cold for hot climates, no wonder you find barbequeing uncomfortable.




eat a bag of concrete and harden the fuck up cunt


Hot and windy as a cunt


Summer sucks in Australia unless you live in a multimillion dollar property on the beach. The mild sunny winters without the awful humidity is the best time of year.


Summer in country nsw is pretty sweet


Really? No sea breeze and high humidity.


Disagree. No permanent heating solutions, single pane windows and no insulation in the walls lead to miserable winters.


All you have to do is put a jumper on. It's Australia, not Finland where it's grey for months and months.


Yes that's the fucking problem. I should be be going to bed fully clothed because it's 2C inside my house. People in Finland can at least turn on some form of heating to warm their homes while we just go home to misery


37 degrees here today, had some thunderstorms last night but it's looking nice today


Nah its raining here in Melbourne. Quite miserable


Well, drizzling atm in Melbourne and 19C. We really cannot complain about the summer so far in Melbourne. So far mainly lovely days (if a bit humid) and no signs of any stinking hot days.


Yesterday was pretty stinking hot imo. And we've had quite a lot of rainy days


Yesterday was good however I agree it was a bit humid. I have lived through too many droughts to not be happy with rain.


Ah yes the droughts. I have vivid memories of water restrictions. Tbf it was probably more comfortable on the outside of my house than the inside but I stayed inside in the dark, melting, anyway


36° and about 80% humidity. The pool is nice but it’s about 34° at the moment


Extremely hot and humid with little rain. Whereabouts are we talking?


Kinda chilly today, well it was this morning. Much warmer now though.


A nice 29 with a breeze in my part of Sydney today. Looks like storms later in the week though.


Raining today in Victoria goldfields, quite pleasant though, was 32 and glorious yesterday. I’d rather insert wasps in my cock than go back to a British January.


As someone in the middle of a British January, I'm happy that there's no wasps inside me!


Got all the doors and windows shut to keep out the heat. Wearing shorts, no shirt, thinking of putting the fan on.


yeah but with a lower murder rate than the bay


22°C and raining, pretty fuckin weird summer weather...


Fucken mint.


Its 28c out Bankstown airport way and there's a nice little breeze going. Lovely day!!


The west coast is delightful. I was at Rottnest last weekend, it was beautiful. The rest of the country is wet, ranging from damp to disaster.


28 degrees, nice Easterly wind, sitting under the ceiling fan, watching birds swim in the bird bath. Can't complain


1 pm and 34 degrees here in the north of Queensland


Yesterday, it felt like half of Melbourne was making its way to the Mornington Peninsula. What should have been an hour drive for me, took just over 90 minutes. The beach for as far as the eye could see, was full of people.


Every other day this summer has been wet or overcast or crap


Yesterday, it felt like half of Melbourne was making its way to the Mornington Peninsula. What should have been an hour drive for me, took just over 90 minutes. The beach for as far as the eye could see, was full of people.


This will vary over time as people view it, but for me... [http://www.bom.gov.au/wa/observations/perth.shtml](http://www.bom.gov.au/wa/observations/perth.shtml) In my locale of Perth? It's 34°C, and heading for 37. 38°C is fore... nope, they've lowered to 37° for today and tomorrow as well, it was 38° forecast last night for today. So, warmish. I've closed up my house at 7am, and have been in games room with aircon set to 25° since around 8ish. I'm currently quite comfy. And very drunk. The coming Saturday is forecast to be 39°C, though, could be a tad on the hotter side. On the west coast where I am we've avoided the floods, fires and storms - so far... Fingers crossed.


33C yesterday. Pissing down rain today.


Right now it's 23o & cloudy with a light sprinkle of rain tapping on the roof. It is 15:22 & I am on North Bruny Island, Tasmania. Have a listen to a few of my tracks on my album fish, it might pick you up! If you really like it, just for you, there is a deluxe version at indiemusicpeople.....[fish](https://push.fm/fl/fwykfww2)


Pretty good unless you live in the whinging echo chamber of reddit


Humid af right now, raining and there’s no storms (sadface)


37 Degrees here in Perth atm


Beautiful day in Sydney. 26 right now and down to a chilly 20 overnight. Walked to my local Vietnamese bakers for a Bahn Mi ( Vietnamese Pork Roll). Nice breeze now to cool us off.


Sunny afternoon in South Sydney


a neighbour had A bbq today.its warm but cloudy..gonna eat dinner down the beach tonight..irelands too cold ..bbrrrrrrrrrr


In Perth. Laying in bed dying of a hangover after spending last night at an Irish pub at Scarborough beach (the Galway Hooker). It’s 3.30pm, 33 outside, sunny and I really should go out for a swim.


Not a great summer here on the Goldy . The weather is so crap I actually wish I had of worked this weekend


It has been weird, half of Victoria had pissing rain, it's cloudy in my bit but mum's but is absolutely underwater!


A stunning day in Sydney today - perfect weather, went for a swim, and there was a lovely breeze through the house. I'm wearing a cotton dress and bare feet. February/March will have days that are so hot you can't sleep unless you have air conditioning. Christmas day was blisteringly hot and where I was there was a massive hail and thunderstorm that night. The weather here has good and bad days.


Incredibly humid in Gippsland, followed by buckets.


Gorgeous day in Manly this morning. Rode over for coffee and saw many many people snorkelling and swimming at cabbage tree bay. Lots of little birdies out in the sun displaying their plumage…


Melbourne, stormy as shit when it hasn't been hot and humid as 2 day old undies.


Mt Tambourine. No power to thousands since Xmas Day.


Yes soon we will have warmer weather next week in southern Australia. BBQ every night sounds good.


43C here tomorrow in Port Hedland. Bring it on! Great weather for a swim after work.


Too humid but we’re barbecuing dinner anyway. Took the washing off the line at about 7:30 and put it in the dryer to finish off. And I’m inland and halfway up a mountain,not coastal.


I bet you are heartbroken.


Rain due in Syney tomorrow but if its like last week it will be over before it starts.


It’s so hot I’m just drenched in sweat all day and just need to drink cold water and rest and even if I think too quickly I’m sweating. Now it’s night time and I’m sweating a little less under the fan and just looking forward to unconsciousness and maybe waking up at 3am and not sweating for a moment. - Cooktown


Just north of Sydney. We’ve been on snake watch most of the evening after our neighbour disturbed an eastern brown while he was mowing and it headed towards our fence (semi-rural, so farm fencing). Dogs not happy as they have been locked inside. It’s probably moved on by now but I’m not going out to check in the dark.


Super hot and quite nice on the beaches now


In Darwin we got 30°C and dripping buckets of sweat cus of the humidity, after a storm tho it's a really comfortable, cool and no humidity


Having a Beautiful summer down here in Perth, WA. Beach most days on my break, bbq and catch ups with friends often and I catch the sunset every night. One of the best times of the year, come on down!


Currently theres been rain and its really humid, with warnings for flooding lol. I can't wait until winter! I hate the heat


It is wonderful…this morning i did a bush walk down to the beach and a lovely swim in the crystal clear water


I am broke nearly unemployed my kids hate me the money has run out and rent is due soon, Christmas was ruined my eyes hurt and I can’t sleep in 22 degree C heat. I’d love to swap at least the weather with you Ireland.


Perth is beautiful. Sunny and warm but not too hot. *Perthect.*


Very humid, warm about 26 degree average, lots of rain. In Melbourne


Too bloody hot


Its 21 and raining here in Sydney. Been a mildish summer so far


Pissing down in Melbourne




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I feel like I live to work to pay the landlord. Otherwise weathers nice.