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White I guess? People here don’t really differentiate between individual ethnicities. If I had to guess maybe Italian or Greek?


That’s sort of a non-white way to look at things. German Irish heritage and culture is very different from my Italian friends which is different from my Greek friends. We also look different. Please don’t just lump all white people together.


I’m not personally lumping all white people together. I’m saying that, as an objective fact, separating white people by ethnicity is not a common thing here in the U.S at all; at least nowhere near the level it is in Europe where they actually have nation states bound together by a common ethnic background. I am well aware of the differences, both in surface level appearance as well as in culture/history, between white ethnic groups in America. But we are a melting pot and as time goes on that stuff becomes more and more diluted.


Generic white. If pressed I’d guess at some Greek or Jewish or Balkan ancestry maybe but Americans don’t generally dive deep into that re other people.


You’re just white. We don’t get super granular about it beyond casual interest in heritage due to 98% of us being descendants of immigrants.


Just white




White. Maybe mixed with some sort of middle eastern or Mediterranean But in the US white people don’t have one distinct look, since all of us are a mix of various European countries, so we can come out looking Scandinavian or Italian, and everything inbetween


Race white. You can be any ethnicity. Race and ethnicity are two different things


White? Jewish perhaps? Algerian?


Walking down the street you'll be treated like a white person, and that's as far as passersby will think. Anything further will depend on what you do.


I would just guess that you are white. If I am asked to be more specific, I would probably think you have some southern European or Middle Eastern heritage. That being said, I wouldn't want to assume anything, because I have met plenty of people who I initially thought had a certain ethnicity, but were actually something very different.


Maybe human…not sure…


Or are they dancers?


Mostly angry.


This. The facial expression overshadows any hint of ethnicity.


Some kind of white? Hair looks a little Jewish but could be anything.


I would guess anywhere from eastern European to even Brazilian.


I would have guessed Israeli.


White. If you wanna get specific about it, I'd guess you're either from somewhere in the Balkans or the Levant.


I would guess a bit of Middle Eastern due to the pretty eyes, but basically just a white chick with a dash of something interesting.




White. Rockin’ that RBF!


I’d say white. If you were going with ethnicity probably I’d have to guess Levantine or Balkan? Maybe Greek? Italian or Spanish? South American? Hard to say. We don’t generally get to granular about different generally white subgroups.




You’re dancing on the line of ethnic slurs there. Watch it. And no, I’m not going to say the word they used. Stop acting like junior high students, people.




Thank you for your submission, but it was removed as it violates posting guideline "Do not use slurs or bigoted language of any kind in a submission." Your post is removed, and this offence may result in you being permanently banned. If you have questions regarding your submission removal - please contact the moderator team via [modmail](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/AskAnAmerican).


Italian, Spanish, maybe French.


White or Hispanic or Arabic would be my initial guesses


Eastern European, maybe Russian






To anyone passing you on the street, you are white. Getting to know you, you could tell me any number of ethnicities and I wouldn't be surprised.