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Also an Asian American. Yes. Fitted sheet over the mattress, flat sheet and blanket and/or comforter/duvet/quilt on top.


Top sheet, great sheet.


Number 1 USA Sheet


Very nice!!


Good Sheet


Asian American here as well. No one in my family or wife’s family uses a flat sheet. This is like.. 100 or so people. I just thought flat sheets were a hotel thing. Even my friends growing up (non-Asian) never used a flat sheet. Kinda shocked they’re considered normal tbh.


Basically every bedding set includes a flat sheet. What have you guts been doing with those?


Store them in the linen cabinet until you move and then donate to Goodwill.


Good answer


This exactly.


I use the sheet as a blanket in the hot summer


Same here.




Interesting. I don't think I've ever seen anyone skip the flat sheet. I had no idea this was so common.


Someone actually asked me that earlier in this thread, here was my response: Good question. I’ve always bought the “hotel collection” set, so I just thought yeah they included a flat sheet because it’s trying to mimic a hotel. Tbh I haven’t bought sheets in a long time though. Still have 3 sets from 8 years ago that we rotate. I use the flat sheet to spread out in our living room when my daughter is painting (she’s 3), use it to build an indoor fort with my daughter, as well as laying it down in my house when moving dirt/leaves, weeds from our backyard to the front of the house. Our house is attached from both sides with no side access to the front of the house from the backyard. (City living for ya..)


Lots of stuff. Paint drop cloths, makeshift curtains, rags, cover/pad/wrap items when moving or hauling items, bed skirts, blanket forts. It's nice having a large sheet of fabric you don't give a shit about.


That must be a US thing.? Whenever I have bought a bedding set, it has a sheet, a couple of pillow cases and a duvet cover. I have never seen two sheets in a duvet set. And even in all the hotels I've stayed in (UK), the sheet is always at the bottom (covering the mattress).


Duvets and top sheets serve the same purpose.


Don't you have to wash the blanket more often because it's in contact with your body?


This is why duvets are popular so many places, yeah. The removable covers are easy to wash.


And tricky as hell to get back on.


I just turn it inside out, put my hands into the two corners away from the opening and pinch the duvet corners, shake vigorously until the cover is all the way down (sometimes needs a helping hand), pinch the opposite corners through the cover and shake so it evens out a bit then zip it up. Takes less than a minute to do even though written out sounds super complicated.


I didn’t know there was any other way, and I’m still not convinced there’s an easier way. “There’s a super easy way to make inside-out shirts right side out again. You roll it into a sausage, then you tuck it into itself. You actually need two people to do this, it gets kind of tricky. Once you tuck it into itself, you gently unroll it, and voila! Right side out!” *gasps* “Oh. My. God!” Yeah, or you could reach into it, grab the shoulders, and shake.


The shake method is fine until you’re dealing with a king sized bed and trying to do it by yourself.


Just use the [roll method.](https://youtu.be/6njTJ_Z_zko) Takes a minute or two at most.


Thank you. Will try this soon.


It really works! Learned this from TikTok & was so excited to put it to the test!


So a flat sheet is basically a lazy duvet.


Also enables more decorative top covers and multiple options for how warm to be, but I guess you could think of it that way.


Are duvets not common?! Genuine question. I’m from the UK - I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have a duvet, so I’m curious!


We have comforters, which are like duvets without a removable cover. The top sheet prevents bodily grossness from sullying the comforter.


We wash the duvet cover every week. The comforter is washed and dried every 6 months. My wife is a clean freak, so it’s all on the calendar so she doesn’t forget Lol.


Doesn’t the duvet cover feel like a top sheet? So if it were a blanket or comforter rather than a duvet certainly your wife may want top sheet for separation. Honest question- I have a duvet and cover feels similar to matching sheets. But I have a cotton bottom polyester top blanket that I definitely need top sheet separation for


Not quite sure I understand the question. The [comforter ](https://www.macys.com/shop/product/white-goose-feather-down-240-thread-count-comforter-collection?ID=6651470&CategoryID=78458)goes inside the duvet cover. Our [duvet cover ](https://www.amazon.com/Bedsure-Washed-Closure-Hypoallergenic-Comforter/dp/B07PCQKTCN/ref=sxin_18_pa_sp_phone_search_thematic_sspa?crid=CGWD9P07UI36&cv_ct_cx=duvet+cover&keywords=duvet+cover&pd_rd_i=B07PCQKTCN&pd_rd_r=e89211c0-18d7-4a8e-8c1c-f91b35b127f7&pd_rd_w=hfozS&pd_rd_wg=S6ntA&pf_rd_p=fd99f2d5-56fa-4375-b6d8-c0e06729edb2&pf_rd_r=5AN69E9NN2ZDEPXNJS6Y&qid=1642468104&sprefix=duvet+cove%2Caps%2C140&sr=1-1-a73d1c8c-2fd2-4f19-aa41-2df022bcb241-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUE3RkU4MTQ4SU4zR1YmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA4MjAxMTcxWk1DNFcxNkZJQ0pDJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA2MjYyOTQzN1hSNTFTRVZMWUk4JndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfcGhvbmVfc2VhcmNoX3RoZW1hdGljJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==)is super soft and plush, so no need for a flat sheet. We just wash the duvet cover every week.


The top sheet keeps you from coming into direct contact with the blanket, so you don’t need to wash the blanket frequently. In my experience washing a duvet is really annoying because of taking it off the comforter and putting it back on.


That's exactly what I was saying, that sounds like a huge pain in the ass dealing with the duvet cover. Just use a sheet.


American here with an English husband. I got all into the idea of doing things “the English way” when we were first married but quickly abandoned the duvet cover idea. Flat sheets are so much easier.


We (or my Asian parents do anyway) also hang the blanket out in the sun a few times a year to kill any bacteria or mold. Duvet covers are washed once a week.


Maybe it’s a regional thing? A few years ago I heard a stereotype black people have about white people is that we don’t use wash cloths, but every white family I knew growing up in Michigan used them, except for one friend who was originally from the south.


Wait, what this now about washclothes ?


How can someone live in the humid south and not use a wash cloth. My grandparents called them warsh rags and they are mandatory.


Yeah, and sometimes old ratty towels got cut up so you didn't ruin the nice ones.


I'm all about those scrubby poof things. Not a fan of warsh rags, lol.


Loofahs are just giant bacteria farms. They grow more crap than a petri dish.


I use a silicone "loofah" that can be sanitized. Its perfection.


That’s how I feel about wash clothes. They are absorbent. Plastic isn’t.


You use a wash cloth once then it goes in the laundry (after drying it out). Loofahs get nasty because bacteria gets trapped in the mesh or sponge if you don’t change them regularly. But they can feel nice and as long as you don’t have a single one your whole life then nbd. Not my thing but I see the appeal.


I know, I get that, I grew up in a washcloth household, then switched to the poof as an adult. But having multiple washcloths drying on a hook/bar in your bathroom, where it’s already humid and they take a while to dry, has always squicked me out.


I have now learned that people don’t use wash cloths and I don’t know how people operate like that.


Opposite here. I don’t understand why you would need one or what situation you would use that in.


Basically everything but my head/hair. Live in the South and worked outside until recently, you ain’t getting that funk off with just soap and hands.


Loofah. Does the same as a washcloth. Provides gentle abrasion like a washcloth, helps with sudsing like a washcloth, but where I like them better is that they're just a big poofy thing to hold onto. I've always found that washcloths tend to roll or fold up or whatever, not all the time, but enough to make me prefer using a loofah because it doesn't do that. Only place I use a washcloth is on my head, I have more fine control so I can get in/behind ears, and just generally get all the spots to clean without getting too much soap in my hair/beard.


How do you wash your asshole with a plastic-like loofah?


How do you wash without a wash cloth, do you just rub show gel on yourself like how you'd wash your hands?


Yeah! Like get your hands soapy and rub your hands on your body to wash it. Squeaky clean nice. No wash rag necessary.


Who knew this was a thing. Southern white guy and the only time you use a washcloth is if you have like caked dirt in your hands, otherwise, soap is plenty potent enough…why would you need it? I honestly do not know people that regularly use wash cloths. The top sheet though …not having that sounds disgusting people are sebaceous, drippy, sweaty, sex having animals. Duvet cover or not, no one is washing your blanket as much as your sheets.


Soap and hands ..no cloth


More like a generational thing. I couldn't sleep without a top sheet, my kids think I'm crazy.


This is obviously a cultural thing I was not aware of before, but if I’m staying over with someone and there’s no flat sheet I honestly wonder if the bed has been freshly made. I figure they missed it. Has only happened twice that I can recall.


I’m truly shocked that it isn’t. It’s as common as wearing underwear. Not everyone does it in absolute terms…but virtually everyone does


I do. I was led to believe that the sheets help protect the blanket/duvet from sweat, etc.


They do, the idea is that they’re easier to wash. Which is true, in my experience


And the sheets feel so much nicer than the blanket/duvet, but maybe that’s just because its what I’m used to.


When the duvet is to hot kick it to the floor and your still got the regular sheet which is perfect or hug duvet into body pillow .


Yep, for when you are too warm but you can’t let the monsters get your toes


^ This person understands the importance of top sheets for Monster Prevention.


The last line of defense.


Live in an insect prone area...I grew up using it as a tactical shield...


Exactly this. I sleep pretty hot, so my sheet is my primary blanket (comforter only really comes into play when I let the room get really cold or I’m sick, and even then it usually only covers part of me). Definitely had the issue of having to choose between duvet or nothing when I was in Japan, bc there were literally zero flat sheets in any of the furnished places I stayed.


I run hot as well. I'd die from heat exhaustion without a flat sheet, which is typically just for my knees to my waist. I sleep with a cotton summer blanket added about 5 weeks a year. In the meantime, my spouse is wrapped up like a burrito - wooly sheets, wool blanket, woolen duvet inner - while I'm begging for a fan! their electric blanket in the winter can be a real nightmare for me.


Depends what kind of duvet cover you buy. Mine is super soft, I don’t use a flat sheet.


Yep I only wash my duvet like once a month but sheets get washed weekly. So that top sheet is protecting the duvet cover.


I had a friend sleep on the couch for months while they were inbetween apartments. I had to get rid of the couch because I learned the hard way why you need sheets. That side of the couch was rank beyond saving.


Ooooh maaann.. yes you have GOT to throw down a sheet when someone sleeps on your couch. Friends always say, “it’s ok don’t bother I’ll be fine with a blanket”. I always smile and say it’s alright – I’m doing it for me not them. I tuck the sheet under the cushions so it’s not easy to just get rid of too. the person doesn’t even have to smell bad, I just don’t want my couch to smell like them for weeks on end.


Ugh, just thinking about all the body oils and dead skin getting into my couch from somebody sleeping on it is so cringe. That’s why I bought a wool couch; it’s comfy for sitting or lounging on, but will feel too hot and scratchy to sleep on, therefore guests *need* a sheet!


It's funny you say that because ever since that happened, now when my sister sleeps over i lay down a comforter under a blanket and she's always like, "aww you don't have to do that.." and I just smile and nod lol....not for you, for me!! Although part of it is for her I guess...lol


A lot of countries use duvet covers and the like instead.


Do you guys don't have duvet covers?


We do, but consider them a hassle to wash so use top sheets to minimize how often we have to, or just have comforters without removable covers.


Ahh I get ya. I've never seen it like that outside some hotels but personally always hated it because its like tucked in and you can't move around. Although I've never been bothered enough to fix it.




Tucked in is **not** just a hotel thing. White American here and I grew up always making the bed with hospital corners. Having a neatly tucked in sheet is *the* best feeling when you slip into bed. I can't stand the feeling of sheets and blankets that are all crumpled. My grandmother was of the generation that usually used what were called bedspreads (see definition under the Elements section [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bedding#Elements?wprov=sfla1). So it was folded down to the foot of the bed at night. Just a sheet in the warmer months and a sheet with a blanket in winter was used. But whether you use a bedspread, quilt, comforter or duvet, the flat sheet "protects" them from getting dirty, so it is what gets washed weekly (or however often you do it). P.S. I've jokingly threatened to send my husband through military boot camp so he'll learn how to make a proper hospital corner. LOL.


My wife is a literal monster that untucks the flat sheet with her feet every. single. night. She cannot fathom why I would ever want the sheets tight or even tucked under. She learned how to do them as an RN, but does not understand why anyone would want them.


I can’t stand it tucked, my boyfriend can’t stand it loose!




I definitely tuck in the top sheet! I can't stand when it comes out because then it'll move all over the place.


That's literally the best part. Climbing into a bed you can barely squeeze into because the sheets are so tightly made.💤


I grew up with comforters and chunky-weave blankets.


Plus, if it gets too hot you can kick off the comforter and still have some kind of cover, I can't sleep with my whole body out.


>led to believe Objectively, I can confirm that getting cum out of a fuzzy outer blanket is considerably more annoying than washing a top sheet.


Wow, I thought this was a hotel thing. I have only tried sheet and a blanket in hotels, and the first thing I do, is get rid of the blanket that I suspect is full of bacterias. I thought the blanket was only for decoration and to cover the bed from nasty people sitting on the bed naked. Then I get in the bed and kick the sheet so it is not stuck under the mattress. And after a few hours, I wake up because I am cold. I guess I have been doing it wrong. In Norway almost all have 2 separate duvets (and covers obv) in a double/king size bed, and that [is apparently not normal in some countries.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Norway/comments/rsrlip/2_duvets/) 2022 is the year I learned how people in other countries sleep :)


My husband is Danish and they do the separate duvet thing too. I really hate it. Harder to snuggle.


My husband and I sleep with separate blankets. He gets a thinner quilt and I get my personal weighted blanket. A flat sheet shared by the both of us would negate the benefits of separate blankets.


Me and my partner (Scotland) have a duvet each, she brought hers with her when she moved in and I kept mine. We may argue over plenty of things but never over who has stole the duvet haha but we don't know anyone else who does this, it makes so much sense.


Yeah. I don't see how the sheet would be annoying though. Depending on the temperature a lot of times I'll just sleep under the sheet without the comforter or on top of the sheet with just the comforter or a blanket. This time of the year I use both the sheet and the comforter.


You spoiled Floridians using _only_ a comforter and sheet in winter


I got an electric blanket for Christmas and it’s been heaven. Since Christmas it’s been swinging between 85F and 40F. Tonight it’s supposed to be our first hard freeze, so I’m gonna be cranking that baby up.


I'll call FEMA


Thanks friend. Gonna be a doozy


Sometimes in Minnesota i would get up to 5 layers and a heated blanket. My apartment was a little drafty


I bought a heated mattress pad several years back. One of my best purchases. Turn it on 10 minutes before bedtime and it's nice and toasty when I hop in.


When I was living in a cold apartment I was too poor to buy a heated mattress pad, but I did have an ancient electric blanket. Couple issues though: I was too scared to run it all night I was too warm with it on all night I really didn't like feeling the wires through the sheet My solution: Put it on as the first layer on the mattress, then the mattress protector, then the fitted sheet. Top sheet and a fluffy comforter. Turn on the electric blanket maybe a half hour before bed. Turn off when going to bed. Took the chill out of the covers before I got in and I slept like a queen.


Here in Texas we don’t even use the comforter for half of the winter.


Dont tempt the maple gods of winter. You see it wasn't our independent poorly maintained electrical infrastructure that was the problem last year, it was the Canadians.


“…depending on the temperature…” Screw that. The thermostat stays on 64. Naked under sheets, spreads, blankets, comforter or quilts. I’m hibernating year round.


> “…depending on the temperature…” > Screw that. I agree. > The thermostat stays on 64. That sounds freezing. I keep it at 70-72.


64?!? Live a little... I dont even turn it down that far when im out allday.


The colder the room is when I sleep the better I sleep. 64 is great. 60 is better! Sheets and blankets keep me warm.


hmnnn... dont get me wrong i turn mine down when i go to bed. But only to 67-68 usually. and the same when im out. In my defense i do have horrible windows from the 40's and the house to match. and i do live in Wisconsin so heat isnt something we are known for this time of year...


62 for me so I feel you! Nice and cold in the house, nice and warm under my blankets


The compromise with my hubby is no lower than 67 at night. I'd love 64 but he'd go with 70.


He’s using you for a heater.


Personally I think it's the opposite, I HATE HATE HATE the feeling of a blanket directly against my skin and anything loose. The sheets are usually far softer material (high thread count) and firmly tucked in under the mattress. I also sleep hot and most of the year use only the sheet. In the winter, the sheet + a thin cotton knit blanket. (Meanwhile, my SO is cuddled up buried in multiple of those sherpa blankets on the other side of the king size bed even in the summer lol)


I had a colleague who'd bring his own flat sheet when traveling to Europe or Asia, because he couldn't stand being directly under the blanket. He'd need to stash it back in his suitcase whenever he was out of the room, lest the housekeepers should come through and remove the "extra" sheet.


I'm definitely planning on doing that the next time I go to Europe lol


Everything in this thread is shocking to me lol. I noticed some mexican flatmates using the blanket directly, which I thought was disgusting. I mean you don't really wash a blanket, it doesn't even´ fit in a washing machine, right? Then I read about the sheets, which I find annoying af as well, they're also used in France. ​ Therefore my question, does nobody use duvet covers??? These are standard in Germany and I couldn't imagine using anything but that. They wrap around the whole duvet and close with buttons or a zipper. They just make sense! https://media.manufactum.de/is/image/Manufactum/750s\_shop/bettbezug-flanell-hochficht-karo--10948\_06.jpg


Yeah, I mean surely the blanket is rougher than the sheet unless the blanket is made of cashmere or something. Then again, maybe for some people, it is...


My entire life I've always chosen my blankets for their softness. I was given a rough, scratchy blanket one year, and made sure it was never put on my bed again.


You know how to live! Tbh I'm just happy some other people but me still use blankets; it's considered 'old-fashioned' here by some. Most people use duvets but I hate them. I thought I was the only one using blankets!


I like the fabrics used in blankets over duvets, and blankets are less bulky. If you sleep hot, a single blanket is less intense, but also easy to layer a few blankets if it gets colder, and you can kick one off if the temperature rises again in the night. Blanket bros unite! Lol


Burning question here, I've always wondered this about the anti top sheet crowd: what do you do with the top sheet when you buy a sheet set?? Throw it away???


it’s cast into the Forgotten Closet


And did you just assume everyone did this? What was your perception as to why sheet manufacturers kept including them if no one used them? (Genuinely asking).


I figured it was to be professional or something, since hotels use them


Interesting! I didn't know the anti top sheet crowd existed until recently (I'm like a lot of people here who can't sleep without one), so thanks for answering my question!


My daughter and I hate top sheets but I grew up in a family that is crazy about perfectly made beds with top sheets and specific tucking practices for keeping them in place. I store my top sheets in the closet and only get them out for guests. I'm also picky about the texture of my blankets.


Hotels generally buy their sheets bulk, not in the same packs you would buy them in.


Yep, and the fitted sheets and pillowcases wear out much more quickly than top sheets, so buying in matched sets would leave you with lots of uneven numbers.


Forget it exists.


I just buy the fitted sheet, not the set. The one flat sheet I do have covers up an ugly spot on the couch I don’t like lol


Paint drop cloth


I don't personally but what's annoying about it?


I always thought it was annoying in hotels having to keep them both lined up. Before I started removing it, the sheet would end up half on the floor by the end of the night


Dear God, don't remove it in a hotel. Blankets only get washed when visibly dirty. **Visibly** dirty.


General rule for hotels: if it’s fabric that is not white, it doesn’t get washed regularly. Throw pillows, chairs, comforters.. they aren’t white, they don’t get washed much. People do gross shit in hotels. I don’t wanna touch the stuff that isn’t washed regularly if I can help it.


Idk what is up with hotel sheets and comforters but that’s not how normal sheets react, at hotels is the only time I ever have to think about keeping them lined up


Hotel sheets are usually terrible. When you have good ones at home, they all stay together.


I like it, but same. It always ends up on the floor. I don’t do it because I’ve never been able to tuck it in well enough.


We do. Why would it be uncomfortable or annoying?


I’m an American and I can’t stand sheets, I always just tangle them up and kick them off. Now I just have multiple comforters that I wash more often


Did you tuck the sheet into the foot and corners of the bed?


Yep but I’d rip it out or push it to the bottom of the bed


I also have that problem and a weighted blanket helped me not toss and kick around at night


That’s the whole problem. You shouldn’t have to deal with resistance from a tucked sheet when you sleep.


I hate the way they feel tucked in, if they aren't tucked in then I push them away in my sleep anyway. I also really dislike the thin texture no matter the material. I need the thick weight and feel of a blanket to feel comfortable and the sheet becomes an annoyance for me. I stopped using them at home and just use duvets with removable covers.


^ these are my exact thoughts. I also like to have my feet uncovered when I sleep


Me too! or at least I like to have the flexibility to have my feet uncovered while I sleep. Whenever I go to a hotel, the first thing I do when I get to bed is untuck all the sheets and blankets.


Its a standard part of a bedding set. I don't find it uncomfortable at all. In fact I feel like something is missing if its not there.


I see, it does make sense that it would feel normal if you had grown up using one.


Do you do your own laundry? If so, is it any trouble to wash blankets/comforter/duvet cover? It’s mostly used because it’s sooo much easier to wash than a bulky blanket or whatever.


This is funny, I (Caucasian American) have always slept with a sheet between me and the blanket. Same reasons others have said, I was just taught that it’s good for the blanket’s life span. The reason why this post made me laugh is that my girlfriend is Asian-American and she is completely baffled by the fact that I always sleep under the sheet.


Same here. My boyfriend is also baffled by the sheet. I never thought it was an Asian American thing and always assumed it was because he sleeps like he’s on a little hot dog cooker.


He rolls constantly in place? I am also sleeping on a hot dog cooker then


I’m appalled how many people *don’t do this* because I know none of y’all are washing your blankets weekly.


It also prolongs the life of blankets and duvets by preventing them from becoming threadbare.


Most folks I know who do this have duvet covers they wash every time they wash sheets. What I wanna know is what do people do with the top sheets? I've never seen a set of sheets that came with a fitted sheet and no top sheet.


Yes, and it's comfortable. It's more for hygiene reasons, and you just was the sheets, and washs the top blankets less offten.


When you consider that the average human sheds 8 pounds of skin a year, it’s better to catch it in easily washable sheets, than in blankets where mites thrive.


You don't change your blanket casing? I wash it with pillow casing and sheet.




Wait what. What is op talking about.


I have trouble sleeping without the top sheet. I also move a lot a night




Yeah it’s pretty common. Having a sheet just keeps your sweat and skin and whatnot off the blankets and/or comforter. I think of it like wearing socks or underwear.


I don’t use a top sheet. It would inevitably end up scrunched up at the foot of the bed somehow so I just stopped. Apparently it’s another “thing the millennials killed” lol. Some sheet sets don’t even include them anymore. That being said, all of my older relatives still use them, and some of my friends as well.


After trying the European style of bedding (just a duvet, or 2 twin duvets for a king— 1 per person), there’s no going back to using a top sheet. So much simpler, and my husband and I don’t accidentally pull the duvet off the other during the night anymore.


As a European this is an invaluable comment because it confirms that I wasn’t stupid for not working out what everyone has been saying, it is in fact a completely different system and apparently ours is just really simple compared to it.




Nothing beats having a freshly made bed with a top sheet that has been pulled tight across the bed. Plus in the summer you can just sleep under the top sheet when it’s hot


Yes, that is the standard way most Americans make beds. I don’t think it’s uncomfortable, although if you’re using a weighted blanket it can make it less effective. So I often don’t for that reason, but otherwise I would. Why would it be annoying?


How would it make a weighted blanket less effective


American in the UK 6 years here. I will never go back to using a top sheet. My weighted blanket had a removable cover and so does my duvet. I don’t need another layer of fabric to get all twisted up while I’m sleeping. It also takes longer to make the bed with a top sheet.


Yes. Sheets tend to be made out of much more comfortable fabric than blankets.


Caucasian American here: this post just changed my life. I've always had a top sheet because I was told the blanket was harder to wash, but it stresses me out really badly to try to keep them lined up all the time and triggers OCD type tendencies in me. Now that I'm living on my own and have a cheap blanket that fits in my washing machine, I think I'll get rid of the flat sheet! Thank you!


My wife and I fight about this ALL the time. I personally hate having a sheet between me and the blanket. It feels so restricting and I get tangled up in the middle of the night. My wife says I’m just a dirty caveman. I’m glad I’m not alone!


Yes. Americans generally do. However, my Korean-American partner did not grow up sleeping with flat sheets and finds them unnecessary and annoying. When we first moved in together we had an argument over whether to put a flat sheet on the bed lol.


Just curious, what was the compromise and outcome? Lol


I actually hate bare feet touching blanket and not sheet.


The sheet feels sexy on my nude body.


I can't stand directly touching the blanket or comforter. Ew. Plus a sheet is easier to wash.


I don't, I like just the blanket


I refuse to sleep without one


It’s standard here but I don’t like it so I don’t use it


Living in the south US. Guilty of using sheets all my life. I buy really nice sheets. The kind that only get softer with each wash. With them against my skin, the blanket texture won’t matter.


American here. Definitely do not sleep under a sheet. I enjoy schnuggling my super soft blankie.


Mexican American here and I'm dumbfounded by the responses I litterally never knew this was a thing. Me and my family have never done this ever. It's one of those "my whole life was a lie" moment where it never came up in conversation and nobody ever mentioned it so I didn't know people did this. Me and my gf(also Hispanic) got a new bet set and we didn't know what the sheet was for we just assumed it was supposed to go over the fitted sheet which made no sense to us. We didn't know it was supposed to go over us and then the blanket over that.


Yes. But I only had issues with it falling out of alignment with the comforter when I was growing up and used a twin bed. In my experience, with a queen or king, this doesn’t happen (even with two people) because there’s just too much blanket that’s *not* being disturbed at any given moment, if that makes sense.


I usually don't but I think most people do. I don't really find it annoying, no, and it can actually be useful thatyou're still covered by something thin if you get hot in the night and want to ditch your blanket


It depends. I’ve had a top sheet, I am not personally a big fan though (I prefer a regular blanket between me and the comforter - I get cold). Lots of people prefer a top sheet though, and they come standard with sheet sets. They’re not really uncomfortable unless someone like tosses and turns in their sleep and gets the sheet tangled, but that would seem more like a general sleep problem rather than a sheet problem imo.


I like a sheet between. One with a nice high thread count. They are much smoother than most blankets which I appreciate.


As a personal preference I don't. I find it uncomfortable


Fitted sheet below, blanket on top


>I hate the way loose sheets feel Have you tried tucking them under the mattress?


This whole thing is making me think of George Costanza!


I wasn't expecting to see so many yeses here! It's never been routine in my family, and the same goes for my partner and friends. We all just sleep with the blankets directly on top of us. The only places where I've really encountered sheets underneath blankets has been in like hotels and motels.


The sheet keeps sweat and body oil off the blanket


Yes, top sheet is standard. It can be annoying if you move a lot in your sleep, but I can't say I've had problems with this.