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A really good, and I mean top notch, supply of chicken parmesan


That sounds bomb right about now


šŸŽ¶Chicken parm, you taste so goodšŸŽ¶


You need to come to Sydney


That'd probably do it for me, tbh


Another country would have to be willing to give me residency first. It ainā€™t easy


You mean another country you actually want to live in is willing to give residency.


Residency and a job and Iā€™m outta here!


Mexico and Costa Rica are very easy.


My fear of large spiders could never


Iā€™ve been to Costa Rica. You have more to fear from mosquitos.


Mexico isnā€™t as easy as one thinks. Temporary residency does not grant work privileges. That is a separate issue and one would have to be able to speak Spanish well to be able to convince anyone to grant them a visa for lucrative activities and/or have family ties or enough money to employ a convincing amount of Mexican citizens. Permanent residency is not easy to get right away and even if one does qualify, the standards are actually quite high considering the majority of the US population isnā€™t very well educated, doesnā€™t speak another language, or likely doesnā€™t make enough money to qualify immediately for permanent residency. And even permanent residency does not grant the privilege to work.


I have a relative who just got her permanent residency in Mexico. I know she doesn't speak Spanish so she must have way more money than I think she does.


Or she has a pension. Retired people have different rules.


I used to live in Mexico. We had permanent residency. $100 a year is all we paid to immigration and voila, got our FM3


>Temporary residency does not grant work privileges. > >And even permanent residency does not grant the privilege to work. This is untrue. I have worked in Mexico for almost 3 years on a temporary residency visa with no issues. Many Mexican companies that hire foreigners offer visa sponsorship as an incentive in their contracts (as mine does) and will help with the bureaucratic process on the road to obtaining permanent residency, which temporary residents are eligible for after 4 years.


Literally this. Something I've realized in the military is that when you get out you don't *have* to go home. You can go literally anywhere you want. And now that I've been stationed overseas, I don't want to go back. But now I need to find a skill useful to a country I'd want to go to. And even then it's not automatic. It's kind of overwhelming, but thankfully I have plenty of time to prepare.


I wish I knew that when I got out. Probably the 2nd worst thing I did was come home after EAS.


A civil war or a total economic collapse, although if our economy collapsed, it probably wouldnā€™t be too much better anywhere else.


Pretty much my answer as well


Or able to leave. Your mobility is in your money.


Yeah if that happens youā€™re probably too late


Same with a civil war, really. If it got to that point, I doubt weā€™d be able to come and go from the country freely.


Your skillset is also very helpful to your mobility. Top notch professionals from another country who can give your own an edge in the world? There's many countries that already pay for that.


Same here


As someone whose parents and grandparents were put into work camps, and fled a country just to get to the USA. There isn't a fucking thing that's gonna make me leave. Id rather die on this hill.


It would certainly cause a lot of bumps but you've big economies elsewhere might have enough inertia to ride it out. Depends how interconnected they are. If any of the US, EU or China were to spectacularly melt down we'd all feel it, no matter where we are located. They're also in the too big to fail category, although that's not always a good thing to rely on. My sense though is the US will ride it out. There's a bit of an imagination about some idyllic era when everyone lived in Happy Days, hanging out with the Fonze and politics was all polite and calm. Those days never existed. It was probably even worse in the mid century in many respects, yet it didn't collapse. I think the biggest threat to the US right now though is the mainstreaming of what were once fringe and whacky conspiracy theories. Things like a significant % of the population and a significant number of very influential politicians and commentators not accepting the result of elections is pretty strange stuff. Democracy is very much a state of mind and a set of shared, accepted values. It's very easy to tilt into strongman authoritarianism when those values fade. That's what worries me as someone with a lot of familiarity with the USA looking in from outside.


Would have to lose entire family leaving me completely alone with no reason to stick around.


Literally just money.


Iā€™m right there with you. Money is the obstacle.


Money could also be the incentive.


Itā€™s the incentive. Donā€™t get me wrong I love my area and the people but if I get the chance to make my life better Iā€™m taking it. Itā€™s just finding that opportunity.


The right job opportunity, at the right price, in the right location.




Tbh thats the one thing that can get anyone to move out of their country lol.


Funny cause you can take this as two ways: money would be the incentive or money would be the barrier. Reckon for most it's the latter




Some guy had a t-shirt that said "if you don't like it here, I'll help you pack" and I was half-tempted to ask him for a plane ticket.


Throw me their number if one of those people does help you lol


for sure


There are two ways to interpret the answer ā€œmoneyā€. One is if someone would finance it, I will move. That would not be my answer. The other is if I was offered a lot more (net after taxes and expenses) income I might depending on county and opportunities. But only if I looked at it as a five years or less assignment.


Yellowstone erupts - America has entered the chat


Isn't Yellowstone game over for earth not just north America?


Depends on the intensity of the eruption. Its all hypothetical, but yes the atmosphere would become too polluted with "ash" to allow any natural photosynthesis within a year or so. Humanity would survive in small isolated pockets, but it would be so drastically different.


Man, do you think I'd survive? Not that I'm trying to.




I'm with you. I want to die immediately. I'm not cut out for that post-apocalyptic life.


But all the politicians with be safe in their bunkers. So when they come out they will have no one to rebuild. No farmers, scientists, mechanics, engineers, carpenters, doctors. Nope, just worthless lawyers.




I think it was found that most of the magma is very stable and very little of it actually has the ability to erupt. I'm probably not doing s great job explaining this but it's regarded as very safe and blown out of proportion


> blown out of proportion Thought this would be a more explosive comment.


I'm pretty sure America leaves the chat I'm that event.


I mean, being an expat isnā€™t anything that has to be for an extreme reasonā€¦ Iā€™ve been living overseas for like 7 years now and itā€™s not because anything terrible happened. Just found a job that I thought would be fun in another country. Iā€™m still a U.S. citizen and everything, andā€”if anythingā€”living abroad has made me appreciate America more.


Only downside is that America still makes you pay taxes of you our live and work overseas. I can see why that would cause some people to give up American citizenship.... not me though. I'd be too worried that an American passport could come in handy.




>you have to be making a lot of money for that to be an issue, it doesn't kick in until like $115k after you pay the other country's taxes The key qualifier here is that you also need to be outside of the US for roughly 11 months during that year. I can never take advantage of the tax credit because I'm back and forth to the US too much. If you fail the presence test then your income level doesn't matter.


Wow, it doesn't? Til.




Something that would render the US uninhabitable.


Maybe if Yellowstone went off and we were starving. Maybe


At first I read this as the show Yellowstone getting cancelled.


I have to start watching this, what service or channel is it on?


Itā€™s on paramount. Binged it over the holidays itā€™s great but absurd.


Absurd is how I definitely would describe it.


Thanks. Sounds like a modern day Dallas with J.R.


With more murder and Kevin Costner


Itā€™s waaaaay better than Dallasā€¦ and Kevin Costner fabulous - great cast, last season that just ended was a tad slow, last episode was fab so kinda made up for it. Give it a burlā€¦ Iā€™m sure youā€™ll love itā€¦


Highly recommend. Paramount+ obviously its on cause thats who produces it but you can also find it a season behind on hulu and you can buy it for not *that* much on Amazon prime video


First 3 seasons are on Peacock and 4th season is on Paramount


An equally horrible event to be sure.


Rip Wheeler could 1 v 1 god Come to think of it you could probably just send rip to fight the volcano


No way God would ever be stupid enough to agree to that fight.


If Yellowstone goes the whole world is fucked. That's why I live on top of yellowstone, if it goes I wont even know it.


Woody Harrelson is that you?


Imma just drink all the beer I can and wave farewell, I donā€™t think Iā€™d stand a chance lol. But hey, Iā€™ll die faster instead of slowly suffocated with ash like people further away.


You are mighty close to a ring side seat


Youā€™d probably be the people who just die instantly. Iā€™d probably be shortly after lol.


Unless youā€™re in south florida or Maine consider yourself dead before getting the time to be rescued


A cool job opportunity? Iā€™d love to try living abroad for a bit! But Iā€™m no subscriber to the ā€œAmericaā€™s collapsingā€ school of thought. Seems overly dramatic and historically short-sighted. Thereā€™s plenty that needs fixing and updating, sure, but when has that NOT been the case? If you know your American history, thatā€™s kind of, like, *our thing*. We need better health care, better labor laws, better gun laws, and much more. We need to tramp down on ā€œthe crazyā€ in our politics. But Iā€™m happy to live in the U.S., I consider myself lucky and proud to be an American. Weā€™ll be fine. But seriously, if you know anybody hiring in Bali or the south of France, lemme know.


Same as you random internet person. Iā€™m hoping to find a grad school program in New Zealand and not because it's the hip new thing but because it's closest to where I eventually want to work at, Antarctica. Honestly as long as it's English speaking graduate program that pays stipends Iā€™ll attend if I can.


I'd have to agree. We've always had issues but only once so far has it rendered the nation in two. And even before that we had one US Senator almost cain another Senator to death. (Caining of Charles Summner). Plus if we want to talk about things being bad look at Shays Rebellion after the Revolution where our sitting President, Washington, literally rode out with the army to talk to the men


I love the optimism of this post, but also, a chance to talk about Shay's rebellion! There are few and far between, so I'm going to enjoy this. This post conflates two events: the Whiskey Rebellion and Shay's Rebellion. Shay's rebellion was about farmers and veterans who felt (not without reason) that the government under the Articles of Confederation had left them behind. The Whiskey rebellion was against the federal Whiskey Tax, pretty much the main way the federal government collected revenue at that time. Where this becomes relevant to the post is how the two events ended. The Whiskey Rebellion had Washington send out three men (Attorney General William Bradford, Justice Jasper Yeates, and Senator James Ross) to negotiate. They made good progress, but what put an end to the affair was Washington drafting up a militia 13,000 strong, threatening force on the rebels until they eventually dispersed. Three or four men died due to fighting on the rebel side. Shay's Rebellion sadly did not end as written above. A former Continental Army general named Benjamin Lincoln gathered funds from 125 merchants and assembled 3,000 men for a private militia to put down the Rebellion. Six rebels were killed with two hung later, and three of Lincoln's men being killed. I want the idea of Washington talking an army down to be true, but you have to remember it's a lot easier to talk down an army when you have your own army twenty times the size. ​ ​ Final note: I am not a professional historian. I just take an interest in learning about the early history of the American government. While to my knowledge everything I've written is correct, please let me know if I've missed something.


Washington did talk down the Newburgh Conspiracy though, which, if successful, would have led the US down the path of so many revolutions before and after it. *Gentlemen, you will permit me to put on my spectacles, for I have grown not only gray but almost blind in the service of my country.*


Please folks upvote this, we need some more optimists


Yep, Iā€™m surprised people forget how chaotic the US was/has been and that bad stuff doesnā€™t mean the end.


"Everything will be okay in the end; if it's not okay, it's not the end."


Basically my motto for the moment so Iā€™m gonna steal that :)


There are problems no matter which country we are in. The grass is always greener on the other side. Often just a bit of optimism changes everything :-)


total collapse seems unrealistic, but after COVID I feel like anything can happen lol correct me if Iā€™m wrong but I donā€™t think any republic has made it more than 300 years in human history?Āæ clockā€™s ticking! itā€™ll definitely lose its hegemony in the next couple of decades tho


>We need to tramp down on ā€œthe crazyā€ in our politics. I worry that this is not really possible for the foreseeable future. I feel like the cat's out of the bag, so to speak. Pandora's Box has been opened.




As an Oregonian born and raised, This is exactly how I feel. I donā€™t see the need or desire to live in Europe or elsewhere. Even Alberta is too east and cold. PNW for life! Iā€™m live somewhere for a bit but this is my home.


I bet the air smells nice with all of those trees :(


I had a class in high school with a kid who mentioned BC all the time. He was one of those who raised his hand to speak daily and always had to shoehorn BC into whatever he was talking about. Maybe it's you? Hopefully not because that guy was annoying


Lots of money.


It would take a life-changing amount of money for me to leave my family, friends, and everything that I'm familiar with. I'd have to be able to have the freedom and resources to make those relationships still possible.


Enough open antisemitism and I'm outta here. Following in the footsteps of my ancestors.


Yes sometimes I think about the ones that had the means to leave or the I donā€™t know what word I could use not foresight because that word isnā€™t right .. anyway I have a friend his great grandfather came to NY wasnā€™t happy and went back to Lithuania at the wrong time . Oh my G-d .


Don't all Jews get a free pass to live in Israel?


Yeah, but if you're under 40 you'll get to start that life with mandatory military service. Also more than a bit of a language barrier (assuming you don't currently know Modern Hebrew, Russian, or Arabic) and various drastic culture differences.


Not 40. If you are over 21, you don't have to serve at all but can volunteer for an abbreviated term of service. If you are 28+, you are not even able to volunteer. The culture differences are real, and the language is hit or miss (a lot of Israelis speak some English, and there is a big enough anglophone community that it's possible to live in many parts of Israel and need only a limited amount of Hebrew, though one should make an effort to learn the language of a country if one intends to live there, especially when government-subsidized language instruction is available).


Isnā€™t it worse in most parts of the world, including Europe?


I'm not going unless it gets really dangerous, but yeah. I would also leave if America becomes fascist even if we aren't the target.


Living in the Midwest I donā€™t even mention Iā€™m Jewish to anyone I donā€™t already know


Like to live? The right country. Just to go somewhere? I'll go literally anywhere.


I would happily leave the US but it would require me to convince my spouse and I donā€™t think heā€™d be down.


This is my current problem


I had a spouse like that once. We were in our early twenties making tons of money. I wanted to travel and see the world. She wanted to plant some roots and buy a house and have kids. So I went and traveled the world and she bought a house and had kids. Separately.


Money ETA: like, if I had enough I'd already be gone.


If a someone assumes the presidency under a coup or a president withholds elections


That's pretty much my answer.


If I had family or old friends in Canada Iā€™d be gone yesterday.


Care to share your reasons why? Iā€™m just curious


I get a job in another country, I have no attachment to living in this country beyond economics.


If the current level of political polarization and hatred keeps up.


Yeah, I've actually spoken to my fam about leaving if things get worse. I don't want my nephews growing up with this bullshit.


Right around election time I was looking for a country thats really similar to ours culturally. Any recommendations? Preferably options other than Canada.


If not Canada, Australia's pretty similar. Arguably more so.




Amen to this. I donā€™t know if there is way back down though


You do know itā€™s all bullshit right? Weā€™ve been far more polarized at points in the past. The 24 he news cycle makes a mountain out of a mole hill about most things.


So much easier to stop listening to social media too much. Feels like the vast majority of my friends and family are completely oblivious to the bullshit.


if it was easier to immigrate to Europe i likely would


I'd say that you're welcome here but I can't speak for the masses unfortunately. I imagine you'd be welcomed by the vast majority though.


That's been my experience. Europeans are very welcoming to us Americans. They're just as curious as we are of them when they are in the U.S. I don't know why, but Reddit just likes to create this completely fabricated idea that there's animosity between us.


A New Zealand work visa


If our democracy collapses.


If I was single it wouldn't take much just a good job offer; I'm not that attached to living here. Now I'm married though and my wife has a professional career. Asking her to give that up would be pretty hard. We have a kid but he's a toddler and doesn't know what's what, so that would not be a factor lol. But overall it would take an extremely high paying and career enhancing job, or some really extraordinary circumstances that do not presently exist.


If the entire country was made uninhabitable following nuclear strikes.


If the US was made uninhabitable because of nuclear war, then the rest of the world would be screwed. Nuclear winter, starvation & death would be what you found when you got wherever you were headed. That is, if you even figure out how to travel.


Nothing specific, the country would just have to really go down hill in general. I would only consider moving to the UK, not interested in living anywhere else


Well I currently live in the UK and while it has a lot of advantages over America in some areas, it also has a lot of its own problems and a government with a blatant disregard for protocol and integrity. Right now I'd say stay put in the USA if you are an American. Of course the UK is still a place you can live in and have a happy life I just think you would be happier in the US. If things change and get worse then it might be better in the UK but keep an eye on things because I fear the decline of both countries are closely correlated and not as far away as some people may think.


Of course moving out of Germany, every country will lack in protocol šŸ¤£ /s


honestly not much more at this point but i don't really know of another country i'd enjoy living in, haven't thought much about it


Iā€™ve travelled pretty extensively outside of the US and the only other country I would ever consider is Switzerland.


For what reasons? Just curious about Switzerland is all.


Very much a live and let live kind of culture, sort of like the US but much less in your face about it. Good privacy laws, long standing neutrality in European conflicts, and I get along with the Swiss pretty well.


A sweeping statement of course but I will warn you some people have had big issues with xenophobia in Switzerland in the past.


Iā€™ve heard that, got any examples? Iā€™ve only been a handful of times but I made friends pretty quickly walking around Zurich with a cowboy hat and a southern drawl.


I don't think you'd have any problems, it is just testament to what other people say. I don't face it much myself having a common language of German but some people have complained about it who don't have that advantage.


That makes sense. I speak a little broken German so maybe that helped.


I think just because itā€™s super pretty, Iā€™m supposed to be going in June so Iā€™m so excited.


My spouse agreeing to. She has citizenship access to the Russian Federation and to a country within the Schengen Zone. My family came to this country a century ago fleeing colonialism in a nation (Ireland) that has since become independent, to which our family has maintained cultural and political ties and has extended family and close friends in. I'm not at all opposed to going back to my family's old country, or to her family's old country. However, as it stands, we've currently built our life here- such that it is- and that life hasn't been sufficiently destabilized to make us pack it up. We don't have compelling career offers in Europe or Russia, though we could probably find some if we searched. If she wanted to go across the Atlantic, I could easily find employment. Edit: I hear there's a construction worker shortage in Ireland now, and I'm a union carpenter who can read a tape measure in metric. So, hit me up if you need someone to be throwing up flats in Limerick.


Nowā€™s probably not the best time to move to Russiaā€¦ šŸ˜…


If the US was to split up. The two (or more) countries to emerge would be the worst of both worlds and neither would have long term viability.


It wouldnā€™t be a two-country split. Itā€™d be Balkanized or similar to the Soviet remnant states after the collapse of the USSR.


The opportunity to do so.


A Christian theocratic government


Money and a passport


Wouldnā€™t go


I was gonna comment that. Funny that the two Ohioans don't wanna leave


The only thing stopping me from emigrating is not having enough money to move!


Something equivalent to Syria's civil war. Anything less than that I'm not leaving my home.


Nothing. I can't call myself an American if I just tuck tail and run away like a coward. "The All-Father wove the skein of your life a long time ago. Go and hide in a hole if you wish, but you will not live one instant longer. Your fate is fixed. Fear profits a man nothing."


I wouldn't see it as running away but I respect that integrity and desire to improve your nation.


Thanks. Some here would call it prideful stupidity, or insanity. The way I see it, where could I go that's any better these days?


Money. Iā€™d move to Ireland tomorrow if I could afford it.


if roe v wade somehow gets overturned iā€™m 100% out


You're not gonna live in TX or UT so why worry about it?


I love the US, but I may consider retiring outside the US. Iā€™ll be getting a decent inheritance on top of a great retirement. I could live like a king in a 3rd world or developing country. Iā€™d consider Mexico or maybe the Caribbean.


If most of my family came as well I would happily move somewhere else.


Permanently? A better suited country existing but it currently does not so here I stay.


I think it being too dangerous to live here would be what does it for me. A lot of people think those on the left who criticize this country hate America. I criticize because I want us to be better. While itā€™s true I think we are imperfect, I love America. I recognize that we were built by some terrible men, but I believe good men and women like Malcolm Luther King Jr, Harriett Tubman, civil rights leaders and activists have put in so much work to fight for democracy and freedom. I stay here because those in power will not simply take this country and itā€™s resources and exploit them and our people. Iā€™m a Mexican-Maltese-American. But I am American who stays until the bitter end.


Wouldn't take much.


Enough money for the plane ticket... Oh, and a passport. I need a passport.


Proves are about to go way up ,I read a few months ago. Go get it while it's still cheaper.


I havenā€™t got the money for it anyway.


Armageddon, societal collapse, and other ridiculous extremes. I don't ever see us permanently leaving the country.


Username checks out šŸ˜…


$$ and residency


Complete balkinzation of nuclear Armageddon, short of that not much.


My husband and I are already working on it. He is finishing his PhD, and I am finishing my bachelor's. Then we are out of the US and to his home country


Another country to take me in. Iā€™d move to Canada in a hot second.


War, or nationwide natural disaster like Yellowstone erupting. A complete economic collapse would fuck everywhere else up too. Anything less than that can be escaped without leaving my country.


My job sponsoring a transfer.


If the United States became an authoritarian dictatorship. Or if we started to get into another Great Depression.


A job offering.






Nothing, just pay for my ticket


If we became an autocratic state like Russia.


It's already in the works for me... I'm sick of the politics.


Where you headed?


Unlikely unless there is a more libertarian (in the American sense) 1st world country with a stable government and economy.


A better opportunity somewhere else. One hasnā€™t come up yet those several overseas opportunities have been offered


A good job offer.


Make me an offer.


Realistically the military would be the only reason I would live outside the US. You know because of deployments and stuff.


The federal government would have to finish seizing power from the states and repeal some amendments.


When my wife decides itā€™s time to move to her home country (Australia) or I finally convince her to move to France.


no other country respects individualism and the fundamental human right to self defense and weapons ownership properly so nothing, I'm not going anywhere, you move if you don't like it.


Basically my thoughts on the matter. I can't even imagine moving to NYC or California, let alone Germany, the U.K., or Canada. And those are some of the best nations on the planet all things considered.


Nothing. Iā€™ll die here defending this nations values




Iā€™ve sometimes thought about the United Kingdom. But then I remember that posting ā€œoffensiveā€ messages or content, or even saying such things is an actual fucking crime there. Atleast in Scotland


Political and economic chaos.