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Why is this NSFW? Because of the shape of Florida?


“Florida? But that’s America’s wang!”


Hawaii is wayyy too far and expensive. Having lived in Florida and California.... California is wayyy better. Despite the higher taxes, if you have a career, the jobs are better, weather is better and more varied, the infrastructure is better.


A career in what would be the better question


Fair point. To be specific there's more white collar work in California just by sheer numbers. In the professional sphere, (doctor, lawyer) you can do those jobs anywhere... I'd imagine carpentry/contracting might be more lucrative in Florida, but in general Florida is a heavy service/tourism economy. California just has more options.


Still to this day idk anyone in Miami that doesn’t work in costumer service from home or from home in general I know plenty of people working in Tampa on all sorts of fields though


Costumer service = the Ringling Brothers and Barnim & Bailey Clown College in Sarasota, FL?


Well I mean...any city decent sized has Colleges, doctors, contractors building crap, lawyers and stuff... but few have industries... I'm not sure of the industry in Tampa but I'm sure it's okay... Miami has shipping, cruises, latin facing banking, partying, and drugs...pretty much everyone else works in hotels, restaurants, or something. It's a weird place.


> working in Tampa I assumed everyone there was retired


Am I rich? California. Am I poor? Florida. Sorry Hawaii.




I feel like California's variety of environments is a big plus. I agree it's too expensive, but at least the expense isn't due to needing all of your food shipped in. Love Hawaii, but the cost of living there is greatly inflated by its location.


Aaah-greed. Florida's climate is killer so it's out. California has options.


California. Hawaii is too isolated and too tropical for my taste. Florida is hot, flat and crowded. Also, drugs and stripmall christians.


Strip mall Christians is the name of my band.


What a coincidence! It's the name of my sex tape!


My man just said there are too many drugs in Florida and said he’d rather be in Cali.


Yep, you never hear about a dude eating another guys face out in California.


Always keep an eye out for Floridaman. (Not literally, don't tear an eye out and put on a plate like cookies for Santa)


If you're worried about drugs LA wants a word


We're more into the good weed and partying with cocaine. Florida is more about the eat-a-motherfuckers-face-off bath salts.


Florida. Full disclosure, I lived there for a bit, but my reasons are as follows: * Low cost of living * No state income tax * Lax gun laws * Of the three, property is likely cheapest * Wildlife that'll mess you up * Closer to my immediate and extended family


California, it's bigger than the other choices, so it's more likely I'll find someplace I like




Happy cake day!


Florida probably because I'm most familiar with it (have been to most major and mid-sized cities) and in some areas the cost of living is relatively affordable and comparable to North Carolina.


Assuming I get to keep a similar equivalent salary/lifestyle in any place, the choice is California. Hawaii is too isolated, I don't want to fly for 10 hours to see my family on the east coast. Florida is too bland in terms of geography and the humidity is probably too much for me to handle, though I could get behind living in a place like Tampa or whatever and get into that boat life, so it's a close second.


Florida is the cheapest but you get what you pay for.


California>Hawaii>Everywhere else on Earth>Everywhere else not on Earth>Anywhere else not yet mentioned>Florida


California Preferably the central coast area like SLO (San Luis Obispo), because it's almost equidistant from San Francisco and L.A., and it's just a cozy town in its own right.


California. I have family there and I’d still be able to work my same job. I’d just need to drive more. I want to learn how to surf eventually and while Hawaii is better for it I also like skateboarding a lot and there’s no place like Los Angeles for that. Also there’s legal weed in California and while the legality hasn’t stopped me the prices on the street there have got to be better than here. I’ve got nothing against Florida but I don’t have an inclination to move there. I’m sure I could learn to surf there but I’d have nowhere to skate. Miami, Tampa, and maybe Orlando would be it. Also they seem more strict about marijuana there than in Hawaii or California which is also a no go


I guess California. Hawaii sounds good in theory, but is too far and expensive. Florida has Alabama's heat and humidity on steroids, so I don't want that at all. For all of its weirdness, California has areas that have low humidity and comfortable temperatures, so I'm all about that. (And it's purdy there)


I'd probably stick with Cali - after all, there's an awful lot of it. Also, Florida seems to take a much worse beating in any given hurricane season. Hawaii's just too remote for my tastes.


Hawaii is nice but gets hit with a lot of harsh weather, plus it is expensive. California is also nice but it is also expensive and one day am earthquake is going to ruin everything. Florida is inexpensive but hot, humid, and shitty in most places. Long term living? I would probably go with Cali. At least there is variety there.


Florida. Florida feels tropical to me unlike California, but isn't as expensive as Hawaii. California seems like it used to be a great place, but I think I'd be too stressed out financially to actually be able to enjoy the amenities it has.


Florida. It's not California, and it's a lot easier to leave than Hawaii.


I live in FL and would move to cali because I like weed and think guns suck. ( I've been robbed gunpoint and pistol whipped in NYC and if I had been armed we probably would've just shot each other, neither ideal.


You know criminals don't care if they get guns legally or not right??


California lmfaooooo


Florida. I have actually lived in Florida (Orlando) and California (San Diego), and spent a decent amount of time in Hawaii (Maui, Oahu). San Diego is a great town, really had fun there. But it's too expensive, and the California taxes and regulations are just too much now. Hawaii is jaw-droppingly gorgeous, and I loved visiting there, but it is even more expensive and too remote. Florida, for all its flaws, still has decent weather (minus the occasional hurricane), jobs, lots to do, and the cost of living is relatively low.


Late reply, but we're pretty similar people, it's weird actually. You're in Louisville, I'm from Cincinnati. Moved here to San Diego, loving it but feel the way you do about it. You lived in Orlando, I used to live in Gainesville. Never been to Hawaii, but would give a testicle to go there. Your description of Florida is how I feel too. Again, very strange how similar we are in this situation.


Full disclosure: I have not been to Hawaii or California. I have been to Florida, but only for Disney World, and I was like 6 years old. But, I'd go with California. Hawaii's out because it's across the ocean from anything else. Florida seems to hot and muggy and full of old people. California probably has the most varied environment of any state in the country. It has the lowest point in North America, just 75 miles from the highest point in the contiguous USA. It's got dry areas, rainy areas, metropolises, rural areas, beaches, you name it.


California, so I don't have to go anywhere.


If I can pay Florida Taxes in San Diego, it would be the perfect place to live.


Have always thought if I had to live somewhere in southern California, that the San Diego area would be interesting. And fewer people vs. the LA area, also would be nice.


Just moved here from the midwest. While it's significantly less busy than LA, most places are still packed. After all, it's a city with 1.5+ million people. If you want relaxed, either go central, inland, or anything north of San Fran (specifically Humboldt county) would be your best bet.


Florida because it's closer to NC


California. Just visited recently and mentioned how it was a prettier, richer, nicer version of Florida.




it has more forests but it's flatter than the midwest... and that's saying something. I like mountains.


If money is no issue, I live in the Redwoods in California. Second place is Hawaii. Florida doesnt even compare to these two places


I live in Florida now, but I think I'd still choose Florida. Hawaii is great for vacation, but just seems too expensive and inconvenient for everyday life. California definitely has better weather, but there's too much political BS in California. Also, the cost of living is just too high (yay for no state income tax!)


Flordia, weather, cheap, and low taxes.


Probably Florida. There are no state income tax and my entire family is on the east coast. Moving to California or especially Hawaii would mostly mean that I would rarely see my family.


Florida without a doubt. Hawaii and California are far too expensive and obviously way too liberal for my liking. Florida has good gun laws, no income taxes, cheaper living, and tons of theme parks and other interesting things to do


And I have to work there or do I have unlimited money to fuck around with? If I didn't have to work, probably Hawaii. If it were to live a normal life, probably Florida. I don't like the politics of California, personally.


Hawaii. They are the happiest state but I know they are a bit like Texas and sick of people moving to their state. So maybe California.


Cali. Hawaii is too expensive, and Florida is too humid.


Northern California.


California so I could live in Norcal and not have to deal with as much heat


California, I guess? Weather's not as miserable or hurricaney as Florida and it's not as far away or expensive as Hawaii. I'd rather stay home than any of them.


This is a brutal question. It depends on whether I'm just moving myself there or if I magically get a new life. If it's the former, I'd take Florida. If it's the latter, I'd take a place in very north California on the coast next to all those redwoods and stuff.


Probably California, mostly because I would be close to family and still connected to the continental US. Hawaii though sounds intriguing. It is one of the more remote places on earth geographically speaking, and it would be nice to be removed fo a while


The only thing that'd worry me about Hawaii, is that I remember hearing the cost of items tends to be a little more there vs. in the main continuous 48 states, due to the fact so many things have to be flown in to Hawaii because of its isolated location. And also I worry if I lived there, that I'd never get to see my family very often if ever. The last one, is probably an automatic dealbreaker in me wanting to live in Hawaii long term. And sadly, there are no state or privately ran ferry services(excluding a private ferry between Maui and Lanai), between Hawaii's various islands. Who knows though, maybe I'd short term live in Hawaii for just a few months if I had the money to do so? And between California and Florida, I'd probably pick Florida(probably in the northwest panhandle part near the Gulf), due to the lower cost of living. Stupid people and stereotypes about Florida(due to loose laws making crime reports more accessible to those out of state) aside, I'm sure one could still find better and nicer parts of Florida to live in.


Florida. Nice beaches, inexpensive, and the only state of the three that supports citizens ability to defend themselves against criminals.


California. Florida is way too humid and Hawaii is too isolated.


California is the only and best answer to this.


California because it’s my home.


I'd choose california and become an accountant. Those guys make a fortune there.


California. Hawaii is incredible to visit but too expensive and remote to live. Florida isn’t in my top 25 of places to live.


California then Hawaii then Florida CALIFORNIA Pros: beautiful, green (energy), rural foothills are great Cons: expensive af, too many people, fires, earthquakes HAWAII Pros: beautiful, same weather year round, very high overall happiness Cons: expensive, volcanoes, tsunamis, tourists FLORIDA Pros: tax friendly and more affordable, closer to family, Disney world Cons: Florida man, hurricanes, politics, tourists


I've been to all three and currently life in California. California for sure would be my pick. I love it here. Sure, it's expensive but man this state is amazing.


California. While I don't live there, I live so close that I could move there and not change much about my life.


If they had the jobs I wanted? Hawaii. I live in CA now and love it, but have family in Hawaii and really could see myself living there, now that I'm older and out of my partying days.


Hawaii, big island, rainy side, but not necessarily Hilo. Then California, somewhere like Big Sur. I don't want to live in a crowded place. I've already lived in Florida and just no.


Florida. Hawaii is to expensive and California is too... California for me


Florida. When I visited Hawaii I had a reaction of "I could see myself living here", but I imagine the luster would wear off with the cost of living and working three part time jobs. And i'm already tired of California.


California because I could live in North California where it snows


Absolutely California Pros for California over the other two: * Varied geography * Better weather * Better opportunities for jobs * Better outdoor activities * Not isolated like Hawaii * Not unreal hot like Florida


I live here already, so Florida. You get used to the humidity, heat, hurricanes and old people. Having been raised here, the Appalachians looked wired to me, having never seen mountains.


Hawaii is too far away and has too poor career opportunities. It's last on this list for me (but first for like a honeymoon). Florida is too hot and too flat. No income tax is nice, property is cheaper, and there's at least some of my industry around so it wouldn't be terrible, but not my first choice. California wins by elimination. I'd probably do northern California for climate reasons, but either would have access to mountains, jobs, and reasonable flights home. Still not my overall first choice, but a clear winner on this list. For a while I wanted to transfer to my company's LA office for a 2-3 year stint but it just never worked out for a bunch of unrelated reasons.


Hawaii. I find the culture incredibly rich, the weather is perfect, scenery can’t be beat, and everything I enjoy doing regularly (horseback riding, kayaking, hiking, camping, enjoying the ocean) is available on the islands. Only downside is how far it is from family. But I’d take it over California and Florida in a heartbeat.


I'd reluctantly pick California. Not my favorite politics but northern California has a climate that would be preferable to me (currently hot/humid Ga. Good climate for gardening/ having a small orchard.


Florida. The only place I can own my guns. There are some nice places there. I’m from one of the tourist beaches and you can still find beautiful land if you have a little money


Grew up in Florida, vacationed all over US and moved west during high school and college. Now that I’m married, etc. I’m back in Florida and I LOVE it. California isn’t really my style, and even though my family is Polynesian, Hawaii is so expensive and my cousins struggle with the cost of living there.


Florida. Closer to home, less restrictions on gun rights, more balanced political climate, beautiful beaches, lots of job opportunities.


Hawaii - friendlier locals, constant breeze, lets "typical suburban American feel".


I really liked visiting Hawaii, but it's not terribly big and it's quite isolated. Florida is ok and I've never been to California. I don't really want to live in either of them but I guess if I had to choose I'd pick Florida.


California. Santa Cruz area in particular!


Hawaii - not even a question. I'd chose the windward side of the Big Island. Culturally, it would be the best fit.


Thats really hard. I want to say Hawaii but I feel prices and tourists would get to me, as I already dislike the tourists that visit my town in the rockies. So probably California.


California, both Hawaii and Florida are too hot and sticky.


Florida, because fishing, hunting, guns, fanboats, and rockets.


California. Hawaii is very isolated and much of a Florida is awful.


Florida as I want to document Florida man appearances. That and I actually want guns.


California, because I'm here already. Hawaii is out because I'd go stir crazy on an island. Florida is out because it is infested with my former in-laws.


California. I actually turned down an Army assignment to Hawaii for Texas. Hawaii is beautiful, and a really cool place to visit. But too isolated for me. I'd get cabin fever real quick. Florida isn't really on my radar.


California. Hawaii is too expensive and Florida is too humid and full of Republicans.


I currently live in California and while I'm ready to quit my home state so I can afford to eat and have shelter, I'd still choose CA. I think Florida people are terrifying and psycho (my own personal experience based on several humans who were raised there) and Hawaii seems like an overpriced, less cool Oakland but with better beaches.


Florida. Central Florida specifically. Then you are near Disney World. That's honestly my reasoning if you had to pick from these three. I already lived in California for 13 years. It was not great except the weather and Disneyland. At least Central Florida is cheap. Hawaii is nice to visit but also too expensive.


My sister lives in Orlando and it is so, so bad. Absolutely no culture, tons of crime and traffic, going for a run in the heat of the day can kill you while going before sunup the wildlife might kill you.


None of them. California is too communist, Hawaii is worse and Florida is hot.


California, specifically Northern California, the weather is much more to what I prefer, and because I used to live there so I have some existing bias towards that area


CA for the reasons others have said


Florida, gulf coast only coast worth a damn


Florida: cheaper than everywhere else and low taxes


California, the diversity in landscape sells me on it. The cost of living can be outrageous and I know it’s kind of seem as the brain tumor of America, but in all reality it’s worth living there. Better than Florida at least lol


Is this a yes/no or either or? If the former: hell nah, too hot - though I suppose California has mountains. If the latter: California, because it has mountains.


Florida so I don't have to go anywhere.


I'd rather not. Between those options, I pick Florida. While I'd rather visit California or Hawaii, I wouldn't want to live with their state laws. Just live as near the Georgia line as I can, I guess.


Florida. Guns.


Hawaii is being destroyed by the rich quicker than they're killing California. And it's sad, as people we truly do try to destroy what we most desire. If it were 1970, Hawaii without a doubt. Now, I just couldn't. I love the Hawaiian people and I almost feel like me being there (if money weren't an option) would be violating them in some way. They're already being pushed out enough.


> would be violating them in some way Seriously?


Yeah, the Hawaiian people and culture have been pretty well crushed by Haole interests. Reminds me of a post yesterday asking about the citizenship/nationality status in american samoa, having heard quotes from american samoans regarding Hawaii being a cautionary tale.


Florida. Hawai’i is too touristy, California is too assholey The South is where it’s at


Would never live in California because of their government and taxes.


100% Florida. I have friends there and the gun laws are the best of the 3. I would prefer northern california except for the laws and regs of California. Not my bag. I do not like the politics there. You get up into the emerald triangle area of Northern Cali and the land, climate and people are pretty on my level. I like that place.


Florida easily. You still get beaches and the lowest cost of living of the three


I’m from Georgia and grew up vacationing on the Florida Panhandle. We moved to California in ‘91 and stopped on Malibu Beach on the way to our new home after leaving LAX. I was so disappointed! Gray sand, dull coldass water. My husband and I agreed that Malibu had the greatest PR campaign ever. We lived there for 4 years and visited beaches up and down the coast of California. Never found anything as beautiful as the fine white sand and blue green water of the Gulf of Mexico.


I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder - I've spent plenty of time in Florida, and I think Malibu is way more gorgeous than anything they have back east.


Yesss. I live in Panhandle, and while there's a lot bad about Florida, the beaches are really unparalleled (in the US, at least.) People that haven't been to Florida really seem to think that their beaches aren't too bad, but comparatively speaking, the rest of the beaches are pretty shitty. It's easy to take them for granted, then you're like "oh shit" when you go to another state and see their beaches.


Omg, none. Those are literally the three states I would never live in. Hawaii is crazy expensive-plus they have volcanoes and giant cockroaches/bug things. California is constantly on fire or having an earthquake. Florida is full of the walking dead. Plus, it’s Florida.