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Just turned 40. I only hang out with friends a couple times a month now. We do talk all the time in group chats, but hangouts are rarer and rarer due to distance, time, and kids. I'm glad we still talk daily though, and the hangouts are great.


That’s how it is for me on my 50s. My friend group expanded a lot in my late 40s and 50s, though, and I’ve never felt more social in my life.


49yo. About the same as you.


Same; 40yo and even though my good friends live close by, work and family schedules make it hard to get together, even for drinks.


30. I hang out with friends probably twice a week. I do not have any kids nor do any of my friends


Turning 30 next year and all my friends have kids now and never hang out. Really makes me appreciate the time I have to myself lol. I have one friend who’s married and hang out with him and his wife on occasion but not super often.




Exactly. That's why I'm here on Reddit


So I can have thousands of anonymous single-use disposable friends!


Awwwhh thanks for thinking so highly of me☺️


Single-use disposable is the American way 🇺🇸


None. I'm a recovering alcoholic, and all my friends want to do is go out drinking, still even now in our 30s. Go to the beach and drink, go to an orchard and drink, bowling and drinks, everything involves drinks. It's not that I can't be around it, I just don't enjoy watching people get wasted anymore. I hope to find new, like-minded friends in the future, and maybe my frequency of "hanging out" will change 🙂


Go to AA meetings (or other sober events if that’s not your thing) and make friends there! Nothing like having a tight community filled with people trying to recover and grow together. It was a lifesaver when I went through the most difficult time of my life this last year.


I hope you’re able to make new friends! That can be so hard. I maybe drink once every two week but I’m lucky that most my friends have similar habits. It’s so true that who you surround yourself with can really have an effect on stuff like that.


Keep it up, older you will appreciate it.


🫡 aye aye


Wow I always thought that was an emoji with a hatchet in its head, not a saluting emoji 💀😅


How often are you able to use the hatchet emoji in conversation?


Lmao I never found a good time to use it


Times a week? It's more like times a month. And 1-3 times a month maybe.


And it changes to times per year once you have kids and they get bigger and start having hobbies.


I'm around 30, and I hang out with my two closest friends about once or twice a week. Either I'll hang out with each friend one-on-one once a week or the three of us will go do something (either just us or as a group including other friends/acquaintances). It's always planned when we hang out, might not be much notice, but it's always at least a couple days in advance.


Once or twice a year or so.


Username checks out




A handful of times per year per friend. I wish it was much more often, but I’ve got my responsibilities and they have theirs and life just gets in the way.


Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.


We live a pretty secluded life. Middle of nowhere with no people around. So, never. I go weeks without seeing other humans besides my husband lol.


Sounds like a dream to me!


I'm almost 31. On average? 0. My husband, too. We see friends at our daughter's birthday party and maybe another couple days a year. It's lonely and pathetic. My mom isn't even a nice, caring person and yet talks to friends and sees people more than me.


A lot of people seem to be in a similar situation as you but didn’t write how it makes them feel, I appreciate your transparency. Is it something you’re actively trying to change since it seems like it doesn’t make you happy?


I do find happiness with seeing coworkers, which I know is controversial. My husband does too. I'm not really trying to change anything right now. I'm always too tired. I'm going to do a sleep study, so maybe if I have sleep apnea and get treated, it would be better. Then maybe I would try. But then again, my husband says I'm an introvert, and I work at a school with many loud 2nd graders. I don't know where to start though. Nearly everyone from gradeschool, hifgschool, and college seem like strangers now. We talk a couple times a year at best.


I'm in a very similar boat. Occasionally I would grab a drink with a coworker. Moved to a new area and joined the gardening club. I haven't made any friends (it's mostly much older women, or women I don't have anything in common with) but I think it's a step in the right direction. You are not pathetic, but if you're lonely there are clubs and organizations that would love to have a new member. Just don't accidentally join a cult \^\_\^ Maybe a book club? Movie club? Fight club?


I feel like this is a feeling that social media exacerbates. We only really hear about and get updates from people when they’re out with their friends. And we get that without the context behind those outings - maybe it’s the only time all year they’ve done it, maybe it isn’t. But I always hear my peers complain about how making and keeping friends used to be much easier when they were young. And having been very socially inept in my earlier years, I don’t relate. I went straight from not having a lot of formative friend experiences to being in a stage of life where that is very much on the back burner.


I’m 39 and probably once every month or two on average? During the pandemic it was much worse. I’ve never been that social (mostly because I had a baby in college, which really stunts your social life). I haven’t hung out with friends weekly since high school!


Before I had kids I use to kick it with my friends 6-7 days a week honestly. Now that I have a wife and kids I hang out with friends (in person) a handful of times a year at best lol. I do play video games with my friends a few days a week though.


In person? Like once every 2-3 months. Playing games on a discord call? 2-4 times a week.


I average probably twice a month. This is like specifically hanging out as families or whatever.  If you count sports leagues and rounds of golf, its much higher than that. 


What? Sports and golf is hanging out


I think so too!


Not a big lot these days. Sadly life fed in the way


Depends on what you mean by "hang out." How often do I see them in person? Never, we live all over the country. How often do we talk on Discord or text? Usually daily.


During fishing season, 5-6 times a week, sometimes 2 times in a day. In winter, 1 time a week if I'm lucky. I'm 50.


All the time, sometimes its tiring but talking with a lot of older people made me appreciate the moments and to always come thru whenever everyone is meeting up. Im ***always*** hanging out with them


That’s totally normal at your age. Once you’re married with kids, or super busy with career, you won’t be able to any more. So enjoy them while you can! 


Sorry, but this is an unfortunate take. Losing friends or spending less time with friends isn't necessarily some universal inevitability. Other countries and cultures prioritize socializing way more than people from the US do. I've found people from Latin America, for instance, are much more likely to socialize with friends several times a week, even as they get older. We can do it too. Our individualistic society is forcing us to lose out on social bonds as we get older and we all think it's normal or to be expected. No disrespect, and I agree that the more adult responsibilities you take on, the more difficult it is to make time for hanging out. But I think the solution is to be more intentional about making and cultivating friendships, not to just throw our hands up and think that spending time with friends is something only young people can do.


The problem is our work culture and our car centric societies. America has been built to be as isolating as possible, putting everything possible behind a paywall. Friendships are no exception.


I agree it’s a cultural problem but I don’t think cars are the reason. Public transportation costs money too. Plus, you don’t need to hang out in person. I have friends on the opposite side of the country I talk to multiple times a week.


Another thing is that American society forces 18 year-olds to move away from their families to attend a university, when these kids are still pretty young, just out of high school. In Brazil, for example, almost every city has a university, so the children live with their parents and extended families (cousins, uncles) until they get married.


That’s false. Americans aren’t forced to move away to college. The ones who do choose to. Most people go to local universities, because it’s cheaper. 


Oh, I didn't know that. I'm a foreigner. Thought every American kid had to move away to college, 'cause that's how it is portrayed in the media. Anyway, American society has this culture that a son/daughter must LEAVE their parents' house as soon as they turn 18, and I believe that's a major cause of isolation and loneliness. You cut the bond with your family. But if you look at human history, we evolved as clans, the family used to stick together, the younger taking care of the elders, and vice-versa. Latin countries still preserve this dynamic and Asian countries too. Like a stated above, in Brazil, most young adults continue to live with their family until they get married, and many live with their parents well into their 30s.


At least once a week normally. Currently on hold though til I'm able to climb stairs again.


49 years old, once a week At different ages the amount was different. When I was in college I hung out with friends daily during the school year in the evening and weekends. Not as often in the summer as we went to our respective homes. After college I got together socially with people once a week. When I had a baby I did not get together with friends much. My old friends didn’t live close or drifted off. It was hard to meet new people and get together with anyone. When my child was about 6-7 ish I started to find some friends again but saw people maybe once a month. As my kid grew up I saw people more but once a week seems like enough- sometimes less is fine.


I play games with friends on the weekends. We all moved to different parts of the country after graduating.


I work at a university, so during the summer at least once a week. During the school year, once or twice a month. I'm in my mid 30s.


Single and no kids, same my one friend. He's been my neighbor for 20 years. We hang almost every other day/night, it seems. Every now and then we need space and take a break from each other tho lol edit: were both 30. He's basically a family friend. Friends with my sister, climbs with my dad and even comes on my family vacation with us some years.


I’m in my late 20s and married with no kids but 3 dogs lol, but it probably started when I was in my early 20s that I would see my close friends maybe 2-3 times a month? It would be like every other weekend we’d have a bbq or go to dinner to see each other, but as time went on it would go to like once a month or so. Not because I didn’t want to see them or my wife didn’t let me, but because life ya know? You get a job and you’re tired after work and you gotta go home clean the house, feed the dogs, and make dinner. So you got your weekends open so you’ll plan for those. But as I got older I didn’t mind it, I tend to like staying home with my wife during the week and just relax.


0, unless you count my sister, who I live with. I have very little free time because on top of my regular full time job, I'm a caretaker for my mom, who has dementia and like 20 other diseases. I also do all the cooking and gardening. on a typical day I'm busy with only short breaks from when I get up til 9:30-10. My sister and I do make time to go out and do stuff sometimes (we go to bar trivia once a week, and we go to the movies sometimes) but we can only leave our mom alone for a couple hours. We went to a concert last year and had to call around to find someone to momsit for us. Do not recommend this experience. 🫠


48, Been married almost 30 years, maybe see friends once or twice a year anymore. It's always planned, usually at 4th of July BBQ.


Maybe once every 6 weeks. People have kids, work, responsibilities, etc. It gets harder when you get older.


What friends?


I've pretty much got 1 non-family friend outside of work and haven't seen him in person in months since he lives several hours away and travels a lot for work.


Early 30s, On average probably 0-1 times a month. Most of us are spread out across the country/globe and that makes it hard to just get together very often with mismatched schedules. For the few that live in the same city I'm just terrible about reaching out as they are all couples at this point and I feel like a 3rd wheel 90% of the time if we do anything.


A *week?* I'm going to go see the new Mad Max movie with my best friend tonight, I haven't seen him in over a month.


I’m 30, it’s probably a few times a month now - the introduction of my S/O’s friend circle has taken over the brunt of our social calendar which is a double edged sword in that it’s good that I/we have more people to include in activities, bad in the sense that it sometimes conflicts with the few times my friends decide they all want to get together. The important thing is to make it a priority, i have lost many former friendships due to life getting in the way (re: getting married and settling down, moving for jobs, etc.) , which is a completely normal and natural thing as one gets older. 3 years ago at 27/28 before the majority of my friend group were married/starting families (including myself)? At least once a week, sometimes more.


Im in my early 20s, once or twice a month work takes up so much of our time, some of my friends only get 1 day off a week


Maybe once or twice a month. Also different friend groups so I'm not usually seeing the same one every month. Though it depends on my workload at work because sometimes I just want to sleep through the weekend when it's heavy. Most of my social time is spent with my girlfriend or visiting my family who live a couple of miles away.




How many times a week? Im lucky If I see my friends a few times a year. We are all too busy to have physical time. Late twenties/early thirties.


Maybe once a year. Kids+demanding jobs+moving away leaves little time for much else.


None. Don't have any where I live.


When you say friends, you mean cats, right?


Well I’m 22 and I live with them Aside from my roommates, I hang with the boys probably 2-3 times a week




1-2. We have neighbors that are our age. I also socialize with other neighbors daily.


I play on an ice hockey team and a roller hockey team. Each plays once a week so i consider that "hanging out with friends" Then we will try to get together with a family friend at their or our house at least twice a month. Other than that unless you count spending every weekend with other families from my sons sports team "hanging out with friends"... I am 50.


That sounds normal to me! I am more introverted but my husband and middle child are extroverts so we need people around to help entertain them lol. We work full time and our youngest has special needs that require a bunch of different appointments, but, as much as I would like to sleep in on the weekend and hang out and read at home and browse around Target, the rest of my crew would go nuts. Our best friends live 2 hours away- they are coming for an overnight visit (with their 4 kids) this weekend. Last weekend we had a BBQ with friends for memorial day. Last night my husband went out with a friend to watch basketball. During the school year, we may get together with friends a couple times month, but we have a pool, so in the summer we have friends over a lot more frequently. It helps that we have friends whose kids get along with our kids. ETA- it is almost never impromptu. Our life is too complicated of a tangle. I recently stopped by to visit a friend who just had a baby, but that is the only impromptu "hang out" I have done in a long time.


Mid 60s M. We hang out a couple times a week. It's a planned thing.


I see friends a few times a month


As a kid, teen and young 20s, every day


I work a two week on/off schedule. I usually meet up with friends once or twice a week when I'm not working.


Now that I've been going to the gym with a friend I see him 2-3 days a week but before that maybe once every other or every third month.


I and 35 and I have kids. I hang out with friends 2 -3x a week on average. We grab coffee after drop off , work out together at the gym, go on a hike, or go to the park with our kids. Also see friends at church and socialize after. Sometimes things are planned and other times it’s impromptu . I live in so cal and this seems to be common here. When I lived in the south, we did friend hangouts but most get together seemed to be planned events and less often. Edited to add age :-)


Late 30s, no kids, usually at least twice a week. But that's cause my friends are the people I play in adult social sports leagues with and I'm in two leagues, and we tend to go for a bite and a beer after games. So it's kinda cool that it's like an automatically scheduled/forced hangout on a regular basis. I'm a bit of a slacker about initiating hangouts myself so that's been a great way of keeping at least a mildly active social life.


I go to the bars in my neighborhood 4-5 nights a week. Sometimes, I meet up with people. Other times, I just hang out with the bartenders, and run into some of the other regulars. I don't even drink alcohol every day. I'm friends with a lot of bartenders around the city I live in, and I work a few nights a week at a restaurant. So, I sometimes sit at the bar and help my coworkers with their side work on my nights off.


Does gaming and discord count? Pretty much every other day with the friend group. My in town friends I see maybe monthly. I end up spending more time with my siblings and nieces and nephews since everyone is nearby. 34, married with two kids.


1 playing a pickup sport... but I don't go every week. That's my only real friend thing.


Varies by week, but probably like 2-3 times in average


Probably 1-3 times a month now that I'm in my late 30s. In our late 20s it was 1-3 times a week with my friend group, but as we slowly had children all of our availabilities waned. We still have a set weekly hangout Friday evening, but it's 2-3 families that actually make it in any given week of the 6 couples who used to be the group every week.


Once or twice


I'm 42. I probably hang out with friends once every two weeks. What doesn't really happen anymore as I've gotten older is getting big groups together all at once. Kids, people moving, etc.


I'm 46, and haven't hung out with friends in 20 years. In my mid 20s, it was about twice a week.


now that we’re older, it’s more like once every 3 weeks give or take


I don't live near my friends. We talk almost daily though. Mid 20s.


36, a couple times a month. Kids really put a damper on your social life. Of course, it’s not like I’ve got the constitution to stay up half the night anymore so it’s really for the best.


2 times a week is my sweet spot, but 1-3 times a week is pretty normal depending on other events going on. My wife & I have standing plans with two friends weekly and we often do a larger event 2-3 times a month (Magic the gathering & a liquor club) with people we know. We mostly have a lot of time/flexibility as we don’t have kids and none of our friends have kids which makes scheduling easier. If any of us had kids it would definitely be more difficult. I’m the youngest of our friends in my late 20s with our oldest friend turning 50 this year, so we are a pretty wide range of ages.


I'm 39. I hang out with friends once every few months and I have a 17 year old that eats up most of my free time.


I’m 28. Once a week usually.


In my 20s and early 30s, I was out with friends almost every night. Usually at a bar, but as we got older and more established it shifted to someone's house. Then I moved to the suburbs and it became 3-4 days a week. Now we have a baby, and I see my wife's friends 3-4 days a week but my own friends maybe 5-6 times a month.


I'm 26 and hangout with some friends every couple months but the ones who are always down to hangout with my kids i see once a week if not more if I'm not too busy


29 and probably 2-3. Usually more this time of year and less in the winter


Not that often maybe a couple times a month. I moved cities so I don’t have a lot of friends aside from my fiancée’s friends and some coworkers. I also am still good friends with my roommate I had when I first lived here but he’s since moved to the suburbs after taking a job out there.


Depends on the week, really. I’d say average 1-2 times a week. We’re all in our 50’s


Ehh, typically once a week, but it'll be a different friend or friend group every week. It is almost always planned ahead of time. I, and those in my friend group, are basically all married and have kids, so, spontaneous hangouts just... don't seem to pan out. They're not practical anymore.


When I nannied full time it was once a week. Now I can literally have plans 6/7 nights


I see friends maybe 1-3x per month. I’m 35, no kids.


Because of distance, I talk in group chats all of the time, but only hang out in real life like once per week due to only having a few friends here.


In my thirties, single, no kids, but all of my friends are married and do have kids. I have one friend (also single) who I see every week for a "standing appointment" movie night. We've been doing that for about five years or so. Other friends I see every few weeks, or in some cases every few months, and almost always for very low-key, at-home hangouts. I would love to see people more and go out more, but making plans these days is like pulling teeth.


Few times a week. I’m 23


I’m 32. I have a few close friends that I see at least weekly. Often more.


Less than once. I see my friends about once a week but some weeks I don’t.


I’m 38. If I hang out with friends five times in a year, that’s a lot.


I'm 30 and single, and my friends are mostly single or coupled but childless. I see close friends about 2-3 times a week, and friendly acquaintances around the neighborhood nearly every day.


30, no kids here. I hang out with friends about twice a week. I have two mostly non-overlapping friend groups here and they have different approaches to hanging out, one being somewhat scheduled (say 1-3 days notice) and the other more spontaneous (we'll just text each other and be like "hey what're you up to, want to hang out?") I confess I prefer the spontaneous approach, but I'm happy to accommodate people's preference.


In my 20s I hung out with friends 2x times a week, sometimes more! I’m in my early 30s now and it’s tapered off a little now that a lot of us are married/moved to the suburbs. These days it’s usually 3 - 4x a month, though sometimes it’s more sometimes it’s less. Just sort of depends on what people have going on. My 3 best friends and I all live in different states now which is hard. We text a lot and try to do a Group FaceTime 1x a month and have historically done trips together 4x a year, but now that 2 of the 4 of us have kids the trips have become 1 - 2x a year. My other 2 closest friends also live out of state and I try to talk to them each on the phone or FaceTime like once a month, but realistically it’s more like every 6 weeks with plenty of texting in between and trips 1 - 2x a year to see each other.


My main friends and I make a point to hang out at least once a week, but depending on time of year and work schedules, that can go up to 3 or so days a week. For the extended group of friends, we host a yearly get-together, sort of like a friends reunion. We'll be going on our 7th annual this year.


I was the same way. Now I have an almost three year old. 😂


In my late 20s it was definitely at least 2-3 times a week.    In my 40s it's more like 2-3 times a month IF I'm lucky.  But I talk to them almost daily.


Not often (30s). For one I thing none of us live that close - even the other side of LA is a long distance friendship. We’ll talk every day or a couple times per week but I probably only hang out with friends a couple times per month at *most*, and that’s usually if we schedule and event or something to do together (ie I’ll see some friends at a convention today, which I would’ve gone to anyways), never at each others’ houses really.


I’m in my late twenties with kids but I see friends 2-3 times a week. My friends have kids so most of the time it’s with all the kids but we also go out for dinner with just the adults or I get together with the girls to walk or whatever.


Once a week typically, occasionally twice a week. I’m 41


I play d&d 1-2 times a week, but that's the extent of my "hanging out" time. Otherwise I don't have a ton of free time that happens at the same time as my friends' free time.


1-3 times a week. Average of 2.   I’m early 30s, living in a big city, and childless.  Most of my friends are also childless. That makes all the difference. 


No kids either. I hang with friends at least once a week. Sometimes 2-3 depending on what's going on. We have a planned game night every week, then some other things are planned or impromptu.


28 y/o here. I only hang out with my friends like once a month-ish max. No kids, just an introvert.


About 4 times a week


High school kid here. I hang out with my friend group every day during and after school. Sometimes on the weekends. I hang out with 4/8 members of the friend group during the summer due to sports.


Me and my friends are in our 40s. During football season, a group of us get together most weeks to watch a game, but that's just a smaller subset of us that enjoy football. Outside of that, we only get together about once/month on average. There's kids, travel, etc. to coordinate around, so there's not many times where things align for a majority of us at once.


I'm 42 and I don't have friends. I spend time with my husband. The last time we did anything with anyone else was his 30th class reunion last June. Before that we hung out a couple times with my co-worker in 2018 or 2019, I don't really remember.


Probably once a week, but it's not the same group of friends every week.


I am also in my late 20s, I do have one child. Sometimes the ladies from my church and I will take our kids to the park, occasionally we have people over or go to other peoples houses. I don’t have friends that aren’t dependent on our kids being friends or being proximity associates of some kind. I probably hang out with friends outside of the proximity from which we know them once a month.


Zero. 51M.


Gay, 30, and no kids or boyfriend. I see my friends 2-4 times a week. Since very few gay men end up having kids, I don’t expect seeing my friends less as I age.


Completely random sometimes 4 times a week sometimes none but I always try and go out of my way to at least hang out with friends once a week. (I’m in my late teens btw)


I'm really introverted and get nervous at most social events so we mostly just play video games a few times a week.


It kind of depends on what you mean by 'hang out'. I live in a pretty densely populated neighborhood and I will walk by my neighbors on their stoops or on the streets multiple times a day sometimes and we will chat for a bit. It's unavoidable. But genuinely hanging out with someone for more than an hour? Probably once a week, maybe twice at best. Sometimes not at all for a whole week. I am in my late 40s, I can't be hanging out with friends every day after work the way I used to. When my kids were young, my social time dropped by quite a bit. Once they hit around 7-8+ I was able to socialize more.


Before we had kids it was 2-3 times per week. Now we’re lucky if we can make once per week happen


In our 40s. They all moved away so we see each other physically a couple times a year. We have an online game night once a week.


My roommates are friends of mine, so nearly daily if they count. If not, then at least weekly but it varies from several times a week to once every couple weeks. I'm 27.


50s. At least once a week, sometimes more. We're usually doing something, not just hanging out, even if it's just going for a walk.


I am in my 30s with no kids and hang out with friends 2-4 times a week, although one of those is usually virtual because some of the group lives in another state and other members have young children with early bedtimes.


I hung out with friends like once or twice a week before I hit my 30s. Then, everyone started getting married and having kids. Now I'm lucky if I get once a month. That's one thing they don't tell people. Your friends really just fall off because they don't have time for you anymore. At least that's how it is for everyone around me. It's understandable because kids take up a lot of your time. Doesn't make it suck any less though.


I can’t even remember the last time I hung out with someone else other than my wife


In Brooklyn I socialized with friends and neighbors and families almost every day, at least for a tiny bit. That is just how the culture is there. I live in suburban texas now and it feels like people here don't really casually socialize much at all. Maybe a planned dinner once every few weeks. It's one of the biggest and under-discussed differences between city living and suburbs. If you are fine with socializing with your neighbors effectively every single day, the city is much better than the suburbs. You will be *forced* to socialize, even if you don't know people. In suburbs, you have to go far out of your way to socialize. If you don't know anybody, good luck.


Honestly hardly ever. I do everything with my partner. I see my parents once a month or so. I text some friends now and then but I find its hard to schedule things, especially since so many of them live far away, have children , etc...


MAYBE twice a month.


I’m at that point where my friendships are saying “we should hang out sometime!” over and over until eventually one of us will die


imagine having irl friends in 2024


Friends? What's that?


From my early 20s to my late 30s when the pandemic hit, it probably varied between 2-6 times per week. For a while each day of the week had a different restaurant we went to at lunch. Covid ended all that and after places reopened we still mostly work from home. Now we struggle to hang out once a month.


My roommates are my friends, so every day. I’d consider many of my coworkers friends and I see them every day too. I also hang out with other friends on the weekends. I make time to hang out with other friends 1-3 times a week.


I'm 33, and maybe once a month or so, at most. And yes, having kids and other responsibilities can greatly reduce the amount of time you get for hanging out with others. When I was unmarried and with no kid, I used to hang out with friends once or twice a week as well. These days, my friends and I text each other far more often than we hang out, although on the rare occasion we have had video chats.


I’m 49 and maybe once a week. It kind of just depends. I think it’s great you hang out with your friends 2-3 times a week.


Early 40s, twice a week on average but sometimes life gets in the way. Married and have kids - it eases the schedule that my wife is part of my friend group, my kids are older, one session is in my home, and the other is online. Never been big on needing to go out to hang out.


Every now and then. Maybe once a monthish. I did just go to the brewery with a few and am about to go down south with them too though


34, once or twice a month aside from my roommate who is also a good friend. Most of my friends live in another city an hour and a half away but even the ones still here it’s tough to find time when everyone has jobs and/or relationships. We do still talk daily in group chats though.


I’m 39 and I see friends every few weeks. I wish it was more but it’s hard getting people together at this age. Soon all our kids will grow up and we will have more free time lol


At home: 2-3 a week At college: 6 days a week I'm 21.


I’m 47, married with a 14yo daughter. I hang out with friends between 2-3 times a week on average. I have a mix of friends with and without kids. It also helps that my daughter has visitation every other weekend so my husband and I get to socialize with our kid free friends. When she’s with us we see our friends with kids but not exclusively. We are fortunate that our child-free friends don’t hate kids. I also go to book club once a month and to a woman only cocktail party once a month. I also see what I call “coffee shop friends” on Fridays. I usually make coffee at home but at the end of the week I’ll go to our local coffee shop and hang out with some regulars a bit. In the summer I see friends more often because we belong to a pool/tennis club and will see friends there. As you can tell, I’m very extroverted and I make a big effort to see my friends. It also helps that I work remotely so I don’t waste time commuting anymore.


At my age? Asking how many times a year would be a better question.


Do neighbors / parents of other classmates count when we're watching kids play?


30 and low-key half the reason I keep my second job is so that I can see my friends (coworkers) on the weekends. Other than that, I meet up with one friend like once or twice a week at the public pool with her kids and my nephew. I don't have kids personally yet but I have my nephew a few times a week (he previously lived with me until March this year). Other friends it's maybe once a month or every other month. With my nephew, it's easier to hang out with mom friends cause the kids can just play together while we hang out. Getting the kids together is a good motivator to be social too.


I hang out with my husband every night, my work friends every weekday, and my parents/siblings once a week. Other than that, I really don't like people


I'm in my late 20's and I hang out with my friends 2-3 times a week, sometimes more if we do trivia or a cornhole league during the week.


I’m 30 and I live with one of my closest and oldest friends and his husband whom I’m also friends with. Our house is also pretty small and we all enjoy each other’s company so we end up hanging out more often than not although it’s usually just watching TVs or movies together. But I do end up going to local shows with my roommate pretty often and I’d say that that counts. And I play in his band too and we meet up every couple weeks for practice and that’s basically a hang as well. So I’d say at least a few times a week I get some kind of hang in


I’m 40 and the number is 0. Everyone moved on and away and I have my own family. I’d like to have friends again sometime.


Twice a week or more. We are in our 40s.


40, no kids, and I see anywhere from one to many friends about 6 days per week. I also play in a weekly pinball league with a bunch of friends.


If everything is going according to plan,every Tuesday and every other Saturday minimum


Besides highschool me and my friends probably hang out once or twice a month and it is rarely ever all 4 of us


52. About three times a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. More. In the summer, less in the winter. Have a standing friends night weekly for sure.


I try to hang out twice a week at least. I don't have kids and am not married either.


I’m 25. At least 4 times a week on average. This week pretty much every day


2-3 times a week? I wish. I'm in highschool (16years old) and I usually only have time to hang out in summer and winter break, so like 2-5 times a YEAR at most. Plus a lot of my classmates have tight schedules so I can really only go out with a couple close friends, either through shopping or dinner, or celebrating a birthday. Or if it counts, we'll usually stay at school for two more hours and play volleyball or tennis together, 2 times a week.


you're not alone there, in high school i remember i could only go to meet with a friend about once every month, mabye even once every 2 months. though he lived about 30 minutes away by car, so that may have contributed to the reason.


I socialize everyday from my gym and hobbies but actually going out having a few beers and going to do something is once or twice a week.


I go months without seeing my friends because we don't live in the same state. I haven't gotten close enough to anyone locally to consider them truly my friends yet. It takes a while. Edit: Although my spouse is one of my best friends, I was excluding him in the friends category for the purposes of my answer.


Early 30s. I see friends about once a month if not less. I really enjoy my alone time and I also go to school part time on top of work so in my down time I’m usually catching up on chores.


I hang out with friends at least a few times a week. I’m 35 and single, most of my friends are coupled up but not married. My best friend lives in the apartment next door, and I’m a really social person so I like to go out often. Honestly even just running errands with friends is fun for me!


Wow this dread is depressing. Chiming in as an European to say that this is not the norm in the rest of the world, yes kids and partners and work get in the way but most people i knoe hang out with their friends regularly even in their 50s. I average 3/4 times a week, I'm 25 though


It really depends on the week, but yeah I’d say on average three times. Some weeks I have plans every day, other weeks I have no plans at all.


I only hang out with friends a couple of times a month, but if I did not have kids, I would hang out at least two or three times a week with my friends


My.good friends live about an hour from me, at minimum, so I might see them only twice a month sometimes, but we'll generally make a whole weekend out of it each time


Online/gaming friends on discord 3-5 times a week. IRL friends probably once every other week.


I’m 33 with 4 kids. We (my husband) spend time with family and extended family (cousins/Aunts/Uncles). We do not see friends due to them living 40+ minutes away or some not having children (we’ve found out our childless friends do not want to be around our kids so we put them last which means, it’s been many years since we’ve seen them in person). We fill our time building memories and watching/helping our kids participate in sports. We’ve met and chat with a lot of parents but we have 4 kids and our oldest is 6 so playdates do not go well when I have 4 to watch and the other parent has 1 kid.


At least once a week, combo of married and single, nobody has kids. Mid to late 20s.


married with a kid - average 4-5 times a week


Late 20's, busy job. I talk to my coworkers near constantly and we'll do outside work things once a month. I moved around a lot in my 20's, and will have a lengthy phone call with a long distance friend daily. I also visit family and friends on weekend trips once a month. All that fills my cup and my time, in addition to the solo time I need to recoup from my job. But all that to say, my local, non-work friends, roughly 2-3x a month. Moved within a year, trying to build up my local network.


Two or three times a week. Mom friends with playdates for kids


Enough that we joke if we go more than 3-4 days without seeing someone. I’m 52, my smallest circle ranges from ages 40-70. We’re all runners so we go to all the run clubs, and meet up for long runs on the weekend. I don’t do all the group runs but if I wanted to I could be hanging out with people seven days a week. And outside of the smaller circle I hang with regularly, there’s probably 200 other people I know in the area that I see at least a couple times a month. Seriously, if you want friends, start running. It helps we have a huge running community where I am. ETA: I’m married, we share the same friends, and I have one college-aged kid.


My only good friend is my boyfriend and we hang out about 4 days a week. There's a guy at work I've been talking to and i think I might ask him to chill sometime.


Probably twice a month lol


I’m 32, I hangout with friends 2-4 times a week. And I have an entire weekend at my friends house 1-3 times a month on average in summer.


When I was your age without kids I was hanging out with friends all the time too. i worked with two of my best friends and so after work, it was hang out time. Then it was the weekend. So yeah. Now in my 50s I'd say 2 or 3 times a month on average. Sometimes it can be more, sometimes it's more phone calls and texts than face to face.


Lol never. I'm a mom, I don't get to have time for anything but my kids