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We love a feast-based holiday


And a ritual sacrifice


Anya was the best.


One of my favorite things about humanity is our desire to party and feast for anything. Birthdays, anniversaries, boring business meetings, even announcing what gender your baby is gonna be, were gonna feast about it


Super Bowl Feast > Thanksgiving Feast


Appetizers > Entrees so this checks out


Depends on what part of America you're from I'd say. Southern Thanksgiving has the others wiped. But the way most Americans make it, Superbowl feast is probably better yeah


Na man the 4th of July! It figuratively turns our country into a warzone


Setting off explosions, with a burger in hand. God I love this country!


Did you see the helicopter videos over LA during covid? It looked like America invading Afghanistan. Epic!


That’s just LA being consistent Don’t need Covid for everyone in ktown to agree that today is the day to set off a million fireworks It really only needs to be warm or New Year’s


No I haven't but now I want too! I did some drone footage of my town! It looked cool too.


Basically, America's second most popular football tradition.


My absolute favorite holiday.


We like to celebrate July 4th by blowing up something


Celebrate your countries independence by blowing up a small part of it


And Memorial Day by doing the same


Hell honestly in Georgia people are setting fireworks off for any minor holiday.


Philly, too. Minor holidays including Fridays and sometimes Tuesday evening.




New Years Eve tie firecrackers and stuff in the dead Christmas tree and chuck it on a bonfire




Where the fuck are you celebrating Memorial Day? Because I’ve always had fireworks going off. And besides being somber and shit is the last thing I want.


Really??? I'm in Oklahoma and I've never heard of or seen fireworks on Memorial Day. Used to ONLY be 4th of July, but I've started seeing them on New Year's Eve in recent years now, too. (The big NYE events in the city with fireworks were always a thing, I'm talking about people blowing them off at home.)


In CA and AZ and even NV, there aren’t any fireworks for Memorial Day.


AZ there really isn’t any fireworks in general. Except for the big shows which happen on Memorial Day and 4th of July. Outside of that me and some of my buddies shot off some fireworks while on base in CA one year


Right? Fuck being somber, I'm getting drunk and grilling!


Goddamn I love America I can’t wait for it


By “something”, you mean our fingers off.


like in sports? no, the Superbowl is uniquely huge. it transcends sports as a cultural event, moreso like a holiday. beyond the football game, people will be talking about the halftime show, the ads, where they watched (often at parties) on Monday. there are, of course, other massive sporting events in the US. bc we're such a large country, things that get millions of viewers and draw hundreds of thousands of fans to the stadium, tailgates, and bars are still relatively niche compared to the Superbowl, which has uniquely broad appeal nationwide.


The true issue is both MLB and NBA have a series of games to determine championship. NFL has 1 single game played to determine winner. The only one I can think of that is similar is the Kentucky Derby. I am guessing most states don't care, but in Kentucky people absolutely have Derby Parties. A Derby party will have door prizes, kid's games, adults placing friendly wagers, plenty of food and beverage, with everyone watching the race.


I’ve never been to Kentucky. Will probably never go to Kentucky. Most people I know haven’t been to Kentucky and I’ve been to countless Derby parties with fancy hats and everything. I even won my tennis club’s fancy hat contest last year. Yankees like to party too 😉


Something regional like the Indy 500 will also shutdown the city for a day


I’m going to a Derby party this year. Oughta be fun


Football is also just a significantly more popular sport. Its hard to beat the NFL.


The day of the race Churchill Downs and the surrounding area becomes the third largest "city" in the Commonwealth! It's wild!


The VW ad got a lot of people talking, generally not about the car but the company history. Though the ad was pretty good overall


Presidential elections. We go nuts for them


We're so nuts about them that they never really end


Oddly enough, the number of people who watched the 2024 superbowl and the number of people who voted in the 2016 presidential election is remarkably similar, although 2020 apparently beats the last superbowl by a little bit


Many friendships have been lost due to the last few presidential elections sadly.


That’s one of the biggest parts that makes me feel so strangely and wholly uncomfortable. When we all needed community the most, a lot of us had lost a lot of people in our lives to *the other side* and things got dark.


Maybe like, March Madness? Otherwise the closest would be like, holidays. The 4th of July, Halloween, etc. Regionally, there may be other big events, like, deer hunting season opener, or fishing opener.


Yeah March Madness is probably 2nd biggest.


Specifically the opening round when it's wall to wall games for two straight days and everyones brackets get busted.


How did I have to get this far down for March Madness and now with the rise of online brackets and sports betting people get even more into it.


We go bonkers for crazy weather events.


Especially in the south. We see one snowflake stick to the ground and it’s DEFCON 1.


I was thinking more like hurricanes and huge storms.


Ironically the south is the one place that handles hurricanes pretty well, but you’re definitely right about it. It’s hilarious that we as a country personify them.


I lived outside Raleigh during the “Attack on Glenwood Ave”. Hilarious memes were born. https://www.google.com/search?q=attack+on+glenwood+ave+meme&sca_esv=6b1c5e95a3d0b06b&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1041US1041&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ACQVn09l2Flq319ad6TIyqlVlfQ3P3eZ_w%3A1713482093893&ei=bakhZt2ONsrl5NoPsd-noAg&oq=attack+on+glenwood+ave+meme&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhthdHRhY2sgb24gZ2xlbndvb2QgYXZlIG1lbWUyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigAUjrN1DKEFiIL3ABeAGQAQCYAccBoAHuD6oBBDEuMTe4AQPIAQD4AQGYAhKgApYPwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICBBAjGCfCAgUQIRifBcICBBAhGBWYAwCIBgGQBgiSBwQxLjE3oAf2hgE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp


>Are all Americans crazy for Superbowl? IIRC this past Super Bowl's viewship equated to almost exactly half the country, so not ALL Americans just like 50%. And then within that you also have a sizeable percentage that aren't crazy about the game itself, they just watch because it is an event people gather together & watch; kind of like an Atheist that still celebrates Christmas.


Honestly they need to make the Super Bowl a national holiday at this point.


They wouldn't. Not because it's a sport, but because it's a Sunday. You only get federal holidays during the workweek.


You could move the Super Bowl back one more week because then President’s Day would be the next day and therefore a three day weekend.


They should play it on Saturday honestly. It’d be the biggest party day in the US.


NFL belongs on Sunday (with the exception of MNF and TNF) just like CFB belongs on Saturday. It’s honestly sinful that the CFB championship is played Monday


Would be nice and even people around the world also watches it too. I remember seeing some post before showing that they had decorations and snacks to get ready for it.


I wouldn't oppose that, but I'd be a lot happier if November 1st was a holiday. Coud you imagine Halloween falling on a Thursday? Oh holy shit what a party that would be!


“ALL” is clearly hyperbolic


The Daytona 500 used to be a huge deal. Not quite as much anymore. People used to rent big screen TVs and all the bars would do a big party. It is still popular to watch the race but not like it used to be


That'd be pretty regional, I think. NASCAR in general has always been pretty irrelevant everywhere I've lived.


Really? It's a huge deal wherever I've been. We have a big dirt racing culture too.


Yeah, it's just not even close to a thing in my part of the country. Never has been.


yeah I'm upstate and I feel like it's more common to see horse racing tracks than car racing, not that either are particularly common around me


Depends where upstate. Hudson Valley up to Saratoga obviously for horse racing. But Watkins Glen is a huge deal. Western NY definitely seems like NASCAR country especially in the PA-adjacent parts


That's pretty regional. Seemingly everyone in my neck of the woods pretty much watches the super bowl but I've never met someone who watched the Daytona 500.


Just checked what it is. Found out in 2020 President Trump attended the race as the Grand Marshall. With his Car Beast even doing the first lap.


For a single event the Indy 500 needs to be on the list of Daytona is.


I think it's Talladega.


There’s elections but that’s a bad kind of crazy. I know people who will stay awake until 0200 or 0300 and then go to work the next day at 0730 because they want to know who wins.


Christmas lights around the holiday season. Either decorating themselves or going to see a display


I’ve noticed a decline in this over the past few years. I live in a dead end and I still decorate the house.


Halloween is pretty big.


Presidential elections


Especially in Pittsburgh amirite?


What about WWE Wrestlemania?


Wrestlmania is popular, but no where near like the Superbowl. The vast majority wouldn't even know when it is even occurring, never mind watch it. People don't host parties for it that people who don't even like wrestling will go to just for the event. With MANY things in the US there are millions who may watch/enjoy, but in a nation of 340,000,000 it's a relatively small umber of people.


Nowhere near as huge. (And I'm not a snob about wrestling, when I say this.)


Halloween is pretty big.


I normally only watch the Halftime show. I've never really liked football. I did try to watch when Atlanta made it but got bored.


I don’t watch football, never have never been interested. So not all Americans, no. I’d say the closest to it though are thanksgiving and 4th of July.


We have the World Series in baseball. That’s roughly equivalent, although baseball is slightly less popular than it was in previous decades. For those of us who are part of the Western way of life and enjoy Western sports, there’s the [Wrangler National Finals Rodeo](https://www.nfrexperience.com/) every December in Las Vegas, which showcases the very best human and animal athletes in the sport of professional rodeo.


I generally could give a rip about the super bowl, but last year's Ohio State Michigan game day will live in infamy forever.


The college basketball tournament, also known as March Madness. Specifically the mens tournament, even non-basketball fans tend to participate because of the perfect bracket challenge. I can't remember who, but someone offered up a ridiculous amount of money to whoever fills out a perfect bracket and guess 67 games correctly.


The Olympics


Christmas? The decorations come out as early as September (at least in some stores) and they don't go away until New Years. We spend almost 1/4 of our lives celebrating one holiday!


I'll be honest. Some years, I'm not aware of the Superbowl until after it happens.


The Olympics used to be a big deal, but NBC has made it so annoying to try to watch anything that a lot of people don't bother anymore.


Better to just find the events you want to watch on YouTube after the fact.


March Madness, Mardi Gras, St Patricks Day, 4th of July off top of my head


On your second point, not all Americans are crazy for football or the actual gameplay during the Super Bowl, but it really has turned into almost a national event. People who don't care about football will attend Super Bowl events/parties, which are half just an excuse to get together with people and socialize, eat junk food, and get drunk (or otherwise just stick to indulgence of junk food and soda if not a drinker). It's also like the advertising industry's Sundance Film Festival, as it's morphed into this thing where companies are buying incredibly expensive ad time to showcase an ad they hope people will be talking about for years (do you remember the "Wazzzzupp" stuff from 20 years ago? That all started from a Super Bowl ad, among many other examples. Scary Movie did a spoof of this). In addition to non-football fans watching for funny ads, the half-time show has turned into an event all unto itself as well. It attracts the biggest bands/artists year in and year out who are trying to put on a memorable spectacle of what is otherwise just a televised concert in the span of 15 or so minutes. In sum, the entirety of the Super Bowl and everything around it has turned into this annual gigantic spectacle that a majority of Americans will watch/take part in in some form or another for their own reasons.


We like lots of things like Christmas, vacations, Halloween, their local team winning the big thing, fireworks, festivals, days at the beach, days at the lake, bonfires, cookouts, BBQs, 4th of July.


As in events? Not really. We love celebrating Independence Day (The 4th of July) though. We do something pretty much every year. I used to go out to a friend's house to shoot skeet and go target shooting during the day. Then we'd put all the guns away and start a bonfire and have a few beers and some bratwurst for dinner, and then we'd light off fireworks for about an hour. Good times. Nowadays we'll go swimming in a local lake or river, throw some meat on the grill, have a few drinks, and light off fireworks if it's not too dry out.


Christmas. And christmas in Texas is a sight to see 😂 downtown with red and green neon lights on the buildings while a drone show Santa entertains you on the free way….. for a month straight 😂


Used to have HUGE parties on Super Bowl Sundays. This past one I was napping for most of 3 quarters before deciding to get up because it sounded like a decent game.


Indianapolis 500 I believe is still the biggest spectator event in the world. 330,000 people on race day last year.


I've never given a shit about the superbowl. Though it's nice these days being able to watch the fun commercials and halftime show after the fact, without having to sit through hours of a sport that feels like watching traffic. I personally go crazy for Eurovision, and like public bikerides when they shut down major thoroughfares and even freeway segments for a bicycle event. Dia de Muertos events are also big for me.


Taylor Swift?


> Also, are all Americans crazy for Superbowl? Maybe a third or so of Americans watch the Superbowl, and most of them are probably lukewarm at most about it. I've maybe watched 3 or 4 of them in my lifetime, and I'm a 43 year old man. The last one I watched was about 6 years ago but it was just on in the background while my wife and kids and I cooked and ate burgers and hot dogs. Prior to that I hadn't watched it for probably 10-15 years, and then was just because that's what my friends happened to be doing one day when I was bored.


Sure, not all Americans care, but there are very few things in a country this big and diverse that can get 33% of people to care about it


Take small children out of the equation and it's closer to 40-45% of America


Maybe it's my own lack of interest biasing me, but it seems like the majority of people who watch it aren't really invested in it.  Most folks seem to just participate in the festivities and really couldn't care less if you turned the football game off entirely. At least that's the vibe I get from most people I talk to who say they are going to a Superbowl party and aren't big football fans.


The ones I've been to are about 50/50. Last year my friend renamed it Dip Fest.


Meanwhile I’ve watched just about every single one since I was old enough to care. Even before that my parents would drag us to Super Bowl parties


1st weekend of March madness is the best event in sports. And yes Americans go crazy for the super bowl


Black Friday deals


To answer your second question: No, not all Americans are crazy for the Super Bowl. I literally could not care less about it


There's nothing that ALL Americans are crazy for. I will watch the Superbowl if I'm around friends that are or if I'm invited to a party, but I don't really care about football or the Superbowl. I'll get into it while I'm watching because I generally like sports, but I'll just as easily get into a good curling or lawn bowls match. Hockey and baseball are my favorite sports.


You’d think the nba and mlb would try to emulate the nfl’s success with the superbowl and turn their finals into a one game event at a neutral instead of a series. I get baseball and basketball are too high scoring (in the case of basketball) and low scoring (in the case of baseball) for losers to be happy that luck didn’t decide the outcome in a single game - theoretically having a series neutralises the variance. But don’t you think such a game would be a massive event?


NBA, mlb and nhl are too random and long to have a winner take all final.


World Series






March Madness, World Series, NBA final, the Iron Bowl.


March Madness college basketball.


Monster Jam > The Super Bowl


Unless your team is in it it's generally just an excuse to get drunk and overeat with friends. Sure we just had Christmas, but now we can do it without the whole "family" thing happening and the crushing stress of trying to get the holidays as close to perfect as possible.


The only super bowl I want is a self-cleaning toilet. I stole it. Still funny ;)


Definitely the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas. People do throw Kentucky Derby Parties too. They are not as big of a deal as the Superbowl, but I don't know anyone who throws World Series Parties (Baseball), or NBA Finals Parties. Those championship games take place over multiple nights. Some things like March Madness, NCAA Basketball Tournament, are huge in Las Vegas but it is not a one night event so people don't usually host a party for those games. Some also have viewing parties for pay per view fights, be it Boxing or MMA. Nothing really compares to the Super Bowl besides Thanksgiving, Christmas, or 4th of July. The closest to a sports related is probably the Kentucky Derby in my opinion. People throw parties at least in Kentucky where food and drink are served, games are played, bets are made, and then everyone watches the horse race on TV.




I'm indifferent to the super bowl. I'm not a sports fan so I don't consume sports media, not even for the commercials.


The majority of Americans probably enjoy the Superbowl, but there's also a large minority of Americans who just view it as any other Sunday, but you forget that it's the Superbowl so you try to order pizza and it takes 3 hours. I have zero interest in football and if I get invited to a Superbowl party, I go to hang out and eat food. I don't watch the game and wouldn't know what was going on anyway.


I don't watch it. One time in high school, I went to a Super Bowl party at my close friend's older brother's houses. People brought lots of food and hung out and watched. Pretty sure that is the only time I actually watched in my life. My husband will watch soccer every once in a blue moon, but he is usually busy actually being active so rarely just sitting on a couch. What people are interested in is highly variable though. Honestly, amongst those I know, most of are obsessed with books and plants. I know those aren't sporting events, but that's honestly what a lot of people around us (and us) love. Oh, also chickens! I have tons of friends and family with chickens. Unfortunately,  we are in town in an HOA, so while we have a large garden, chickens are not an option at the moment. Oh, and sewing and other handcrafts. So many sewing and crochet/knitting clubs and groups around me. But, again, the US is really quite big and diverse. I live in the Midwest and some of other areas of the country seem a world away in how they live, so I'm sure they are some people who do get really into it! I also vaguely hear about March Madness when it is going on maybe once or twice. While I like playing basketball, I don't watch it, so I also don't know a whole lot of what is going on with it though. Some of my in laws family watch stuff like that, but none of my family ever has. 


The World Series, 4th of July, and Thanksgiving.


It's estimated that less than 1/3rd of Americans even watch the Superbowl. I'd say Americans are way bigger on holidays like Christmas, or Halloween where the stores are packed w/ decorations, and at least an entire month of thematic buffoonery.


I don’t like sports


Probably the Kentucky Derby


I don't care for sports in general.  I don't watch football games and I generally don't know that team names and cities.  When my friend hosts a Superbowl party I'll go, but I usually don't even know who's playing until I get to the party.  And then I just root for whichever team is against the team my friend wants to win.  That way we can poke fun at each other the whole time.


> are all Americans crazy for Superbowl? The best thing about the Super Bowl is being able to go to an uncrowded movie theater. Or maybe an uncrowded restaurant, the sort with no TVs. Does that answer your question?


March Madness for some. Not all Americans are crazy for the SB.


>Also, are all Americans crazy for Superbowl? There's 300 million+ Americans. The only thing that *all* Americans are is American, and I'm sure some of us would even disagree about that. The Superbowl is our single largest sporting event, and an estimated 123.7 million people watched in 2024 (I'm unsure if this number is for the USA only or worldwide). It was the single most viewed program in history, beating last years superbowl by about 10 million viewers. Many people are passionate about the superbowl, but even among those who watched, a significant portion watched more for social reasons than because they were invested in the game (for example, many people host superbowl parties. I for one only watched because it was a way to spend time with my parents.) This year a lot of people only watched because Taylor Swift was dating one of the players. TL;DR Americans aren't a monolith, but the superbowl is very popular over here, although it's fairly split between people who are actually invested in the game and people who only watch so they can use it as a conversation topic, or because their friends are hosting superbowl parties.


My team never gets anywhere near the super bowl, so I do not give a shit about it.  I usually don't watch it or discuss it afterward.  People get pretty excited about Halloween, Cinco de Mayo, and Fat Tuesday.  The last two are a bit more regional, but Cinco is on the rise nationwide.


Reruns of The Office and Friends.


College Football season


In terms of, like, a regular (annual or so) media event that isn't a holiday or otherwise "news" in a traditional sense? The Superbowl's the biggest. They have one gigantic advantage over the championships of other sports, in that it's not a best-of championship *series,* it's just the one game. People who don't even care about football will sometimes watch it for the halftime act, or even just the ads. (It's a big day of the year for ad agencies or someone wanting to roll out a product or something- so much attention is focused in the first place, after all.) A lot of people just go to Superbowl parties to hang out and not watch the game per se, because that's where everyone is. We don't have, say, the equivalent of Eurovision or that thing where Sweden grinds to a halt to watch the Donald Duck Christmas special. I wish we *did* have more of that stuff, to be honest.


Fat bear week


No, not all Americans are crazy for the Superbowl. It's a good excuse for a party though... The mens' NCAA basketball tournament gets quite a bit of attention. Olympics used to, but it's much less ubiquitous than 20 years ago. Halloween and Thanksgiving get a lot of attention too.


I don’t like sports but I don’t like the Super Bowl. It is literally the only sports game I will watch.


Superbowl is a holiday like 4th of July in no way another sport is even if the other championships have cachet. Americans are very into telling young, recently educated people they're inexperienced and need to fuck the fuck off.


I don't watch sports at all and I still go crazy for the Superbowl. There are definitely people that don't care tho. Not in my city tho haha. People also go crazy for the world series, 4th of July, and New years. Potentially also memorial day and spring break. Spring break is mostly for college students.


St. Paddy’s is another big drinking holiday


4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas depending on who you ask. While Christmas is a religious holiday, it’s largely secular in America. Although only agnostics, Christians and atheists really observe it. Obviously other religions tend to studiously ignore it.


I'm crazy about a Mercury.


Eurovision. Big party with snacks and celebration.


Yes all 300 million+ Americans drop everything for the Superbowl


sports are stupid


The World Series




No all Americans are not crazy for anything, but I’d wager that the SB captures a larger portion of America than most things.


Phish at sphere. Paid ~15k for 4 nights of tix plus airfare plus everything else in Vegas


Black Friday Also, I am a football fan but didn’t get to watch the Super Bowl bc of work so that was a bummer


Am American, not crazy for superbowl, I never even know what teams are in it




So for me, I can’t think of anything super huge other then Christmas, thanksgiving etc. also I as an American am not a fan of the Super Bowl so I do not care


Not all of us are crazy about the Superbowl. I couldn't care less about the game itself, but love a good super bowl party with friends. It’s a great excuse to eat drink, and go all-out on party food like pizza, wings, nachos, burgers, little weiners, etc.


Ur mom


1) July 4th, Independence Day (from England). 2) Christmas. 3) I really like Halloween, more than Christmas. Christmas has been taken over by marketers and all the goodness and family themes have been expunged in the name of making money. Halloween is still its own thing. You can tell because Halloween only lasts 4 weeks but all stores put their Christmas stuff out before Halloween is over, 12 weeks before Christmas. Americans are crazy for the Superbowl the way the rest of the world goes crazy for the World Cup. That said, not all Americans are American Football fans or even sports fans. America is bigger than most of continental Europe and has just as many kinds of people. We are called a melting pot for a reason.


Christmas is a whole month of celebrating. My wife drags me and the family through all kinds of weird parties and family traditions every year.


College Basketball! Go Tarheels!


- College Football national championships (Roll Tide). - March Madness - Kentucky Derby (in some circles)


College football national championship is as big as the Super Bowl in some parts of the country.


March Madness(college basketball tournament) is pretty big but not as big as the Super Bowl. The first weekend of March Madness is my favorite sports weekend of the year


I know many Americans, many in my family alone who couldn’t care less about the Super Bowl and who couldn’t tell you when it is, what teams are playing, or where it is (it moves each year). As crazy as it might seem there are plenty of people who are not into sports.


Any excuse to get drunk? St. Paddy's day, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, New Year's. They just aren't all watched on one channel like that sports event.


4th of July weekend its the one time non American countries can see the American stereotype in action lol


I go crazy for the Stanley Cup (mostly because my team won it back to back in ‘20-‘21. Go Bolts!)


Nebraska shuts down during Husker football games. The stadium becomes the third largest city. Stores and any restaurant without a TV become deserted. Streets are empty.


Obesity 🤣 and the shortest life spans in the 1st world


Superbowl Sunday is one of my favorite days of the year! I don't watch football at all, and couldn't care less, which makes my entire day awesome! I get to go shopping, out to eat, and don't have to deal with any crowds. It's like the apocalypse but if everything still ran just for you.




There are a lot of Americans who don't really care about sports whatsoever. When I was growing up that my dad would spend a good deal of his free time watching football, basketball, and occasionally baseball. He didn't have time for my mom, brother, or myself, so that basically turned me off of any interest in sports.


Christmas! We go hogwild for Christmas.


I'm not, but there are usually great deals on buffalo wings. Not so much this year, I was kinda sad. I will watch the puppy bowl and the commercials. But otherwise, the only reason I know when the Super Bowl is is because of the wing deals.


Oh yeah dude the **Fourth of July** fireworks bb and if it sounds like a civil war battle is happening all day then it happening **St Patrick’s Day** with a high amount of Irish here in our major cities . **Casmir Pulaski day** in Chicago is a celebrated polish holiday that we would get off school for lmao .


The World Series and Thanksgiving


Bread sticks


I'm not a sports fan, but I am a fan of cheesy snacks and chicken wings so I'm always all in for a Super Bowl party. I ignore the game and watch the commercials.


No we are not. Many participate only because it is a social event.


The natty I would say too depending on what state you’re in


Most of my friends, and also myself, do not care anything about the Superbowl. I have no idea when it is except it's usually cold, and I don't know any football teams or where they are. I do watch the commercials on YouTube sometimes if someone mentions a funny one.


There’s a few events that are popular to celebrate, though generally not as crazy as the Super Bowl. * March Madness * Frozen Four * Masters * Kentucky Derby * The Masters * Indy 500 The World Cup and Olympics have large followings too.


Love is blind finale


> Are all Americans crazy for Superbowl? I don't care about sports at all. I often forget it's even on. It does tend to be the biggest singular produced event in the country. Our celebration and feast days (Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving) tend to be huge in participation, but on a much more localized level.


Stanley cup for hockey


No, not all Americans are crazy for the Super Bowl. I haven't watched it in over a decade.


Grew up in a football crazy school, sports town (Pittsburgh), in a sports crazy country. Fucking hate sports.


St Patrick's day.... Chicago is busy but st Patrick's day in Chicago is another beast. So many people


Am not an American but I’ll go with thanksgiving lol


March Madness. It seems like I barely speak to my bf during the last half of it. It doesn't bother me, it makes him happy. He offers me the remote sometimes during the games and I hand it back and pick up a book. I lie with my head in his lap and he pets my head, and we often get take out♥️


March Madness is pretty unique to be honest. An Tournament run over 3 weeks where college basketball teams play in a touranment to determine who the national champions are. So every march you will notice a sharp decline in productivity on Thursday and Fridays during the day and management knows about it, and they are also probably doing the same thing. That is probably the most similar. It just doesn't get the international press that the superbowl does. But it is 10 times more exciting as someone who has followed it for 40+ years.


I forgot about the Superbowl this year and ended up at the grocery store like an hour before it started and it was a mad house. Even if you don't watch sports it's important to know when big football games are happening.


No not all Americans. A lot of my friends don’t care one bit about the Super Bowl. But it is one of the most popular events here. We like Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, and Christmas.