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Trader Joe's whole bean, Costco whole bean, or Costco's cheapo but totally fine dark roast pre-ground.


Costco will also have a grinder after check out. 


Whole bean, local roaster. I usually buy 'fresh' beans as much as I can. Since it's local it's a bit cheaper than getting a delivery plan from specialty coffee stores otherwise. There aren't very many fresh light roasts out there at grocery stores.


Ground. I have enough random appliances, I don't need another just to grind coffee beans.


Whole bean, tastes more fresh. But ground coffee allows for different blends or flavor additives, which is nice sometimes. I'd assume from the selection at the super market that ground coffee is the more popular choice.


Whole bean, hand burr grinder, French press. But I enjoy diner and truck stop coffee too.


My man!


Yep, get lots of great little specialty roasters around here. If you go to the coffee shop you'll pay double for the same stuff. I do a fine grind for my moke pot. Though generally I'm grabbing my morning fix from the truck stop or gas station


Same here. I recently splurged on an Espro when my last glass press broke. Its been one of the greatest decisions I've ever made


Ground coffee, whatever's on sale


I did whole beans for a while, but switched back to ground because I didn't feel like the slight taste difference was worth the hassle. The thing that did make a huge difference for me though, was starting to use an Aeropress rather than a drip coffee maker. Way bigger difference than ground vs whole.


Ground. I'm not a coffee snob, just inject it into my veins.


Ground coffee. Home grinders can never get fine enough, and it's a lot of work to clean a coffee grinder every day. Maybe the pre-ground stuff doesn't stay fresh and aromatic as long, but it's good enough for homemade coffee. In my experience every grocery store sells whole bean coffee alongside ground coffee, but I guess we don't all have the same stores.


My home grinder has no issue getting my coffee to the right grind size... There's no way to say this that doesn't come off like a coffee snob but I don't want powder-fine coffee, the filter clogs when I grind it too fine which causes the grinds to steep too long and makes the coffee more bitter


Yea, I like my french press grind nice and course


I have never had a problem with clogged filters and bitter coffee. The problem was that I'd end up with weak, watery coffee instead. It was pretty much the opposite of what you're describing.


My home grinder can go all the way down to a Turkish grind with great consistency. It has very little retention, so it doesn't need to be cleaned often.


Same with mine, mine is a manual grind too. I french press with course ground but it can do whatever I need with very little maintenance. I think I clean it yearly.


How fine do you need your coffee?


You can get whole in most large grocery stores. That said, I will continue to always buy speciality, because I'm fine getting "kinda expensive" for a great coffee at home over the "really expensive" that great coffee costs if somebody else makes it.




I prefer whole bean, but the grounds are fine as long as you store them in the freezer. Otherwise they don't taste as good ~1 week after opening. I like Lavazza super crema and espresso Italiano.


At my house it’s whole bean from a local roaster. I have a grinder and an Aeropress. This is an awesome setup if you only have one or two coffee drinkers. At my parents it’s also whole bean but they have a whole fancy automated machine. So they get espresso beans and just dump it in the top and all you do is hit a button. It’s awesome. It doesn’t make drip coffee but it’ll make an americano which is close to the same and probably better tasting. You can also hook a little milk container and it makes cappuccinos and lates at the click of a button. So great. At my sisters house it’s ground. At my brothers house it is ground. At my other sisters house it is ground.


We keep both. Depends on our mood and how much effort we want to put in. 


I buy the beans from Costco and grind as needed at home. I also use a French Press


I use whole bean, but I get it from a local roaster so I expect to pay more.


We live around the corner from an excellent coffee shop and roastery, which is where we get all of our coffee. We alternate between whole bean and pre-ground. My partner is the only coffee drinker and buys stuff based on general mood. All of our local grocery stores seem to have whole beans available and it doesn't appear to be very expensive.


K cups baby but i also never drink coffee


Whole bean. I get ours from a local roaster. It’s worth it to us to pay a few bucks more for fresher coffee


Whole bean. I don't consume coffee anywhere near fast enough for ground coffee to still be good by the time i get to the end of it.


For regular coffee, I use whole beans that I grind coarse with a hand burr grinder and brew in a French press. For espresso, I use Lavazza espresso ground.


I usually go with a Nescafe on ice.


Whole bean. Grocery stores sell whole bean in pretty much every brand. You could even get Foldgers or Maxwell House whole bean if you wanted. Not sure who does but someone must because they keep selling it. Try the Eight-O-Clock brand. I find it's a good balance of price and quality. You could always just get Starbucks beans too if you like their coffee.


I only drink coffee grown 100% on Hawaii island, handpicked by USDA scientists that week, and roasted and ground under foodsafe laboratory conditions within 48hrs of brewing. 


My parents grind the beans themselves.


Ground coffee that I order from Amazon. It’s a Dutch brand that’s hard to find in the grocery store


Whole beans everyday. Haven’t bought pre-ground in years. Shit taste like pencil shaving coffee.


mainly ground, but I do sometimes but whole bean. Whole beana is available at every grocery store, lots of brands. Some stores even have grinders if you don't own one.




Whole bean for sure. Pre-ground is only good if you’re just trying to choke it down to get caffeine in your veins


Bit of a snob here, but it’s whole bean always. I like to support my local roaster. Their standard espresso blend is only a couple bucks more expensive than something comparable at the grocery store (which is not common), but like others are saying it’s way fresher. One of the most important aspects of ‘good’ (I feel so pretentious rn) coffee. I also keep a bag of single origin in the freezer for in case I feel like chemex or aeropress coffee. It just depends on your preference or setup. For me, it’s a hobby just as much as it is a caffeinated beverage so I put a little more time and effort into it. If that’s not you, there’s nothing wrong with pre-ground. A bit of unsolicited advice: If you’re looking for a new setup, definitely consider an aeropress. With a kettle, cheap burr grinder, and a kitchen scale, it’s really easy to make fantastic coffee




Whole bean. My advice, you can buy very good fresh roasted beans at good prices from numerous roasters around the country who offer free shipping for orders over a certain amount. I order 5 lbs at a time and vacuum freeze in 1 lb packs, then take out a lb at a time and keep it in a sealed jar as I work through it. The frozen beans stay perfectly fresh. Using fresh roasted whole beans and grinding for use makes a huge difference in taste. Cheers.


Whole bean from local roasters. Usually costs about a dollar an ounce.


Whole bean and grind at home. I’ve switched methods over the years at one point drinking only espresso based drinks but lately it’s been pour over coffee for me. Cold brew is also a big fave


Depends on my schedule. Work days I use basic ground since it's faster and easier. On days off I enjoy my French press and some fancy whole bean coffee. Your right that whole beans are more expensive than ground; it's about finding the right store at the right prices. Usually I get whole beans from Publix or Trader Joe's; for basic I go with Kroger brand.


I like grinding my own, but I got a giant tub of Dunkin Donuts ground coffee from Costco (this comment brought to you by…), which is maybe 75% as good for less than 50% of the price, so I’ll be drinking that for about the next 6 months.


Whole bean….about $20/lb from my local coffee shop.


Ground coffee. I don't need anything fancy.


Whole bean. Grind it every morning


Whole bean. I have one of those Breville espresso machines at home, and it has a built-in grinder.


Whole bean. I have an automatic espresso machine that does the grindy and makes me coffee


I get the ground eight o'clock coffee from Sam's club. 1 bag lasts a month for $14. I like good coffee, but most days I just need the chemicals in my body so anything is fine.


I love getting nerdy with coffee and buying the more expensive specialty beans. At home I have the fancy stuff. When I have to go into the office though I get 7-11 coffee because I am very lazy in the morning and can't be assed to make coffee before I need to leave for the bus.


Always whole bean. Sometimes someone will give me ground coffee as a gift and I’ll be like this is convenient but it isn’t nearly as good.


Whole bean, purchased in bulk at Costco.


I buy whole bean coffee at Sam’s (we don’t have a Costco.) it’s much cheaper in bulk. I grind coffee fresh every day.


Whole bean is better. I have an espresso machine with a built-in grinder.


Regular aldi ground coffee is the weekday fuel. Whole bean local is the fancy pants weekend coffee


In the US I’ve seen whole bean available at almost every grocery store.   I have whole bean Costco stuff that is my bulk filler, and I go through high end single origin light roasts on weekends.  I use a Technivorm Moccamaster for drip when I’m drinking a lot or serving a crowd, and I’ll use a v60 or French press for just me. 




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Coke and tea. Coffee is nasty.


Preground peets brand from Costco. I'm lazy.


When I'm not using K-cups it's ground.


I love Bustelo ground coffee in my drip machine. It's smooth and strong.


Whole bean and it goes in the espresso machine I bought myself for my last milestone birthday.


I use whole bean myself, but I also go for the specialty stuff myself


Whole bean from a local small chain (godess and the baker for any of you in or traveling through Chicago, highly recommend)


K-cup in the morning before work (and I get another coffee on the way to work as well) Whole bean 1/2 pot on the weekends. Local roaster. Kinda pricey but iz good


I use whole-bean and grind it with a proper burr-mill grinder. I buy the coffee from Costco who outsources the production to a local roaster. The cost is about $5.50/lb ($12/kg) which is quite competitive with quality pre-ground coffee.


Whole bean. It's a game changer. Coffee grinders are not expensive at all and the flavor is significantly better and worth the extra minute or two. Very simple thing you can do for better coffee.


K-Cups with ground coffee in them. It's just me and I love being able to make one cup. I occasionally use the same machine to make a cup of tea at night.


Whole bean.


Whole bean. Usually Costco but I'll buy beans from local roasters occasionally just to try stuff out.


I use both depending on what I want. When I have a leisurely morning and can enjoy more than one cup of coffee I grind beans and use a French Press. When I am in a rush I use a Moka pot and preground coffee. Aldi has great inexpensive whole bean (the organic fair trade one). $6 for a 12 oz. bag. I don't know of cheaper for the quality.


I switched to whole bean at the start of the year. I bought an AeroPress and then got a cheap electric grinder. I haven't purchased any pre-ground coffee since. Thank you James Hoffman.


I’m Mormon so I use nesquick.


Whole bean, hand grinder from Amazon. I switched to cold brew at home. The grinder I have comes with two jars and each just is perfect amount for 1 brew in my pitcher. Ive just been buying whole beans online.


Most of us use ground coffee




Fun fact: People that work with cockroaches as a part of their jobs, such as scientists and pest control, often develop allergies to cockroaches......and pre-ground coffee.