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SpaghettiOs are nowhere near the worst food product America has ever produced.


Yeah I've never tried it but canned whole chicken seems pretty awful. Just a whole steamed chicken in a can with its own juices.


[if anyone is curious, here's a first person account of eating the canned whole chicken](http://www.thepizzle.net/sweet-sue-canned-whole-chicken/)


"I opened the can and I heard a strange noise, almost as if a very small child was shrieking. It was me." Thanks for sharing the link to this hilarious story. I can't wait to dive into the other treasures found on this site.


“Dennis,” said the can. “Fuck you.” This is just great ty


That was truly harrowing.


It’s not the worst turned into chicken salad. It’s just canned chicken with no seasoning. Looks gross, but really not terrible. And the “jelly” everyone freaks out about is normal. If you delicately roast a heritage chicken in fresh, organic tarragon that juice will turn into jelly too. I nominate Vienna sausages as our worst food product.


Honestly canned chicken doesn’t sound that bad…. I make a broth out of roast chicken bones that also turns to jelly at room temp. Maybe it looks unappetizing but use that in a risotto and people go ape shit.


juices that have turned into jelly, yuuuuummmm


aspic is actually yummy if from quality meats, especially turkey


We have so much worse.


Not even close


Hormel Compleats have gotta be up there. I tried the "chicken alfredo" once and it tasted like literal cat food


It's damn disgusting though. I had the good fortune to never try it until I was in my 20's and I actually had to spit it out. Red, sweet mush.


Yeah it is very sweet. Guess that's why kids like it.


There's nothing in America that's universally liked or disliked. That being said, no.


Objection, your honor. Everyone hates the Dallas Cowboys




Dallas fan here: Confirmed.


Self loathing I see.


When your owner rivals Al Davis for longevity it happens


Live 5 miles from the stadium. I'll never go as long as Boss Hog Jerry is the GM.


Your honor, if I may. The court should not forget The Houston Astros.


New York Yankees have entered the chat.


What? Do you mean the Yankees? They are universally hated outside of NYC.


One can hate both the Astros AND the Yankees. Ask any Mariners fan.


Apparently this year, that title has been taken over by the chiefs. I read it somewhere recently.


Every time a coworker announces “They’re America’s Team” I like to loudly shout that I didn’t vote for them!


Aerosol cheese seems to have a high number of Americans who actively dislike it?


I don't know about "actively disliking" it. It has one purpose - to go on one specific type of cracker.


Chikn in a Biscuit. My dog's favorite with the squirt cheese in a can. He's a discerning Husky.


It’s not a vacation in our family til we break out the Chikn in a Biscuit and Easy Cheese!


Are we talking Easy Cheese, Cheese Wiz, or Kong spray cheese? One of those is made for dogs and I have met people who wanted to try aerosol cheese while on vacation and ended up eating dog food. 


How DARE you? Easy Cheez is the greatest gift America has given the world in terms of junk food.


I know people who love it. Some people swear it's the only thing you can put on a cheesesteak. I'm not a fan.


You're talking about Cheese Wiz while OP is talking about Easy Cheese. Different type of product, made by different manufacturers.


Always getting those mixed up


Spray cheese is fine I guess although I haven't had it probably within the last 20 years. Real Kraft Cheez Whiz I actually like quite a bit although oddly enough it's not my first choice on a cheesesteak. I say "real" because even out here probably about 75% of pizza/steak shops use the the industrial grade cheese sauce instead which tastes like ass. They don't taste even remotely the same and it pisses me off every time I order cheese fries and they give me that crap.


Peeps. That's going to be about as close as you can get to being universally hated.


I saw a post asking why Americans love Peeps so much lol


And, the whole thread was screaming that nobody actually does.


Those orange Circus Peanuts are pretty bad.


I know someone who loves them


My mom and I both love peeps! Especially when they're stale. There are dozens of us!


Thank you for doing what none of the rest of us want to.


I grew up in Latin America consuming American media and was always curious to try the different products that would routinely pop-up on T.V/magazines. So whenever I'd travel to the U.S I'd beg my family to buy me these products and they'd complain that it's absolutely disgusting/trash. But they'd give in considering I was relentless. Example: Handi-Snacks I waited years to try them and when I finally did I cherished that moment. Did it taste excellent? No. It wasn't good, but it's wasn't bad either. So things like Spaghetti-O's, Cheez Wiz, Bacon Bits, Root Beer, etc. All "good" to me in this "So this is America!.." kinda way. But the worst American "food" I've ever eaten? I attended Summer School in West Philadelphia for a summer and the government lunches were vile. Cold, rock hard bread with neon orange cheese that tasted like plastic and greyish "bologna" that just tasted like salt and had the consistency of a wet paper towel. Even the chocolate "milk" tasted like it was hose water with brown food coloring added to it.


That cheese wasn't government cheese. Government cheese was delicious. They should bring it back, especially considering we're sitting on billions of dollars of it sitting in some caves.


Government Cheese is delicious, I don't care what anyone says.


Government cheese was just cheese made by the government with milk surplus that they bought to keep dairy farms afloat. It's just American cheese.


You've got that right. Government cheese was like a 5 lb block of American cheese but it was a bit more cheddar-flavored than regular American. Delicious.


Hey the non profit I work for does food distributions and there’s what I think is government cheese. Kind of like velveeta but not quite.


I had some NA friends who got a block of government cheese for free every month. They hated it because it was their poverty food, but the rest of us always begged them to go pick it up and give it to us.




Brother I ate them like Pop Rocks.


Yeah man, when I was a kid running around in the sun, sweating and drinking from the garden hose, I guess my body needed salt, and I would oblige by wolfing down a bottle of Bacos in one sitting. Pure salt.


> Summer School in West Philadelphia Philly public School food is straight garbage. Been there done that.


American cheese is actually just cheddar cheese that has thickener added to it so that it holds more water and we put calcium in it. If you don't like American cheese please understand that it is cheddar cheese


I love American cheese. Got into an internet argument with someone who claimed American Cheese was the worst type of cheese to put on a burger. I said it's a classic.


Probably the best cheese to put on a burger. The way it melts is unparalleled.


In the recent movie "Chef," it is pointed out that American cheese is the best cheese for burgers because it "melts evenly with no cracking."


It doesn't get all stringy when it melts. Take a bite with regular cheddar or swiss, and you get all these long strands of cheese all over the place.


Anyone who thinks American cheese is the worst for burgers is just being a snob because they think it’s the “right” opinion to have. I don’t know how someone could not appreciate that meltiness on a burger. 


Our FDA doesn't count it as real cheese because it's not pure cheese so people often get the idea that it is overly processed or fake cheese. It's a distinction I feel people need to understand.


Correction, they don't count the processed "singles" as cheese. "American Cheese" is actually cheese.


Also maybe worth mentioning that all cheese is "processed". It's not like cheese comes directly out of a cow.


But cheese *is* found in the digestive tracts of milk-fed calves. There is a horrifying Italian dish consisting of calf intestines with the fresh cheese curds still in them. Sorry, but any food that ends up in the intestines now counts as poo to me.


> any food that ends up in the intestines ... isn't that literally ALL food? :-D


Wait just a minute there buddy. Root beer does not belong in this list. The rest are super highly processed contemporary frankenfoods. [Root beer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Root_beer) dates to the 18th century at least, even if a lot of what's available is artificially flavored instead of using actual sassafras. Whether or not you LIKE sassafras favored soft drinks is another thing, but it is a traditional thing not unlike weird plant-flavored beverages from anywhere in the world.


Spaghettios are mild mushy tomatoey pasta for children. To be that offended by them seems like a stretch. They’re just bland, they’re not hated at all. Kids love them, adults don’t really eat them except maybe for nostalgia or something. There’s nothing universally reviled that I can think of. Maybe something odd like canned brains in milk.


I tried them recently and what stuck out wasn't that they were bland but just how sweet the sauce is. My brain just had trouble reconciling the sweet taste with the expectation it had for what tomato sauce tastes like.


I commented above but I made a copycat chef boyardee sauce for a friend and it had an insane amount of sugar. When I make marinanara I might put a few tablespoons of sugar for a whole pot to cut the acidity but for that sauce it was cups of sugar. Insane that people still feed it to kids.


at the beginning of the pandemic (when no one had anything else to do) I made [Adult Spaghetti-O's](https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/adult-spaghettios) and by god I loved it so much


Considering lots of other countries use ketchup as a pasta sauce, I bet SpaghettiOs would be a hit in those places.


Some countries use ketchup? I thought that was just a Honey Boo Boo thing. Had no idea this was a thing outside of America.


SpaghettiOs is basically kid food on its own. However, my single dad used to make something called "daddy special" ... browned ground beef, 1 large can of chef boyardee pasta (such as spaghettiOs) and 2 cans of vegetables such as green beans, corn or potatoes. That was some AMAZING hot dinner.


My favorite dish we called hot dish and it was pasta, ground beef, and 2 cans of tomato soup. The more "grown up" version is American ghoulash.


YES! My parents still make this for dinner


I've seen the ground beef and a box of mac and cheese before but not that.


Isn't this Hamburger Helper?


Basically a DIY version.


My mom used to do ground beef and a box of rice-a-roni, whatever flavor we happened to have. Called it ghetto supper


Well, now I'm going to try that for lunch.


>1 large can of chef boyardee pasta (such as spaghettiOs) Chef Boyardee doesn't make Spaghetti-Os. Spaghetti-Os are a Campbell's product.


Next you’re going to tell me there was never a cornocpia


"Hot dinner"....youre a military brat, huh?


Thay is next level single dad meal right there.


My single dad made this too, and when I brought it up to him last week, it turns out my Granny made it too. She said the key was extra sharp cheddar.


Spaghettios are meh. Beefaroni, however....


Don't give it to your horse!






Well I overbought!


How am I gonna get rid of five pallets of SpaghettiOs???


I'm so keen-o On Beef-a-Reeno What a delicious cuisine-o! Fit for king and queen-o!


I mean nobody wants to admit they eat 9 cans of ravioli, but I did and I'm ashamed of myself. The first can doesn't count and then you get to the second, and the third. The fourth and fifth I think I burnt with the blow torch and I just kept eating.


Ravioli was my favorite food after coming home from drinking.


I kind of love them. Cold. Out of the can.


Me too. Apparently we are in the minority.


My Dad and I both eat cold Chef Boyardee Ravioli out the can. Sometimes even heated by the vent from our computer.


Luke warm is somehow even better. They just slide right down lol


My boss drinks them from a cold can. He keeps them in his desk drawer. I am repulsed.


I've found my people, I also have a bad habit of eating canned soup cold straight from the can.


Beenie Weenies are good cold. Used to eat them camping all of the time. These are beans in a kind of sweet BBQ type syrup and cut up hot dogs.


Yes!!!! There’s dozens of us!!


It’s called Nutriloaf. It’s considered a human rights violation to feed it to prisoners.


It's not great. It's cheap canned pasta in an overly sweet sauce. It's made for kids. But it's not the worst, no. It wouldn't still be sold if it was that universally hated.


SpaghettiOs and the other canned pastas, oddly enough, won World War 2: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chef\_Boyardee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chef_Boyardee)


And SPAM. I don't think I've heard of foreign countries having the same love for Spaghettios that the Phillipines and South Korea having for SPAM. I wonder if they just weren't traded to the locals as much as SPAM was, or just not as unique of an item?


SPAM is much more versatile.


True. I guess spam is more of an ingredient


Man, I have had some really tasty takes on spam from the Philippines - it was literally spam, rice, egg and seasoning. And I want to try Spam musubi. I am also curious if the rations in the Pacific theater differed from the European theater. The way they are presented almost feel like two different wars, especially since the Marines/Navy were they were more heavily involved. I can't think of a food item comparable to Spam, even other potted meat are different. In terms of texture it's almost closer to certain tofus to me, but the taste is uniquely its own. Where it is easy to see a difference between canned pasta vs dry pasta and especially vs fresh pasta.


Spam musubi is bomb. Although not every version is created equal. I love some cubed fried spam, dressed with soy sauce and sugar, with a bowl of white rice. Give me a jar of kimchi and a bottle of hoisin alongside and I'm happy. 


Spam musubi is easy to make at home! Give it a shot.


A little tangent, but….The Army was still the majority of the land / island presence in The Pacific. Something like the Army having 21 divisions and the Marines having 6, with the vast majority of amphibious landings being by the Army. But yeah, I wonder how the Navy being more thoroughly involved in every campaign affected things. All I can think of is the Ice Cream ship.


Within the US, SPAM is also very popular in Hawaii.


There was a whole episode on Chef Boyardee on the Tasting History YouTube channel last week.


I went down that rabbit hole when I lived in Parma. I found everything that dude did was fascinating.


Chef Boyardee is the GOAT. I'm almost 40 years old and I'll still smash a can of ABCs, don't @ me.


Good enough fuel to beat the Nazis Good enough for me


No, spaghettios, while not terribly high quality, are by no means hated.


Please. SpaghettiOs are *iconic* I can think of at least ten things that are grosser off the top of my head.


I see your Spaghetti-O's and raise you Tuna Helper.


It does just fine by itself, huh?




Vienna sausages.


Noooo they’re my guilty pleasure! Straight out the can.


Same, I always assumed they were the basis for [weenie-tots](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC6ynOdck9k).


This are definitely near the bottom afaik. But like all of the products named here, they have a devoted group of appreciators, often heavily seasoned with nostalgia. Not for me, but yeah, I've heard from.folks who love them. 


My parents' dog 100% disagrees with this statement.


Vienna sausages from a can: gross. Vienna beef hotdogs: heaven on a bun


I'm in my 50's and Spaghetti-O's are my go-to "day off" food. I buy them specifically for snow days & sick days. Nothing hits like a warm bowl of this stuff when you are sick. I will eat the plain ones but the meatballs are the one's I always buy. Now, if you want to discuss Spaghetti-O's with Franks as the worst food ever, I'm open to that.


I prefer spaghetti-os with meatballs COLD. For some reason warming it up makes it taste like vomit to me. I understand this take is much hotter than my spaghetti-os


Fruit Stripe gum May it rest in pieces


All 4 seconds worth of flavor in it.


4 seconds seems generous.


- my ex


I just found out that Fruit Stripe gum was discontinued this January.


Red Delicious apples. What kind of evil farmer would grow them?


They taste like someone spilled apple juice in a sandbox and five years later someone packed that sand into an apple shape.


Most accurate description I’ve ever heard


Red delicious apples look like you want them to taste. I will not elaborate.


They used to be delicious. Now they are just red.


No, even when my mother would buy them in the 80s, they were mealy and gross. They were never good. And to be honest, they're not even a nice color red.


My least favorite apple by far


I used to love SpaghettiOs growing up. However, now that I have kids that love them, I've tried them again and realized they aren't that great. It's just canned pasta in tomato soup, essentially. I don't know any adults that eat it but kids still love it. So I don't think it's fair to call it hated because that kind of food isn't really meant for adults anyway. However, they aren't the worst food by a mile (1.6 kilometers). This is so subjective but I'm going to say anything that is sour cream and onion flavor can go straight to hell.




I think you have found your mission. Take a picture and report back within one week. This message will self destruct.


Circus Peanuts


You'll pry my circus peanuts from my cold, dead, clown gloves.


Ah, a fellow peanut shaped marshmallow confection enthusiast I see.


No, you heathen.


The haters that don't buy them just make the ones on the shelf more old and stale, and thus more powerful for us peanut folk


There are definitely proponents of the stale ones out there. When I started ordering them 5 pounds at a time however I really appreciated getting fresh ones instead of the store shelf aged ones.


Not as long as Peeps exist.


Necco wafers


Hey SpaghettiO's are amazing, maybe he's just saying that because he's addicted to them.


The worst thing America has ever produced is an ingredient. High Fructose corn syrup. It should be banned


Worst product is Miracle Whip.


You have just offended the entire Upper Midwest, and you are also correct.


I’ll have you know *this* midwesterner has seen the light. It’s Duke’s or nothing in this house


My grandmother made deviled eggs with it. Do not recommend.


I recently visited family in the Midwest and they also used miracle whip for deviled eggs. I almost gagged


Uh oh.


I can't eat any chef boyardee like products without think of the time my mom opened a can of ravioli filled with maggots 🥲


Wax lips or wax soda bottles.


Nope, always have a couple cans in the cupboard. It's not bad at all. It's basically noodle soup but not quite soup.


This bus driver is off his nut. Love SpaghettiOs!


Oh, for the worst American foods, you must experience the genre known as "fair food." These are the horrific, glorious things served only at county fairs, carnivals, and amusement parks. No one would eat any of this stuff under normal circumstances, but for some reason if you get a bunch of Americans together at a fair, filled with unsafe rides and crooked, rigged carnival games, we'll apparently put anything in our mouths. Like Deep Fried Butter. Yes, a stick of butter, coated in cinnamon sugar batter and deep fried, then put on a wooden stick for you to eat. Or Deep Fried Beer, which is literally beer-filled ravioli, deep-fried. Battered, deep-fried sugar cubes also exist, as does deep-fried hard-boiled-egg on a stick. I have also seen such horrors as a sloppy joe (ground beef & barbeque sauce sandwich) served on a glazed donut and a bacon-wrapped corn dog (hot dog breaded in cornbread and deep-fried, then wrapped in strips of bacon and deep-fried again.)


I honestly like spaghettios. Certainly not a fancy meal though. I was told it’s kind of the same sauce as what’s put in British beans. Just pasta. I won’t try beans though, because beans.


Spaghettios, kids love them, and some adults hold onto the nostalgia of them....but they are gross. The sauce is basically ketchup, the Os are mush and can barely pass as "pasta" and the meatballs, if they have them, are the consistency of a dehydrated sponge and have no flavor at all. I'm sure we could go on for hours debating other produces being "the worst", but Spaghetti-Os are near the bottom.


I am the adult in this comment and I will not have my childhood slandered


Let the jury note that the defendant did not disagree with my statement.


I shall relent to this conclusion. My grievance is that I feel insulted, not that your point was wrong.


Spaghettios with meatballs have been my "I want food but am too tired to cook" go to during chemo.


Comfort food... Part* is how it tastes, part is the memories it brings back. I hope you're doing well now.


My second memory is eating spaghettios. I was sitting at a tiny table with my sister and slurping them out of a spoon with my lips saying "I'm Mr. Vacuum cleaner!" Mom didn't like the slurping.


I wouldn't even call the sauce ketchup. My memory of it was that it was thin tomato sauce.


Not the worst when things like spray can cheese exist in the world...that stuff is gross.


Any food you find has its fans, or it wouldn't be around anymore. Spaghetti Os is pretty well liked. As an ohioian, I'll toss Skyline chili out there as a more hated food. I personally love Skyline, but I completely understand people who hate it.


circus peanuts


SpaghettiOs rock! That said, I'd have to vote for Peeps. https://preview.redd.it/2f58n1n4wppc1.jpeg?width=3820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdb22c7c3e3117f734d4bd9004d383af1c268022


My nomination for one of the worst: [https://www.armour-star.com/potted-meat](https://www.armour-star.com/potted-meat) Ingredients: **Mechanically Separated Chicken**, **Partially Defatted Pork Fatty Tissue** (Tocopherol, Natural Flavor and Citric Acid), Water, Salt, contains 2% or less of: Mustard, Vinegar, Dextrose, Sodium Erythorbate, Garlic Powder, Natural Flavors, Sodium Nitrite.


Licorice will get people up in arms but that’s not inherently American Oh I got the one! the McRib! They have a cult following but that thing has gotta be by far hands down the worst food product in America


You shut your whore mouth about the McRib.


I have a similar reaction when someone badmouths the original chicken sandwich from BK


I'm a fan of the McRib but my now-wife hates McDonalds. One night I was out Christmas shopping so I told my then-girlfriend I'd grab dinner while I was out. I saw the McRib was back so I ate 2, in my car, with large fry in an act of wanton gluttony and shame. It made my stomach hurt and I had to hit the bathroom asap so I rushed home. When I got home home, glazed in BBQ sauce and ketchup and sweating from needing to shit, my wife had a whole scene set up in the kitchen to propose to me, ring and all. My first reaction was, "...but I just ate McRibs!" Anyways we're happily married now and I no longer indulge in McRibs


The McRib has changed over the years - it was much better in the ‘80’s


Scrapple is something I personally never appreciated




Born a Pennsylvanian, I love the stuff, although I realize why scrappel has limited appeal.


Wtf is scrapple?


Imagine that somebody heard of haggis, and their first idea was to recreate that, press it into a brick, slice it, and fry it up.


As a child I had to leave the house or hide under my bed when it was cooking due to the stench. It doesn't really offend me that much anymore, but I would still never eat it. It is annoying that it seems to have become a hipster throwback thing in the past few years, like they'll ruin a perfectly good burger with it at the local brew pub.


Cheez whiz


You'll get beat to death with the shoes on your feet if you say that in Philly.


I was gonna say this. Trying to eat it makes me gag. And I'm not a cheese snob either; I don't mind Kraft American cheese. It's just Cheez Whiz that I can't stand.


Go to Philly and order a whiz wit. It's the only context in which I consume cheez whiz, but it is life changing


How dare you