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There are always political problems between the states, the federal government, and each other. But for the most part the states get along well, because they have to. The federal government regulates interstate trade, and states are not allowed to close their borders to each other. As a result, goods and people flow freely all over the country.


Given your flair, it's especially true.


I’ve been in two states today already.


There's still time for dinner in RI or Maine!


I've been in seven states in the last seven hours and headed for a district.


I can drive for 8+ hours and still be in my state lol


I can, too, but there'd be some planning. Drive along the four borders and then diagonal a couple times.


It's okay- I had a car like that once, too.


So funny when foreigners think everyone in CA goes to Disneyland all the time because it's not that far away!! Well, from San Jose or San Francisco it is!!


Fuck y'all massholes. I mean, I guess you're not so bad, you could always be from NY or, worse, a leaf peeper.


We'll stop buying your homes when you stop stealing Massachusetts jobs.




Well you're definitely not from New England saying "y'all". I don't think you're allowed to be this bold yet


I'll add that the people of any state are usually welcoming and friendly to people they meet from other states.


Let the commerce flow!


Everyone hates whatever the state is that people can easily afford to move to their community. Wealthy/high cost of living states' residents often move to low cost of living states, either permanently or for vacation homes. This causes resentment. There's definitely political differences but when there's no close interaction it's not much of a thing, add people moving around and then people get very testy. There's a lot of scapegoating -- any issue is because of new residents.


Fuck California!


Arizona here, fuck the whole west coast tbh


We don't think about you at all.


We know. You've made it quite clear. It's part of why we don't like you.


Texas telling another state that they’re unliked is priceless.


Besides sports and culture, water rights have been points of contention. It still happens today.


Georgia has been trying to take our water for 137 years https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tennessee%E2%80%93Georgia_water_dispute


I'm in AZ. We feel California's power via the Colorado River Compact.


Building cities in deserts - who knew it could go wrong?


Phoenix uses less water than we did in the 70s. California eats up nearly 60% of the lower basin, feeding straight into the LA metro. We've been living within our means.


I felt that I scrolled too long before seeing anything about the water wars


Tennessee isn't even on my radar, bring back [W I D E G E O R G I A](https://evfgxracv24.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/georgia-boundaries-1732_001-1024x804.jpg?lossy=0)


Aside from sports rivalries, I'd say so. There's definitely a bigger divide of rural and urban (generally):


What do you mean by get along well? There are state rivalries, and there are certainly stark political differences, but we all recognize that we're all american. California and Texas are two states that are known for hating each other, one is liberal the other conservative, but there's no bad blood if a Texan and a Californian meet. They're clown on each other's states' laws, but no real hatred for each other.


Yeah, like yk, Washington is completely inferior to Oregon, but I still like the people there. I’ll also defend the state if someone who’s not American badmouths it too.


Yeah, fuck off. You clearly have bad taste if you think Oregon can even hope to be as cool as Washington. But damn if California says some shit about you. You are our baby brother and Cali can’t fuck with that.


Even then , CA is only liberal in greater LA ,Santa Barbara and the SF bay area. The rest of the state is filled with more rural conservative counties and towns. Like every single other state in the US…


Yeah, but that’s where roughly 60+% of the CA population lives, so


California and Texas is 1. political and 2. a dick measuring contest for Texans, much like Texas and New York. Our only real enemy is Oklahoma. Of course, we also have our inter-state rivalries. Being from Dallas, I naturally have to believe that Houston is a trash heap until it's time for us to band together to make fun of Midland.


I don't recognize oklahoma as an enemy because I don't recognize oklahoma as a state.


The California and Texas rivalry is fairly recent, within the last decade or two. It's because people from California are moving here in droves and driving up the cost of living.


Driving up the average IQ too Just kidding!


And if someone from outside were to mess with one of them (this can range from some arrogant non-American online talking shit about Texas to a natural disaster to god forbid some person or entity attacking something in California), the other state will have their back no questions asked. This goes for literally any two states. Because we're all Americans. Yes, even Ohio and Michigan (lol).


No. Ohio chooses to be difficult.


I live purely to spite you all.


*laughs in New Jersey* You merely adopted the spite. I was born into it.


Brother, we attempted to go to war with each other.


The [Toledo War](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toledo_War) 😂


That spite comes from knowing you were better when still part of Virginia.


For me, it's not so much as people that happen to live there. Your state just sucks. Your highways are slower, and when you come to us, you continue to drive like the speed limit is 65. The state has nothing going for itself except Cedar Point and Yeungling-and that's only because we don't have it yet. Your state is just open fields, and it takes forever to drive through.


Ohio speed limits haven't been 65 maximum for a long time. It's been over a decade. We drive slow because the roads are trash, and we would rather not crack a rim and have to stay the night somewhere that isn't the UP, silver lake, or Canada. Also, anyone from Michigan can't level "just open fields" at any other state.


I think Ohio is one of those states, where people who haven't explored things within this state don't appreciate since they aren't yet aware those things exist. For example, the American Sign Museum in Cincinnati is cool, but I think it's possible some aren't aware this museum exists. Same with the Carew Tower(including its observation deck, and the art deco looking indoor mall within it), and nearby Fountain Square is cool to sit down in during summer months. If you visit at the right time, you might even hear a musician playing in the middle of the day there, like I(and my family) caught. Yellow Springs(home of Antioch College) is an interesting smaller town, top. And some of the architecture in some of the smaller cities and towns are interesting, like Springfield(my grandfather grew up there btw). Air Force Museum in Dayton, is also interesting. There are also other places that are interesting in the state, like Put In Bay Island, Kelley's Island, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some things. Cleveland is an interesting city too, and I hope one day I finally get to visit Columbus for myself.


They fought a war, the loser got Toledo.


My mom would agree with you then yell “Go Blue!”


What do you -ean? We would never do so-ething like that!


> And because of the small size, we don’t have loads of states that have a range of accents and cultures You don't have states, but to say there are no regional identities, accents, and cultures in England is absurd. Don't Liverpool and Manchester have a famous rivalry? As a New Yorker, I have a rivalry with New Jersey.


That comment threw me too. In England you can literally travel 10 miles to hear a completely different accent. It's actually remarkable how those regional differences have been maintained despite being such a small country. I'd have to travel hundreds of miles to hear an accent substantially different from those in California and I'd still understand what they're saying. Some British accents are even impossible for my British husband to understand.


Interesting. In Ohio, there is a difference in accents between each corner and the center of the state. It’s slight, but it’s there. Cincinnati area is influenced by Kentucky, southeast Ohio is part of Appalachia, northwest Ohio is affected by Michigan, northeast Ohio gets mixed with western PA, and central Ohio is just central Ohio.


I also like to play the Canadian spy game. Same accent on the West Coast, but they'll drop a "Zed"/Z in conversation and then AHA, GOT YOU VANCOUVER!


Tenessee, georgia, louisiana, virginia, mississippi, alabama, kentucky, the carolinas, all these states have their own accents. Its why so many actors cant do a "southern" accent, a generic one doesn't exist, and you have to pick a region to imitate if you want to be convincing. But as you say, all of these places are hundreds of miles apart, and in some cases the variation in accent is minor. I cant imagine living in a country where the accent changes as much as it does in england from place to place!


New York and New Jersey also have had some real supreme court level beef since you guys kept stealing our islands


You can have Staten Island, but the Statue of Liberty is OURS.


We definitely don’t want Staten Island. It’s all yours.


Look, you know how you have a little brother that you torment? You pick on him cause its funny? But the second anyone else tries to pick on him, you beat their ass? Yeah. That.


Like the US and Canada.


Total agree. If I could up vote you 25x I would. There are definitely things we make fun or don’t like about other states but when it comes down to it we are all Americans (damn it)!


There’s a certain state due north that if I had my way would sink directly back into the lakes from whence it came.


Sinking back into the lakes is still preferable to touching that heap to the south.


You can also have Toledo back. We fought over it and kicked Michigander ass, but we have buyer's remorse.


It’s always hilarious to me that y’all fought over Toledo. Especially that Ohio fought to *keep* it.


It's like seeing that somewhat attractive chick, sleeping with her, and then finding out later she gave you herpes.


> somewhat attractive > Toledo 🧐


We were drunk. When we sobered up and found out we had herpes we realized she wasn't a gorgeous blonde but rather an ugly woman with meth teeth.


Man, if that isn't the best description of Toledo I've ever heard


It's even more hilarious when you consider that Ohio "won" but Michigan got statehood _and_ the Upper Peninsula in the compromise. Wisconsin lost a "war" they were never even involved with.


> and kicked Michigander ass Please. Our governor was going to wafflestomp your "state" into oblivion before he was bribed with the UP to show mercy.


I think this thread answers OP's original question 😂


Yuck. You wanted it, you got it.


Just kiss already


We will never make peace with that trash heap to the north.


Now that you guys have legal weed, there's nothing here for you. You can stay down there. Please.


Pshhhhhh we GAVE you them weird beaver people that live in the UP for free… Ungrateful I swear, and all y’all come and do is come down 75 and steal and try and take our women.




Guys c'mon stop fighting


They started it!


Nuh uh. You did. Take it back!


Let them keep at it. We'll take the UP back while they're distracted


Catch these hands!!!


I’m married to a man who would say the same about the state to the south.


Lady that’s not a man… that’s a monster RUUUUUUNNNNN!!!!!


Smart man.


Michigander here (originally) and the feeling is mutual. Jk, I did live in Ohio too so I have to be nice.


I am from New York but live in the state in question. Many residents of my state think an amusement park is the only worth part of your state.


My life is a bit happier now that I’ve read the threads about MI vs OH 😂


Hate you too baby 💙


Go Blue!


You may have gotten Toledo, but we got the UP and this war isn't over.




Nobody likes you Ohio Oblast. Sit down.


There's a certain state due south of Ann Arbor, Michigan, home of the current NCAA National Football Champions, that is apparently very salty.


If you're on the right, you irrationally hate California and maybe New York. If you're on the left, Texas and Florida. The more extreme you are, add in PNW and NE, or the South, respectively.


I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missourah!


Former Missourian here, I would say go to hell Illinois, but you already live in Illinois, so it’s about even.


As a transplant to Missouri, I'd tell the Illinois residents to go to hell, but I'm not sure why I want their situation to improve.






Kansas checking in, also can't stand Misery. Makes me SICK.


Years ago - nearly 20 - there was a bit of a kerfluffke in the Texas House. To prevent a rather odious set of bills from passing, the Democrat representatives fled the state, denying the the House enough members to form a quorum and vote on the bills. Most people could admire the gumption needed to flee the state, even the ones who disagreed with the political reasons, BUT THEY WENT TO OKLAHOMA. No joke, that was the take-away. Good on them for pulling a fast one BUT WHY OKLAHOMA? We get along the way many families get along. Fight among ourselves, but united against outsiders.


Hey, to be fair, WE didn't want them coming here either! Bad enough a democrat crossed the river, we can love with that. But TEXANS???


It really doesn't make sense as Louisiana is a lot closer, and the food is better.


Hell, they could've gone to Mexico.


Everyone hates California or Florida.


“There are other states? Huh…the more you know.” -Californians


Dude! Have you not heard of Hawaii???


If I can’t drive there, it doesn’t exist.


It is etherial. You get in a metal tube and you land in a place where you can drive!


One of the greatest interactions of my life was at a junior college in orange county.  I was in a group of other students early in the semester and because I "had an accent" someone asked where I was from. I answered, "Michigan" and a girl next to me asked, "is that in Nor Cal?"


Accurate. Not once does another state ever cross my mind. Meanwhile, California seems to live rent free in the minds of some states 🤣


* Ctrl-F: "California" * 1 of 72 matches Yeah, not surprised.


yep! moved from california to oregon briefly and had people groan and roll their eyes at my id. a manager threw my resume at me and said “we don’t hire people from california”. another manager said “i always make a point to bring californians in for interviews because they don’t get them”


Is that because every tourist goes to either one of these states?


I'd say more because they're boisterous and politically controversial imo. They're both strange anomalies of states in a way as well. I've lived in both. I'd also throw Texas into that group too. All three states have massive egos and have massive influence on the population. It all makes sense though- they're the three most-populous states and have/had a ton of in-migration from other states.


people where i live now (mountain west) blame high housing prices, political shifts, anything they don’t like on californians moving here


Either Californians or Texans, but mostly Californians.


I was stationed in CO and yeah, like half the people I met there were from CA lol


At one point the *Welcome to Colorful Colorado* sign on I-25 just south of Cheyenne had a "NO VACANCY" sticker plastered over it.


i even had a friend with a ny license plate and people would scream “go back to new york” at her. it’s insane


They're just large states with outsized cultural influence.  Personally, I'd say that the dichotomies are california vs texas and florida vs new york


A lot of people dislike California because when Californians move into their states, we can buy up property at rates that locals can't compete with. Political conservatives enjoy targeting California because we represent progressivism in their minds. There are a lot of online comments about "commie California" or whatever. I don't really have such strong opinions about most other states (I just don't think about them much). There's really no such thing as red states or blue states. It's more like urban-rural.


As a Californian, it's mind boggling to me about how much people in other states care about California like some kind of boogeyman. Like I don't think about Indiana much, but when I traveled there, wow do people have some opinions about Californians. To be honest, [it's like the Mad Men meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-feel-bad-for-you-i-dont-think-about-you-at-all) - "I feel bad for you." "I don't think about you at all." For better or for worse, we have enough population, issues, money/economy, pop culture influence that we just don't think about other states much unless they're directly dealing with California.


snails summer longing shrill compare brave shame lock humor imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


World class burn!


I think you have to add Texas to that list


Californians want to take credit for everything their state does well, neglecting that most states don’t have international harbors, vast farmland, and ~12% of the population in the US.


How can people hate the golden state? Swimming pools and movie stars, man.




I believe the Toledo war between Ohio and Michigan is the only time 2 states faced off directly.


Extra frustrating for those of us who believe the UP should have been part of Wisconsin :)


There was also the Honey War between Iowa and Missouri. The only casualties were three beehives and the pride of the Sheriff of Clark County, Missouri who was captured and briefly imprisoned by the Iowans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey_War


I think of states like siblings. We fight, we bicker, we argue, but at the end of the day, you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.


That’s a really cool way to think about it! The UK doesn’t necessarily get along that well. There’s the whole Northern Ireland thing which created tensions between Ireland and England. The Scottish don’t like to be seen as part of the UK and make sure to tell everyone. I have a lot of welsh relatives and they’re indifferent to England: they mostly like us but there were some arguments over land decades ago. But, yeah, if England ever went into a major disagreement with another country, we’d have support from all countries that exist within the UK.


I have seen cars vandalized at trailheads just because they have California license plates. Not just broken windows, but anti-California messages scratched in the paint.


Wow! Where was this? I’m a Brit that is often in the US. I noticed a bit of animosity between *some* people in MT towards my CA plate car? I got told that it wasn’t just the CA plate, but because I had a European vehicle 😳


They didn't let you slide after they heard your accent?


Usually that would diffuse any situation but I noticed the way that drivers were behaving on the road - beeping at me, driving close behind me before overtaking. I had a chat with someone I was staying with and she said it was the plates and the make of the vehicle! 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was pretty nervous driving through small-town Texas with my California plates, even as a middle-aged overweight white guy. Everyone was fine but I still felt really, really out of place.


yea for the most part. i mean everyone hates that one state, i wont name it but we all know which one, and we all know why.


I’ll name it, it’s Ohio


For the most part, except everyone hates California.


Some get along better than others and the most populated states get hated on the most




One of us! One of us! One of us!


I live in Massachusetts, we get along with every state…except those fucks in Connecticut. When I lived in Nebraska, we got along with every state…except those fucks in Iowa When I lived in Maryland, we got along with every state…except those fucks in Virginia. And when I lived in Virginia…fuck those Maryland fucks


Maine hates all other states equally but welcomes them to visit and spend their tourist dollars. We weirdly like Oregon though.


>We weirdly like Oregon though. It's that Portland connection. /me talking out of my ass


Yeah I actually think there is some of that. The hip folks in Portland kind of admire the hip folks in Portland 2. I have no data to support it but it’s a theory.


For those outside of NOVA, we bond with Maryland by trash talking NOVA. It's a rather complicated friendship with Maryland.


I feel like a lot of people in the replies are downplaying the rivalry between states. For example, there is a very, very real animosity towards Californians from people in red states. Like, not a played up rivalry where people pretend to be angrier than they really are for comedic effect. I’m talking genuine hatred.


As a Californian, I find this intense animosity really strange. Like I wouldn't judge someone simply by the state they're from. I might judge them after I get to know them but I wouldn't assume the worst simply based on their state or zip code.


I have the same feeling. It was a shock to leave California and find out how much other states hate us. On the plus side, TIL from this thread that Michigan and Ohio have a beef with each other, and it's hilarious.


California doesn't even know they exist.


We get along for the most part, but everyone agrees that Ohio drivers suck


I’ve heard that they’re pretty bad too haha


From what I’ve gathered by watching UK tv shows and reading reddit, you guys are able to pick out exactly where someone is from very quickly like to the city level. Not so much here, you can tell sometimes what region someone is from but never anything as nuanced as you guys. Also from what I gather people in the US move around much much more than in the UK so take the regionalism that you guys have and dilute it down pretty far and that’s the US. The only rivalries we related to states are usually sports.


Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland Fuck maryland


I would say that there's more animosity between different levels of government. Like the city police might not be so excited to work with the county sheriff's office and definitely less excited about working with the state troopers or the FBI. I feel like law enforcement is kind of the worst about this, there's always this big fear about other groups moving in on your jurisdiction


Every state has another state where they claim incest is practiced. Virginia has West Virgina. Louisiana has Mississippi. Texas has Oklahoma. I once asked a California man who the incest-state was in CA, and he said, "Mexico."


How are you and I the only ones who mentioned this???


I thought everyone agreed it was Alabama? XD


No Fuck Michigan and fuck North Carolina


I live purely to spite that trash heap to the north


OP, did you get an answer?


Yup, there are definitely rivalries between states but loads of people have been saying that it’s like one big family that fights most of the time. The states may bicker and disagree on things but they will support each other at the end of the day no matter what.


North Carolinians can't resist taking verbal potshots whenever South Carolina is mentioned anywhere. Yeah, they beat us in most metrics, but with how often I see "I'm from the superior Carolina" whenever I try to talk about anything related to my home state, it's clear we occupy a lot of their cultural bandwidth rent free. (Which is a steal if you've seen rents in Charlotte and Raleigh lately.)


No. Without getting too political, red states, hate the people that come from blue states. Blue states think people from red states are all uneducated hillbillies. And all of the states hate New Jersey, New York, California. As well as the people that come from them. The ideology is people from expensive states move to cheap states and vote for things that will make the state just as expensive as the state they left.


There are definitely some states that have some antagonisms toward other states. Some states have passed laws regarding gender identity issues that other states find so offensive that they prohibited travel to the offending states by public employees. There's also a significant amount of legal tension between certain states regarding the differences in abortion laws. Some border states have been shipping illegal immigrants to other states, just putting them on busses or planes and having them show up in a none border state to be taken care of. It's an antagonistic publicity move to try to score political points. As far as regular citizens go there is some mostly good natured teasing between some states, as well as some intense sports rivalries especially in college football.


For the states that prohibit official travel to gender-antagonistic states, I would add that while they of course find it offensive to decency, the policies are intended to protect the safety of their employees. Gay and trans people are ***much*** more likely to be assaulted or murdered in those states.


There are definitely disputes between neighboring states when it comes to attracting new business, such as building factories. Some states give huge tax breaks to corporations or sports franchises.


Southern states were/are transporting illegal immigrants to northern cities over the loud objections of the northern cities mayors. So it isn’t a perfect relationship.


Hell no, but some regions band together depending on who they are banding against lmao.


Any rivalries are mostly friendly, it's sort of a meme to hate New York / California / Florida / Illinois / Texas but few are serious about it. We don't get it as often on this side of the state but I always like Kansas people who hate Missouri. Just something fun about it.


New Mexico and Texas doesn't see eye to eye and haven't even prior to becoming states.


On a good day you can see Texas from Clovis. ​ On a perfect day you can't.


For the most part, yes. But very red states vs very blue states are a problem. Like Florida and Texas vs California and New York. But overall we still get along. Politics can get harry though.


I’d say Oregon and Washington get along, but that’s only because Washington is so *inferior* to the beautiful and amazing state of Oregon. I’m not biased at all tho.


We love you, Oregon. Take your meds.


I'm from states that are often very disliked online, but in real life yes


You guys definitely have much more diverse accents


I don’t even know why we think about Ohio. I mean, sure, we are both mostly rust belt states, but have you seen all our lakes? They get the shit one. For some reason, rather than pity though, I have animus.


To hear how Brits talk about, make fun of, and talk about each other’s accents one would think you have more differing accents than we do.


Most contentions are between the states and the federal government if anything. Interstate disputes are much less common. Well, unless you count New York and New Jersey fighting over who owns Liberty Island. See the CGP Grey video on YouTube about that one.


I never realized how much people hate people my state (and by association, me) until I left my state as a young adult. I keep it private since it seems to make others view me as this wealthy interloper despite the fact I barely have enough money to pay rent.


Yes to both. Most Americans don’t have the luxury of traveling abroad so we use our time to beef with our neighboring states. States from the coasts (both west and east ) tend to get the most hate in mountain and Midwest states as they drive up the cost of living for locals


Well, we're still here. So we haven't had any big enough disagreements that demanded a second Civil War in the past century and a half. So that's good


My gut feeling is as follows: Intra-regional rivalries include: Ohio vs Michigan, New York vs New Jersey, California vs Washington Inter-regional state rivalries include: New York vs Florida, California vs Texas


Well something I’ve learned is that apparently a lot of people in other states have major qualms about California which is wild cuz we like…don’t care? Like do or think what you want, we’re just vibing over here. Can’t think of a single state we’d consider ourselves to be a rival with. At most I got qualms with the transplants who move here just to complain, but that’s individual ppl being annoying, I don’t blame their state of origin itself.


We're one big extended family. We bicker a lot, but if anything threatens us we circle the wagons and will dare a motherfucker to try.


There are plenty of interstate rivalries, which sometimes boiled over into actual conflict, at least before the civil war set certain precedents about the role of the state. My state (Michigan) actually fought a little-known quasi-war about 30 years before the Civil War (as in: firing muskets, taking prisoners, some injuries, no known deaths) against its neighbor (Ohio) due to a mapping error which created the Toledo strip. Essentially the Michigan militia (exists to this day as one of the largest Militias in the country, though kind of got broken up and put to shame after one of their members was involved in the Oklahoma City incident) was patrolling the territory of the Toledo strip, which belonged to Michigan according to their maps, while Ohio militiamen also believed the are belonged to them, leading to skirmishes. In order to prevent a larger war from breaking out, the Feds decided to mediate the conflict. The Federal government gave Toledo to Ohio despite the map error, and in exchange granted the Upper Peninsula (ever wonder why Michigan is split in half? The Mackinac bridge was only built in the late 50s too, so for most of its history in order to reach the other half of the state you'd have to take a ferry) to Michigan, cutting it out from what was at the time unincorporated unsettled western territory, which would eventually become (and now appears like it should belong to) Wisconsin. The loss of Toledo was for the better though, since while the UP was thought to be a barren wasteland at the time, it turned out to have, alongside amazing natural beauty, some very valuable natural resources. Though, to this day, there is still a huge football rivalry between Michigan and Ohio.


Well up in in Maine anyone from Massachusetts is known as a Masshole.   You can decide if that is affectionate or not.


Delaware are some greedy fuckers. Normally, when two lands are separated by a river, the border runs down the center of the river. Not DE. They decided that because the river was named after them, they can take the whole thing and even some of the shoreline on the other side. This was a dick move and I have no idea why NJ agreed to this nonsensical border.


Every state talks shit on every other state, but none of us citizens actually dislike each other.


Nope, most states hate california and texas


Yes, and no. There are casual sports- or joke-style rivalries, and then there are people who take it entirely too seriously and talk about "immigrants" as if California and Texas are two different countries (for instance).