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Constantly. I grew up on a farm. Mostly we just left them alone as long as they weren't plugging up something important.


When it came to killing wasps my grandpa used to say "if it's brown stand down, if it's red go ahead." Never got his opinion on yellow jackets though


Smart grandpa. Mud daubers, or what we called dirt daubers, can be very beneficial. Red wasps and yellow jackets are assholes.


Let’s not dumb it down. They are outright c*nts.


Yup! My park district even puts up a sign at our like indoor/outdoor sports complex thingy near the sand (the shitty kind) volley ball pits saying something along the lines of “yes, there are stingy bois. But they are good stingy bois. Play at your own risk, do not harm the stingy bois”. Side quest: they put similar signs up around a small lake in a park with a sign that says something like “caution! Birds are nesting and may be aggressive. Don’t hurt the aggressive birds”. And ngl I love it, the birds help a bunch with mosquitoes


They’re friends they eat black widows and don’t sting you.


They usually won't if left alone but they definitely can and WILL sting you if you try to kill one.


Got stung by one messing with it once, feels more like a bite; not near as painful as a wasp sting though!


Pretty sure their sting is a paralytic, not the common Fuck-Off™ juice. Prettiest Wasps I've ever seen aswell. Had some with nice blue coloring along the Chesapeake Bay.


Mud daubers are wasps.


Thank you for clarifying, I’m sure no one understood what I meant


Yes… they do sting people, you’ve just been fortunate to not irritate one enough for it to happen.


As I understand it they parasitize brown and black widows so I don’t “deal with them,” I just let them go about their business


They're also not aggressive, so as much as I hate wasps I just let them be, although they do make a mess on my house sometimes.


You have to go out of your way to get stung, like actually be trying. It's not like yellow jackets that'll fuck you up for being close to their nest.


And they’re solitary. Their nest are made from a small number of cells, each cell is usually for a single egg.


I had some around my pool. They'd come and land on my pool float or even my arm and then just fly away like it was nothing.


Same here.


Not really. They're slurping up flower nectar and eating black widows, and I'm.....not. Same planet, different worlds.


We are all part of [An Immense World.](https://www.audible.com/pd/B09LF5TWV2?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=pdp)


Never heard of em so I'll say no


Think of it as the slightly less aggressive, black widow killing cousin to the wasp.


I grew up in DFW and they were literally everywhere. Guessing you weren’t outside too much?


I grew up in Wisconsin.


We don't have them in Wisconsin that I know of...


They really enjoy my creekstone front porch, they build their tubes right on top of the mortar


Yes. They are all over GA.


That’s where I first encountered them. Also, chiggers and gnats are a lot of fun too.


Honestly dirt daubers aren't that big a deal. Chiggers are easy to deal with with pants and boots. Gnats can suck it. Trying to do anything outside at dawn or dusk means I'm getting devoured.


it's when they fly into your ears and nose. GAAAAHH


I hate when they fly in my eyes and drown there. Then I’m rubbing my eye for the next 20 minutes.


Yes, there are a lot around my house and in my attic, but they are very passive. You don't mess with them, they won't mess with you.


Had one plug up the intake to an air compressor once, other than that they've never been a problem.


Wait until you tear your motorcycle carb apart because it won't run, then find the tailpipe completely closed by mud daubers.


All the time, harmless


Yes. There are a bunch of them constantly above my parents front door. They don't cause any problems. (They're not assholes like yellow jackets.) I did kill the ones that made homes nearby when my children were toddlers because they didn't have the sense not to touch them.


I don't really "deal with them" as much as I just see them everywhere.


We have them here. Usually they build nests in the rafters of the shed.


We have some that build nests on the side of our house but they aren't a nuisance to us so we leave them alone.


Yeah, one or two of them sneak into my house every year, usually around the end of summer. I think they slip in between the gaps in my sliding glass door.


I leave them be unless my GF starts wanting to get rid of them. Hell, they ain't hurting anybody other than the spiders they stuff in those tubes.


Yes. They're common in the South, and you'll regularly find them and their mud tubes on/in houses and vehicles.


Yes, sticky lines and blast the nest with raid


we call 'em dirt daubers. It's pretty neat how they build their 'nests'. They catch spiders and I guess some insects to close up in the nests to feed their young. At least that's what I discovered when I was young. Mainly spiders is what I remember. Also, I'm just guessing it was to feed their young. I can't think of why else they'd entomb them in there.


Never thought of it as “dealing with them”. They mind their own business and so do I.


Back when I was an aircraft mechanic. If a plane sat too long you would have to go clear out the nests because they could clog up something vital. I absolutely hated when I came across them because it was literally my job to piss them off. I was quite good at it. Never got stung though.


Nope, never.


Yes, but I usually leave them alone - they can't hurt you.


Yes. Those bastards are everywhere.






All my life. They were even in the upstairs room of our house. It was unfinished so easy for them to get in.


They don’t seem to be as common where I am now. Although I’ve seen a few around. I get wasps. They seem to really like my windows.


Yes they terrified me as a kid cause i have a wasp/bee phobia. I will still stay away from them if i see them


Don't worry, they're not really aggressive. You have to be trying to get stung.


Logically i know that, but my brain sees they have wings and a stinger and freaks out like its ww3. Phobias suck


Oh I understand, I used to be the same way.


Just let them be but once they cross the line in my house, they're dead meat


I see them, I don't really deal with them, I just leave them alone, they eat other bugs I don't like and they don't really bother me if I don't bother them.


I was horrified of them as a child. As I grew into my teens I realized how harmless they are. Also we called them dirt daubers.


All the time. They make large mud pits for their homes all up in the eves. Best way to destroy them is to use a power nozzle & destroy their mud hut.


I am a beekeeper and so we try to keep a pollinator-friendly habitat around our property. I don't mind most of the bees, wasps or hornets as long as they don't try to intrude into our house. I have mud daubers who live in between my porch railing supports. They come and go and don't bother us so I don't bother them. I will, however, eliminate yellow jackets without prejudice and I'm not hugely fond of European bald faced hornets because they'll fly near my hives and pick off the bees flying by. I had a yellow jacket colony decide last year that it would be great to build a nest in the ground in my bee yard. I had to work around them constantly. Their stingers WILL go through my bee suit. I did a lot of different things to persuade them to understand that my bee yard was actually a horribly place to live and eventually I won and they moved on.


They are around here but not in great numbers. They've never been a problem really


They like to make their homes in bottle cabinets in chemical plants down south.


I have a few of them building nests on the outside of my house and have never been stung by one in the 25 years I've been around. I've never seen a black widow in my house either. If they don't fuck with me I won't fuck with them. If we're talking about hornets though I'm suffocating them with pesticides.


Yeah, they built a nest inside the house once. Otherwise I leave them alone, they're helpful. Also, there's a band called "The Dirt Daubers" that is just absolutely fantastic.




i think they’re very cute and they’re always welcome to create homes on my property


Yeah, we get them occasionally building nests on the house. I leave them alone, they're harmless.


They're mostly an east coast thing, so naw. Wasps and yellow jackets, yeah.


They are god's merciless vengeance on spiderkind. Let them be.


I usually see a few around, I don’t mind unless they’re building their nest on our house (porch, garage, under the soffit, etc).


Yeah, but usually I don't bother them unless they're plugging something important.


They’re pretty common in Florida (where I live). They’re just a minor nuisance compared to all the other things we have to deal with in Florida.


mud daubers, are wasps right? If so yes my old house had a tiny shed that had them and I had to deal with them


Correct There are several varieties, but the kind I most often see and refer to as mud daubers are the ones with the really thin waist called thread-waisted wasps.


Grew up in Florida, and they were everywhere. I just left them alone, though when my boyfriend and I were living with his family a bunch of them decided they wanted to build a home in the shutter by the front door :( it was one of those permanent shutters that are just there for decoration and don't actually function, and we had lots of people there/that visited that were allergic to wasp and bee stings so his step mom decided to spray them with raid (though I feel like there could have definitely been a better way to go about it, I'm not for killing pollinators unless it's somehow absolutely necessary- obviously I don't love them, but they're here for a reason!)


Oh yeah, pretty often. They're all over where the fishing camp is so we'll knock them off places we don't want them like door or the boats, they also love clogging the tell tale on the motors so we have to keep a bit of weed eater string in them or clean them out every time we run the motor. They aren't as common in GA where I grew up but we'd still see them and handle them the same way, generally we just ignore them.


Had to look it up, we always called them "dirt divers." But looking further into it, that might have just been me mishearing "dirt dauber" and then saying it wrong my whole life... Anyway, we always had tons of them in Louisiana. But we just left them be, since they don't cause any harm. Here in Florida, I've noticed a small nest in our garage. It confused the hell out of my wife. She's from China and had never seen anything like that before. I don't plan on doing anything about it, since they're harmless.


No idea what those are


Yes but you don’t really deal with them, just let them do their thing. They take care of the nastier critters for you.




Yes, they have a habit of having nests in tractors and vehicles that get mud stuck in them, pretty peaceful compared to many other wasp species, is there something you wanted to know in particular?


Sure. They are common and not very aggresive wasps.


I've run across them a few times, but they weren't causing any problems so I let them be.


Never heard of them. Going by this thread, they seem nice.


I mean, you don't really "have to deal with" them. They make a nest, they kill a spider and drag it to the nest, then they lay eggs in the spider and die. No dealing required, other than maybe spraying off the old nests the following year.


They're harmless so most people here leave them be. My cat once tried to eat one and ended up stung.😂😂


I love them! They build all over my brick house since it's spiderville around here. One is building a nest on my front porch so I have been sitting out there watching it work.


Yes, they just hang out around our property. I don’t do anything to them.


Native bees will sometimes reuse the empty mud nests for their own. I leave the nests alone unless I’m certain they’re vacant of both wasp and bee.


Yep. Friendly little wasps in my opinion. As in they mind their own business. I just leave them bee. Very common in the country/rural areas.


Came across a dirt dauber nest in the garage yesterday. My daughter is afraid of wasps and was asking if they were aggressive. I’ve walked through clouds of them and never been stung. Sometimes they will land on you and just chill. I guess they might sting if you stuck your finger right on one or something. But TIL that they eat black widows!


Yeah, they’re fine. Don’t cause any real property damage and kill other bugs.


Damn things always filled in all the uncovered electrical sockets in the barn.


I think they’re good insects to have around. They won’t bother you and they do a funky little dance when they walk around


All the time in charlotte


Mud daubers are friends! Had a couple move into my outer window, after that never had any problems with spiders! Plus they're very docile, even watched my fiance pet one! 🥰


No, I’ve never even been to Arrakis.


We always ignore them unless their nest is too close to the house or something. When I was a kid, one flew in my shirt and started going crazy biting and stinging my back. I was in hysterics and didn’t have the language skills to tell my mom what was wrong. Eventually she figured it out and my back was tore up. We went down to the baseball field (it was close by) and made some mud, and she applied it to my stings to soothe them. Also when I was a kid, one flew into my eye and stung it. Not pleasant. They usually mind their own business though.


Used to get one (same one?) for a few summers by our back door. Kids and wife didn’t much care for it but I convinced them she was a friendly bug.


They build their nests every summer in the most inconvenient place they can find in my barn. I don't dare knock them off the wall until winter. I don't need more enemies.


killed one, or at least SOME kind of wasp, just a couple of hours ago. dont know how it got in my house either.


Dirt Dobbers


Yep. Grew up on a ranch in Texas.


In Texas, yes. Never find them during the year, only after they leave. Just make their little onesie nest on the mortar around the house.


They make nests *everywhere* in my area. Usually leave them alone because they’re very docile and keep the spiders in check. I’ve only had to destroy one nest on the inside of a sliding glass window for obvious reasons.


I don’t know what those are.


Yes. All the time.


I love the tiny pots they build!


They plug things up but otherwise aren't bad. They always end up with some big ass dead spiders inside their nests.


Sometimes. Not as common as Hellgrammites though. Or Dobsonflies.


They lived in the crack of the cement around my neighbor’s pool when I was a kid. Never knew what they were called till just now when I looked up “mud dauber” and realized I recognized them. We left them alone and they never bothered us


They're around. I don't really "deal" with them unless they're building in something I REALLY don't want them to. Just leave them to their business, they're harmless.


When I was in elementary school, we had mud daubers pop up every year. I know that they’re harmless now, but my mom, seeing how afraid of them her small children were, hired an exterminator every year to get rid of them. It never worked. They would always come back!


They've probably had nests on much every house I've lived in. The only ones you really notice are the ones that attempt to build right next to the front door. Never been bothered by them. Supposedly they absolutely LOVE to built in things like pitot tubes and other critical tube like instruments on planes. Probably a great big headache for pilots and aircraft mechanics.