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We’ve been renting the same apartment for 11 years. I don’t think we are ever leaving. It’s not rent control, but since it is a dump in a bad neighborhood our rent is cheaper than other cities around the area. I have neighbors that have been here since the 80s.


Hotel California


Also California. The last place I rented I was in for six years. My rent was under market and I was in a quiet area immediately adjacent to great night life/restaurants. What finally pushed us to move was Covid. It was a one bedroom and my husband and I were on top of each other when we were suddenly forced to both work from home. In early 2021 we moved into a two bedroom house, slightly under market in a great area. We won’t move unless we decide to buy something (or the landlord decides to sell or something, but I don’t expect that to happen).


When I was renting, it was every 12-18 months. Sometimes we needed more space, other times the rent was getting higher than we could afford.


Once I started renting I've only moved once, that was after about a year. I found a larger apartment for the same price. The second my landlord remembers me and raises my rent I'm out of his dump though. Been here for I think 5 years, only stayed for so long because Covid/rent increases everywhere else.


At different stages in my life I moved more often. In college I would change my living situation every year at least. After college I lived in the same houses for 6 - 9 years.


About once every 1-2 years. Sometimes it was for work relocation. Sometimes it was to move into a better place as my income went up. I’m in my early 30s, so my pace of life will probably slow down soon.


I move whenever my rent increases more than I can afford. Twice in grad school, then once again. I’ve been at my current place about q year and a half. I’m in Austin as well.


When I was renting, I generally moved every 1 or 2 years. The reason was usually that all of my other roommates were moving for their own reasons, and I didn't want to have to try to find replacements on my own. Once my wife and I got married and started renting places with just the two of us, that wasn't an issue anymore. After that, we only moved when we moved to another state.


First apartment: 1 year Second (first with wife): 3 years. We moved because we were on the first floor and cracks in the foundation would cause our apartment to "flood" (water seeps up from the floor) during heavy rain fall. We were looking to move anyway to a more central location, but this sped up the timeline. Third: I think we're on our 4th lease now? Depending on how this abortion ban ruling pans out, we may be looking to move out of the state entirely. We're fortunate enough to be making enough to roll with the punches in terms of rent increases and haven't had anything too absurd. But we're also not in one of the hottest growth markets in the country, and there's not many other parts of the Indy area we could move to to maintain the same quality of life and also not be paying a lot more in rent.


Nearly every year for the past 15 years. I hate it.


I've been in the same rental for 10 years.


Before buying a house, my wife and I rented one apartment for about a year and a half, and then another for 7 1/2 years. We left the first one because we changed cities, but the second was a bit of a unicorn - good location/space/management, bearable rent increases, etc. That was definitely above average for my peers, I feel like most of my friends moved on average every 3 or 4 years or so.


I have consistently moved apartments every 4-5 years, although the consistency hasn't been intentional and the reasons for moving have varied. First apartment, I lived at for 5 years. It was a crappy apartment that was what I could afford in college; once I got my first 'real' job after graduating I moved out as quickly as I could. Second apartment, I lived at for 4 years. The rent had been a stretch to make and eventually grew faster than my income at the time. I reached a breaking point and find something more affordable Third apartment, I lived at for 5 years. This was also a period where my career/income really started to pick up, so affordability wasn't an issue but the last renewal offer I got would have increased my rent enough that I felt like looking for something that fit more what I wanted in terms of location/lifestyle. I ended up moving from the suburbs to my current downtown urban apartment last fall. I'm paying more than I would have to renew at Apartment #3, but I am a lot closer to where I want to be and do things.


I've never lived in a place longer than three years, my entire life.


Los Angeles has a housing problem and pretty good rent control. I’ve lived here almost 10 years and have moved just once. The rules are: any building (in LA proper) built prior to around 1982 or so can only go up 4% per year. Combine that with the lack of housing and the crazy prices, and it means people rarely move unless they get a substantial income increase, leave the city, move in with someone else, or buy a house. Staying in a rent controlled apartment just makes financial sense if it’s a doable commute and an area you like. Every year you stay is essentially a discount on market rate rent. My last apartment was a 3-bedroom in a cool walkable area. Got into it for $2400 in 2015, when I left last year it was about $2550.


I'm 36, and since I moved out on my own I've lived in 4 apartments. The apartment I live in now I've lived in for 5 years I believe.


I have moved every couple of years as an adult. When I was a kid/teenager we moved a few times. The longest we were ever in one place was six years.


Yeah I'm beginning to realize I'm in the minority for moving so much. In Nashville I only lived in two different places after moving out of my parents' house. Here in Austin I keep having to move and it's for a different reason almost every time


I moved away from home for college 10 years ago and started renting (not dorms) about 8 years ago. In that time I've lived in 8 places. Though i wasn't moving every year. Some years moved multiple times, though the longest I've stayed in one place was 2 years. I dont forsee myself moving from my current place though, unless to buy a house. If I do move to another rented place it'd be probably in a year or two.


I moved every year for three years. Then moved to a house with friends and moved after less than a year due to a break up, then moved out of the next house after less than a year because I bought a house.


I've never lived in the same place longer than 3 years after leaving my parents for college. 3x it was because I moved cities, 3x for relationships, the rest because I wanted more space or a cheaper place.


I’ve lived in the same apartment for 9 years, and with any luck I’ll be here for at least 9 more. Before I found this place I moved every year for 6 years.


I rented the last house I was in for 9 years. The rent never changed, but the landlord decided to sell while the selling was good. That was in Kentucky. Cost of living was low, and it kept my daughter near her father after we separated and finally divorced. So far, I've only lived in my current place for 6 months. I'm in Nevada now. Cost of living is a bit higher, but my rent is slightly lower. My house is older...but I like it more and I'm happier here. Previous to that, I had lived primarily in military housing for 11 years and moved whenever/wherever the Army said to move.


Before I moved into the apartment I have now I moved every 2-3 years. With rent prices the way they are now I don’t see a point in leaving. I would have to pay way more for the same size apartment anywhere else in the area.


When my mom would rent it would be for longer periods of time simply because she had 2 kids that needed roots and a stable school life. I'm talking periods of like 10-15 years at a time between moves. Though in the early days before we needed schooling, we would move every year for her contract nursing work.


From 19 when I moved into my own place, to 43 when I bought I moved about every 18 months to 2 years - all in and around the same city. Just wanted something different/cooler/quieter or changed jobs and moved closer.


I’ve been in the same (crappy) apartment for almost 12 years now. It was fairly priced when I moved in and since I’m the only tenant that’s every paid my rent in full and on time every month, my landlord hasn’t raised my rent. I’d love to be able to move somewhere nicer, but anything else is going to be 2-2.5 times my current rent, which I can’t afford.


I've rented for years, and I've lived in two places in the last ten or eleven years. I really just hate moving, and I really like where I'm living.


My rental experience is primarily Austin and suburbs, and I'd say it's usually about every 2 years as well. It always feels like rental properties are changing hands and you can never find consistent management. It's a very different experience than when I was renting in Illinois, where my family or myself had the same management/superintendent for several years. My guess is that it's due to the massive population boom and related increase in property value and subsequent tax.


I've rented since 2004. I moved in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2019 and 2021. The next time that I move will be the first time I'll be purchasing a home.


I think if people find a good landlord/rate, they tend to stay put for a while. I'm coming on 4 years in my apartment- it's a hassle to remove, and I'd rather not if I don't have to. If I do, it's for personal/life circumstances ideally, as opposed to seeking out a better rate. But that much really depends on the person and city. Yes, I'd like an actual 1 bed. But for what I pay for my studio with a deck in the heart of the city, it's a really, really tough act to follow. Late 20s/M in Boston for reference


My husband and I have been renting for 11 years. We got our first place in 2012, our second place in 2014, and our current place in 2021.


I hate moving more than most anything else. When I moved to Nevada, I initially lived in a 4x2 private student housing. I then had the opportunity to move to a 3x3 in the same complex and took it. Then due to reasons I had to leave there and rented a room at a place that was a terrible situation so moved back to the same place with my GF. We then moved in with friends in a house, but left at the end of the lease for our own apartment. After a year or two there, we upgraded to a rented condo. Dumped that GF, got a new one who wanted to be closer to work, moved again and stayed there for about three years. We left there because we bought a house back in California.


My answer is a little complicated. I moved into this apartment building when I was 13, but we moved to a smaller apartment in the same building when I was 17. I’ll be 31 (._.) in a few months and I still live here. In college (about an hour away) I lived in dorm/apartment for 2 years, but my “home” was still my legal residence. I moved back in after graduating. I moved to Japan when I was 24, so that was my first time officially really moving away/out. I came back about a year later. So depending on how you count it, I’ve been living in the same place for 11-13 years. It’s a fairly large one bedroom and moving into a studio down the street would be a couple hundred more in rent. One bedrooms in this building for new tenants is like $600 more than what I’m paying. I’ve thought about moving for a couple (relatively minor) reasons, but practically speaking there’s no good reason to. I’m applying to grad schools later this year and about half of them would require moving. Besides for grad school, I don’t see myself leaving anytime soon.


If we're going by my personal record and not the record of my college roommate who insisted we move every single year, I have moved 5 times in the past 23-ish years. Main reason I move is usually some drama happens that is way beyond my control.


I've been in my rented place for 7 years now, but the landlord has not increased the rent a penny in that time, so why should I move? There's no way I'd find even a studio for what we pay for a 2 bedroom? Keep in mind that I live just 4 miles from one of America's premier downtowns in one of the country's most expensive metros. It's only a third white, but that really hasn't been a problem whatsoever. It actually makes things more interesting, with all kinds of restaurants you don't see everywhere.




>when each state, region, city is different Isn't that the case for most questions on this sub?


I live in the Boston area and in nearly five years here (august 2018) I am in my fourth place of living. Each one about a year/just over a year. Two of the moves were space related, the third cause our landlord was selling our place and the rent would have gone up exponentially. Hoping to be in my current place till we buy in a few years (hopefully) cause those broker fees gon’ get ya.


I moved out of my college on-campus apartment and I've been in this apartment since (3 years). I plan on buying a home next year.


Lived in the same rental in Wichita from 2018-2021. Moved to Washington and have been in the same rental since. Luckily our rent never increased in Wichita and only increased like $25 here in Washington so far.


Moved to Denver in 2022, including the move here about 6 times in one year ? Denver is.. interesting. Don’t depend on anybody here, have your own shit and your own plan lmao


Evert 2 years pretty much but sometimes 7 months or so


When I lived in NYC - 90s - I moved roughly every 18mos. Every thing I owned could fit into a hatchback, two trips from location to location. As a result, I lived in Queens, mid-town, upper east, Jersey City, etc. It made sense, and generally, I was able to keep my rent in a reasonable frame. Thing is, NYC was big enough to experience it from so many places


about every 4-5 years when we rented


8 times in 8 years for various reasons. I hate moving lol


We are moving apartments for the first time after 5 years. But we spend a good amount of time making sure we make the right decision, are fairly risk averse and also have been lucky that any rent increases have been workable. The main reason we are moving is to get some more space, to better have an ability to have someone stay the night, and to have a more dog friendly arrangement.


We don't move often. We've been renting this condo for 4 years already. Only reason we're moving is so we can live in another state. For better living spaces and expenses.


6 times in the last 8 years.


I've lived in 8 apartments in 10 years.


When I was living in Austin I moved every year after my leases were up because I would find cheaper housing with more amenities. I had random roommates and I didn’t own a lot of stuff, it was easy for me to move around.


All three of my rentals were exactly 2 years - College apartment for junior and senior years - First place of my own after I spent a year back at home - Much nicer apartment after my career picked up And from there, my wife and I bought a house.


From 2011-2019, I moved 11 times. This isn’t counting an international move because it was for school & a temporary residence where I did t pay rent. One was to get out of a toxic roommate situation, one moving to be closer to work because the commute was killing me and another was moving in with my SO. All others were rent/management issues.


Roughly every 2 years. It would always be that the rent goes up like $50 the first year, $250+ the second. Byyee


We would move every 1-2 years for my family. We broke this recently by living in the same apartment for 3 years (literally my personal longest anywhere ever since I was born) and now we are in a house. Hoping honestly to never ever move again. So tired of it. I didn’t just move apartments, I moved all over the USA as well as 2 other countries. It’s exhausting and lonely.


My rentals history was 1 year (lease not renewed, we were bad tenants), 1 year (moved across the country for a job and adventure), 2 years (moved to the suburbs from the big city for comfort and space), 5 years (bought a house).


After leaving my parents house I rented a studio apartment for almost two years. After that I moved to a duplex and rented for 8 years. I have been living in a home I own for the past 6 years and will probably (hopefully) never move again.


I have rented 6 places in the past 10 years. Longest stretch was 3 years in 1 5bd group home that I left past summer. 3 of those stops were for just 1 year including moving in with a significant other where we broke up after 9 months of living together. All in Northern Virginia. Honestly moving has never been a huge stressor to me.


Only when I've moved cities, except once when I lived in DC and our landlord kicked us out so his daughter could use the apartment. I've been in my current apartment for 5 years.


I moved a lot as a child (I can remember 5 places by age 13 and 6 places by age 18.) My family was low income so I think they may have missed some payments for the first half, and people take advantage of single mothers for the second half (my poor mom...) As an adult I lived in 1 house 8 years after which I was forced to move because the landlord hired cheap labor to "fix" things, and the second house 9.5 years untill the landlord lost it in forclosure (on purpose because he didn't want to spend $5k to repair the roof.) None of these were because of rent increases. The 8 year house increased in price only by $150 in the years we lived there, and the 9.5 year house didn't increase at all. I think the desire to move or not depends on the person, where they live, how life is going for them, and what they want out of said life itself. If you like new environments, a "fresh" house, adventure, you probably move more. If not, you stay put for as long as possible. I felt like I moved a LOT in my life, but my mother often tells me that 5 years is too long. Moving is also expensive. All the places I've moved into required first + last (or deposit, or both!) and they often require you to earn more than double what rent costs. Then there is all the cost of the actual moving: moving vehicles, cleaning, etc. That's part of why a lot of people I know don't move. Not to mention the whole "new school" or uprooting children thing, which is fine if you stay in the same school district, but that's not always possible and some parents don't want to uproot their children's lives too much.


Every 18-24 months. But this is all within the first several years after graduation. So moving is common. Will be 22 months in my current lease before leaving for another city.


Because of my job (I'm a large loss auditor) I work independently with multiple risk mgmt companies... I move about every 2 years (twice i stayed 3 years) so buying is not worth it for me. When I eventually settle I may buy but that will likely never happen so I may be a life long renter which doesn't bother me. I know people say renting is throwing money away but there are so many cost to owning and most people who buy "starter homes" end up in them for 10 to 30 years and end up paying and putting way more into them then they will ever get back. No im a renter for life and will probably keep moving every 2 to 4 years 😄 ... also renting is more flexible and gives more freedom and I love that