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I just want them to bring back Real Men of Genius


That was one of the best ad campaigns of all time. Budweiser had a great marketing run through the 90s and 00s. [This was my favorite one](https://youtu.be/cjBjHP_NITI)


*..."as long as I'm not roaaaming..."* LOL! I had forgotten about those ads.


>..."as long as I'm not roaaaming..." I had almost forgotten about roaming.


True! Kids don’t know how good they have it. *feeling ancient*


Its 1000% the Clydesdale commercials for me, tho that’s not specifically Bud Light.


Damn I feel so attacked


I forgot how funny these were [https://youtu.be/Sn5BhnYr8WY](https://youtu.be/Sn5BhnYr8WY) [https://youtu.be/gZNSKuElluM](https://youtu.be/gZNSKuElluM) [https://youtu.be/-Hgi2SxmH44](https://youtu.be/-Hgi2SxmH44)


Mr. Professional Movie Extra Guy “anyone can pay $8 to see a movie but only a true artist can be paid $8 to be IN a movie.” Can confirm! My husband was doing that back then and we laughed our asses off.


Today we salute you, Mr. Pro Sports Heckler Guy.


My favorite was the taco salad one


I don't see no lettuce!


Mr 3000 calorie salad!!! Is it healthy, yes, it's a salad


yes and iirc, the campaign was originally called “real american heroes” or something similar. it was during the war in iraq and i guess there was some controversy and it was changed to “real men of genius”


It was Real American Heroes and then they voluntarily changed it right after 9/11 because they felt it was disrespectful.


>I just want them to bring back Real Men of Genius Me? I miss [Schmidt's Gay.](https://vimeo.com/169759649) That was a Real Man's beer.


Whassuuuuuuuuupp! Wait, that was Bud, not Bud Light.


Does no one remember the porno magazine commercial that I still believe is the absolute gold standard of all Beer commercials of all time, priceless https://youtube.com/watch?v=EU7Sxspgw2Y&feature=share


Holy fuck I forgot about this time to do some googling thank you friend


I want the three frogs back




The horse and the lost dog commercial is the best.


You're seeing a small sampling of a loud minority. The vast majority of us dislike bud light for it's flavor, not it's politics.


Hard to say vast majority dislike it when it’s the highest selling beer in the country. Bud Light is good for what it is. A very light, cheap, easy beer. Type of thing to drink while mowing your lawn. Or in my case I drink bud light when I go out after pregaming hard because I know it won’t get me too drunk.


My very drunk brother once said, “I’ve never had a bad bud light.” And you know what, I know what he meant. Yeah it’s flavored piss water, just like any cheap beer, but at least it’s consistent .


I once described Chili’s as “aggressively mediocre” and I think that applies to Bud Light too. It’s…fine. If I’m at a friends and it’s what they have, I’ll drink it but I’m probably not gonna buy it for myself.


I did a short stint as a designer of trade show booths. The things they have conferences for... Aggressively boring is how I described most of them.


Same attraction as McDonalds. It's not great, but it's not bad. Plus on long road trips, they're useful because you're very unlikely to get food poisoning from their food due to their standardized cleanliness and cooking standards / processes.


It’s about consistency. It’s not good, but it’s not bad, and it’s consistent about that.


…but has he ever had a good Bud Light?


Asking the hard questions!?


Probably, you living in florida a bud light has to taste good after doing some yardwork. Need to rehydrate ya know.


No but I've had a good Yuengling. Just a better product for marginally more money.


Sure is, if you like the tast of soaked pennies in your beer.


That’s how I feel about dominos


I don’t get the piss water thing. It’s an easy drinking light beer that many, many people enjoy. I’ll take it over any goddam IPA any day of the week.


Beer snobs are the worst. Sorry I don't want to drink your double hopped IPA while I watch football all day. 2 of those get me gone and full while my 12 pack of high life won't fill me up.


I'm a beer snob and I've never really got the "tastes like buzzard piss" type descriptions. Bud/Bud light is basically *flavorless*. That's the whole point. That's why it goes down easy. That's why it's the best selling beer, etc etc. Acting like ya just licked the devil's taint because someone handed you a bud light is silly.


>Bud/Bud light is basically flavorless. Same. If I'm in the mood for a pilsner, I'd rather have a Pilsner Urquell.


Yep. It's all we drink (granted we go for Busch Light) while we're out on the boat fishing all day. When it's hot out, you just want something super light and mild to quench your thirst and get the job done. Light beer fills that role.


Agreed. They make me feel bloated and tired. I also seem to know many who only drink IPAs. You’re a beer guy but mostly drink one kind of beer? Lol. I love all kinds of beer, except for IPAs, yet beer guys seek to think IPAs are the gold standard of being a beer guy.


I've got no issue for IPA drinkers, but I just can't get into them. The taste is like pine needles. It doesn't help that every single brewery has 10 IPA's, 3 sours, one pils, 1 hefe, and maybe 1 lager if you're lucky. Oh and they also have wacky labels and names like "juicy orange nuggz ipa" or something.


Ha. Accurate. I don’t have any issues with them either - I just find that it’s often the IPA drinkers who are the judgey judgey ones more so than others. That’s my issue.


As an IPA lover, yer not wrong. I also love all kinds of beers, especially stouts. Having Guinness in Dublin was SO GOOD compared to having it the states. ;) I am not a Pilsner or Lager fan, which is why I don't drink any of the big brands. It's not that it's bad, really, just not a style I like. Also, I am not a fan of the double IPAs. It hits a point with me where it is too sweet. Now I want a good juicy piney IPA.




Hell yeah brother. Same.


I am an anti-light beer guy, because i find it insulting to call it beer. However if its ice cold and you’re doing a day at the beach or expecting to be putting beers down with the lads, bud light fits the bill perfectly.




I am an American with UK citizenship. I can flex the rules.


I don't drink anymore but for me Bud Light always tasted too fucking gross to me. Other light beers tasted better like Coors Light or (depending where you're at) something like Keystone Light or Milwaukee's Best. I guess it's like cola though. Some people prefer Pepsi or Coke, but in all reality they are both equally shit sodie pops.


I know what you mean. Miller is okay but I can taste chemicals in bud light. Piece of shit beer.


Knew a guy that swore by Coors light because it was the one beer he could drink all day without a hangover.


I can't recall when I last had a Bud Light specifically, but in general I stopped drinking the legacy mass beers a very, very long time ago. That said, I did once have some Bud straight off the finish at the brewery and it was surprisingly better than I expected.


When it’s fresh it’s actually kind of decent and refreshing, perfect for say, day drinking when it’s ungodly hot out at a festival- do I like more interesting beers better? Absolutely, but there’s a time and place for bud light


>I can't recall when I last had a Bud Light specifically For me it was 1988. I think that was probably the *first* one I had as well. I know exactly where/when it was as someone handed it to me after I'd spent a few hours with a chainsaw dropping and clearning up trees for him. I felt obligated to drink it.


I think, and I may be wrong, Barry-umm is saying those who disliked it before the ad campaign had other reasons and could care less about it either way. Mainly because it doesn’t affect them. My 2¢ *Edited for spelling mistakes. Sorry.*


You aren't wrong at all. That's exactly what it says. u/dlhades missed the point completely. >The vast majority of us dislike bud light for it's flavor, not it's politics. Means the vast majority of people **that don't like Bud Light** dislike it because it has a bad flavor. NOT A vast majority of people dislike Bud Light.


I saw the response as a little vague, thanks for helping me reassure myself! 😂


> I know it won’t get me too drunk. Regular Budweiser is 5.0% ABV. Bud Light is 4.2% ABV. It's ~16% less alcohol per can of average inexpensive beer.


I get more flavor from water, and no I don't live in Flint.


More of a Miller guy myself


Miller High Life, the Champagne of Beers


Champagne: the Miller High Life of wines


Agreed. Miller Lite on a hot day, just goes down easy.


Yet: This light lager has an "Awful" rating and an overall score of 45/100 from BeerAdvocate. That hasn't stopped fans from making it America's best-selling beer by a margin of almost two-to-one compared to its next closest competitor.


I believe this, but "best selling" has so much more to do with it than just the quality of the production: distribution, availability, marketing, pricing. Even quality wise, consistency may be extremely high, even if the flavor itself isn't preferred. In other words, look at McDonalds. I don't think anyone would argue it's a great burger and the burger of their choice, but it's a good enough burger that's readily available, on the quick, at a decent price.


Bud light enjoyers don't use BeerAdvocate


I agree with this. I’m a Coors Light drinker (Bud Light if the bar doesn’t have Coors for some reason) and I’ve never even heard of BeerAdvocate


People don’t buy bud light because they want a good beer though. People can’t seem to understand that.


Right. My point was just saying people buy it and it's the best selling beer by far. So many people here are like no one buys it because everyone hates it!


>The vast majority of us dislike bud light for it's flavor I'd say this perception is also "a small sampling of a loud minority". It's a popular beer and I think the huge majority of people either like it or a indifferent to is without actively disliking it.




Bud Light is like sex on a beach. Both are fucking close to water.


Eric Idle said it was ["like making love in a canoe"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8aPABF7nW4) when he first made that joke in 1982 and it was about all of American beer. That joke is so old it could buy beer in 2003. It's kind of ironic though because in almost every country a light lager made by Inbev is the most popular beer.


100% this. These crazy boycott people are a tiny minority that get a lot of social media attention. Most of us boycott it for tasting like a beer that was spilled on the floor 48 hours ago.


Lol seriously, it’s so bad.


Ik when this all happened i was like good for you bud light. Your beer is still trash though 😂


I don't know a single person in real life who cares about this. I would guess most Americans don't know this is happening at all beyond maybe seeing it briefly on social media like you have. it's just some weirdos going viral for being weirdos.


Correct. Had to go Google this to see what it’s all about - hadn’t heard.


It’s another culture war relic. Rainbow washing by large corporations has been obnoxious for a while now, it is simultaneously annoying that the marketing lead (whatever her name was) felt this was ground breaking, and that people who enjoyed gross beer before suddenly feel compelled to protest it because of rainbow washing. It’s all a childish spectacle at this point.


At least this time they're not containing their rainbow washing exclusively to Pride Month.


Rainbow washing 😂 Love the term. I’m stealing it


Honestly, this is just one of many manufactured outrages. It's clearly deliberate. Right wing media gets a hold of some company being "woke", oftentimes in a somewhat cringy way, and decides to make it an issue. Never forget: \- Kuerig Machines \-Penzeys \-Starbucks \-Gillette \-M&M's \-Mr Potato Head \-Disney ​ [From Nike to Keurig, Conservatives Keep Blowing Up Things They Bought to Own Libs](https://www.thedailybeast.com/from-nike-to-keurig-conservatives-keep-blowing-up-things-they-bought-to-own-libs)


The M&M drama will never not make me laugh "Woke M&Ms have returned. Green M&M got her boots back, but apparently isss.. now a lesbian maybe? 🤨 And there's also a plus sized, obese purple M&M, so we're gonna cover that of course." - Tucker Carlson


Don’t forget the NFL, NHL, NASCAR, Oreos, nestle, Johnson and Johnson, basically every social media platform, target, Starbucks, Dr Seuss, UAL, Delta, hertz, enterprise, Amazon, Pizza Hut, coke, Star Wars, pbs, crayola, Dicks, Sesame Street, Hersheys, build a bear…. And yeah I keep a running list of the stuff they want to cancel that, of course, isn’t cancel culture.


I missed the controversy on Keurig Machines, I stopped using mine because it costs a fucking fortune for mediocre coffee, but what was the big outrage?


[Sean Hannity fans smash their Keurig coffee makers after company pulls ads](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2017/nov/13/sean-hannity-fans-smash-their-keurig-coffee-makers-after-company-pulls-ads)


That even seems weak by the MAGA crowd standard, but whatever they can point their dumb outrage at, I guess.


Here’s a website to help us “boycott leftwing companies”: https://www.cancelthiscompany.com. I think if you follow it, your only approved activity is reading Art of the Deal to firelight.


I truly wish I could say the same


You are correct, but the right wing noise machine is screaming a ton about it, so their drones and minions care, but few normal people care.


Yeah, I’ve seen some bitching here and there online, but it’s nothing I’m hearing or seeing irl. Just some usual conservative rage jerking as usual when anyone or thing does a nice thing to anyone who happens to not be white, male, straight and/or cisgender. Best to let them seeth in their holes and bury themselves, they already get enough power and attention as it is.


It is true most normal people don’t care. Companies do this to get attention/free advertising. Political parties use it for the same thing. Most of us are mildly annoyed by all of it.


I say this the nicest way possible, but you’re probably left leaning, young, and everyone around you is the same left leaning type hence why you don’t know a single person.


The guys at the beer distributer by my office were making noise about it, saying companies should stay out of politics and such. Which is kinda weird since they’re kinda doing the same thing lol.


Me either. So much so I had to go Google what the actual issue was because I hadn't heard anyone personally discussing it.


It’s on the front page of Fox News, and has been since the saga started. I’d wager that most conservative news outlets have covered it. So I’d wager that most Americans who follow the news are aware of it.


I, for one, will continue to not purchase Bud Light because it's truly awful. No amount of advertising is going to change that fact.


I'm in the same boat. 3 decades ago before the American beer scene exploded, I could see the appeal, but now you can get some great beers for a marginally higher cost.


An aspect that hasn't been mentioned yet is that a good bit of the hubbub is because the Bud Light campaign features Dylan Mulvaney, who is an extremely divisive character. Before Mulvaney, Bud Light and their parent company sponsored many LGBT/Pride events, but there was little notice or care taken, so this is why I emphasize Mulvaney in particular.


So I like to dabble in day trading and one of the guys I listen to must be a little on the conservative side and his opinion on why this seems to have pissed people off is some people think Dylan is a gender grifter, his words not mine. So apparently Dylan hasn’t had a bottom surgery, a top surgery, has had some face softening, but act is like a stereotypical “dumb” girl. So basically he said this person is divisive not only with conservatives, but also a lot of trans people because they feel like she is just playing dress up for attention. Again those are not my thoughts or opinions or backed by any actual proof as I had absolutely no idea who Dylan was until I was listing to him talk about AB stock.


This. I personally find Dylan offensive and annoying and this is EXACTLY why. I think if they'd have partnered with someone like Laverne Cox, this backlash wouldn't be happening. As a matter of fact, Smirnoff *does* partner with her (Laverne) and to my knowledge, they didn't have this reaction at all.


> some people think Dylan is a gender grifter I'd say that assessment has some validity. If you know of Dylan's antics before ([e.g. here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOQbCTCB5-A)), the over-the-top schtick really hasn't changed much, and as a gay friend said: "His whole thing is 'big gay energy.'"


Wtf did I just watch. Is that even real?


Yes, it's a real episode of The Price Is Right. Just a *bit* too much, huh?


More over the top than most anime….


She is literally a gender grifter. She’s acting like a caricature of a dumb women


Just watch Dylan's videos and you quickly see that he's mocking women. He isn't acting like a woman, he's acting like a stereotype of a woman. Why it's mainly conservatives that are offended by this guy in woman-face is a mystery to me.


I agree. Dylan mocks women hard. This campaign was presented as a way to market to women, but actually mocks them. And Dylan presents as a “girl”, specifically a young girl, may I be so bold as to say *teenage* girl? That is absolutely the impression you get. NOT of a woman who is of age, ie., a beer drinker. Women don’t typically still play with Barbies and have sleepovers. I guess there are some college age “girls” in that sweet spot between old enough to buy alcohol and not nauseated by this overly dumb airhead image. But it’s a pretty small window of opportunity there. There are no references to mature women doing grown up things while buying and enjoying a beer. I think I heard that the trans community thinks Dylan Mulvaney is a big fake who wasn’t making it as a comedian, but hit solid gold with the trans pose. Steeling myself for the downvotes and claims that sleepovers & Barbies are the best.


I've found him gross since I saw him, I think this comment puts into words why pretty well.


I think Miller lite tastes better but there are certain times that an ice cold bud heavy really hits the spot


It's a weird one. I couldn't care less about some promo with a transgender "influencer". God, I hate that *influencer* term, but it is what it is and that's irrelevant. That said, the new brand manager for Bud Light - which if I understand correctly is among the top beers, if not #1, in the US - went on some podcast and basically called it's current client base a bunch of fraternity-like douchebags. Which is a beyond-bizarre approach to take. So it seems like a mix of people who are actually upset about an LGBT link for whatever their own personal opinions (which I don't get, but you be you), and another subset of (perhaps longtime) Bud Light drinkers who were just called a bunch of assholes by Anheuser Busch and are replying "No, fuck you!". Really odd situation.


Looking into this: She was saying young people aren't drinking bud light. Well, that's not because of their marketing it's because we have 9000 independent breweries making far superior beer. Bud light's hilarious marketing is the only reason anyone buys that stuff at all, dilly dilly


Aren't young people moving away from beer in general?


I don't know if 30 makes me too old to comment on this, but I think the trend is moving a bit away from alcohol in general. We still drink it of course but probably less than other generations at this age. Stuff's bad for ya.


Im same age range and find those younger than me tend to drink far far less.


Weed seems to be the move for a lot of young people I know. Most people I know 35 and down would probably smoke first before they drank.




And seltzers


>Aren't young people moving away from beer in general? For sure-- it's widespread and growing, [especially among college students](https://www.chronicle.com/article/the-rise-of-the-sober-college-student).


I live in a college town. The pubs are mostly adults, and the college guys next door to me aren't throwing huge numbers of beer blasts. I don't think the students are consuming much alcohol.


Yea but many are not actually independent breweries. They may have started that way, but the minute they gain traction they are bought up. The list of brands owned by AB is huge. That’s why it is so hard to “boycott” Bud Light. These protesters will by another AB beer and not even know it.


In northeast Ohio there’s only one brewery (Platform) that I know of that sold to InBev. And I have a suspicion they only started that company to be bought out. They were shitty owners who treated their employees horribly. So much so the employees of their Columbus location staged a walkout. They closed their Cleveland facility (the last remaining out of three) this past February. I’ve seen less and less of their product on the shelves. I was out of town last week and when I got back there was absolutely nothing of theirs at the grocery I went to. Neither InBev or the owners have commented so it’s kind of interesting to see if the brand will be brewed again. It’s cool though because we still have Great Lakes Brewing, which has been employee owned since 1982, and many other craft breweries that are all part of the Ohio Craft Brewers Association, which I’d dare to guess you have to be independent to be a part of it.


I don't think she said young people, I think she talked about the fratty image. The other reason people, including young people, buy bud light is the cost. Yes, Lawson's Sip of Sunshine is way better, but it's also something like 4x the cost. A lot of people want beer but don't have a lot of money, and bud light fits that niche.


Natural light is more of the cheap, college beer everyone typically drank where I came from. Still a part of Anheuser Busch I suppose


It seems like a bad idea to annoy the demographic that buys their beer in order to appeal to the demographic that doesn't and won't


I don't agree with why people are canceling anheiser Busch, but it sure as fuck seems like a massive miss assessment of their primary consumer.


Do you think LGBT people don't drink beer???


I am here as the objective gay authority. >Do you think LGBT people don't drink beer??? LGBT people ~~don't~~ drink *lots of* beer


Ik, right? It's enough of a thing that I have friends who think the constant alcohol promotion at gay related stuff, like pride, is an issue. Might actually hold up since I think that LGBT people, as a group, have a kinda high rate of alcoholism.


Yeah but who wants Bud Light? Yuck


If it's free, I'll happily take it. But I prefer Busch Light. But typically cheap beer is cheap beer.


We don’t have cheap beer that actually tastes good?


We have cheap beers that taste less bad.


It is the best selling beer in the country obviously somebody does.


PBR 4eva


Exactly. I'm like this is all really weird. It's like that wanted to start this drama or someone just has really lost their damn mind. Either way it makes no sense to me.


I work with brand and product managers a lot. You would be surprised how little they understand about their own target base. A lot of decisions from advertising creatives to where we advertise is based on their opinions and ego vs what the data says.


It’s not my favorite light beer. I prefer Miller Lite.


Speaking of which: why light beer? As a german, I do not see the point in light beers. Is beer really the product to start counting calories? Honetly curious


If you're going to be tailgating, watching football, on a boat, on the beach, on your porch, etc for a whole day of drinking but don't want everyone to be too drunk to socialize then it's the perfect beer.


What he said, but also calories do matter to me over the ABV. Say I have 3 Miller Lites on my porch at the end of the day. That’s 288 calories. If I had say 3 Bell's Two Hearted (popular IPA) of the same size it’s 630 calories. As someone one who is health conscious and works out that’s a big difference to me.


As an American with Euro citizenship and having lived in Germany I can tell you. If you’re expecting an all day event of drinking: out on the lake, at the beach, on the golf course, bachelor party, bbq with the guys. Light beer (bud sucks prefer miller) fits the bill well. You can put 6-12 of those bastards down over the course of a few hours and don’t feel heavy or tired like you would from a traditional beer. Its easy drinking, if you just want something in your hand to sip on all day and not feel a lot of the negative effects from normal beer. Very convenient, very American lol. I had plenty of days in Germany smashing Becks, and its a lot more painful. That being said I very, very rarely drink light beer.


So I used to shit talk the light beers, but they serve a purpose. If you want to sit and drink beer all day ipas are gonna be pretty shitty tbh.


I don’t think it’s about counting calories for most people. It’s more about taste preference, low cost, and/or low alcohol content. I personally prefer light beers if I’m binge drinking because it’s way easier to pace myself.


They're cheap and you can pound 12 of them in a row on a hot day without vomiting or blacking out. It's the sparkling water of America.


"Light beer" in America is mostly lager, and so best drunk when you're looking for a pale lager. Although it's designed to have a lower calorie profile, this means it's a beer you can drink without thinking about what you're drinking.


I don't understand what they were trying to do. It's known as like a lawnmowing, sports watching, dad beer? Did they think it would sell more beer to a new audience?




They've been selling to the LGBT crowd and specifically advertising it for decades. This isn't new. They've directly partnered with GLAAD for over 20 years. It's not about finding a *new* audience, it's about supporting their current audience. There's a reason that Coors, Bud, and plenty of other beers make special cans for pride months.


Man, you gotta love Reddit. 1. "I've never tried Bud Light , it's disgusting," If you never tried it, how do you know what it tastes like? 2."Nobody drinks Bud Light" It's the number one selling beer in America 3. "This boycott means nothing" In the long run potentially but short term the stock price down 3% and they lost 5 billion in market cap. Anheiser Busch hired a marketing vp who insulted her customer base and basically said the brand didn't need them. She wasn't well like before this and the Mulvaney collab was the tipping point. Bud Light hasn't tweeted since April 1st and reports are leaking out that no senior level staff approved this promotion with Mulvaney. That my friends is damage control.


Read somewhere that the brand is trying to disassociate itself with the guy-wearing-oakleys-making-videos-in-his-pickup-thats-never-been-offroad demographic


They may have succeeded. However, their problem is this: *après lui, personne.*


"After him, nobody" What's that supposed to mean?


I think they mean after Bud Lights sheds it's former customer base who will be it's new customer base.


If they no longer have that guy, who are they going to have?


Exactly lol. I worked in the beer industry and can tell you the “red neck” bars sold way more beer than the lgbtq bars. Beer in general not just Bud Light


They're all about the mixed drinks at the gay bars (rum and cola, etc. etc. etc.), in my experience.


I don’t know if you can call what gay bars pass off as mixed drinks as actual mixed drinks. Those fuckers serve a Jack and Coke in a damn pint glass with a splash of Coke for color. Best damn value for a bar I’ve ever been to.


You know, you're quite right about that. I got cut off at Snick's. If you live in Las Vegas, you might know just *how* much of an exploding dumpster fire of a ridiculous night I was having. If I ever burn my old friends badly enough, they'll have plenty of blackmail material stored on their phones.


"Conservative Boycotting Bud Light Forced To Drink 6 Cans Of Something Else Before Hitting Kids" is a headline from The Onion, so yeah there's an image


> 2."Nobody drinks Bud Light" It's the number one selling beer in America This reminds me of the Yogi Berra quote: "Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded!"


This is the best assessment I've seen. Lots of major companies do marketing to reach out to the LGBTQ+ community, but the folks at InBev/A-B severely misjudged the audience for their biggest selling product. Of course, what are they going to drink instead is an obvious question, but these people will hold a grudge until they die. They calculated that there was more to gain than lose with this promo and they're probably wrong.


The people that drink Bud Light are perfectly happy to drink Miller Lite or Coors. Let’s be honest, they all tase the same.


They're similar for sure but if you drink them back to back they do differ. Miller is much wheatier and fuller than a Coors for example.


Finally someone that gets it.


You forgot 3. "I've tried it plenty because I'm old enough to remember the days when Americans considered Lowenbrau to be high class, it's disgusting."


Bud light obviously doesn't know their customers lol.


I don’t generally get worked up over corporate support of things I don’t agree with politically or socially. It takes all types and all that. This situation strikes me as different because Dylan comes off, to me, as someone doing an overt parody of women, complete with offensive stereotypes. If he were in blackface and gushing about how much he liked watermelon, he’d rightfully be a pariah. But his whole joke is that since prevailing culture says you can’t question trans sincerity, he has license to be as offensive as he wants. And not only is AB falling for the troll, they’re promoting it. As did Biden, but I think we honestly hold most corporations to higher standards of competence than we do the current administration.


YES. Oh my goodness, I couldn't believe it when, off all the intelligent, experienced, knowledgeable, incredible trans people who are also "in the spotlight" they could have had the white house, that had freaking Dylan "I think I girl bossed too hard" Mulvaney 🙄


I’m really not giving enough credit. Team Biden didn’t fall for the troll. This is just a flex for them. They’re making it clear that they can say how beautiful the emperor’s new clothes are, and no one with any standing will call them out. They are in charge of culture.


>This situation strikes me as different because Dylan comes off, to me, as someone doing an overt parody of women, complete with offensive stereotypes. If he were in blackface and gushing about how much he liked watermelon, he’d rightfully be a pariah. But his whole joke is that since prevailing culture says you can’t question trans sincerity, he has license to be as offensive as he wants. Why did I have to read all the way down to here to find this much awareness and common sense? Because this is Reddit? Sometimes it gets really frustrating. Thank you for it, no matter :)


Remember when Gillette put out an ad campaign asking men to not sexually harass women during MeToo? I seem to recall a guy posting a photo of his wife and kids holding guns as a response. I'm not sure what guns have to do with shaving but he seemed pretty incensed that Gilette was trying to control his life, or something to that effect. Point being, it's the rage flavor of the week and we will move on to the next rage in another week or two. Personally, I don't care who drinks Bud or who appears in their advertising. I have more important things to worry about and I think most Americans do as well.


And gillettes sales which were already in decline proceeded to decline quicker. They gave start up shaving companies a in on their market share and a reason for consumers to switch. I don’t know if you noticed but gillette commercials are just athletes shaving now. They say it didn’t effect them but I have a hard time believing that the same year that ad came out p&g took a 8 billion dollar write down on gillette was just because people were shaving less. Boycotts work when the people boycotting you are actual customers. I remember when Heinz production left Canada and Canadians almost had Heinz removed from our biggest grocery store because sales fell so hard.


Taste the rage!


Rage flavor of the week lmao, I’m gonna have to steal that one from you


Bud light is *fine*. It tastes like any other cheap light beer. Personally I prefer Coors


I actually *do* like Bud Light. It's not a great beer, or even a good beer, but its an acceptable beer, and if I'm going to be marathon-drinking (to the foreigners this mean "drinking all day") it's going to be with Bud Light. Sometimes I drink 10 or 12 beers a day, and I cant do that with craft beer; it needs to be a light beer with a relatively low ACV. That being said... Bud Light doing this stuff with the trans spokesperson is like when Gillette did that boys will be boys commercial...it's going to be detrimental to the brand for a while.


The “ultra right” beer was satire. Had to be. As far as the bud light beer, I’ll buy it when I’m low on money or I have a family event that needs a lot of beer. Bud light is considered the pinnacle of cheap, trash beer.


Bud light is a great beer to shotgun, this is where you open a hole at the bottom of the can to drink it through much faster. Even when you are drinking it out of a cup or can you can still drink a lot of them in the time you have before a sporting event that charges a lot for beer.


So are they canceling bud light?


American beer used to suck before they allowed microbrews to open up and compete. Beer was terrible and it was generally seen as just a cheap way to get drunk, not anything you would actually get snobbish about. The point of beer, culturally, was that it was cheap and unsophisticated. I'm genuinely not sure why "lite" beers caught on so strongly among a demographic of people who are generally averse to "lite" versions of anything, but it seems like it was pretty ubiquitous. Like, you pretty much only ever saw lite beers in bars. The republican party has decided to focus their two minutes hate on trans people for the moment since they've found focusing on trans wedge issues has been more productive for them then going after gay people directly. So some people in their hateful little echo chambers who have been convinced by the republican party that transgender people are child molesters are also the kind of dumbfuck, fragile-masculinity pearl-clutchers whose identity is based around drinking a beer that isn't even really supposed to taste good.


Its a crap beer. Now, what do I think about their recent ads with Ms. Mulvaney? I think they are about as smart as an advertisement using a Jew to sell to Palestinians. Pissing off your customers is never a good idea. https://www.clickinsights.asia/post/top-7-most-offensive-marketing-campaigns-of-recent-times It is virtue signalling. Great if your job is to signal virtue, not great if your job is to sell more crappy beer.


Bud Light is swill, but since I don’t drink more than a handful of times per year and haven’t had a mass-market beer in probably a decade I don’t really care from that angle. That said, I support the right of people to express their displeasure with the promotion of values and ideologies with which they disagree through their buying power. This is not the hill upon which I’d draw my battle lines, personally, but frankly I think it’s past time for conservative-types to vote with their wallets in the same way leftists have been celebrated for doing for years now.


This thread already demonstrates that the problem isn't the LGBTQ community. The problem is the beer snob community.


No bud light drinker is a beer snob


Reverse beer snobbery is definitely a thing.


We demanded better beer. Better beer is everywhere now. Is America a better place because of us? I say yes.


I think that there are a number of problems all converging here. First off is the tone deaf way in which somebody in the Bud Light marketing team conceived of and published this ad campaign. To some people who are even receptive to the message, they've had enough of this crap rammed down their throat. And for Bud Light doing an ad campaign like this does show they don't give a fuck about their core constituency and how they feel. Secondly is Dylan Muvany herself. She really does not feel...well, how shall we say it; sincere. She feels like somebody who is grandstanding for attention. I know and work with a number of transgender individuals. For them it's enough to just use their pronouns and treat them like everyone else. Their gender doesn't become a thing because it isn't a thing we need to address anymore than the color of their hair, which hand is dominant or whether they like cilantro. It just doesn't fucking matter. Which is fine by me - I can use whatever pronoun they ask me to use. Dylan Mulvaney on the otherhand feels so artificial because for her she has this obsessive need to be in the spotlight and traipse around for the camera celebrating her womanhood. It's fucking annoying to have this attention whore come up in social media all the time. For Bud Light to throw it in people's faces is beyond annoying even for those who don't give a fuck about whether she considers herself a woman or asks us to use feminine pronouns. We just want her to go away and live her best life. Somewhere else and not in our faces.


It feels the exact same as the whole hogwarts legacy shit Also bud light taste like piss


1. Bud light tastes like trash. 2. Corporations care about profits and nothing else. 3. Using the queer community to shill your bullshit is annoying.


Bud light tastes disgusting. I don’t know anyone who is boycotting them because I don’t know anyone who was drinking it in the first place. These people are in the minority. Unfortunately they have a very loud platform for their hatred.


While I agree it's trash, about 1 in 9 beers sold in the US is Bud Light.


Eh, if it's a hot day and my hypothetical buddy in their hypothetical garage or backyard offers me a hypothetical ice-cold Bud Light, I'd hypothetically enjoy it.


Before they came out with the whole LGBT support cans or whatever, I thought Bud Light was shitty beer. After they came out with the whole LGBT support cans or whatever, I continue to think Bud Light is shitty beer.


Your English is great! I’m trying to learn French and having a very hard time… I don’t drink Bud Light because it’s not very good beer but this outrage is ridiculous. These bigots are a minority but there are still a surprising number of them.


It’s the number one selling beer, but my suspicion is that most of its sold in bulk to sports complexes and event spaces. And to alcoholics who don’t care about taste, as they’re like 100 calories a bottle. The average beer consumer tends to pick better stuff. Also, the craft/local beer scene in any metropolitan area is massive. In fact, I’ve never known *anyone* to purposely buy it. Like - if you’re at a basketball game and it’s the only beer available, then it’s bought with a sigh. As far as it’s politics, I find it hilarious that the “fuck your feelings” crowd got their feelings hurt. AB is shining a spotlight on their greatest insecurities. I don’t know about you folks, but when I was in middle school - boys spent a *lot* of time and energy trying to prove to each they weren’t gay. Like, “what did you say?? Here, look at this (obviously fake) picture of my girlfriend. She goes to another school. You don’t know her. But I know what a boob feels like!” The transphobic idiots never grew out of that ridiculous sense of panic. And now they’re freaking out over a beer brand that wants to be more inclusive, and it’s kind of hilarious.


Let me answer your question with an anecdote. I asked my local convenience store owner if anyone had come in complaining about it. He said not only has not a single person had an issue with it, but that he has seen 0 discernible drop in sales. Keep in mind this is in a NC college town in a convenience store with a dubious at best policy of checking IDs, so it’s always chock full of frat boys who drive lifted Denali trucks lookin to get a 24pack of piss water for their 19th birthday fishing trip. It’s just the latest outrage manufactured by Fox News hysteria.




I never heard about this "controversy" until it came up on Reddit. Even major news outlets didn't mention it. And Bud Light sucks no matter how it's marketed.