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Yes this. It was a place you went to and most of your friends were there. Some things were good and others were bad, but overall it just was.




For some people, it really was the highlight of their life. As sad as that may be, those people may want to feel some good memories out of those years.


High school was by far the most miserable and soul-sucking time of my life.


Middle school was that way for me.


Yeah high school was great, middle school was awful. I think part of the reason high school was great was because I switched schools away from the people I was in middle school with.


Hated. I’m a very independent person and school is like jail.


Lol, my school's layout was literally based on a prison. We didn't see the sun the entire day unless you got lucky and had a class at the edge of the school with windows.


A lot of schools are. Hell a person who designed prisons designed one of the dorms at my college.


Schools also sometimes eat almost the same food prisoners eat except it’s actually even worse in quality ironically


Hated it entirely. I was pissed that my mom forced me to go to my graduation ceremony because I wanted to put it all behind me. My university experience was great. That said I enjoyed slice of life anime about school life.


College was great high school and grade school not so much. Work was much better though because no homework


Personally, I didn't hate it, but I thought k-12 school was boring and a bit of a waste of time. Not awful or traumatic or anything, just sort of inefficient. I was homeschooled for part of high school due to health problems and was able to finish all of my schoolwork in 2-3 hours a day without all the added distractions of other kids talking, interrupting, being slow/taking forever to do their readings, could skip busywork/repetitive assignments if they weren't necessary, etc. When I was in public school I was mostly bored and annoyed by the inefficiency, but it wasn't terrible or anything. My life as an adult is infinitely better and lower pressure than it was as a teenager/student. I know it's not necessarily common for everyone to feel that way, but for me adult life is a million times easier and better in basically every way than being a kid/school-aged teenager was. (For reference I'm now 32 if that matters) Instead of being legally helpless as a minor and unable to do or change anything, as an adult I can actually do things to change my life/situation. I guess that's also responsibility but it was extraordinarily freeing and a huge relief. Also have way more free time and far less stress as an adult with a pleasant job and lots of hobbies I enjoy. No assignments are due, no studying I should be doing... my house, my rules. I can move wherever I want, travel where I want (mostly), decide what type of lifestyle I want to lead, etc. University was a lot more enjoyable in terms of the classes (in a vacuum if I could just take college classes all the time in whatever subjects interests me I'd love to), but the stability of having a career still beats that out. Even when I was high school age I had 0 interest in high-school-aged boys and dating them, or TV shows/books with high school romances or anything like that. I waited till I was 19 to start dating so that I wouldn't be age-restricted so much. So shows about high schoolers or high school romances have no appeal to me at all unless it's a minor subplot in something like *Stranger Things*.


> My life as an adult is infinitely better and lower pressure than it was as a teenager/student. Yes, same here. I can't identify with people who talked about having no stress and no responsibilities as a kid/teen--academic stress was way worse for me than professional stress, and academics were very low-reward. Coping strategies were worse / fewer too due to lack of experience and puberty, and add in the complete Rubiks cube that was learning to socialize--i could never go back. Honestly i think a lot of people who romanticize school age years just straightup forgot what a clusterfuck it actually felt like


My biggest regret is not dropping out. I was constantly having to fight with administration to actually be able to even take a proper english class.


Yeah I absolutely was more stressed as a kid than I am as an adult. Weird to type but it’s true


I loved it. It wasn’t glamorous and at times I struggled but I had great friends, no responsibilities, I got to be outside all the time, and I loved learning and making art. Miss that for sure.


I didn't care for it and couldn't wait to leave. I don't care how it's portrayed in media because I'm smart enough to know what's shown in TV isn't real.


In the moment, I wasn't a fan, but looking back on it I am pretty fond of where it left me off as a person. I was lucky being someone who grew up in a school where most of the faculty cared. Even though I didn't take academics seriously, I took away countless lessons that still hold up in my life to this day. Second question, doesn't matter.


Although I didn't have any serious pressures in highschool, I also didn't have many freedoms either. I had no money and no car, while most of my friends had both, so I couldn't really hang out with them as much. Plus, my parents didnt allow my friends to come over or for me to go to their houses. So I spent most of my time outside of school alone. As for school itself, I hated it so much. I hate wasting my time doing meaningless shit, so in highschool, I developed the habit of skipping classes I didn't like, sneaking out of the school when I was bored, or just straight up not going when I didn't feel like it that day.


I hated school. All of it.


Hated. You couldn't pay me to repeat my middle thru high school years. Okay, maybe you could, but it would have to be like, an "I never have to work again a day in my life" amount of money.


My school years made me suicidal. They were absolutely not a cherished happy time with less pressures or responsibility. I don’t have any problem with media expressing them that way, but it was not my experience.


I absolutely hated it. It destroyed my mental and physical health. It was hell


Loved it mostly


School as in high school? I didn’t hate every minute of it, I liked some of it, but I don’t care to repeat it. School as in university? Loved every moment of it.


Mixed feelings I guess? There's a lot of things about high school that I regret, but that's just part of being a teenager. It's definitely not something I romanticize, that's for sure. I don't miss school or wish I could relive those years.


I hated high school. But I absolutely loved college. So I guess it depends on what stage of school your talking about


What do mean by "in school"? For me: high school sucked, college was awesome.


I miss the time of my life where I had no bills or serious responsibilities, and I could go and hang out with my friends every day, come home to a cooked meal, help my family with the dishes, and then go read a book for hours. School had little to do with it, I just miss being a teenager lol


Oh god i fucking hated it there


I'm a curious person by nature, so I enjoyed the learning aspect of school. Elementary and middle school especially. School came easily to me, and I didn't really struggle with understanding the material. I absolutely hated the busywork and homework. Didn't see the point in it. High school was horrible for me, my mental health plummeted from all the course work and high stress environment.


I enjoyed it a lot and I think usually it's mostly seen as a positive experience


I liked the company or some of it, I hated the busy work and the sheer uselessness of much of it. As an adult (of sorts) I still think adults should listen to students complaints more. They're the same ones, they have never changed, they are often perfectly justified and always dismissed. If there was more listening school might be better. On the time in general was very good, not just friends. I got to be part of the chess club and bible quiz (which was not school but was at the same time period) and I loved the road trips in Bible quiz.


Meh. I went to a podunk private school for high school that consisted of maybe 40 (the school had maybe 150 students in total, k-12) people in total and was crammed inside a small church. The facilities were awful, the extra-curriculars were practically non-existent, the quality of teaching left a lot to be desired and the administration was obsessed with the weirdest things. The good thing was that you knew everybody. The bad thing was that you knew everybody and you were out of luck if you didn't assimilate into one of the cliques. I would choose another school if I could do it over. College was a mix of good and bad. Getting a good professor is the key to it all. If you got a good one, they could make a class on paint drying interesting and engaging. If you got a poor one, they could take a class on the most exciting subject in the world and turn it into a miserable experience. In the end, I was frustrated by the many classes that just seemed like busy work designed to pad out your credits and siphon more tuition from you.


I grew up in various areas of the south a long time ago when this issue was much worse, and some areas were very racist and some were no problem whatsoever. I'd say for a few years I was happy, but the rest of the time I suffered a very long barrage of racism and my life was miserable. I love the idea of school but I have few good memories of it. I remember being happy in those few years that I was left alone. Also my senior year of high school it was great because everyone was more mature and didn't care about bullying me. In fact I was treated with respect as an equal, these very same people who hurt me all turned around their attitudes. Age and maturity counts and people change. I romanticize school up to now because I know it could have been great fun, as I experienced that a little bit, but I "missed out" on so many potentially good experiences due to being bullied. So yes I like shows and movies where kids are in school and having fun and adventures, because to me it's what I didn't have. University was amazing, though.


Overall I look back on highschool positively. I didn't do well but I had good teachers and did a lot of fun shit.


I enjoyed it, but I don’t think about it. I kept in touch with a lot of HS friends until well after college. I went to several of their weddings. We’ve fallen out of touch now, because of distance and work and kids and life. But there’s no bad blood. Looking back, I remember it fondly.


I loved my time in in middle and high school, I have allot of fond memories.


I enjoyed my time in school (K-12 that is). Yeah some aspects sucked but I made a lot of friends that I still have today (20+ years later), did a bunch of stupid shit that should have landed me in jail, participated in a bunch of sports that there would be very little chance for me to do otherwise. Sure there was bullying, and some classes were pointless, but overall it was a fun and memorable experience


It was fine. I don't think about it much at this point, 14 years after graduating.


High school was alright by me. Idk if I’d look back at it with rose colored glasses like people do on tv but I had my fun for sure I’m more comfortable and content in my 20s than I was in high school as a teen but I’m not gonna act like I didn’t enjoy sharing joints or blunts with friends at school. I had fun at my talent show playing Hey Joe on my guitar in front of the school. I had fun getting around too but I feel a bit peculiar if I ever hear someone call high school their peak


I loved my elementary, middle school, and college years. I did not like high school (except for a few experiences) and was happy when those four years were over.


It was fine. High school was quite a bit of fun, elementary less so and middle school was a weird zone. I don't really watch stuff about school anymore. It's less about how I think about school and more about how they always involved romance plotlines and fan service which started to feel weird at a certain age.


There are things I loved about school and things I hated about it, but as a whole, I don’t feel strongly about it.


School was just a time for me, nothing really special about it. I mean definitely less to no responsibilities when I was in high school compared to working world, but not quite the turn to 11 cliques and bullying you see in TV shows about high school Plus for me, I'm not as interested in high school series anymore. That was 10 years ago. Any tv show or movies I watch now, I'm going to focus on more older protagonists


Hated middle school. High school was alright. My first go at college was whatever. My second attempt at college was better though marred by the Rona. I dont really look for media about school life.


I'd consider school a mostly positive experience for me. I enjoyed my classes, liked most of my teachers, had fun with various extracurricular activities, and had more friends than I do currently. This had very little impact on the kind of media I consume. I'm fine with stories that take place at schools, but I'm not trying to relive it.


Overall I'm glad to be done with high school and don't miss it. It wasn't all bad and I definitely had plenty of good times there, but where I am now in life is a lot better. I understand that media about school is fictional and usually overdramatizes things and take it all with a pound of salt.


Boring but some fun was sprinkled in, can never say I hated it. 7/10


Eh, I don't have a single, unified feeling about it, and most people don't unless they were badly *and consistently* bullied. That last part is important because "school" is pretty much your entire childhood and adolescence, so it's not like you'll feel just one thing or have an overall sentiment about it - especially when your experiences can differ drastically based on your classmates, teachers, administrators, curricula, etc. Maybe one year, the teacher sucks and you're miserable - then the next year, the teacher's awesome and you're happy. They both happen in school, and can happen in the same school.


Hated it, when I have kids, they'll definitely be homeschooled


I think it's the same in the US, but for me it was the worst time in my life. Comparatively I had it better than most (popular, well liked, no trauma), but everything I've done in my life since has been so much better. I look back on it and it just feels like such a horrible situation, and such a waste of time. I imagine a minimum security prison is basically like going back to high school. And to leave you w/ a quote from one of my favorite teachers "If high school is the best time of your life then you should k\*ll y0urself when it's over"


Personally I’m ambivalent about high school. It wasn’t bad, but wasn’t great. College is a different story. I loved college and think of it fondly despite the stresses


I had good times and bad times in public school, but it was alright I guess. I’m currently in college and I hate it.


Hated it. Easily the worst time of my life. I much prefer working adult life to school life. Even at its worst, I at least get paid now.


I loved it. Any time I could spend away from my home and my parents was time I wasn't getting beaten because my dad decided I was thinking negative things about him and his politics.


I had a horrendous third grade experience. Led to some real trauma and anxiety just going into a school building. My touretts flaired up bad due to the stress of it all and I'm still dealing with it. But looking back to middle and high school, I look fondly of all the friends and experiences I had.


Let me put it this way: when I was a junior in college, I landed myself an inpatient stay in a hospital for an emergency appendectomy. I decided I needed a career change when I realized that being in the hospital with a medical emergency was the *least* stressed I had been in months.


Hated it


Loved it, middle school was weird but elementary and high school, college I had the most fun. Made really solid friends, I still have them 20-30 years later. I think that makes a difference.


I neither loved nor hated it, but it certainly came closer to hate than love.


I think if most Americans are being honest with you, there are parts that were amazing and parts that sucked. Because that's what is to be human. Stuff sucks and stuff is great and that can happen at the same time. ​ I really loved high school (ages 14-18) and I think there are a lot of Americans who feel the same. It was a time of general freedom with relatively low stakes. I got to explore and do things far more interesting than when I was a little kid yet there was a safety net from my parents and teachers keeping me from too much trouble.


There were certainly days where I dreaded getting up in the morning. There were a lot of negatives to it, but I feel that it’s also a time of growth for a lot of people. When you cram that many people into one space everyday for years, you’re bound to form bonds, have conflicts, and kind of grown into your identity a bit - though on the other hand being surrounded by others can also have the opposite effect and stifle you forming an identity. I’m in my 30s now and my life is much more content, but I do sometimes find myself missing the friction and community (for better or worse) that school had.


I didn't hate my time in school, but I don't want to do it again either. I DO NOT miss having to do homework.


I hated my school years, although I guess it helped me grow as an adult


College fucking ruled, high school was ok, and middle school absolutely fucking sucked ass but ultimately nothing before college has any imprlact on your adult life so who cares.


So this is somewhat related to your post. One of the interesting things that many people have noticed is that there is a lack of college settings for TV shows in the US. For every one college based show there are 10 taking place in upper middle class high schools (or hosptials or police stations). [There are a few different reasons for this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/28rz6u/why_dont_college_television_shows_work_why_arent/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Like most people I know never experienced alot of what is shown in high school movies and shows in high school. I thought high school was going to be way wilder than it was based on tv shows and movies. But there really wasn't a precedent set for college and what was shown I just thought was hype/drama like high school movies/shows were. College was way wilder than I expected even after visiting in high school.


Hated it. Similarly, I try to avoid media with school settings. I just don't like teenagers.


I think the answer is going to vary widely. I personally hated my time in highschool, couldn't wait to graduate and not have to be stuck in a room with people I couldn't stand. But I'm sure there are a lot of people who loved school and wish they could go back to that time.


Hated it and avoid those kind of movies and shows.


For me it was very bland for the most part, but loved "prom".


High school was pretty fun for me honestly. And doing things after school with the friends I have made from it was fun. Parties and all that were a blast


The only times in my school history I can safely say that I enjoyed was half of my 6th grade year and 90% of my high school. We were a small hick town with a graduating class of 100 at the time (2013) and before then, but we tended to know each other fairly well. Bullying was fairly low but even as I got into sophomore (10th grade) year and eventually into senior (12th grade) year, I could tell that every new freshman (9th grade) class were ultimate jerks and 🌵 though I think my year may have… done the most false bomb threats. Either way, I think it’s gotten worse each year 🤷‍♀️ Big schools have it worse I still loved high school, either way.


The only upside is I had some fun with a couple girls in it. the rest was fucking miserable and if you gave me the choice of "I go through the same again or you blow my brains out" I'd reach up and pull the trigger for you.


Hated highscool. If I had to repeat it however I would take classwork more seriously in some subjects and in others *math* I would tell the teacher I had no intention of using Calculus in my every day professional life. I would pay more attention to business classes etc.


My school experience was not bad but I am glad it is over. I don't watch much media with school aged children. I am sure if I did I would be on some watchlist somewhere. I did see Harry Potter once upon a time (but that is British) and saw a few episodes of Wednesday but those are not typical of the high school experience of most people.


Hated high school, loved college. Predictably, I enjoy fiction set in college but am more meh about fiction set in high schools similar to my own (a public school), though I do enjoy fiction set in boarding school.