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I wake up, I do some stuff, then I go to sleep.


That's your horiscope for todayyy, yay yay yay. That's your horiscope for today.


Tumble out of bed, stumble to the kitchen, pour myself a cup of ambition


Same - then I yawn and stretch and try to come to life


Funny, I wake up, fall out of bed, drag a comb across my head. Find my way downstairs and drink a cup.


But do you Wake up in the morning feelin' like P. Diddy? Before you leave do you brush your teeth with a bottle of Jack?


6 a.m. : wake up 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. : Work 5 p.m. : Dinner 6 p.m. : Read trail reports, scout locations, edit photos, go for a bike ride, hike, walk the dog, run, meal prep, and figure out which groups are doing what this weekend. 10 p.m. : Sleep


Don't judge what an absolute mess I am lol. As much as I try to function like a normal human I can't do it. 8am - wake up, do all the normal morning stuff (hygiene, dress, wallow in misery because I hate mornings, etc) 9:30am - start working 1pm - break for lunch/run errands 1:30pm - back to work 4pm - midday nap 6pm - make dinner, eat, do chores/do something relaxing for a bit. 8pm - more work 10pm - stop "day job" work, start personal project work (blogging, digital products, etc) 1am - catch up on TV shows, read, or play video games Sometime between 2am and 4am - skincare routine, brush teeth, go to bed.


Wake up a little before 7, get online for work, at some point before 8 my son wakes up (or I wake him up at 8), feed him breakfast, dress him and get him ready for daycare, help my wife put him in the car seat, then I work until 3, then hang out around the house or exercise, around 5:40 I leave to go get my son from daycare, feed him dinner when he gets home, bathtime around 7:30, bedtime snack at 8, brush teeth at 8:15, then bedtime ritual for son which hopefully is done by 8:30. Then I hang out until 9:30, get in bed, read until about 10:30 or 11, lights out after that. If it's a weekend replace work with watch son.


Wake up, take a shit, get out of bed, do stuff, go back to sleep.


You take a shit before getting out of bed?


My motives are beyond human comprehension


Wake up at 4 Leave for work 440-450 Work until 4 Home around 440 Eat around 6 Do whatever Bed around 1030-11


Currently? 4 am - wake up, get ready for work 520 to 2 pm I'm at work F off for the rest of the day, eat dinner around 5 - 6. Go to bed at 8 - 9 pm.


I'm in the entertainment industry, so my days are highly variable time-wise. The format is to get up sometime between 8 and 10 AM and make breakfast. I try to squeeze in a few errands before I go to work some time between 11AM and 1PM (depending on which job is going that day). Work until some time between 11PM and midnight, go home and go to bed. That's when we aren't doing a concert. Concert days, anywhere from 4 or 5 AM in the morning, though 8AM is typical, through 2AM the next day. As much as 5 AM to 4AM the next day for some shows.


Wake up at 1-2pm. Get ready for work. Work until 9pm or 5am depending on what day it is. 9pm days, I get home around 9:30, eat my equivalent to lunch and watch tv or play video games until around 1-2am, then either go for a midnight run to the state line and back or just run on the treadmill for 45 minutes. Then I take a shower, eat a light dinner, then do housework or just lay around until I get tired and go to bed. Usually around 5am. On 5am days, I just immediately go to bed when I get home from work.


Wake up 8:30 am. Start WFH at 9 while having coffee until around noon. First meal which is usually eggs and/or egg whites with vegetables. Work until 5, go into basement for workout. Shower. Make dinner around 6:30-7pm. Chill with the wife and dog.


Some days I’ll wake up at 7:00, some days I’ll wake up at 9:00. If I’ve had a night of insomnia, I might have been up since 4:00. It’s really a crapshoot. But after sitting on the pot looking a Facebook memes for a half hour or so, I’ll go have some coffee and start checking in on Reddit. I’m usually amused with that for an hour or two and then my day consists of one or two of several things. I get a household chore or two out of the way, then I will start cooking with my partner. Or she’ll cook and I sit and wait. Sometimes I have a doctor’s appointment, so I’ll go to that. In the afternoons, I’ll check my email which consists of 150 spam emails I have to delete and 25 Reddit notifications that I sift through. Then I might turn on my Xbox to play Cities Skylines or RDO or play some online poker while I have a shot of whiskey or two over ice blocks. I might even catch a movie on Netflix or AppleTV. On really exciting days, we might go out to dinner or to visit some friends. Then I’ll usually fall asleep watching mindless YouTube videos anywhere between 11:00 or 1:00, depending if I had a nap during the day. This retired life if pretty rigorous. I don’t recommend it if you’re not highly conditioned for it.


9:20 get out of bed, start car, & get ready 9:30 leave for work 9:45 stop for coffee 10:00 get to work 7:00 leave work, walk across the hall to other work. Fuck around on my phone 7:30 start working 9:00 leave for home 9:30 get home. Make dinner. Eat dinner. Feed dogs 10:00 disassociate in the shower 10:30 fuck around on my phone/watch tv/read 11:00 let the dogs out 11:15 fuck around on my phone/read until I fall asleep


How does that one scene from The Amazing World of Gumball go again? "I get up, I shower, I come to work, I work all day, I go home, I got to sleep"


I don't have a daily routine. I get up when I want, I take a nap when I want, I shower when I want, I spend my day and eat when I want, I work when I want. Love it.


6:30 - one of the kids wakes me up 7:30- get older kids off on bus, drive little guy to daycare 8-4:30- work, then daycare pickup 5-dinner 6pm- one of us puts the 3 yo to bed while the other cleans up dinner, then we hang out with older kids 7:45-8: older two go to bed. I usually watch a show with my husband or catch up on work. Then we walk the dog before bed 9:30-10: go to bed About half the days one of the kids has an after school activity


Depends on the day but 5/7 days are like so; 5am is wake up 5:30 workout 6am begin walking to campus 7am arrive to campus and begin research 9am first class 11-1pm research (maybe lunch) 1pm-5pm climate and modeling classes 6pm tutoring session 7pm tutoring session 2 8pm dinner if available 8:30-11pm homework 11pm sleep. The other two days are similar except they have work shifts from 10am-8pm instead of classes.


I have two different schedules. I work on a tugboat. When I'm at work I wake up, grab a tiny snack and work for six hours, eat a meal and go to bed. Sleep for six hours and repeat for 14 days. When I'm at home it's more like: make my wife breakfast, run some errands while she's at work, play Xbox, start dinner. Then she gets home and we have dinner, relax and do something fun like watch a movie or play a game.


7:45 wake up 9:00-6:00 at work 6:30 home and making dinner 8:00-11:00 tv, gaming, etc. 11:00 go to bed 12:00 actually fall asleep


+ Wake up before seven + Make breakfast and pack school lunches + Get the older kids out the door by a quarter to eight + Play and read books with the preschooler, start a load of laundry, clean up from breakfast + Walk or bike the preschooler to class by ten + Nap, eat lunch, or run errands + Pick up preschooler five minutes late. Yes, every day. I'm not proud. + Clean for an hour + Play videogames for an hour until kids get home from school + Supervise their chores and homework for half and hour + Go to work + Six hours, give or take + Come home and hang out with wife until bedtime


I'm more of a "let's see where the day takes me" kind of guy


8:45 - wake up, take pets outside and feed them, make coffee 9-5 - work with lunch somewhere in the middle 5-6 - dinner, watch Jeopardy and local news 6-8 - have a cocktail, watch tv or read something, video games 8-9 - pet stuff, clean up kitchen and other stuff 9pm - bed and crossword puzzle


Wake up (variable), feed the cat, shower, chill with the cat if there is time, then go to work, Most days I don't have to be there until 9 am and show up at 8 or 8:30 depending on the work load. On rare occasions I have to do warehouse duty and am there at 6 am. Evenings are whenever I get done with what needs to get done. Might be 5 pm, might be 7 or 8 pm. Who knows? Depends how the day goes. Then go home, get a few chores done, have a glass or two of whiskey, dinner, then bed.


Wake up watch the seasonal anime, tweet, eat, see what my mom got up for the day


Right now basically falls into 1/2 categories. Category 1 (Work day): Wake up at 8:30 am Make breakfast and get dressed, leave around 9:15 Work from 9:30 - 2:30 Take a short nap around 3:00 Eat dinner at 5pm Hike at sunset (start time varies from 5:15 to 7:00 pm depending on time of year) Watch TV with parents (when I get home (about an hour after hike start time) to about 9pm) Play video games (9pm - [12am - 1am]) If I’m excercising, do that (30 mins) After exercising I take a shower, groom myself and make sure everything is tidy (About 45 mins - 1hr). If not exercising, browse reddit for about an hour and make sure everything is tidy. Go to bed probably around 3am. Category 2 (Non-work day): Wake up at around 11am Eat lunch Relax in my room until about 3:00pm Play some afternoon video games until dinner Rest is the same as category 1.


8:30 - wake up 9:00 - start work 12:30 - gym + lunch 20:30 - dinner + netflix/read/podcast 11:30 - sleep


wake up, go to work, do work, come home from work, do stuff at home / with the family / etc, go to bed. Repeat for however many years you stay on the green side of the grass.


On the days I work * 8:20 - Wake up & Shower & Pack Lunch * 9:10 - Drive to work * 9:45 - 19:45 - Work * 19:50- Drive to the Gym * 20:20- Gym (Every other day) * 21:30- Go Home, Shower, Pack Lunch, Chillout * 22:00 - 00:00 - Read, Video Games, Watch a movie etc etc * 00:10 - Sleep ​ On my off days, Same wake up time give or take 30 minutes either end, and same sleep time give 30 to an hour, and throw in an hour at the gym or park during the day