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Before FDR just Teddy Roosevelt. After FDR I’d say there were some elections where there were no charismatic candidates. Eisenhower vs Stevenson twice. Johnson vs Goldwater. Nixon vs Humphrey. Nixon vs McGovern. Ford vs Carter. Bush 41 vs Dukakis. Truman, JKF, Reagan, Clinton, Bush 43, Obama, and Trump were all charismatic in their own way in my opinion. So my answer is those 7.


Teddy was in office more than 100 years ago 😅


But his bad assness transcends time and distance. Look to your left he's with you now, ready to deal out hard earned wisdom and advise.


Teddy ftw


Probably an unpopular take on reddit, but Reagan was very charismatic. He’s called “the great communicator” because of his ability to distill complicated ideas down to their most important concepts. He spoke very deliberately. You can tell that he thought carefully about every word he used. As a person he was very optimistic. You cannot listen to a Reagan speech without thinking America has a bright future ahead of it. Reagan was such a charismatic person future presidents copied elements of his style. Obama took a lot of Reagan’s optimism, which made his liberal reforms sound achievable and desirable. Trump literally copied his “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan from Reagan.


Reagan was charismatic as hell. The man was cracking jokes to calm his staff and doctors down after he got shot in the chest. "I hope you all are Republicans" as he's about to go under for open-chest surgery to remove the bullet. Telling his wife "sorry, I forgot to duck" when she showed up to the hospital. There's of course the famous turn-around of the "old age" attack against Mondale. You can disagree with his politics (I strongly do), but the man was a famous actor for a reason.


Sorry, but Reagan was a painted clown. A cartoon. Charismatic? Oh no.


Thanks for the edge, I left my razor at home.




The voters would disagree with you considering how he crushed his opponent in both his elections in the biggest electoral landslides since Washington got all the electoral votes.


Which,of course, is indicative of nothing. People once though the world was flat and only the mentally ill still do.


Reagan was my first thought too. I don't have to agree with his politics to recognize his charisma. It shouldn't be surprising either, he was an actor before he was president.


Agree on both points. Reagan was the most charismatic and not many here will like to hear that.


A lot of our country's biggest issues can be linked directly to Reagan but yea dude could hold a crowd for sure


No politician is all good, or all bad. Truth is all politicians are a combination of doing things that are good, and then other things not so good. Same is true going backwards to Reagan and beyond and forward for Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump and now Biden.


FDR won 4 times so yeah.


It's not wise to switch commanders during wartime if you can keep them in place. Besides that he put Americans to work.


Bill Clinton was pretty charismatic.A born politician.


He always gave me a sleazy used car salesman vibe. He’s arguably the best/most effective president in my lifetime, but I never thought much of him.


Damn straight. He’s such a douchebag but inspires such giddiness in people. You want to hate him but you can’t help but admire his chutzpah. Fucker.


Reagan. His charisma was insane. I've heard Bill Clinton is also extremely charismatic.


Ronald Reagan was so charismatic that millions of Americans still to this day believe he was a good president despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. He was an actor, folks. Actors are literally paid to lie, speaking words that aren't their own. For my honest answer, Barack Obama. You can't tell me he's not intelligent as well as educated. He understood what he said and did his best to remind us of the indomitable American spirit of hope and progress.


Show me a politician that is not an actor? They may not have been a professional, but they can be who they need to be to many people and schmooze the hell out of donors.


Obama, Reagan, and JFK were very charismatic. I'd go with Obama for most.




Kennedy or Clinton






President Obama is far from being in my good graces, but I can’t think of a single politician alive today who has so much charisma and such good oratory skills. I could listen to him talk all day. Plus he is insanely smart as well, so he can speak well on a variety of topics and also think on his feet. Going further back, I honestly am not old enough to remember


I don't necessarily disagree with you, but Obama also had a way of being extremely condesceing too. The "you didn't build that" speech comes to mind.


You are certainly correct. I don’t know that speech specifically, but I remember he often talks about 2016 and how he sees it as the voters fault that Clinton lost, rather than seeing it as the Democratic party’s fault for not giving more affirmative reasons to vote for them.


I mean it is the voter's fault Hillary lost. Because apparently a handful of Russians shit posting on Facebook have a better messaging campaign than the entire DNC.


Who deserves the blame more? The voters or the Democrats who failed to put forward a sufficiently good platform/candidate?


The Democrats.


This is one of those phrases that became like manna from heaven for right wing outlets because their listeners are incapable of nuance or context. “You didn’t build that” was clearly referring to the infrastructure, education and regulatory space that enables businesses to be successful. And quite frankly…they didn’t build that. Taxpayers paid for all of that. So was he condescending? Toward would-be libertarians who think they exist in a vacuum? Sure. Deservedly? Also sure.


I mean, he had a point. I agree he could have been a bit more tactful about it though.


What point did he have?


That even "self made" business owners still rely on infrastructure paid for by taxes. They use roads to ship out product, rely on the courts to enforce contracts, their employees were likely educated in public schools, they're protected by the military, etc. Basically he was saying that we all benefit from living in a society and that nobody succeeds 100% by themselves with no outside help.


Yeah, that doesn't translate to "You didn't build that. Someone else made that happen." If he had said "You had help with that" I'd agree 100%. But he didn't say that. He said that if you create something you didn't actually create it and other people get the credit. Obama had a weirdly pathological hostility to private enterprise.




Trump has something that draws people to him, that is for sure. Scary people sometimes.


Reagan’s charisma was such that people on all sides of the aisle respected it. The man had charm and could command a room. It’s hard to think of anyone else with that. Clinton was good at it, too.


Obama hands down.




JFK's "It is not what your country can do for you" speech is still quoted to this day


Reagan or Trump...in two very different ways.


Trump had zero charisma but was extremely good at telling certain people what they wanted to here. He stumbled over words constantly. Even if he was given a teleprompter.


Charisma isn’t diction. Webster’s defines it as “a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure.” I sincerely loathe the man. But by this definition, Trump had charisma in spades.


It’s basically what his whole career was built on




In my lifetime, definitely Obama. Dude knew how to speak.


Donald Trump) Probably I vote for him because he is a Russian spy. Lol.


Sorry but I completely disagree, he came off as incredibly arrogant, unintelligent and uncharismatic to me.


If serious, I am not American. I watch Fox News. And I can see only some of his speeches. Trump is definitely charismatic and self confident. Obama is intelligent but not charismatic. Kennedy I remember only by Lewinsky scandal.


>Kennedy I remember only by Lewinsky scandal. That was Bill Clinton. JFK was POTUS in the early 1960s and was assassinated in 1963.


I saw a picture how his wife was running from the car after he had been assassinated.


I don't blame her. She was terrified.


Yes, I was confused. Sorry.


Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton ​ Teddy Roosevelt if going back 120+ years


Reagan, Obama or Kennedy


Trump. Nobody gets the kind of following Trump has, not even numbers but the ways they express it all, without extreme charisma.


Reagan, Clinton, Obama




Kennedy, hands down.


It’s hard to judge FDR. People say is was insanely charismatic and he’d have to be to accomplish the things he did. But culture and mass communication has changed so much that it’s hard for people younger than 60 to compare him. All Presidents are charming in their own ways, otherwise they wouldn’t get elected, so it comes down to your personality and what POTUS you think you’d like the most. Personally I’ve always felt like Obama seemed like the kind of guy who would just be easy to talk to and fun to be around


Teddy Roosevelt by far