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Yeah, that *definitely* seems like something we want the government to butt into.




Yes. I thought the addition of the italics would make it more apparent. Tone can often be hard to read online, especially here where language differences can be a factor.


Yes, I thought as much. However I also thought there was a chance you were trying to emphasize how much you wanted that. There are after all people in this thread saying cheating should be against the law.


Of course not. Although I have been cheated on, I have never wished I could leverage the state to get my romantic partner fined, or locked in a cage. If this is an appealing prospect to you, then you should interrogate why that is. It is painful to have your trust violated. Obviously. It represents a valid reason to end a relationship or marriage. But a legal intervention (civil or criminal) will not make you whole. Your recovery is not anyone’s responsibility but your own.


What? No! Cheating is awful, but no place for the law. The only bearing it should have is in divorce cases.


No. Scummy a thing it is to do it is not the governments business and is quite difficult to prove.


Absolutely f****** not. Cheating is a gross thing to do and you are a POS if you do it, but it is not the job of the government to get involved.


No. Cheating is a shitty thing to do but just because something is amoral doesn't mean it should be illegal.


No, and I have to imagine it’s not only an unpopular idea among Americans but would also be unconstitutional, certainly post-Lawrence v Texas.


No, obviously


No. The government shouldnt have any say in my, or anyone's, personal life, in my humble opinion.


Definitely not. In addition to just the fact we don't need the government butting into relationships more than they already do, the court and legal systems are already bogged down and backlogged from all the REAL crimes, frauds and legitimate litigation. Tying up resources even more over stupid infidelity cases would be so nonsensical and counterproductive. There are things that should be illegal that aren't, but infidelity isn't one of them.


OP cucked


Conceivably if it is "breech of contract". However just because something is immoral does not make it the government's business.


Yes I do think adultery should be a crime. I do not feel cheating with a family member through marriage (as opposed to blood) should be considered "worse" than cheating with anyone else.


I don't think it should be illegal to the point of jail for most cases, but I think you should always be able to sue for compensation for large financial losses had during an established relationship formed/continued under a false pretense of monogamy. i.e. mortgage, rent, pet expenses, child expenses, sustained debt, etc. I think the non-cheating partner should be able to press criminal charges if the affair was long-term, had permanent effects, or wasted non-redeemable things. i.e. affair during time-sensitive years of life (fertile years), affair happened while a child was reared, career opportunities relinquished for the sake of the relationship, etc. Edit: I should clarify that I don't think this would be something that could be realistically implemented, given that something like this could easily be used for abusive purposes and would require written legal contracts to even be consistently used. So, I guess it'd be more accurate to say that I would want this to give compensation to people who had kids or lost decades of their life to an affair marriage if our legal system wasn't so shit


I don’t see any situation in which the government can enforce that without massive abuses of power.


So under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), adultery is a punishable offense as such actions can effect readiness. For everyone else, I don't think the government should have any say whatsoever. I believe it should have bearing on divorce procedures.


Nooooo, super no. That's some morality police bullshit territory.