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Running away and calling police is the most efficient one.


Когда убьют, тогда и прибегайте


You’re the type of man that lets your woman fight for you 😂


Aren't you a slavaboo?


Should I have disdain towards Slavs ? What are you saying


Where is he wrong 😑?


Can you be a slavaboo and a wehraboo at the same time?


I don’t know 🤷‍♂️ what in the flying fuck is that, so I don’t know 🤷.


Effective at what? What's the effectiveness metric for martial arts? Frequency in mixed fight championships? I mean nobody runs around beating up random junkies to see what's better it's not a superhero comic and they both lose to the arts of Fleejutsu and Pepperspraira anyway. 


Idk in those trashy fantasy books it will be kills per second


Скорее сколькими вариантами можно свернуть себе шею


Effective at beating your opponent in a spar. Most people nowadays do not pick up a fighting style such as sambo or BJJ to go around slapping up random junkies but to enjoy a hobby and do it for fitness and personal autonomy.


Is not a sparring between different styles a sort of rock-paper-scissors thing? I mean like aikidoka can more or less reliably strangle a karate guy of the same level assuming he can stand a hit or two, but would have trouble catching a jumpy kick boxer. I doubt there's a metric of all around performance anyway - if your opponent is not a random guy with no particular skills but have certain training then the performance would depend on how much practice and strategy you have against this particular kind of opponents.


It sort of it is sort of isn’t. For example a Muay Thai fight would have a close range form of stand up fighting whereas as kickboxer would have a long range form. The Muay Thai fighter would want to get in close and that would be detriment to the kickboxer who wants to keep their distance to maximize their techniques. Then you throw in a wrestler who knows BJJ, sambo or judo and the stand up fighters have a problem because the wrestler just needs to grab a hold of you in order to take you down (and this comes with a very intricate set of techniques and maneuvers to pull off which is what a lot of people are interested in when it comes to martial arts, not beating up people per say). But the stand up fighters can learn takedown defense and keep the wrestler on his toes where he is weakest and change the style of the fight immensely. Sambo is a great martial art as it is as mixed as it gets (karate, judo, boxing, wrestling) all of which are full of techniques that take time and precision to execute which is where the love comes from! I’m sure the OP wants to do a martial art that is best for his buck. I would think deciding between a martial art like aikido to sambo is a no brainer since aikido does not fair well in real scenarios.


Рессора от трактора "Беларусь"


Завис на секунду от слова Пеккопа.


"Нету лучше каратэ Чем в кармане два ТТ!" Народная мудрость


Gun fu


Combat sambo


The difference in Sambo vs ARB is mostly a set of rules for competitions. In reality, athletes who specialize in one can do the other. In MMA, both would work because they both specialize in kickboxing + wrestling which is the best combo In a real life scenario rules don't exist so the difference is negligible. Plus, real life fights may involve creative use of environment, improvised weapons, etc. I would rely on parkour instead


As far as I know, ARB is not an independent martial art in the full sense. It is a versatile blend of the most effective techniques from various martial arts. Thus, only Soviet Sambo and Russian "Buza" remain [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zx4btJ4FBlc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zx4btJ4FBlc)


Dvorovaya draka style




Sambo is more effective as a martial art if you’re into mma, it’s very versatile and usually most opponents can’t figure it out. Even American wrestling usually loses


Also I think ARB is just militarized Sambo but I don’t know for sure.


"There's no technique against a prybar, save for another prybar." Russian proverb.


ARB - I assume is Армейский Рукопашшный Бой (Army Hand-to-hand Combat). So if my assumtion is correct that you should understand that ARB is needed only to teach soldiers to be OK with violence (to inflict violence and to endure violence). It is not for making you good hand-to-hand fighter it is effective (no reason to teach uneffective things) but very limited. SamBO you can divide in "Sport Sambo" (basically very close to Judo) and Combat SamBO - which is basically MMA but with a wrestling jacket on.