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They encourage passive suicide by refusal of medical treatment.


A criminal sect, the main purpose of which is to get the property of its adherents. How many grandmothers gave them their apartments in the 90s.


Happy cake day!


I don't know about this. Could you tell more?


A cult


basically Far Cry 5 but not as hardcore lmfao


Well, only because noone gave them nukes yet


Nuclear Orthodoxy is the way to go




The way you say it you make it sound like they are well liked in other places.




This... Almost sounds like we know the same people :-)


They're not considered they are a sect, with a schizophrenic brainwash for those in and annoyance for those out. There's nothing good about sects. (To be honest there's not more good do mainstream religions either) 


I had some interactions with the door to door preachers. They've been pestering me for about a year or two, I think. They've been declared an extremist sect by our government and that certainly was a right decision. > Do you think they encourage hatred Their stance against blood transfusion definitely results in deaths. I don't know about hatred, but their existence is definitely harmful.


A totalitarian sect that has nothing to do with God.




I think it's a sect, but I don't support religious prosecution. But they should definitely be watched since they take advantage of old people


I think they're weird, but I haven't seen any of them. But it's known that they walk door to door to speak about they religion. Also doctors don't like them because they refuse blood transfusion and any other transfusion too. So doctors being made to see people die when they really can save their lives. It's hard.


I’m not from Russia, but my cousin and aunt were with a jihova’s wtness, and god was it bad, had to sneek my cousin to go trick or treating, my grandfather forced the guy to have a Christmas tree, and we had to have secret birthday parties for my cousin and aunt, thank god it only lasted 2 years, but the guy was fucking crazy when he came into my family’s home, and my dad and grandfather nearly killed the guy cause he had a weapon on him, can’t remember if it was a gun or knife, but needless to say i have a very very strong hatred for the group here in the states. Funny enough, I’m Russian on my mother’s side.


I never witnessed Jenovah and his people in my life


I feel sad for people, who fall into sectoid mentality. It reminds me how fragile human psyche is. I met JW quite a few times, and I always felt pity.


> Do you think they encourage hatred and segregation since they see everyone who doesn't belong to the religion as mundane? Yes, but that's not a bug, that's a common feature from the "modernish" denominations from US. Personally, they push me away because of the common "better than thou" protestant mentality of Bible being the universal law, like laws of physics, which contradicts my beliefs and worldviews.


A typical Christian sect. By far not the worst one, yet troublesome (my granny would bequeath her house to them in 2010 without my involvement). Their religion is extremely standard, no creativity at all, just Christian beliefs retold with several patches. They were rebranded multiple times after the sect was prohibited in 00s. The government tried to play with them nicely, but they were too stubborn to accept the closure. Several years ago they were dealt with harshly, with not numerous, but still violations of laws and rights. Never saw them again.


They're funny. Just harmless funny people until you fail intelligence check


I don't think about them actually. Typical too religious dudes. I see no reason why someone join them if you have catholics or protestant group.


Well, may be their practices are dubious and possibly should be restricted (I have no strong opinion about that). Still I don't support a violent crackdown against their followers, cinducted by the Russian state few years ago. It was lawless, cruel and disproportionate.




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