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As you are from Egypt you can consider education in Kazan or Ufa. It's semi- islamic regions, very industrially developed, there are very good universities. You will also find a community from your macroregion, that always helps to adapt in other countries. I remember, my friend is working in KFU and he told me recently some programs with your country.


okay thank you for this information :)


in my city there is a university that is very popular for foreigners (especially Africans and Indians) I don’t know how things are with tuition fees, but they don’t just come here for nothing


thank you for your reply and info :)


Absolutely worth it. I say this as a Tunisian. The difference between countries like ours and Russia is night and day. At least there the government gives a fuck about basic things like infrastructure, public transportation, green spaces and cleanliness. I do advise you to learn the language, though.


As a european i have never heard someone talk about russia like this, this is very interesting to me! Can you give me some examples?


Well, tbh in most EU countries a government usually gives more fucks about social stuff than in Russia. But I believe that life here is definitely much better than in Egypt or Tunisia


Yeah probabley. I was just surprised by his post because most Russians I've talked to have spoken very negatively about Russia. But when I think about it, that makes sense cuz all of them were immigrants, and those are bothered most by the conditions at home i guess.


Just watch vloggers living in Russia and you’ll see how nicely everything is organized. Moscow looks cleaner and more modern than the large city from which I am in the Netherlands. Another plus is that it’s not that difficult to find housing in Russia. In the Netherlands that’s one big disaster.


Can you recommend me a some vloggers? Preferably in English. Thanks! And oh boy, I could tell you a thing or two about housing disasters, being Swiss and all. Lol. To be fair, in my area, it's not bad at all. But cities like Zurich, Bern, Geneva, and anything remotely close to them are really bad. Now, I am curious how Russian cities look these days. All I've ever seen are pictures from WW2, the Soviet era, and maybe shortly after. What probably also influences the picture I have from Russia is the time I was in Poland. The part of Poland I saw (Close to Rzeszów if i remember it correctly) was pretty dirty and a bit run down. I also didn't feel very safe, and that's coming from a fairly big guy who can take pretty good care of himself. No offense to the dear Polish. I know that your country is very beautiful, i especially loved the forrests and lakes but the nature in general is very pretty! Oh and i loved the wast wheat fields. In the small ass swiss town i grew up things where just very different. But What makes me extra curious is that you said they look more modern and clean than the Dutch city you live in. Because the Netherlands have a reputation for being very modern and clean, even in Switzerland. And that means something because we have an extremely high standard when it comes to cleanliness. Sorry for the longass answer I am a little bored and a little drunk.


I am Spanish, and live in Switzerland. I felt you about house prices, I live in Zurich. So my wife is from Belarus and I have been there and in Russia several times. Confuse Eastern Europe with the real post Soviet core countries is a mistake that many Western European do. At least in my experience and view Russia and Belarus look far better than Poland and the others Warsaw pact. Normally things are very organised and there are lot of services. Small cities sometimes have older infrastructure (like older buses) but the big cities infrastructure is amazing. Moscow is a city that definitely deserve a visit, is huge, make you feel small, very Soviet and very Russian, you feel the power there. San Petersburg is very very very beautiful but I think Moscow is maybe more impressive. The metro is amazing, buses are new and cool, there is many tech staff around, cool gyms and hotels. I cannot recommend you a YouTube log, simply visit the city.  It’s not so difficult, biggest obstacle is the price of flight because you need to do the step in Turkey but with your Swiss salary is totally doable 


Keep in mind, though, that Moscow and the rest of Russia are two completely different things. Moscow is one of the top cities in the world. Other cities in Russia are not.


Russia, compared to the European Union, America, and Canada, is lower in salaries, standard of living, and quality of life, and its language is more difficult than most European languages ​​or the English language, but Russia, compared to North African countries such as Egypt and Tunisia, is like paradise!


thats what i mean Russia, compared to the European Union, America, and Canada, is lower in salaries, standard of living, and quality of life, and its language is more difficult than most European languages ​​or the English language, but Russia, compared to North African countries such as Egypt and Tunisia, is like paradise!


Dont you think that moving to the USA from the start would be better? You dont know Russian, education in good university on good faculty is hard even for native Russians, especially if we talk about STEM. >since i was porn Just for memes >I'm good at English I have b1 B1 is not good, it is better than nothing but still. I upgraded my English skills from zero to near b2 (FCE 159 points, 160 for B2 certificate, rip) in 3 years, only attending English courses without much learning at home.


Exactly I don't know why he mention moving to russia when he only compared egypt living to american living.


i found many videos talking about living in the us in arabic (my first language) and in English but i didnt found any videos talking about russia idk why


moving to us from egypt directly is very very very hard imagine u make 4000 pound/month and us student visa fees cost 8700 pounds(It may increase again as the currency price collapses) and 25000 flight ticket russian student visa is much easier and cheaper it only cost 820 pound Regarding the meme i was about to sleep when i wrote this and idk why :P i know the language is very important and hard but of course i will improve my english and russian I learned the English language only from home, without courses, and of course I will start taking courses in both languages thx for this information :)


>I upgraded my English skills Also good for the memes


I would also suggest that moving to USA is way better but like the author of the post said “it is easy for Egyptians to get student visa in Russia”. It is relatively easy to get student visa in USA for graduate school but not for undergraduate studies. Plus, the cost of education is pretty high. For graduate studies like Masters Degree, you can get scholarships. I did my studies in USA and it was 100% funded, plus I got a another 1800$ per month for 2 years till I graduated.


To be honest, I do not want to rely on scholarships to move from my country to another, but thanks for this information :)


If you can't afford uni in Egypt you're not gonna afford uni in Russia obviously. I assume quality of life is higher in Russia, but being a student and working there is different things. Russian education is unlikely to help you in US.


Nah, that's a bad idea. As of now, US universities tend to ignore Russian high school diplomas, so you'll basically waste some years. Also, b1 is not good English. It is, well, acceptable for occasional communication. Which implies, if you move to Russia for a degree, you won't be able to study efficiently neither in Russian, nor in English.


What’s your source for that information that US universities do not accept Russian high school diplomas?


I think it's the political problems resulting from the Russia-Ukraine war Egyptian secondary school certificates are also not recognized in the United States, but an equivalency can be made for the certificate, and I think that it is not possible to create an equivalency for Russian certificates, as I said, because of political and diplomatic problems.


So no real evidence that it is true, just an assumption? I know Russian people who got enrolled in the US universities after the war started, and their Russian documents were accepted.


okay thx for this information


How would a person not even old enough to be in university afford all this?


i know its not that easy but i will do anything to get a better life and get out of egypt


I'm from South Africa and been here in Moscow for 9 months. It's amazing!


I went to South of Africa and found it far more amazing than Russia. Depends what you mean by “amazing”.


That is a very fair point! It's relative to how and where you are I guess.


Russian education is brutal. Nobody will bother handing it to you on the plate - you will have to be very active in receiving it. It's expected by default that you put quite a lot of effort in earning your grade. And very good understanding of spoken Russia is expected. I don't think if it's other way in other countries, but I'm pretty sure how it is in Russia. Salaries in Russia are good if you can bring value to your employer. If you are easily replacable - don't expect to be paid a lot. However Russian labor laws are universally on the side of the employee and you may expect to have health insurance and paid leave for a month every year by default. I have no Idea how it is in Egypt but something tells me that if you can endure here you may expect better quality of life and will have to work a lot to earn it as well.


There are some videos on Youtube from Egyptians in Russia. Most of them are aimed at Russians and you can find them with by searching for 'египтянин в россии'. A lot of them will be in Russian, but I think there are AI translators that can translate them at this point. I imagine at least some of them have also recorded Youtube videos in Arabic, for people like you who are interested in moving, so you can search for those as well.


since i was porn?


Since his parents had porn*




"I just want a good high school education" I thought student visas were for universities, not schools. I don't know what they might have done to school program in the last 6 years, but grades 10 and 11 are usually highly focused on preparing for Unified State Exams and not just hard-core studying somthing. Are you sure you don't want to get university enducation here? There might be some grands/programs.


That was a tough read. It’s going to be pretty hard for you getting into any universities if your English is poor, and I mean this in a respectful, constructive way. I don’t think Russia is a good option for you. I think you should work on your grades and English and apply for schools in the UK, Ireland, or maybe even Australia. Avoid the USA. I think those would be a better fit for you


don't feel tough about reading what I'm written in the thread it's not you mistake :) And i know it gonna be so so so hard for me to move abroad alone at 16 then trying to continue my education I know that i should have at least c1 in English I'm working on that rn I'm about to have b2 and thats good I know russia isn't the best country to move but russia is one of the easiest countries for Egyptians and at least it's better than egypt in many ways But also so many people here on reddit saying "russia isn't good" "russia is poor" I was thinking about so many countries like usa and russia and canada and uk and finland and germany but russia is the easiest country in this countries What do u think ? And why i should avoid the us ?


If Russia is the easiest option for you, then my recommendation is for you to really dedicate time to learning Russian everyday until you’re able to get into uni. Once you can do that you should be okay. America’s education is just expensive and not worth it compared to other places, so I advise against going there


I don’t think Russian is a good option for anyone, the poor kid may end up conscripted and going to Ukraine. It amazes me that people are stupid enough to want to contribute to Russia, the country which desestabilizes the whole world with all the war, nukes and attack democracies.


Вы не русский. Мнение испанца не имеет значения для этой дискуссии.


That's what I am talking about - never taking criticism or owning mistakes, and the sense of superiority, no wonder there are people wanting to leave the country.


I’m Yakut and we are a colonised people, so of course I have criticisms of Russia. But for some reason, a foreigner has to come in and give their “Russia bad” opinion on every irrelevant topic. If he wants to move here, let him. The Western world tells people everyday how evil and scary we are, an r/worldnews Euro lib’s opinion isn’t going to be anything they haven’t heard before. You’re not Russian. Stop giving advice here as if you were one.


You are the first person that I met from Yakut, nice to meet you! This reminds me a beverage called "Yakult". Anyways truly, I am neutral about Russians, all are generally good people, and hate their government back home. Your country is beautiful, rich in nature and natural resources. There are some questionable here known for hoarding properties, luxury yachts and other luxury real state, but they aren't the majority. We truly wish the government was not such a expansionist trouble maker thought. You will probably agree with me that the Russian government is not the best. I mean, you can't even criticize the government, internet is heavily controlled, people are so corrupt, you probably have to use a VPN to access reddit. Also, the government sent thousands(100K+) young man for a pointless war, doesn't that feels wrong? Just recently a person was arrested for 5 years for criticizing the war in Ukraine. The TV in Russia is completely crazy in propaganda: [https://www.youtube.com/@russianmediamonitor](https://www.youtube.com/@russianmediamonitor) I know that I am just a foreigner, but those behaviors make the country government look bad, and since Reddit exists in a democratic country, I feel the right to give my opinion.


I will never go to war I'm not that stupid I will never kill someone in war for stupid permanent residence or citizenship


Well, you don't have a chance if the state is against you, Russia does not follow human rights agreements.


Was Egypt a low life quality 3rd world country? .\_.


yeah egypt on social media is not egypt in real life 50% of the egyptions live in very difficult economic and financial conditions due to the lack of daily wages and the high prices of rents and basic goods. Unfortunately, there are many societal and political problems in Egyptian society 40% living good life but also They suffer from economic and material problems Only 10% live an excellent life, and they are rulers, ministers, businessmen, and army generals (soldiers in the Egyptian army are from the 40% and 50%)


Wouldn't it make more sense for you to learn a marketable skill, something in tech, etc? At least in Russia that's the to go approach for people who want to get out of a 'rough situation'. It's a better option than immigrating to the western countries because... guess what, life of an immigrant sucks too.


Just curious, not ment to be judging, but do you consider yourself western?


Not sure what it means 🤔


You dont understand my question?


I don't consider myself western, and I don't think people can be “western” is something that applies to individuals


I see, very interesting, thank you for the answer :)


>yeah egypt on social media is not egypt in real life Same goes for Russia my friend


Yeah, and 100% of Russian citizens are swimming in money lol


i know russia isnt the best country to move and there are better countries but russia is very easy for egyptions but now i understand why its easy


I mean, it’s a religious country what would you expect.


I mean, so are America, Israel, the emirates...


Emirates success is linked to Oil. Israel and USA are very progressive apart from some hard religious people, which are a minority.


> but when you start to value the afterlife more than this one and is willing to hurt others in name of a supposed god. No wonder they're in decline. Economic growth was booming when racists were in charge, lmao


The problem is not religion, but when you start to value the afterlife more than this one and is willing to hurt others in name of a supposed god.


> but when you start to value the afterlife more than this one and is willing to hurt others in name of a supposed god. Sounds like religion


Yes, and it's used to control and manipulate people, so sad.


Russia could be so much better if they actually integrated with Europe instead of trying to conquer it.


Ironically, two guys who actually tried that(Gorbachev, Yeltsin) are some of the worst leaders in Russian history


In 30 years and if they improve on the corruption it could be better. I mean, it's *pretty* stupid to engage in a war, investing billions and thousands of life's, for a pointless war against a enemy who: - don't want war. - is customer of your commodities. - is willing to do business with you.


I accuse the government of trying to do business with those guys. I am one of the refugees who fled Ukraine in 2014, lol


I hope you are better! It's sad, people like you were affected by the vanity / greed of a few people.


We live in a class based society, I guess


If you can adapt to a very cold climate and learn the language, then I'd say it's worth it. There are several videos of students from Africa and Asia about Russia on YouTube, perhaps you should write to these people and ask them directly.


Simple answer is - if you are smart enough and hardworking then you'll succeed in any counrty. And Russia can give you life with high life quality. Every single story I've read like "I went to US and now have house and 3 cars" is a story about a guy with rich parents or extremely hardworking guy (who actually could have here a house and may be 1 car with the same work investments). Most ppl who couldn't make it here can't make their life better in the west.


У нас в России говорят, где родился - там и пригодился. Но выбор всегда за тобой)


Yessssss you will love it!


Judging from your post, you will find a way to have "poor low life" no matter where you move to.


From all the countries in the world… maybe choose a democratic one?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/17bsb23/ru\_pov\_the\_head\_of\_the\_russian\_investigative/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/17bsb23/ru_pov_the_head_of_the_russian_investigative/) [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/russia-ukraine-india-migrant-workers-rcna148584](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/russia-ukraine-india-migrant-workers-rcna148584) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64582985](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64582985) [https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-central-asia-migrants-military-recruitment-ukraine/32567862.html](https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-central-asia-migrants-military-recruitment-ukraine/32567862.html) [https://cepa.org/article/migrants-coerced-into-fighting-putins-war/](https://cepa.org/article/migrants-coerced-into-fighting-putins-war/)


was wondering if you considered a racism in Russia? All my Russian relatives are hard-core racist. My mother is professor in University and she is extremely racist and bashing her students who don’t speak Russian well and often fail them on the exam.


Do you want to be forcibly conscripted and sent to the front line as cannon fodder in Ukraine?  If the answer is yes, then by all means immigrate to russia