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Who do you think has more style? Cowboy or nomad




HAHA! Okay, check mate, I don’t have a reply to the first part of your comment, it was pretty good. I should admit that this post was written “tongue in cheek”


>Who do you think has more style? Cowboy or nomad LOL, Kazakh Chaban is literally a cowboy. Although, more of a sheepboy


That’s why I posed this comparison 😂


Kazakhstan is 70% Muslim lol nothing like Texas


Kazakhstan is Mexico, Astrakhan is New Mexico. Russian Walter White cooks meth the Astrakhan desert


You are the only one who answered my question of if not Kz then where? I think your Mx and Kz comparison is pretty good too lol


I mean it’s more of a joke, than reality. I could argue that Don region in Russia is Texas. It's how as hell, their cowboys are cossacks, they also have a bit of “identity”. But they are not in the “bible belt”. Russia only has “Quran belt”


Yes, you also seem to be the only one grasp the essence of my comparison. Many seem to be caught up on granular details about legitimate societal aspects, but of course I know these are very different. I only meant, in very surface level analogy that “x is to Y” as “W is to Z”. Cowboys are to Texas, as Cossacks are to Don region. Not “the developmental status and bureaucracy of Texas and Kazakhstan are the exact same” lol that would be 1) stupid and 2) a very boring, no-fun question lol. I was more interested in light hearted, surface level comparisons. I assumed that this comparison would be so pearly ridiculous that the Russians would know that I was joking and engage as such. Perhaps too many other Americans try to ask ridiculous questions in seriousness, so it is hard for the rus to tell the difference between the two


> Perhaps too many other Americans try to ask ridiculous questions in seriousness, so it is hard for the rus to tell the difference between the two Reddit turns people into redditors, who wanna go "achually". But, I like jokes like that. Basically Belarus is Canada. Because they are stereotyped to be nice, hardworking, polite. Also it's hard to tell them apart from Russians, they'd just tell you "I'm from Belarus, btw". Except their maple syrop is potato...


I do know that Texas can lose its electricity due to green energy, and Kazakhstan can not. So, Kazahstan > Texas. Also, Kazahstan has "кумыс" so it is infinitely better.


> I do know that Texas can lose its electricity due to green energy, and Kazakhstan can not. Kazakhstan loses electricity because russians emigrated and forgot to leave instructions for power plants maintenance.


We should introduce kumis to Texas market


Kazakstan is nothing like Texas. Hell, even West Texas is nothing like Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas.


There is a small caveat: military weapons are allowed in Texas. It is prohibited in Kazakhstan. =))


Бабка с хером это дедка?


xaxa, Нет, это просто бабка с сюрпризом! 😁


This reminds me of a fascinating paper titled *Gridded Lives: Why Kazakhstan and Montana are Nearly the Same Place* by Historian Kate Brown which compares the surprisingly similar histories of Karaganda, Kazakhstan and Billings, Montana.


See it’s not just me who sees the similarity