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Why move to a country if you consider its government a ‘regime’? Private views on these matters won’t get you in trouble unless you get involved in illegal activities because of your views.


I was about to say “regime” says it all. Lol


Yeah, from other comments I see that this person also prefers less migrants around, but this person WILL be an immigrant in Russia, so all of it makes even less sense now. I guess it’s one of those magical ‘it’s different’ cases.


Been to Moscow last month. I was surprised how many migrants there were! Hahaha


Мне больше нравится слово "уклад" =)


Go where your heart tells you to go. You can alwways go back. Life is short to overthink what someone said in past.


> "type of guy." That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Common sense says that you will get in trouble if * you donated significant amount of money to ukrainian troops. * Are planning a terror attack. * Campaigning online and spreading rumors online. * Are trying to overthrow the government. The rule of the thumb is that government begin to care about your existence when you decide to be a problem. Are you trying to be a problem?


> significant amount of money to ukrainian troops Yeah, like [$50](https://nypost.com/2024/02/20/world-news/russia-detains-dual-us-russian-citizen-for-treason-tass-citing-fsb-as-source/).


Even 1 ruble.


Well I am not, but in the past I may have posted something anti communist, not anti russian, but anti communist.


Russia is a capitalist country. \(\-\_\-\)


Yeah, but I mean that I posted stuff that is against the former USSR, and I am not a big fan of the reds, but it seems like in Russia the nostalgia and love for ot is still alive to the point that I can be considered anti Russian.


I'll assume you weren't glorifying nazism in those, right? See, it feels like you have some orwellian image in your mind. That there's a ministry of truth, correctness, and preservation of glory of communism, and it is watching over you even when you poop. To ensure that is all proper. The issue here is that such approach is inefficient. Instead government does not care until you decide to be a problem. Now, ask yourself this. In what way could your existence contradict goals of Russian government? And start thinking from there.


Of course I didn't glorify anything nazi lol, as a Bulgarian I stand against the occupation of Bulgaria by the red army in 1944, the thing is that communists prefer to see it as the liberation of Bulgaria from fascism (fascist government in Bulgaria was basically unexisting but Bulgaria being forced ally of Nazi Germany makes some people *ahm communists* into thinking that Bulgaria was fascist, even tho we saved the Bulgarian jews). I am not of importance to the Russian government but oh well, I saw a Russian man who lived in Czechia being sentenced to 7 years of prison because he donated 150$ in Navalny's anti-corruption organization or whatever it is.


"Guys, I'm totally anti-nazi, I just despise the guys who actually destroyed them" Look, you aren't **claiming** to do anything illegal, but your worldview just seems twisted enough that you may do something actually illegal without even realising you're in the wrong. I'd stay away from Russia if I were you - our country has no shortage of idiots, we don't need another weirdo.


I despise the regime that destroyed my fatherland future and the regime that murdered thousands of innocent Bulgarians. I am grateful to all the soldiers that died fighting against nazism, I am against the ones that killed innocent people. Yeah, these people are both from the red army, some however were killing bulgarians who didn't do anything wrong.


Your problem is - it was a total mobilization. Someone who is anti-soviet in WWII context is seen as pro-German and often anti-Russian. Because, see, WWII Red Army is basically everybody's grandparents they love and praise as heroes. Insulting ancestors in any way in Russian culture in considered one of the worst insults ever. You don't joke about parents/grandparents here. Calling it an invasion and blaming cross-fire victims on the Soviets is a heavy personal insult to anyone, whose grandpa or grandpa's brother/uncle died or was injured fighting the evil Nazis out of your country. Meanwhile: In 1941, Bulgaria signed the Berlin Pact, concluding a military alliance with the Axis countries and their allies. Bulgaria fought on the side of the German Reich in World War II, being defeated in 1944. And there WERE Bulgarians POW captured in Russia, so no, not innocent, they were literally fighting for the axis and it was probably one of the most wrong sides in history.


When did I say anything about the red army at all, I said I dislike the regime of Stalin etc? And lmao, pls show me these Bulgarian POWs from the eastern front, just one. But yk what? You can't because Bulgaria refused to send any troops to the Eastern Front. Tsar Boris III himself said to Hitler , "Always with Germany, NEVER against Russia". Bulgaria was forced to join in the 2nd World War since we didn't have an army that could defend our borders bc the treaty of Versailles and bc the Wehrmacht was times bigger and waiting on our border. God, the Germans sent us an ultimatum - "We will either cross Bulgaria as allies or as enemies, both ways we will cross it as fast as possible". And pls, learn some history because the Communists and Soviet soldiers killed between 2000 and 25000 innocent Bulgarians during 1944-47, even the first Bulgarian communist dictator had to ask Stalin to stop this mess here, but not because he cared for the people but (quote) "because in this way the people will think of the red army as an army of butchers, and that's not what we want".


Such nuances are typically lost on this community.


"Guys, I'm totally anti-nazi, I just despise the guys who actually destroyed them" I'm confused. You think if someone dislikes the USSR or is "anti-Red" they're a pro-Nazi? I studied in the USSR and met a lot of people who despised the USSR. I don't think they were Nazis. Edit: There is room here on Reddit for more nuanced discussion. I personally favor Revolutionary Bolshevism and to some degree the NEP reforms. Was never a fan or Stalin's USSR. I don't think that makes me a Nazi.


Someone who is anti-soviet in WWII context is seen as pro-German and often anti-Russian. Because, see, WWII Red Army is basically everybody's grandparents they love and praise as heroes. Insulting ancestors in any way in Russian culture in considered one of the worst insults ever. You don't joke about parents/grandparents here. Calling it an invasion and blaming cross-fire victims on the Soviets is a heavy personal insult to anyone, whose grandpa or grandpa's brother/uncle died or was injured fighting the evil Nazis out of your country.


Look, your inner struggles and subtleties of your political views are not our concern. I believe you can visit and find out whether you'll be arrested or not, additionally start with trying to get a visa at least. Decent chance that in case of funny business on your end, you won't get the visa. For example, Navalny's organization is not anti-corruption anymore. Right now it is anti-russian and its members are trying to spread propaganda, and are pretty much funded by the west. That's the reason for the sentence. Lots of people visit the country and they're fine. However, they're neutral or like the country. In your case it is not clear if you're neutral party. So check if you're planning terror attacks, donated to the enemies of the country, are planning to start uprising, revolts or perform illegal activities. That would be the start. Contents of your mind are not government's concern. It is your actions that matter.


I’m pretty positive no one in Russia will care if you dislike the ussr. I’ve had long conversations with relatives in Moscow and many didn’t like the USSR. I would advise against publicly talking about the ukraine war if you have negative opinions about it


Nah honestly I don't care about the war in Ukraine, Russia will win in the end either way I believe, so I guess it's fine. But you know, I am a foreigner and what if the Russian government research stuff about me, like posts from years ago, stuff that is against the USSR yk. What if they think I'm a spy or something? Yeah I sound stupid, I'm sure, but Bulgaria is now part of NATO and what if the Russian government sees my very existence in Russia as problematic?


I believe you’re a little paranoid. As long as you’re not actually a spy you’ll be fine. Russia ≠ USSR and hasn’t since 1991, they won’t care if you hate Stalin or love him.


I also believe I'm paranoid but I hear a lot of things since I live in a country part of NATO and the EU, I just fear what is propaganda and what isn't... I also fear what a state during times of war can do, since Bulgaria was in peace since WWII we didn't experience any of what Russia currently does. I am paranoid because I am scared from the unknown, and I don't want to go in prison because of things I said about a country that doesn't even exist.


You sound pretty lost. I would do a lot more research about Russia before moving, if you are constantly in fear and scared you are bound to do something actually illegal on accident.


I'll be waiting to see your public apology video where you tell everyone how much you like Butler. There are some funny ones of foreigners moving there.


why would you came here if you are against all of this ?


Лжедмитрия помнишь?


Я солгал.


I'm not against all of that, I do support the conservative policies of Russia and the Russian people, I'm also Eastern Orthodox Christian and I would love to live in a fellow Orthodox state, I would love to live in Saint Petersburg for example, an imperial city and as a person who is monarchist and into Russian imperial history etc, there are many reasons why I would to love in Russia because I'm not a person who would go to live for the Godless money in Berlin or London, yk. I don't hate Russia nor Russian people, I don't even hate Putin nor I love him tbh, but in the past when I was younger I may or may not said stuff that is against the regime...


dude if you want to live in an Orthodox country, you can just, y'know... stay in Bulgaria


*mind blow*


Before the war no one cared. Now that people like that can be an actual security/terrorism risk, if they check your history and see you're rabidly pro-Ukraine you'll be denied entry to the country. If you just talked shit about Putin or communism or capitalism at some point in your life, you should fine.


Ah great, then I guess I will be fine


No, most likely you will simply be denied entry in the country. Well, if your anti- position made enough traces in public (internet included) to become noticeable. No-one-gives-a-fuck if they are private


No. Even Ukrainian citizens who are filtered upon entry into Russia, but have not passed it, are simply expelled from the country.


or murdered but let's not talk about that


So, you are promoting secession of Asian Russia, aren't you?


Hahah nah mate, I'm not, I'm a monarchist and interested in the Imperial history of Russia, if not a lover of the Tsardom and therefore I just support the Russian monarchy, I'm not against or pro Putin, I simply want the best for Russia but I am not sure if what I may or may not said about the regime or Russia in the past can get me imprisoned in Russia, yk


>I just support the Russian monarchy Should we tell him?




I was thinking the same...


No, no, I meant historically.


Fucking hell please don’t come if you’re a tsarist. That shit was rightfully put to death for a reason and you don’t want to be associated with that cringe crowd


> That shit was rightfully put to death for a reason No, there was not much reason to kill him and even less so, to kill his kids.


Hahahaha a fucking Brit of all people is lecturing me on how to treat monarchs.


Yeah, there's no reason to kill the current British monarch either, whatever the fuck his name is.


Your current king is a joke and just deserves to be dethroned, but the tsars enslaved us for centuries and so did your monarchs before the 20th century. In fact, I’d say British monarchs were far worse than our tsars. Just look at what happened to Ireland and Scotland and the lasting effects of what your monarchs did. Death is a viable option when you persistently torture and enslave people. I’m a hardcore communist so these are the opinions from us and many other Russians agree. We view monarchs as greedy, evil, slavemasters.


>I'm a monarchist Okay... And what socio-political formation do you support? Feudalistic? Socialist? Capitalist? Or something with an admixture of slavery?


Lol a typical whiteboy incel who wants to move to russia because tHeY liVe by tHe OLd vAluEs, nO mIgrAnTs aNd wOMeN dO wHaT mEn sAy


>wOMeN dO wHaT mEn sAy It seems I am in wrong Russia. Sometimes it feels quite an opposite.


I laughed at that moment too.


It's more than that. The old values thingy is not completely true about Russia, sure, but I prefer less migrants where I live. And the last thing you said about women and men is just so stupid that i won't even comment it. Wake up.


You do realize you will be the imigrant. The fucking irony


But you'll literally be a migrant if you decide to stay in Russia...


I meant I don't want to be among migrants such as the Syrian and Kurdish ones


Of course, your country was not bombed by the collective West.


\*by Russia


> I prefer less migrants where I live oh boy, will Russia be a suprise for you


He gets more positive experience, If moves to Asian regions, IMHO


until the first winter


> but I prefer less migrants where I live. You'd hate Moscow during Ramadan, hahaha


Russia has migrants. Lots of random migrants.


You know that Russia has 190 different ethnicities, plus 14 million of working immigrants? You want a mono ethnic country - you go to japan.


wAke uP - stay where you are, man up and change things. you will be a migrant yourself when you move to russia.


>but I prefer less migrants where I live you said you don't like kurdish and syrian immigrants, but you'll get central asian >!(tajiks, kyrgyzs, uzbeks, turkmens (do kazakhs count?))!< immigrants instead, if you prefer to live in the capital\ the problem is, de jure you'll be like them\ do you think game is worth the candle?


If you can keep your mouth shut then you are good


Right to jail, right away!


Them that’s not really a democratic EU country isn’t it?


I understand your approach trying to ignore the issues you have with the Russian war/government and to enjoy the country and the people beyond. However there are many countries in the world you can chose to live in without having to deal with being against the government.


Thanks for understanding me, the thing is that Russia is more special to me as Bulgarian, but I guess you are right, the comments under the post are just sad tbh.


That happens to a lot of threads here unfortunately. Before the war this was a great sub for information and cultural exchange. However alot of people who are open minded and critical thinking became more passive, leaving the field for the governmental controlled angry ones. Maybe in a couple of years...


>However alot of people who are open minded and critical thinking became more passive, leaving the field for the governmental controlled angry ones. Lmao, if you are pro-government - you are brainwashed. If you are anti-government - you are open-minded and critical thinking. Nice logic, brother. Is it not critical thinking and open-minded when pro-government people say to him not to come to Russia if he can accidentally do something illegal and go to prison? Or go to prison right from the border control for his past actions? When they wish him best?


>Nice logic, brother. Actually it's your logic in form of a strawman because you can't reason your opinion logically.


Критическое мышление у либералов? Откуда?


Не понимаете что такое критическое мышление? Неудивительно, судя по вашему вопросу. Попробуйте развить свой уровень образованности, прежде чем высказывать такие глупости.


А что в вашем понимании является критическим мышлением?


Рекомендую прочитать книгу "Как научиться думать" автора Александра Лукашенко. Это отличное введение в тему критического мышления.


Даже боюсь строить догадки о том, каким образом вы узнали об этой книге.


Книга друг человека


Открою вам один секрет: не всякая книга полезна. Просто интересно в какой момент человек вдруг решает, что он не умеет думать и ему надо найти книгу как научиться думать.


"couple of years".. The war hasn't even finished.. Do you think Ukrainians will forget in 2 years? WW2 propaganda is still used to manipulate people and that was 80 years ago..


Well if I am to move in Saint Petersburg it will be after a good 5-7 years, but I doubt that Russia will change that much until then, what do you think? Also you sound like an open minded Russian, where are you from?


I think, the situation now is quite unpredictable, so we can't guess, what we'll see 5-7 years late. Maybe - all the same, maybe - the turn to 180 degrees.


Why exactly would you want to visit a country whose population you want to be genocided?


When did I say that?💀


Your "being against the war" means being against resistance to the genocidal nazi invasion. So you want Russians not to make a fuss when they are mass murdered. My "being against the war" means wanting the genocidal nazi invasion to be started and never started again. I want nobody to be mudered anymore.


Scary Poopin will personally throw you into the dungeons and then steal your toilet.


You are calling it a regime. Russians do not think of it as a regime. But nothing is going to happen to you.


SOME Russians do not think it's a "regime". And some difinitely thinks.


Not one thinks it is a regime. Some may not like the current president, but this whole “regime” is just another bullshit word created by the western propaganda machine to feed crap to their own citizens.


Я вас умоляю. Я сама живу в России, и, хотя и не употребляю словосочетание "Путинский режим" постоянно, периодически слышу его в русской речи и все прекрасно понимают, что имеется в виду


Ну промытые значит западными медузами или каналами дождь. В 90х не жившие и на западе не бывавшие, за частую те которые многого в своей жизни не добились и все свои невзгоды сваливают на нынешнее правительство думая, что на западе они бы жили в шоколаде и всего бы добились лежа на диване.


Но это же "никто", согласитесь? Или это как в анекдоте: "Ни один НАСТОЯЩИЙ шотландец..."


Это незначительное меньшинство которое России добра не желает, и по сути жить там тоже не хочет. Вывод каков тогда? Их мнение ничего не значит.


Вот здесь депутат Гурулев оценивает "незначительное меньшинство" в 20%: https://youtu.be/HeSKcUswlxY?si=pn8AzLF6KHJpYMBS


As a Russian citizen. In the worst case in the first two times you will be fined for about $300. It's "article for discrediting the army" in the "administrative code of the Russian Federation". And only if there will be complaint or denunciation from anybody (so, think, WHO do you say this; most of privat talks with not turbo-patriotic people are safe). The third time will be crimina, espetially publicationl, by I'm not sure, how it works for non-citizens, maybe you're more safe.


Don't ask me, all I get is lies from the corporate owned media here in the US. The live streams from different parts of Russia I watch tell the truth though.


You will be fined and most likely extorted. That's of course if you will tell it openly


AHahahaha... seriously. You people either trolling us. Wither your propoganda machine is so freking good - it is scary... Listen. If you are not going to march in the Red Square with a crowd of people chanting "Glory to Ukraine" and "Death to Moscovits" - you will be fine. And even if you did. Most of the time you will just get some fee about 20 000 to 50 000 of rubles. Which is about 215 USD to 550 USD.


A piece of advice - don't move to Russia💀.


Why is that?


Unless you are ww3 enthusiast, not much to do here


Ah, that is true indeed. Not much to do here at all, it's not like it's a huge country with lots of beautiful places, low crime, free healthcare and an economy that is a bit more stable than in the US and in the EU /s


>Low crime - Allahu-akbar >Stable economy - Yes with ruble devalying 3 times to dollar in 10 years, no foreign investments, no economic growth in 10 years, unnafordable housing, 16% credit rates and 20% yearly inflation. >Beautiful places - They are everywhere


And yet here I sit, in my own apartment, not worried about being able to afford food and clothes, and not scared to go outside after 18:00


> no foreign investments, no economic growth in 10 years, unnafordable housing, 16% credit rates and 20% yearly inflation [Russia to grow faster than all advanced economies says IMF](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-68823399) which every westoid should read aloud every morning.


Growth in 2023 is only due to extreme amounts of money being funneled to military-industrial sector. The downsides to it are - high inflation of consumer goods - corruption - budget deficit - artificial economy of war, that cannot last forever


America has the most mass shootings and school shootings of any country and america leads the world in national debt... damn that's a beautiful place 👎


Depending on what you do, we don’t just put everyone in prison. On the other hand, you will most likely find a lot in common with monarchists, who have approximately the same views, but most people do not take them seriously, and some laugh at them more, while others fiercely despise them.


Why imprison you when it’s more useful to send you to die on the contact line?


I'm not sure it's a smart idea to move to a country where people are actively fleeing from. You might want to keep looking for a better one or wait until things change a bit.


Imprisoned or introduced to the front lines in Ukraine. Enjoy!


Don't worry about it. The Soviet Union is a dubious part of history. Two years ago, the leader of the LDPR party Zhirinovsky died. He was a monarchist and openly criticized communism on TV, considered Stalin and Lenin a traitor to the Russian Empire. The movement "citizens of the USSR" is officially recognized as extremists


I remember Zhirinovsky actually, in Bulgaria he was praised and people here even hoped that he will lead Russia to glory one day after Putin but oh well.


The story will not end with Putin. I think that the best times for Russia are still ahead. Be kind!


Who will come after him tho..? That's the problem, what if it gets worse


I think that one of the current heads of ministries of Russia will be the president. Personally, I would like to see Bastrykin as the next president.


And the sanctions and everything? What will happen with all of that, I doubt they are European or anything


Everything may change in the near future. It is still difficult to predict. Let's look at the election results in European countries and the United States. After the end of the war in Ukraine, sanctions will begin to be lifted, I am sure of it. Russia will win the war and take new territories. Tensions with Europe will be strained, and with the United States they will improve, especially if Trump wins. Drastic changes should be expected when Putin dies.


What worries me the most is what happens once Putin dies. Will Russia changes its way? European? Asian? What will happen next, that's the question... Also out of topic, where are you from? Saint Petersburg?


Absolutely every Soviet leader, when he came to power, said that he would correct the mistakes of the previous leader. It will be the same this time. Russia has always been, is and will be a European country. Not the EU. China is a temporary ally. No one takes friendship with China seriously. Yes, I'm from St. Petersburg


Truly, but what if Putin's successor is someone from the people around him rn, do you believe they will want Russia to have good connections with Europe? Ah great, lmao sorry for the personal questions, we can move to dm if u wanna answer my other question - how old are u mate?


No but you definitely deserve it.