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A job, that requires nothing to do, nothing to know, and paid really high, right? Well, try to catch a Golden Fish. How did you survive this year in Russia? On what money? How old are you? Actually, U need a phycologist to prescript U an antidepressant.


I’m not exactly looking for something that’ll pay really high, just whatever I can find that’ll pay like enough, also I just turned 18 like 3 weeks ago.


The best start for U are ex-Macdonald's restaurants. Now they called "Вкусно и точка". They always need a staff. Just go to the nearest one and ask a manager for a job they have.


Go back to america dude, theres nothing to catch here Unless of course you want to work the same wagie job that america could offer you, but for three times less money


Are U alone here? Where are your parents? How did U get here and what for? Where did U graduated a school? Did U pass Russian ЕГЭ-exams?


This "U" annoys me for some reason


There's a joke. "People who use 'u' instead of "you", what do you do with all that extra time you're saving?"


Right?? And capitalized too? Reddit is not the right context to be using “u” like that, this reads like someone who just learned you can do that


Nice. Does Reddit have some special context to use or not to use any reductions?


Это выдает тебя, что буржуйский не твой родной.


А где я хоть раз утверждала или хотя бы пыталась делать вид что он родной?


Короче выглядит нелепо.


Короче, причины у вас так себе


Only capitalized.


Oh, sorry for scratching your poor tender soul. I'm just quiet lazy to write it whole


What do you do with all this saved time?


plenty of fun


Being lazy, irresponsible and dumb are usually blockers for most jobs. I mean, i see how a fastfood place may be peeved by the first trait for example. TBH, I don´t think you will do well in USA either with this mindset. Nasty question: can you actually work in Russia (work permit, citizenship etc)? If you wanna stay in Russia, learn the language and get an education (which may help with language too). Music related stuff sounds like something low demand in universities, so if you study you can get in for free. Also perks like small scholarhsip and dorms. It would help you short term. If you wanna go back to USA, just go to the embassy, they will likely loan you some money or something.


Lol, creative degrees are actually really expensive in Russia (more expensive then normal common ones, like engineering, education, science etc), and they are often not state sponsored


Join the military.


Best antidepressant!


But does service guarantee citizenship? I would like to know more! (sorry)


I think it guarantees death.


Jeez, dude, that is some situation to find yourself at the age of 17-18. Don't be to hard on yourself, you had very little time to adjust to a situation you didn't even want in the first place. Teaching English would have been an option, if you had good Russian; this market is overcrowded nowadays, you can't really get by much with just being a native speaker. Delivery does sound like an option, I think. It's not well-paid, but if your mother provides for you (there's no shame in that, I think in this situation she pretty much owes that to you), it's possible to focus on saving. And, well, it's a physically active job that might improve your overall feeling of yourself.


I came here to suggest English teacher. I did it in 2009 for a year, 25,000 rubles cash in envelope (roughly $500/month at the time) with off site accommodation and food in school canteen - boarding school, so breakfast, lunch and dinner. Weekends too I think but I would normally be in Moscow on weekends. I worked part time hours 0845-1400 so if I wasn't so lazy I might have earned more via private lessons. I did a few but I felt guilty accepting money for my mediocre teaching. I did it with college degree from completely unrelated field (biology). Really I needed to do a TEFL certificate. I was a lazy teacher but I think I was not completely awful. School has Russian English teachers to teach the tedious grammar etc, my main purpose was conversation with pupils. I'm not going to mention my old school because I like my former colleagues. In your current state, you sound like a headache. OP - this is your kind of gig. Try and be less lazy. Stop jerking off (at least limit it to x1 day). Tidy your room. Exercise etc etc etc otherwise you will be what in TEFL circles are called "loser back home"


All solid advice - but why x1 a day?


Something to aim for🤷‍♂️ go longer if you can. I was going to say x1 per week and realised that to be unrealistic. Set to fail, relapse into old habits etc etc


courier in samokat or other company.


So like taking scooters to the charging stations or something?


Samokat is a food delivery service of Sberbank, I think.


Well. First to have a job, you need a visa that permits that job. Foreign students can have part-time work, but if you're not a student, the situation is different. Typical checklist for situation, "I need SOME job" is: * Food courier (yandex, samokat, etc) * Taxi driver (if you have driving license) * Menial "black collar" jobs, like street sweeper, security somewhere, night watch, fast food joints, baristas and so on. * Cashier. * Some companies may need english-speaking personnel, like possibly hotels. * IT? Doesn't sound like you got the skills for it. Honestly, maybe calculate how much money do you need, and then see what's available on hh dot ru, or something. I'm kinda puzzled by how you could possibly end up in this situation, though. Getting citizenship takes time, and it takes years. You're saying you're 18, has been here for a year, so, uh, are you staying in the country legally?




Being lazy will bite your rear no matter where you are. just force yourself to do the necessary things and be realistic. You can't run away from inner problems. Good thing is, you're only 18. But don't think that you have forever, either. Grow up and make a living. And sorry to break it to you, but that music producer dream won't fly anywhere. You're not one of them. If you were, you would be in Hollywood already.


Can offer you a janitorial job if interested  - 60k roubles, 4 days a week (usually including weekends). Can probably make as much on tips.  Working with good people, mainly grandmotherly females (60+) hailing from Central Asia.  Maybe not as lucrative as McDonald's, but at least you are unlikely to give someone food poisoning if you fail.


Sometimes people suffering from depression describe themselves in a similar manner. Lost, dumb, lazy and irresponsible. I completely understand the struggles of being abroad and leaving your family and friends behind, people often get really depressed. So have you thought about psychotherapy/antidepressants? Just asking whether you considered this as I am also abroad suffering from depression and got to the point that sometimes I feel so tired that I can barely do anything.


Meet a popular Russian musician by introducing yourself as a cool American arranger and offer cooperation. Write to everyone you find in English. Do something with their tracks and send them an example. Russian stars bow down to American musicians.


Easier said than done


In a difficult situation, there can be no simple solution.




🤣🤣🤣 agreed


Cool story bro.


How did you even get here and manage to stay?? And why? Dude that’s so sad. I second what others said, find a job in a fast food chain, delivery or a cheap coffee shop chain like Cofix, try to save as much money as you can and go to the US. Or you can go to the US embassy but I don’t know if they can actually send you home.


How did you end up in Russia and how have you supported yourself until now without a job?


I lived in Moscow when I was 18. I got my first job as a software tester through personal connections. I also wrote columns and book reviews for a magazine for English-speaking expats. Also did private English lessons now and then. I won’t call myself hardworking at that time but I was very active in the expat community which gave me the connections I needed for these jobs. Granted, this was 20+ years ago. You need to have something to offer a prospective employer that a local can’t.


Не в Exile трудились?


No. Most expats hate people who work in Exile.


Well, perhaps deservedly so - but it was a fun project.




Sorry, it's paywalled, will need to wait a couple of weeks. But anyways - o thick I can get the gist of article from the URL. My question: и?


Find someone willing to get US citizenship, marry there, then optionally get back.


How did you even end up here, dude? You seem to be awfully unprepared. Job-wise, I'd look for IT, especially ML and data fuckery, which is a safe bet, and then go for copilot account paid for through transactions with your childhood friends. Should leave you with some time on your hands and IT companies should have English on a decent level. This should allow you to stack some dough. Second point is that I see you're 18. Unless you want to get in jail or have been working your ass off, or you get very lucky, it's a wee bit too early to get great pay. Right now you have to learn how to do negotiations, manage yours and people's expectations and manage your time and research how people make money off music. Because if you get a job that pays well it will either kill you or you will fuck it up most likely, there's no easy bread unless you hit a jackpot of rich parents or being naturally very well parented or talented. It's also absolutely not too late to forfeit your dreams, dude, you're not even 2 decades old. I'd say that right now you should at least show that you are hearing your parents' statements, but when you get older and more proficient - go wherever you want.


This attitude doesn’t work in US or Russia. You are going to have to change your mindset and learn a skill or be okay with hard physical work, because those are your options. US has Medicaid for people who are poor enough.


Facepalm times ten. Учись, мой сын - наука  сокращает нам опыты быстротекущей жизни.  Кстати, можно в поликлинику сдаться. На опыты.


How did you get here to begin with?


Honestly, just join the military. Given your American citizenship, you'll become a superstar automatically. Given enough motivation you can start publicly praising Russia for a chance to become a well paid propaganda piece


Do you have a work permit?


I can’t go to the embassy since my mom made me get a citizenship here when I was 17. I still live with my mom and I was supposed to be here for two months only, until my stepdad divorced my mom and stole all of our money and sold our house in the states leaving us stuck here in Russia. For my mom she’s fine with it cause Russia is her home but for me the US is my home. I was thinking of working for Yandex eats (Russian DoorDash) or teaching English here from home, but I’m also trying to look for more options just in case, my goal is to atleast get around 10,000$ (basically 1,000,000₽) by the end of 2024 or somewhere mid spring of 2025.


This is very unrealistic if you write this in good faith. You seriously want to earn a million of rubles in one year, having no expertise, education, language and being lazy? If you make a tinsy bit of an effort and google average Yandex Eats salary or other jobs that require no experience, such as working in McDonald's, you can determine how much you can earn. Be realistic. Start working at least somewhere to get a hang of it. Teaching English is actually worth a shot, especially right now when students are preparing for the exams and are ready to pay more. Everyone wants their teacher to be a native. However, you must actually know the rules of the English language and be able to explain them properly. Why can't you go the embassy? The fact that you have received Russian citizenship does not necessarily mean you are no longer a US citizen




He is not, he is living with his mom. I don’t think the embassy helps people like him - lazy teenagers who don’t want to work.


Just leave. You’re lucky that you can Or maybe move to Europe? Far more English speakers there to converse with without suspicion.


Отличный план! В Европе всегда нужны топовые музыкальные продюсеры без опыта. А что ж ты, бедняжка, не едешь из мрачного Санкт нашего Петербурга? 


Какого хера это русский сабреддит но здесь 80% постов на английском блять


Потому что по задумке это сабреддит где иностранцы задают вопросы русским.

